cover of episode 790. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden-Harris Admin Blasted For Running Out Of Money, Politico Comments On J.D. Vance's Facial Hair & 13 Bombshell Revelations From The Sean 'Diddy' Combs Accusers

790. Andy & DJ CTI: Biden-Harris Admin Blasted For Running Out Of Money, Politico Comments On J.D. Vance's Facial Hair & 13 Bombshell Revelations From The Sean 'Diddy' Combs Accusers

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andy Frisella 和 DJ 讨论了拜登-哈里斯政府的政策导致通货膨胀,损害了美国民众,特别是城市贫困居民的利益。他们认为政府将大量资金用于援助非法移民和对其他国家的援助,而不是用于改善美国民众的生活,这是一种种族主义行为。他们还批评政府在飓风海伦后缺乏资金援助灾民,这表明政府的优先级错位,甚至可能是蓄意破坏国家。他们认为政府的行为如同家暴,正在蓄意地削弱国家,并试图通过制造混乱来转移责任,最终目标是建立一个共产主义国家。他们还批评媒体沦为政府宣传的工具,利用民众的经济困境来巩固自身权力。 Andy Frisella 和 DJ 详细分析了政府在飓风救援中的资金问题,指出政府将巨额资金用于援助非法移民,导致缺乏资金援助受灾的美国公民。他们列举了大量数据,对比了历届政府在自然灾害中的资金投入,并指出拜登政府的资金分配存在严重问题。他们还批评政府官员在灾后救援中的不作为,以及媒体对政府行为的掩盖。他们认为政府的行为是蓄意破坏国家,目的是为了在未来的选举中获胜,并最终实现其共产主义目标。

Deep Dive

Representative Byron Donalds argues that Vice President Kamala Harris played a significant role in causing inflation during the Biden presidency, citing her tie-breaking vote on the American Rescue Plan. He emphasizes the plan's negative impact on the economy and criticizes the Biden administration's misplaced priorities.
  • Larry Summers predicted the American Rescue Plan would cause massive inflation.
  • Byron Donalds agreed with Summers and warned about inflation during the bill's committee stage.
  • Wages adjusted for inflation are down, and people's pocketbooks are hurting.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, guys? It's Andy Frisella, and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society. And welcome to Motherfucking Reality. Guys, today we have Andy and DJ Crew.

the motherfucking internet that's we're gonna do that's what CTI stands for Cruz the internet we're gonna put topics on the screen we're gonna speculate on what's true what's not true and then we're gonna talk about how we the people need to solve these problems going on in society now if you're new to the show which a lot of you are we have shows within the show this is CTI

We also have Q&AF. Q&AF usually airs on Monday. That is where you ask the questions and we give you the answers. All right? You can submit your questions a few different ways. The first way is, guys, email these questions in to askandy at Or you go on YouTube, drop your question in the comments. We'll pick some from there as well. Other times, we're going to have real talk. Real talk is just five to 20 minutes of me giving you

some real talk. And then we have 75 hard versus 75 hard versus where someone who has completed the 75 hard program comes on the show. They talk about what they were like before, what they're like now and how they've used the 75 hard program to take back control of their life and win the war with themselves. If you're unfamiliar with 75 hard, it is the first phase of the live hard program. You can get the entire live hard program, which is the world's most

popular in history mental transformation program for free at episode 208 on the audio feed only it's not on youtube it's on the audio only there's also a book available on my website called the book on mental toughness it includes the entire live hard program plus a whole bunch of chapters on mental toughness why it's important how to use it uh and

And some case studies on some very famous people who have used mental toughness to become the very famous people that you recognize. Now, something that we do different that other shows don't is you're not going to hear a bunch of ads on the show. The reason that you don't hear a bunch of ads on the show is because I don't want to listen to what people tell me to say and not say. And if you watch it on YouTube, I don't put those ads in the show. YouTube does that shit. All right. But in exchange for no ads on the show, I ask something very simple of you.

We are constantly dealing with censorship, traffic throttling, shadow bans, all the good stuff because we do keep it real here.

Ask you very simply to help us share the show if the show makes you think if it makes you laugh if it brings a new perspective Help us grow the show. Okay, if if we had everybody listening to show for the last four years I could promise you we wouldn't even be in this situation So one of my biggest regrets is that we haven't grown the show to the proper size to have the impact that we want to have I financed this show myself. I do it so we can help society and make an impact and

And you guys are a crucial part of that So if you listen to the show and you find it valuable in any way if it's something that people need to hear Do it's a solid and share the show. We got this little thing that we say here. It goes like this Don't be a hoe share the show. All right. What's up, dude? Hey

how's it going good yeah good i just recorded an awesome 75 hard verses episode with a couple uh which we will be releasing here in the next few weeks but it has me hyped dude because it was great yeah great people too it's cool man yeah what's up with you not much getting ready for the weekend we got a lot of uh cool shit coming up we do yeah fall fest man yeah it's always a great time yeah it's the best time yeah the food trucks yeah the food trucks are good

The rodeo. Yeah. The rodeo's nice. What do you like better, the food truck or the rodeo? Tell the truth. I like the rodeo, actually. Shut the fuck up. That's a fucking lie. Shut up, Manon. Yeah. Actually, we don't even eat that much when we're there. Who's we? Me. I'm with you the entire time. I don't even eat. That's what I'm saying. You disappear for hours at a time. Bullshit. Yes. Bullshit. We rode in the tank the entire time. The last time. You had a hamburger in your hand the whole time. Yeah.

Oh, man. I'm excited. I'm excited. Before I get too far into the show, you guys are constantly asking how to support the show. Obviously, we do our Real America Freedom Gear Drops. That helps support the show. As I said, we finance the show ourselves. The other thing you can do to support is very simple, man. When you go into your convenience store, your gas station, pick yourself up one of these First Form energy drinks, maybe a protein bar, beef stick, wherever you find them. And if they don't have them, ask them why they don't have them.

that's how you can support the show probably hoes yeah and tag me in this stuff uh where'd you get that i'm i can't say if i told you i'd have to kill you i'm willing to die i'm gonna hold out oh you like that grape huh no i cannot find a grape is grape your favorite one grapes listen i don't i don't try to i usually hate stereotypes uh and i try to combat statistical truths oh you do um

I like grape. I'm not too prideful to say I do. Well, just wait till we get that cream soda out. I'm working on that. You don't have to work on that. No, I'm working on that. My cream soda homies. I love cream soda, bro. People that don't like cream soda, something wrong with you. But I will say this grape is good. Bro, grape is fire. This is good. This one hasn't even hit the retail shelves yet, bro.

Soon, though. That needs to be everywhere. I know. It's amazing. It needs to be everywhere. Well, we got a lot of, it's always, dude, like, CTIs are getting hot, and I love it. There's a lot of interesting stuff happening. A lot of updates to cover. A lot of dots to connect, as always. But before we get to our headlines, I wanted to bring this up. This guy is starting to become one of my, like, favorites. I really like this guy. I think he's awesome. Byron Donalds. Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. He's badass. Dude. Yeah. Dude's awesome. You got to talk about what he did on The Breakfast Club. It was amazing. I saw that. And it's going viral right now. Yeah, let's see. Watch this clip. So, Byron Donald shows proof to Breakfast Club host that Kamala Harris helped spike inflation. So, Representative Byron Donald, who's a Republican out of Florida-

stunned the host of the Breakfast Club this week when he argued that Vice President Kamala Harris helped cause the massive rise of inflation during the Joe Biden presidency. Speaking with Charlemagne, the God, Donald's said that Americans have not been thriving due to inflation, which he said was brought about by Kamala Harris. Here is the clip. It's fucking awesome. Let's check it out.

I would argue we're not really thriving right now. This inflation, which by the way was brought to us by Kamala Harris, has really slowed down people from being able to excel. By Kamala? Yes. The vice president. Oh, oh Charlamagne. It's still the president. Charlamagne, listen man. When Joe Biden wanted to do his American rescue plan, Kamala Harris was the tie-breaking vote in the United States Senate. She broke the tie that started this inflation that has hurt so many people in our country. Everybody listening to your show, it's not true?

First of all, it's a tie-breaking vote. You sure you want to go there? When you go outside, Congressman, you go outside in your district. You sure you want to go there? Okay, let's go there. You got notes. You got the facts.

That's fine. I have notes too. I'm going to give it to Charlamagne. The biggest note I have today is that on every question I've asked, I don't know how to answer it. For every infrastructure project in your community, you should go out and thank Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Congress that voted for the American Rescue Plan. That's what should be happening. Larry Summers wrote an op-ed back in 2021. Larry Summers was the Treasury Secretary for Bill Clinton. He was an economic advisor to Barack Obama.

He said that the American rescue plan that Joe Biden wanted, that Kamala Harris was the tie-breaking vote in the United States Senate, would create a massive inflation that we have not seen in a generation. Well, guess what? Larry Summers was correct. You know who also was correct, Angela? I was. Because I was in the budget committee when they brought the bill. And I said in that committee, it's going to cause massive inflation. That's what happened.

So the problem we have in our economy today is that prices have gone up massively. Wages adjusted for inflation is down. People's pocketbooks are hurting. That's a quote.

I mean, look, dude, Byron Donalds is pretty sharp, man. And he's not to be messed with, with, uh, you know, hearsay political commentary. You know, a lot of these people who like to go to bat for Kamala Harris. I mean, let's be real, bro. They don't know what they're talking about. And he just proved that because this woman's on TV or,

And she's on the show and she's talking about how we need to go thank them for the infrastructure. Listen, man, this is exactly what I talk about every single day on this show. This is the racism that I'm talking about. When we talk about, oh, he said this or they told this joke or, you know, one day 20 years ago he did this. That's not the racism that we need to be concerned with. Racism that we need to be concerned with is people like that woman who

who believes that those people are actually doing good when in fact,

They are not doing good for your community. They are promising funds. They are promising infrastructure. That is not happening. You can't tell me that you can walk around any of these Democratic-controlled cities and look around and say, man, good things are happening to the infrastructure. Let me go think, Kamala. Yeah, that's not happening. Okay? So she can believe it's happening all at once, but all that tells me is that she's not walking around in the places that we're talking about. Oh, she's not.

Because it doesn't happen. These people do this every two years. They come into the black communities. They make promises that they do not intend to keep. And then people buy it and they say it's happening. It's not happening. Where is it happening? Show me. Show me where it's happening. I'll go there right now. And, bro, you know, like I actually, when I listen to the radio, that's what I listen to is The Breakfast Club. Mm-hmm.

Because I like to hear their perspective because it's different than my perspective most of the time. And, you know, I disagree with a lot of what Charlemagne says, but I do think that when you present Charlemagne with the facts, he's a reasonable human. Yeah, he can...

respectfully say, okay, all right, cool. Yeah, this being, okay, I was wrong. I was, this, you know, and I like that. And I think actually that's why he's such a star, you know, in terms of the broadcasting world. But, you know, women like that woman on the Zoom there, they're not willing, this is what we talked about yesterday, dude. They're not willing to humble their own viewpoints or their own ego to say, shit, I'm not seeing this right. Mm-hmm.

And like, bro, we can't just support people because they talk a good game. We can't just support people because they look like us or they have the same level of pigment in the skin. We have to support people that are doing the best job for the American citizens. And it is very clear that the people who are in charge now give zero concern to what's going on in the world, especially the inner city citizens.

Democrat-controlled areas. You can't walk through those cities and tell me that these massive, awesome infrastructure goals are happening, dude. And by the way...

What kind of infrastructure could be built with the money that's been sent to Ukraine and Israel and all these other countries? Like, we're not even talking about that. No. We're talking about what they're building, which they aren't building, with the crumbs that are left over from them sending all our shit overseas so they can funnel half of it back to themselves. Yeah, just one example, bro. Like, you know, with the American Rescue Plan and the American Infrastructure Plan and...

All of these fucking plans. There was something put in to connect every home in this country with the next generation Wi-Fi, and they spent billions of dollars on that bill. Why would they do that? I thought black people couldn't use a computer, according to them. Well, yeah. That's the other bill they got to push through is to give black people computer lessons. Right, which that will never happen. So they're going to give Wi-Fi to people that can't use a computer and register to vote.

okay but i mean to the point though not according to them not me not one american has been connected or how much was it i mean it was i want to say it was like almost six or seven billion dollars went to that that one plan alone and not one person has been connected or the ev bullshit you know they spent billions of dollars saying that they're going to build all of these new ev charging stations

And that bill was put in in 2021. They've built seven. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So it's like there is no infrastructure. Our roads are still shit. They've been building fucking 44 for the last 44 fucking years. Yeah. Like there's no infrastructure. Like we got to be honest. You know what I'm saying? And like I like this guy. I like him a lot too. Every time I see him, I like him a little bit more. Yeah. He brings the heat, dude. It reminded me. You know what it reminded me of when he started going? Yeah. I can say it right now. When our homie from New York was here.

And DJ brought out his fucking notes and he didn't want to talk about it. Oh, no, no, no. All right. Yeah. We're going to say the facts, man. But that's the part that bothers me is like because you know the truth. Yeah. Like, you know, you don't want me to bring them out because you know it's the truth. Yeah. And you're willing to lie to progress your own personal agenda or what your ego feels like you're supposed to identify with, dude. Bull.

It's bullshit. We have to get away from this, man. We have to get away from being told that we have to vote for people because they look like us or they sound like us. No, man. We need to pick the best players to go play the game so we can win. That's real, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get into our headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to You guys can find everything linked there for you. With that being said, headline...

Number one, biggest news story of the day. Got to talk about it, man. This shit is crazy. Check this headline out. Biden-Harris administration blasted for running out of money to deal with Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on migrants.

Now, I know this is probably going to piss a lot of people off. I know it will. It pisses me off. I know it pisses you off. But let's just dive through because I think it's important, you know, especially as we get closer to this election, that people understand the intentional destruction of this country and where the priorities have fallen and how it actually could be. Because I got some numbers here for you. So let's dive into this.

The federal government's disaster response agency doesn't have enough money to help Americans left in distress by Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on illegal migrants. Over the last two years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, has handed out more than $1 billion to specifically support illegal migrants with housing. But now...

We have 150,000 American citizens, American citizens who have reached out for federal assistance after their homes were destroyed by this hurricane. And according to my Orcas, FEMA doesn't have the funding. Now I think it's interesting because I, like I said, I got plenty of, of, of facts and I got plenty of data here that I think everybody needs to see. Okay.

This is not like like, oh, we just somehow ran out of money. OK, that's the first thing I think is extremely important for people to recognize and realize. If we look at this chart, this chart is showing us the money allocated towards disasters and natural national emergencies. And it shows it in a chronological order going back to 2020.

All right. Now, those numbers, you know, the 57, 66, that's in millions. Okay. That's 5.7 billion. So that's $5.7 billion. That's right. Okay. What do you see going through and just looking –

Compared to when things happen, you know, for example, during the Trump administration, you see very clearly how much money was given to natural disasters and national emergencies. Like Hurricane Maria in 2017, $2.3 billion was given, right? But under Biden administration, look at the Hawaii wildfires, a fraction of it. 210 million, Hurricane Ida in 2021, 414 million.

Hurricane Fiona, 177 million. Hurricane Sandy. Under Obama's administration. Under Obama was 161 million. Right. Now there's been some inflation since there, so we could say probably maybe double that. Right. So 300 million. But still, it's a very clear, clear telltale sign. Yeah, there's a big difference between when- A Republican's in office. Yes. And when a Democrat's in office. Well, a recent Democrat, yes. Right. Right.

And now we're out of money. Okay. And so, uh, my Orcas, uh, he said, quote, we are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have. We are expecting another hurricane hitting my Orcas said, quote, FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season.

Now, Mayorkas, he oversees the Department of Homeland Security, or Homeland Security that controls FEMA, that controls our border, right? Controls a bunch of different things. Secret Service falls under their budget as well. And I have a couple of headlines here. Andy, I'll let you read through these. And you tell me what you see. Department of Homeland Security announces $380 million in additional funding to communities receiving migrants.

FEMA awards $110 million to the Emergency Food and Shelter Program to assist migrants. Department of Homeland Security announces distribution of more than $77 million in congressional funding for communities receiving migrants. New York City to get $104.6 million from FEMA for asylum seekers. Department of Homeland Security announces distribution of more than $12 million in funding.

Department of Homeland Security announces $300 million in direct funding to communities receiving migrants and $340 million for a new competitive awards process. Now, don't you worry. We're helping Americans. We're taking care of our own. Kamala Harris chimed in on this. Check this clip out.

And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met. You could see it on her face how bad she knows that is. You could see it on her face. So $750. Bro.

It's disgusting. We have migrants having their EBT cards loaded up with $6,000 to $12,000, receiving free housing, free food, free healthcare, which, by the way, you and I pay for. And now these same people are unwilling to help actual American citizens who are displaced by this hurricane and literally...

We have no idea how many people are dead. We don't even know how many people are missing. We have no idea because it's so... You would all do yourselves a major service to really dig in to what is going on in the Asheville area and North Carolina area with this hurricane situation. There are...

People using their own means, their own money, their own fuel, their own time to rescue these people while just yesterday, six, seven days after it happened, there was an approval of some troop activities. All right.

But up until yesterday, this has been entirely civilian based. Okay. Now still largely is. Yeah, bro. Listen, man. Yesterday I said they almost seems like it's

it's on purpose now i'm convinced it's on purpose well after seeing them come out and say we're only going to give them 750 dollars and then my orca is saying female doesn't have the money to do it after they've sent a hundred and fifty billion dollars overseas to both ukraine and israel and then a number of other amounts in the billions to other countries

Andy, I got the numbers for you, bro. Oh, here we go. Just this year alone. This is 2024. So if we included 2022, 23, 24, that Ukraine number would be over 100. Over. Okay, but I'll read the numbers to you because the audio people can't see this. True.

24 billion to Ukraine, 11.3 billion to Israel, 1.95 billion to Ethiopia, 1.6 billion to Jordan, 1.4 billion to Egypt, 1.1 billion to Afghanistan, 1.1 billion to Somalia, 1 billion to Yemen, 987 million to Congo,

$896 million to Syria, $9,000 per illegal immigrant that has entered the U.S. and the American citizens who lost everything, their homes, their towns, their communities, their loved ones, $750 per person.

And by the way, you paid for all of that. Does that sound like the people that you want representing you? Does that sound like freedom when we are working until July and August to pay the federal government and our tax revenue? And then they take the revenue and spend it all over the world and funnel half of it back to themselves? Bro, we are tax slaves. We are serfs.

All right. This year to non-American citizens, there has been $183 billion distributed to non-Americans. There is 150,000 Americans in need of relief and each American for that money could have received $1.2 million. But you know what they got? 750 bucks.

What did they get over there in Ukraine? What did they get over there in Israel? See, why are we spending our money on these other places? And by the way, most of these other places hate us.

So why are we doing that? Okay, the answer is because they can't launder the money through our own system. So they send it over there, they pretend like they're doing some fake social work or some sort of war or conflict. They take half the money, they buy weapons, which makes their weapon donors, Raytheon,

Lockheed Martin, all these companies, and those are their biggest donors. It makes them rich. They get to keep part of the money because they wash it back to themselves. It comes back through into their lives as donations and all kinds of other BS, as we learned through Hunter Biden's laptop.

While Americans sit here and suffer, bro, and we live in a declining nation, a decrepit nation, a nation with bullshit infrastructure that's 20 years behind other countries, and we're told this is the greatest country in the world, this is the land of the free, do you...

think it sounds very free when you work until July or August for the federal government and then the rest of the year you get to work for your own family? How is that free? And it would be one thing if that money was to come back to us and our country was completely safe with no crime and beautiful everything, roads, buildings, infrastructures, programs, healthcare, total

different story. I would still think that would be better if private companies did that, but I would have less of an argument for lower taxes if our government actually spent our money on us and the things that are good for us. And I think people are finally seeing it with this hurricane situation, how little our government cares about us and how much they care about themselves. And you guys wonder how they walk out of the office, uh,

you know, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This is how, this is how they do it. Okay. And these people are more concerned with making money for themselves than they are with helping people who are literally dying, who are American citizens. They could very easily have rescued all those people probably in 24 hours, but they chose not to. All right.

So why did they choose not to? Why are they allowing this to happen? What is going on here? And there's a lot of theories about that. There's the theory that, you know, because dude, this happens when it happened in Hawaii, BlackRock comes in, these big funds come in, they buy up all the properties and then they move people out of the way. Why? Why do they do that in certain properties? When

When these disasters happen in Florida, that's what happens. These big funds come in, they buy up the houses, people move. For pennies on the dollar. Well, it just so happens that this area that we're talking about is the richest natural resource area in the United States when it comes to lithium and cobalt, which are the...

products needed to build the electric vehicles and the electric technology that is being pushed on us by the globalists and the green people. And all these people still have stocks in. Yes. Okay. So the next thing that's going to happen here is these big funds are going to come in and try to offer these people money for their property, which is no longer there. And probably a lot of people are going to say,

I have to start over, man. And there's nothing here to start over with. Here's 25 grand for your... Or whatever. Dude, I hope that people realize what's happening here. But that's one theory. I'm not saying it's the truth, but people are talking about it. And it makes sense. It does make sense. It makes a lot of sense. And then, you know, because, dude...

I've been in touch with a bunch of different people on the ground. I've been in touch with a bunch of people in the government trying to make shit happen the best I can. I mean, in the big scheme of things, I don't have that much pull, but I do the best I can. And nobody can give me a straight answer on what's going on. You know, the military is on site, allegedly, but they're not.

not getting orders to do anything. Right. Okay. And they're being told also that, well, for safety reasons, the locals know the area better than we would know it. So for safety reason, we're going to let them handle it. There's all kinds of shit coming out from the ground floor that the government is actually denying in public. And

And why aren't they showing this on CNN? Why aren't they showing this on MSNBC? Why aren't they showing this on ABC? Why are they showing and pretending like the government has come in and had control of it, and then everybody on the ground is saying otherwise? Why is that? Who do you believe? I tell you this, I don't believe the media is saying everything's under control. I believe the people on the ground are saying, fuck, dude, we need help. Help us. Yeah, and I hope everybody will take an interest in helping what's going on there. You know, there is a...

There's a legal defense called the batter woman syndrome. And I feel like that's what the fuck they're doing to us. Like, I feel like we are abused spouses that are ended up going to fucking snap on these fucking people. You know, now the one thing, and we we've pointed this out a few times so far throughout, you know, covering the story, man. And it's refreshing to see. I'm glad to see it. I'm glad it's happening, man, but it shouldn't have to be happening. It's stories like this. I don't know if you've seen this.

This tweet from Dr. Clayton Forrester. Mountain Bule Packer Ranch is a company based in North Carolina that provides pack mules for military missions. The company has been using its mules to get donated food, lights, tarps, batteries, and other supplies to stranded residents in Black Mountain and Swannanoa, North Carolina. This is what America is all about. And so it's this man, again, like you said, on his own dime. Yeah.

using his own money, his own resources. He is going in and doing far more than our government is doing. Yeah, but dude, the thing is here, bro, is that we have to come to an understanding of

of what's actually happening. These are communist people who are trying to demoralize this country as much as possible, and they're normalizing these kind of things so that we will just get used to having it happen and then able to tax us to death, steal our money, not give any back, and you know what? Fuck you. That's what they're doing to us. You're not going to do anything. You guys aren't... We have, as citizens of this country...

We have to come together, dude. We have to stop believing this divisive shit that they put out against us. We have to stop believing that this is left versus right or black versus white or gay versus straight. It's not any of that shit. It's tyrants versus citizens.

That is what's going on in this country. And these people are not believers in the Republic of the United States. These people are believers in an alternative way of operating this country, which is totally against what our Constitution is about. There's articles being written by these leftists saying, is it time to abandon the Constitution? That's what they want.

Okay, because they want a communist state here in this country. They want a third world country in the United States that is completely dependent on the government so that they can work us to death, take all of our money and keep it for themselves and create an upper, upper class that they all belong to and a peasant class that the rest of us belong to. And if you don't think that's what's going on, you do not get it. No, this, they're not doing anything here.

Yesterday I was like, man, this seems like they want it to happen. Today I'm like, they are trying to demoralize the citizenship. Well, bro, to that point, you know, it's like there's something to be said. We talk about it on the show. It's personal excellence, right? We should be at a point in society where we don't have to rely on our government, right? Like in a perfect world, that'd be great. The problem is, is that when they're taking our money and billions of hundreds of billions of dollars,

There is a responsibility and obligation that they should be doing something and they're not doing something. Bro, have they not been taking our shit? Cool. Listen, dude, the government is so encroached into our daily lives so much that the media has become an entertainment channel for what's happening, the theater that's happening in politics. There's no news reported. There's no actual things. It's a propaganda channel.

resource for them and That's not what this country is supposed to be dude. We're supposed to be able to go live our lives worry about our careers You know make sure that we're building our own families in our own communities and our own Careers and we should be able to do that without having to worry about this That's the point of the government and they have encroached on us so far that now it's a literal discussion amongst everyone every single day

Every single day, everyone is out here talking about what the fuck is going on in the United States of America. We shouldn't even see them. We shouldn't even hear from them. They should be trusted to reasonably and responsibly allocate the tax dollars they do take, which should be far less than what they actually take, to spend that responsibly so they don't have to tax us

into a financially difficult situation. They choose to do that intentionally because the weaker we are, the stronger they are. And what better way to weaken us than to make it impossible financially to survive? How can the average American pay attention to what the government's doing when they are stressed to the max about even being able to fucking eat?

That is what's happening in this country right now. And it is intentional. It is tyrannical and it needs to stop. And the only way it's going to stop is that all of us people, white people, black people, gay people, straight people, left people, right people, whatever you think you are, you need to wash yourself of that identity and realize that at the end of the day, everybody else in the world, including our own

government sees us as Americans and our own government is saying we're going to they're not hurting just one segment of society. They're crushing everybody. Do you think the government who says all this stuff about left right

black, white, gay, straight. You think they actually believe that shit? No, they say it so that we won't come together knowing that we will sit here and bicker and fight and argue and never create the unity needed to de-platform them from taking advantage of us. And to your point about intentionality, bro. I mean, like you said, you see it more and more every day, bro.

Biden decided to get on to answer a question very rarely does he do so Israel's right now talking about bombing oil sites in our in Iran see what this fucking dude just said And guess what happened right after this we're disgusting I think that'll be a little anyway and

Guess what happened right after this video? They probably did it. No. Oil prices surged. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's a direct thing. And just like it's common, like, there's intentional things that are being done. And that's the whole point of this headline, guys. Like, we talk about it, but there's proof here. There's intentional things that are being said and done to hurt this country even more. You know what I think, bro?

I think they're trying to create as much damage as they... I think they've realized that they can't cheat their way around Trump. They've tried to shoot him twice. That's not working. Fuck it, let them have him. No. I think what they figured out is we're going to create as much damage as we possibly can.

So that we can blame it on Trump for the next four years and hopefully win back in, you know, two years, the Senate, four years, the presidency and get back on the track. Because I think they've realized they've derailed it. So now I think they're going to try to create all these problems and pin them on Trump if he gets elected. Well, I mean, people don't even understand the implications of that alone, bro. Like there is going to be the Trump. If Trump gets elected, he has four years.

He has four years to try to one, obviously hold these people accountable. Right. But then two, he has to fix all of this shit that they just fucking fucked up, bro. It'd be easy to fix. The real talk is this is easy to fix. Okay. You walk in, you sign a few executive orders about getting us back on the energy, uh, our own energy independence. Um, you get the prices down, you get, that means shipping prices go down. It means cost of goods go down. That means the families have extra money. Um,

And you're going to have to do some sort of debt restructuring with the banks. You know, every time there's a problem with the economy, what do they do? They print more money and stimulate the economy by giving the citizens money

The citizens don't understand that that inflates the rest of the currency which makes their money that they do have and things they own worth less So all they're doing is stealing from you and giving you more cash upfront, which ultimately makes you poorer alright, so

They do that every time. I think it's time for a drastic restructuring of our tax structure, of our debt structure. What if somebody were to say the next time that the economy needs to be stimulated, they said, you know what, Visa, MasterCard, all the big banks in the world, guess what?

Everybody's personal debt is wiped out. Fuck you. You've been on these people's ass for a hundred years. You're going to take the hit this time. What if they did that? What would that do for the economy? See, there's all kinds of things that could be done immediately to fix shit and flip it over. Whether or not that's going to happen, I don't know, but I think it will because I think that's the only option he's going to have. He's going to have some very specific action that needs to take place immediately and he's

I think these people are in full destruction mode because they understand that whether or not they destroy and Trump gets in, they can blame it on him. Or whether or not he doesn't get in, they still continue to move their agenda towards the World Economic Forum agenda of third worldizing our United States and then creating poverty, destruction, third world living for the rest of us. Yeah, man.

Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's go check out some of these comments. Let's go cruise them. This first comment comes from at Manpreet Ponder, Q61. He says, bro, the background looks sick as fuck. What's he talking about? I don't know. What is he talking about? Background. Did you guys change the camera settings or some shit? Yeah. Oh, the black ground.

He's talking about you. Got it. Got it. It's a new hat. The black round. Get it? He's fucking, bro, they be laughing a little too hard. A little too hard. It is a dope ass background though, man. Oh, you changed the subject? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Thanks guys. Nice skateboard. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I got a little stuff back here. I don't skateboard. My buddy Micah gave me that. I've always wanted to skateboard. When James died. I don't think it'd be a good idea though.

One day we'll do the background tour. Right now we'll keep it black ground. All right. Next comment. Appreciate that, Manpreet. Next comment comes from DwayneCursley5048. He says, there was a point in the debate that Walls actually was trying to figure out how to vote for Vance. I believe it. His face said the story, man. Yeah. This guy's good.

Last comment. This is a great one. So Z Blummet, this man on Instagram, he decided to say this. He says, y'all seem pretty triggered by parades and bathroom signs while blaming the government for your grocery bill. Those all sound like the you problems you speak of. To which Matt Malzone, he said, pronouns in bio equal low T soy boy. I mean, you know,

Does he got pronouns in it? Oh, yeah. He's a he him. Well, good thing because I wouldn't have known. I had no idea, man. I wouldn't know by that comment for sure, bro. Is that chime in the background? Wait, let's go back. Let's go back to what he said here. Hold on.

What do you say? You all seem pretty triggered by parades and bathroom signs. Yeah, we are, bro. We don't like parades where grown adults shake their dicks in front of little kids. We fucking don't like that. Not only do we not like that, we hate that. It's a pedophile parade. Yeah, you sound like a fucking pedophile for even defending that. Check his hard drive. Secondly, I'm not saying you are. I'm just saying you sound like it.

Okay, and uh you know bathroom signs we talking about what's he talking about bathroom? He wants the I think we're the women in the who women gender bathrooms Yeah, men and women's bathrooms and shit. Okay. Well, that's cuz that's science Okay Ask one of these people what gender their pet is and then watch them try to figure out how to answer that When they say oh, it's a girl. How do you know? How you know it's a girl?

How do you know? What if Daisy wants to be a Duke? That's what I'm saying, bro. Like, yeah, we don't like grown men in the bathrooms with little kids, brother. Like, I don't know where the fuck you guys think that's okay, but it ain't, and we're taking a stand against it because it's not okay.

We're not allowing grown men in our bathrooms who think they're women in front of little kids. We're not allowing that. And you putting this on the internet is probably not a good idea for you because the entire tide of this shit is changing. So you know what? We are pretty triggered. You know why we're triggered? Because it's fucked up.

So stop going in little kids' bathrooms. Stop shaking your dicks in front of parades and drag shows and all this shit. If you would just leave it alone, we would have a fucking problem. There wasn't a problem five years ago before this became a thing where everybody was doing it and putting it on the internet. Stop doing it and we will stop being triggered. Take some testosterone. Yeah, soy boy.

Guys, we appreciate you, man. Hey, Matt Malzone. Yeah, give that man a trophy. Yeah, that man deserves a trophy, man. Guys, we appreciate you for being real-ass fans. Thanks for liking and commenting. Make sure you guys are subscribed and hit that bell notification on the YouTube to stay up to date with the latest episodes dropping.

From real life. Bro, I'm getting tired of people pretending like it's okay to act like we're the ones that are wrong for being mad at it. Oh, so you don't want guys in women's restrooms? No. No. No, we don't. We don't want them in sports. We don't want them reading drag hour story time. We don't want them wearing tights at the restaurant and acting like it's a strip club in front of little kids. We don't want none of that shit. Okay? So think

Think about what you're saying when you try to act like we're the ones that have something wrong with it. Yeah, you're arguing the affirmative, bro, which is sketchy as fuck. Sketchy. Sketchy. Well, I'm at a point now where I just assume if you're defending it, bro, you got some issues and your hard drive probably does need to be checked. Yeah, that's a fair statement. Yeah.

Well, guys, let's keep this cruise moving. Let's get into headline number two. This is a funny one. Headline number two reads, Politico says J.D. Vance's facial hair is about conveying aggression. Shows his hatred of feminism. So all these men that have facial hair addresses women and they hate feminism too? Oh, yeah.

Oh, man. So it's okay for a drag queen to have facial hair, but not J.D. Vance. A woman. Because it makes J.D. Vance hate women. What about the women that have facial hair? But they are women, so they can't possibly hate women because they are women, but just with a wiener. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So if you dress as a woman and you got a wiener,

And you wear facial hair, it's okay. I'm a proud woman. But if you go on TV and you run for Vice President of the United States and you've come from nothing and you've built yourself into a quality man...

You hate women. Yep. Okay, I got it. Yep. Got it. Makes perfect sense. Sure does. Let's dive into this, man. So in a bizarre post-debate analysis, Politico magazine has looked into the supposed significance of J.D. Vance's facial hair. After Vance gave his fellow vice presidential nominee Tim Walsh during Tuesday night's debate...

Politico sought to dissect the candidate's body language, including their physical features. The piece written by body language expert Joe Navarro. He explains one of the first quote,

One of the first bits of nonverbal communication to appear in the debate was on J.D. Vance's face, his beard. As Political Magazine has noted before, Vance is the first White House wannabe to wear facial hair in 80 years. Our appearance is fundamental to our body language, and research indicates that voters see beards as, surprise, surprise, more masculine. That can be positive to some. Um...

That could be positive to some, but to others, especially women, it could be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideas. So here's the post. All right. There it is. That circle, that's Politico circling his beard, which in all fairness, Vance, I think it needs to, you know. Your beard's a little weak, bro. Yeah. We need to toughen that thing up. I can send you. We need more toxic masculinity. For sure. Not less.

Toxic masculinity is not even fucking toxic. It's required. They're calling regular masculinity toxic. Well, here's the thing. Get the fuck out of here. So I want you to see what they had to say about waltzes. Is it walshes? Huh? Walls. Walls. Balls. Walls. Let's look at what they say about waltzes.

Read his, Andy. I want you to. Wall's wide eye showed his passion. Oh, yeah, that's what I saw. That's what I saw. Eye popping can sometimes be a sign of surprise, but for Walls, it was simply revealed his emotional intensity. Hey, guys, you better get your shit together. How's that going to work for me? I'm going to talk like this all the time. You got to shave the beard. I can't even open my eyes like that.

Because, like, Mike Glover told me I got some Asian in me or something. You got a little Dave in you. Yeah, something. Anyway, the point is, is this is bullshit. Bro. Well, I mean, I just had a... How can you even write this shit, dude? Who believes... There's nobody to believe this. I guarantee you that this Navarro dude... What's his name? Yeah, he's got pronouns. Joe Navarro. I guarantee you he wrote this. Does he got Instagram? Probably. Look up and see if he's got pronouns. I guarantee you...

That while he was writing this article, he was at a stadium urinal with his pants below his head. All the way. Yeah.

Dude, Joe DeVaro definitely pisses with his pants around his ankles. Bro, it just made me think, man. It just made me think. I think about this country, and I think about the history of this country. I'm going to get a little Kamala going, but in the context of context. I grew up in a middle-class family. You starting there? No, because it wasn't middle. But I think about fucking historical fucking figures, massive things that have happened over this country, and the great men that did those things.

Like Abraham Lincoln. Yeah. He had a beard. Yeah. That's right, he did. There was some girth there. He looked like he took care of it. He had a chin strap beard. Yeah, a little chin strap. Yeah. But I think about the fucking...

Like, bro, the people who literally changed the course of history in this country. You mean like Ulysses S. Grant, who had the coolest beard ever? Bro. And by the way, the most underrated president of all time. This man actually fought in the Civil War. He founded the party called the Radical Republicans. He went on horseback and killed the slave owners himself.

And people don't talk about him. No, they don't say nothing about it. Yeah. Now, here's another interesting thing, all right? Because here's... Bro, that got every single person should read about General President Grant. Bro, he's awesome. Bro, the true American in the terms of what America was supposed to represent. He struggled his whole life with alcoholism. He had all kinds of negative things that happened to him. This guy overcame those things, became president. He was a great president. He was a great leader, a great general. And he...

is actually responsible for physically, yeah, physically responsible for the slaves being freed and the country being reunited. But I think he's the best president that ever existed. Yeah, for sure. I mean, definitely underrated, bro. Like, he does not get the credit he deserves. But I thought this was interesting. And here's the thing, guys. Like, we know how the internet is. Imagine him debating Tim Walz.

Bro. Tampon Tim. Oh, my God. But here's the thing. The Internet is a funny place because, you know, when you put things out on the Internet, they stay there. Right. Like there's receipts that can be pulled. Right. And if we go back a little bit in history to Politico back in 2020, I want you to read this this tweet from Politico on December 23rd of 2020.

At the very beginning of this interminable year, Justin Trudeau grew a beard. The beard was significant, a symbol of a once youthful prime minister who is now older, wiser, and battle-scarred. Oh. So, beards are fine. So, it's okay if they do it. Yeah, if it's on cucks. But it's a problem if we do it. How's that go? It's cool when they do it. It's a problem when I do it. There you go. Fuck them. But, I mean, I'm just...

It's interesting. You can't tell me that Trudeau is not fucking Fidel Castro's son. Have you seen the pictures of him side by side? He also pisses with his pants around his ankles. He does more than that. Legitly. Yeah, he does more than that. Yeah, he drinks a... Fucking big giant green cucumbers are on his grocery list every week and they don't get eaten. They get swallowed by his butt. But...

No, man, but obviously we know there's hypocrisy and they're cool with their guys. Our guys is fuck them. I get it. But I did think this other piece was interesting too. I've been watching this over the last couple of days seeing what comes of it, and it's interesting. Have you seen this? Media bury woman battering allegation with Doug Emhoff. Puff pieces. Did you see this? No. So the second gentleman, Kamala Harris' husband,

Doug Emhoff. Okay. He has since been accused in recent days of slapping one of his girlfriends. Oh, really? Yeah. Like slapping the shit out of her. Oh, really? Yeah. And to no one's surprise, let's read this article. To no one's surprise, the corporate media are engaged in a full-on propaganda campaign to bury the credible bombshell news that Kamala Harris' husband, Doug Emhoff, allegedly battered a former girlfriend. On Wednesday...

The Daily Mail released a story that includes statements from three friends of the alleged victim, along with travel documents and photos to back up the claim. The claim is this. In 2012, while attending the Cannes Film Festival, Emhoff slapped a then girlfriend so hard she spun completely around.

Now, I don't think he can swing that hard. I think, but you know, okay. Two of the alleged victim's friends say they were told of the abuse at the time. The third learned of it in 2018. As of now, and for reasons we can all understand, the identity of the alleged victim and her three friends have not been revealed. This

This is political dynamite that could hurt the Democrat nominee for president just weeks before an election. Were these people to come forward, the corporate media would pull all their resources into annihilating their lives and reputations. That's fact. Democrats are always protected by the media at all costs.

But as of now, the fake media are not only ignoring the credible allegation of physical abuse committed by a man who could become America's historic first gentleman. The media are going even further to bury the story by producing one puff piece after another.

To make Imhoff look like some type of hero from the New Yorker Entertainment Weekly. I mean, they're just putting these dumb articles out. They're trying to paint him as this awesome dude. I mean, covering the fact that he went to a fucking Whataburger. Like, who gives a shit? You know, it's just interesting. Now, to that point, another person... Wait, when in Texas, go to Whataburger. Even better, do it with Beto O'Rourke. And then pee in the urinal. We can pee in the urinal with our pants around our ankles. We can sword fight.

Yes! What a burger with a sword fight. There could be a better day. That's off the menu. You got to ask for that off the menu. That's a special. They hooked us up because I'm Doug M. Off. But now another person, I don't know. I'm not going to say I put this guy on my favorite list yet. I don't know if he could get there. Chris Cuomo.

All right. No, he's banned. I think so, too. He's banned for life for what he did for COVID. But he is. I don't know if this is like it's like a snake, bro. That guy's trying to work his weasel his way out of the bag of accountability by pretending like he's fucking one of us.

I agree, but I feel like I'm getting some like Mark Zuckerberg vibes from him. Yeah, well, right. Because even he's calling bullshit on this. Chris Cuomo blasts mainstream media for ignoring Doug Emhoff assault claims. Quote, if it were Trump, it would be on every TV show. Yeah, man. Why weren't you talking like that when you were on CNN?

why would you say any of that stuff four years ago whenever you were on the tv making people feel like they were going to be exiled from society for not wanting to take an experimental vaccine people like me who have pre-existing heart conditions right like listen man

Would have to have a long personal conversation with Chris Como to ever think that he wasn't a piece of shit That's just my personal take Chris the offers on the table. Yeah, he's welcome to come on the show But like dude what he did in my mind was unforgivable forgivable. I agree Let's check out what he had to say on this topic though If the name were Trump instead of em off it would be all over the news. I

Daily Mail, echoed by the New York Post, has a story. Doug Emhoff, Kamala Harris's husband, accused of striking a woman he was on a date with at the Cannes Film Festival back in 2012. They had been drinking and he didn't like how she talked to the valet. He smacked her, she smacked him back. You do not get, very often, people coming forward named. And the reason is they're worried about retaliation. These are very powerful people we're talking about. Three friends all saying they were told the same thing.

Two of them contemporaneously. This woman, Jane we're calling her, she called one of the friends immediately after the incident. That's what this friend told me. Ordinarily, I don't care about these stories. You could say, well, there may have been an assault. Well, she didn't go to the police. He's not really running. But again, if it were Trump or anyone related to him, it would be on every TV show that is on right now.

Well, of course it would be because it's extremely wrong and damaging. Right. You shouldn't be smacking a fucking woman, bro. Okay. Like that's the reality. It is what it is. That's a big story for anybody. And you know what? She's right.

They will come after her and they will try to ruin her life. They will try to take her job. They will ruin everything. It doesn't matter how much good she did. It doesn't matter. She could have cured diseases. She could be, they will try to ruin her for standing in the way of them.

Their agenda and dude, that's that's completely wrong. They've done it before they did it with the fucking laptop. Oh, come on five years ago Do it to everyone don't let Hillary get away from it everybody who is a voice of contention in the opposite direction the minute

That person opens a crack for them to fill. And then they try to fucking take your house. They try to take your companies. They try to ruin your life. They try to ruin your reputation. And it never fucking stops. Okay? These people are a disease that needs to be cured from this country.

I'm talking about the big corporate media. I'm not talking about you guys on the local level who actually do a decent job of representing the news, just so we're clear. I'm talking about the big fucking network channels. They are all propaganda. They are all about the narrative. And they will crush anyone because there's no retaliation. Think what they did before social media to people. Oh, man. Yeah.

It's a scary thing yeah, this is why Dave Portnoy is such a great character in in the internet because Dave Portnoy when they do this shit to him He just goes right back at him. He's like you know what eat a dick fuck you eat three of them when he got when he got called out for having like freaky sex he goes so I like freaky sex and

So what? Like, dude, the guy just knows how to handle these things. And he didn't have a thousand bottles of lube either. No. Now, of course, Doug Emhoff, and I can't even say him personally. He had one of his reps.

Come out Doug. Him off rep the nice claim second gentleman slapped in girlfriend at 2012 Canes Film Festival second gentleman Doug him off has denied a Shocking report that he slapped his then girlfriend more than a decade ago after thinking she was flirting with another man quote this report is untrue an m-hof Spokesperson told Cima for adding that quote any suggestion that he would or ever

ever hit a woman is false. Uh, the girlfriend described as a successful New York attorney by the daily mail apparently slapped him off back. The friend said the friends provided photos and other interactions between them, Hoff and the former girlfriend to the daily mail to corroborate the story. Emoth and Harris, uh, began their relationship in 2013, one year after the incident. And then they married in 2014. So, uh,

Oh, look, dude, and we're going to be fair, okay? We don't know if this happened or not, all right? And it's very easy to accuse someone of things like this once they've ascended to a position of notoriety or power. For sure. Now, do I think it happened? It probably happened. But there's lots of this shit that happens to men every single day that is completely made up, all right? Because the truth of the matter is, is that men, their story is not true, right?

when you stack it next to a woman's story. Never. No. And, you know, we see this all the time where women come out of the woodwork, they accuse somebody high up with some shit, and then it comes out that they were making it up. And then there's no repercussions for that person. Right. All right. So we have a fundamental problem with false accusations and lawfare in this country when it comes to sexual or violent accusations

inside of a domestic relationship. Okay? So I'm not saying he didn't do it. In fact, I probably believe that he did do it. But I think there needs to be, if we're going to accuse people of this shit, there needs to be solid proof. And I haven't seen that yet. No. So, you know, but I hear why they wouldn't. He does have a hand for it. I mean, you know, dude, look. You got the form. Look, people don't realize, dude, you know, when you start to...

you know, become somewhat famous or people know you have money.

People come out of the woodwork to try and fucking get some of it and they make up stories and they tell lies and they do everything they can and there's no repercussions there's zero there and there needs to be like there needs to be a Situation in this country and it will never happen because the people who make the laws are all attorneys But there needs to be some sort of repercussion Like if you accuse someone of rape and it comes out that you didn't do it the person who made the accusation should have to serve that sentence and

Okay, if you accuse someone of doing something extremely violent to you and it comes out they didn't do it You should have to serve the sentence of the accusation and that will stop false accusations and maybe that's not the exact plan Maybe there's maybe there's some nuance there

But there needs to be accountability in a real way for false accusations, and that's what I'm trying to communicate. Well, dude, because a lot of times the accusations alone will destroy that person's life. You can't get it back. And nobody cares if it comes out a year later that it wasn't true. No. The damage is already done. Dude, 100%. We've seen it countless of times. 100%. You got college football players, you know what I'm saying, on the rise to fucking NFL. They get into these scandals. Dude, this happened to that pitcher from the Dodgers, Trevor Bauer.

Okay? He had a woman and I think it was two women. I don't know the details of the story off the top of my head. But anyway, they made these accusations against him that ended up being false. And now he's pitching in the fucking Mexican league, bro. This guy won a Cy Young. No team will even sign him even though the allegations have been proven to be false.

That's an example of what you're saying. That's not okay, dude. Because this man only has a limited amount of time to even make the money in his career choice. And because he was accused of something that turns out to be apparently not true, now he can't even earn a living. He's worked his whole life to work. Dude, and that happens to men all the time, bro. That happens to men all the time. And once they get that stuck to them, dude, it's stuck to them. And there needs to be a societal recognition of...

That meaning like it doesn't matter if I don't like him. I have to see the truth to know whether it happened or not. That's how we need to do this. Instead of just saying, oh, you know, I fucking hate that guy because I don't like him. No, I don't like him. But to assume that he's guilty of that without seeing the proof, I can't do that. Yeah, that's fair, man. Yeah. That's why we keep it real as fuck here. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. Let us know down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three.

Hello number three reads talk about some proof 13 bombshell revelations from lawyer filing suits on behalf of 120 Sean Diddy Combs accusers 120 bro dang

Bro, so he's been doing some work organizing this bro. Listen, I haven't been watching this I'm watching I've been watching the situation in the Middle East and the hurricane more than anything not for sure and I'm listening to your point, you know accusations, you know, we have a rule in this country It's supposed to be a rule here. This isn't so proven guilty, right? All right, that's in the court of law Yeah, but when you got 200 people saying you did something and

There's that. And there's police reports. Like this man has the evidence. So let's dive into this.

And let's check this out. The Busby Law Firm and the Ava Law Group held a joint press conference on Tuesday where Busby's lead counsel, Tony Busby, unleashed a slew of bombshell revelations and allegations involving the 120 cases that will soon be filed against disgraced music mogul Sean Diddy Combs, his associates and others. The article lists out 13. I got a couple important ones here we'll cover.

So the first one, there's 25 of the 120 Combs accusers were minors at the time the alleged incidents occurred. Quote, when we talk about the ages of the victims, when the conduct occurred, it's shocking. Busby said 25 of the 120 individuals who are plaintiffs in these cases were minors at the time of the acts complained of. Another piece of this is that.

The youngest alleged sex abuse victim of Combs was just nine years old. Check this clip. We talk about the ages of the victims when the conduct occurred. It's shocking. Our youngest victim at the time of the occurrence was nine years old. Jesus. We have an individual who was 14 years old. We have one who was 15, 25.

of the 120 individuals who are plaintiffs in these cases were minors at the time of the acts complained of. The timeframe of the acts complained of is very wide. The conduct at issue spans from the years 1991 all the way till this year 2024. If you wonder why there are so many alleged- You can't tell me that this dude isn't part of some sort of blackmail op

They allowed it to go on since 1991. Over 30 years. Yeah. You think that these people haven't been coming forward? You think it just came forward now? If you wonder why there are so many alleged victims, that's your answer. We're talking about more than 25 years of this type of conduct. Now, to people who say, you know, because like there's always this, like, why didn't they go to the hospital? Why didn't they go to the police? Why didn't they say something?

Well, here's another bombshell piece in this investigation. Most of the alleged victims filed reports with police or hospitals at the time of the incidents. More than 55% of the victims filed reports reported this conduct to either the authorities, that is the police, or to the hospitals.

Quote, we are in the process of collecting with our team assistance, medical records, reports that were made to the authorities. And I've already said that some of the individuals did, in fact, talk to the FBI. What do you think happened here? Because I'll tell you what I think happened. I know exactly what happened. What?

Where did you say he was? Sean P. Diddy? I'm just listening to them. Okay, yeah, we'll take this and we'll do an investigation. We're working on some stuff already. We're just going to add this into the case. We'll get back to you. We'll be in touch with you. That's right. That's exactly what happened.

it's disgusting the three-letter agencies came in because i promise you the police were ready to do something the local police are not in on this this is the three-letter agencies coming in and telling the police it's our jurisdiction hey we got it we're working a big case don't worry about it don't it up right we got it that's what the been going on that's that's what i think's been going on and that's what's happening and and he's saying that you know you would think that the

there would be thousands of people jumping on this. This is another point that the attorney made. He's like, you know, we, we've been, we have, we have a call line that is set up. He posted the number. I mean, the number is right behind him in the clip. And he's like, you know, typically what we see in these cases is that people, you know, will like jump in and, you know, cause they have to verify all of this. Yeah. They verify that their age time, you know, they, they really look into this. There's no point of bringing bullshit to the court. And he's like, you know, you,

In this case, he feels like it's far more than 120 people. They're just scared of, like, they're scared to death, literally. That's what this attorney is saying. And that's why we're not seeing more numbers. Because he's like, once they open up the call line, they were expecting thousands of calls to come in. It's not what happened. It's like, even the victims that he has right now. And this is not a class action lawsuit. He's filing each one of these individually. Bro, every one of these people was probably at some point threatened by Diddy.

and told, "If you say anything about this, bro, I'll fucking kill you." And you know what? I have people that'll kill you. That's probably what he was saying. And you know what? That's believable.

It is, man. Now, other other points in this. Check this out. Banks, pharmaceutical companies and hotels will also be implicated in the lawsuits from the attorney says, quote, these defendants will not only include individuals, but also include corporate entities who ultimately profited off of this culture and behavior. Busby said, I'm looking at banks, pharmaceutical companies and hotels and

We know that many of these individuals were paid cash. We know that many of these individuals involved, whether they were ones being assaulted or abused or they're witnessing other people being assaulted and abused and then paid and threatened and told to leave, typically paid 10 grand in cash and told to leave.

Now, a last revelation I want to point out was this one here, which is even crazier. But the 12th point they have on this is that the group of alleged victims is evenly divided between males and females.

Our law firms have quote, our law firms have been retained by 120 individuals at this point to pursue cases in civil court against Sean Diddy Combs. Busby said, you should know in this group, it is evenly divided between males and females. There are 60 males and 60 females who have joined us to pursue these claims as plaintiffs. Um, now if this was not giving major Epstein vibes, um,

I think, honestly, we're getting more information from this Diddy case than we have with the Epstein case. It's the exact same thing. Yeah. It's the exact same thing where this man allegedly has a hold on the industry. In his case, it's the music industry. These people, I guarantee the plaintiffs in these case, these are probably rising stars. These are people who would have been top billboard track artists. These are people who would have made it big in the music industry. And he controlled the keys to that entire thing.

Do this shit, and you'll be who you want to be. At least in the hip-hop slash pop culture world. Exactly. Bro, listen, I think there's way more people just like this. Just like Diddy? Yeah. I think there's a whole bunch of people just like this who all have their role to play in this operation. And, dude, him getting caught up in this and the Epstein thing, and there'll probably be another one, and eventually...

It's going to open people's eyes to how things are the way they are. Meaning, why is the music all about doing drugs and fucking hoes and making money over everything? And why is the...

the music industry so satanic in their presentation and all these things. Why is it that only certain people get chosen to make it when there's all these other people that are just as talented, if not more, right? Like, let's be real, bro. Diddy wasn't a fucking talented dude when he got on stage. Like, I could go on stage and beat his ass 100%. 100% I could. 100%. I do a concert right now. Listen, I've proved it plenty of times. People have been around.

I have way more stage presence that fucker has. That guy rode the back of Biggie Smalls, bro. And I believe, my personal opinion is, if you want to look at who killed Tupac and Biggie and who profited off it the most, who made the most money off of it. He shot to stardom. All right. Just saying.

You know, you got this guy who's a government. You listen. Okay, cool. Yes. Yes. You'll be good. Yes. They allow they want them to do it because it gives them control over the shit. You got this guy who's 17 years old is literally the best rapper alive and he's killed at 24. You're bullshit. The guy was outshining him. Do you think Biggie would have sold the amount of records and been the legend that he is? Had he not been killed?

No, everybody that gets killed early that has talent is like that. And this guy rode. I mean, who owns the Masters to Biggie's music? Who's made the most money off of him? See what I'm saying? He inserted himself in 20 of the fucking 25 songs on Life After Death. He's in there going, yeah, bad boy. Like, that's his whole fucking shit. He ain't talented, bro. He never has been.

You know, the best song they ever made was a song called Victory, and there's a whole verse in there by Diddy that sucks. You know what song I'm talking about. You know what I mean? Dude, whatever. Look at that guy's face. He's not even good looking, bro. He was chosen. He looks like a motherfucking alien. Oh, man. He looks like the dude off Captain Phillips. I'm the captain now. I am the captain now. Yeah. Yeah. I can see it.

Yeah, man, this is interesting, man. And, you know, only more and more stuff is coming out every day. We try to keep updates on this stuff. But guys, tell us what you guys think down in the comments. Hearing what was just said, let us know what you guys think on this. Let me tell you something. To behave in that manner, to be that brazen and that obvious with what you're doing and not worry about what's going to happen to you. What does that tell you that he knew? He knew that he was untouchable. Mm hmm.

Because you would have to know that to even do the things he was doing and not be sweating the fact that you're probably going to get caught. Right. It's a fair point, man. Guys, let us know down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. Ladies and gentlemen, we finally got him. Who? We got Bigfoot. Bigfoot captured in wild viral video by Terrified Hiker. Scariest moment of my life.

You sure it wasn't Black Round? That was Hank the Black Bear. Black Round is the cousin of Bigfoot.

Let's dive into this, man. It was only a matter of time before Bigfoot became a TikTok star. A content creator has allegedly captured the furry beast on video in what could be the clearest footage of the much-debated mythical beast to date. The video boasts more than 1.2 million views on TikTok. Quote, I really think I caught a fucking Bigfoot on camera, exclaimed at M...

exclaimed at E underscore man Alfaro in the caption to the brief clip, which was shot in the parallel forest in Lawton, Oklahoma. Videographer wrote that he had been, quote, doing some sightseeing and enjoying the day when he saw something in the distance. That's when the hiker allegedly stumbled upon the video.

Podiatrically. Podiatrically. That's some bullshit right there. They don't even know what the fuck that means. Bigfoot. Yeah. Stumbled upon a fucking Bigfoot. He stumbled upon Bigfoot, which he described as the scariest moment of my life. It's a 10 second clip.

The 10 second footage shows the toughy orange creature chilling against a tree and sniffing some flowers like the start of a Jack Link's beef jerky commercial. That's because that's what this is. Unlike in the ads, however, the videographer doesn't start messing with Sasquatch. In fact, at the end of the footage, the ginger shagamuffin looks up, causing his gawker to exclaim, oh shit. Here is the clip.

That's a dude in a suit, bro. That is not. Come on, man. Come on, dude. That's coming from. This comes from Halloween Express, man. Come on, dude. Come on. That's not real. Bro, we could make a better Bigfoot video.

There's no way, dude. Look, if you're standing there and that fucking thing looked at you like that, it's going to be more than, oh, shit. You're going to piss down your leg. Look at that thing's face, dude. He looks like he's going to eat. Like, dude, he looks like that movie. What's that movie where the scarecrow kills everybody? Jeepers Creepers? Yeah, he looks like Jeepers Creepers Bigfoot. There's no way. There's no way.

There's no way. This is homemade TikTok bullshit. This is like those videos that are popular now where they're like, a man found a deer and it was drowning in the lake. And you're never going to guess what happened next. It shows him pulling the deer out. And then all of a sudden, it shows a different deer at his front door. And then it shows a different deer. And they make this awesome story. I always watch them because it makes me feel good. They give me hope. But I read the comments and everybody's like, there's a different deer. What?

Look at the horns. And I'm like, fuck, it is different. God damn it. Like, it ruins my whole vibe. Dude, you know what I'm talking about, bro? I want to feel good. And then you guys in the comments got to fuck it up. Yeah, right. But that's what this is. That's what this is. This is some bullshit. Yeah. Do you think, I mean, do you think it's possible, though? I mean, I don't know, man. I think it's, I don't know. Yeah, I guess it's possible, dude. But like-

I think it's way more possible that there's things in the ocean that we don't know about. Oh, yeah. Because like... Bro, we've only explored what is like 2%, 3% of the fucking ocean. Yeah, it's like we don't know what's down there, bro. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? They tried to with that... With that submarine with the Nintendo controller? With the Xbox controller. Yeah. Hey, guys, I got a good idea. Yeah. I'm raising some money for this project. You might even want to be more involved than an investor. We're going to take...

carbon fiber submarine to the Titanic oh cool man what were you how you gonna do that well listen I got this guy he made me this carbon he's a carbon fiber expert okay he makes the carbon fiber on all the cool cars right like he knows what he's doing it's carbon fiber yeah dude he's the man so he made this submarine listen don't laugh all right he made this submarine out of carbon fiber and it is gonna go down to the Titanic and

And you can ride with me for $100 million. Dude, so I mean, like, what's the inside like? Is it like super advanced electronics and shit? No, listen, all you got to know is that, you know, the new technology in video games is as good as it gets. It doesn't get any better than that. They do look pretty realistic. So we just used, you know, technology that they already had, and we just borrowed it, and we used the Xbox controller. Like, you have to be a stupid motherfucker to fall for some shit like that. Yeah, man.

You know, I would want to go on a Sasquatch hunt. You would? I would. We should. Yeah, that should be one of our day in the life. We'll go on a Sasquatch hunt. Let's do it. I'm down. I mean, we got to have guns and shit, you know, for the deer. I have guns when I go to take a shower. Same. Yeah. Same. So that's a given. Yeah.

Let's do it. All right. I don't know where a Sasquatch is supposed to be at, though. Are they out in Wyoming or some shit? I mean, I think they're wherever someone wants to wear a suit and get caught on camera. Well, that's the case. I just saw one of them niggas downtown. That is a fucking Halloween costume. What is the stores around here? Spirit Halloween. That's like one of the nice ones. They're like a thousand bucks. Yeah, this is a good one. Yeah.

Could you imagine wearing that costume and running around a Halloween scaring the fuck out of people look at the face on that thing, bro? Yeah, bro if that if that was real I'm not going Sasquatch That thing looks like he eats souls. Yeah, for real. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay on this Yeah, thumbs up thumbs down for the fuckery. Yeah, that's bullshit. Yeah, I

Dude, he looked just like Harry and the Hendersons. But see, I was going to say that, but he won't know what it is. I have no idea. Yeah. See, that's why you got to wear your headset, so I can have someone to verify certain things. Do you know Alf? I know Alf, yeah. Okay, but you don't know Harry and the Hendersons. It's like the same era. Harry and the Hendersons. Is that a cartoon? There was a movie about it, too. I watched a movie. See Harry? I see Harry. Yeah, he looks kind of like that.

That's creepy. Yeah. That was a whole TV show. Like a comedy? Yeah. He lived with the family. It was a pretty decent show back in the day, bro. Yeah. I mean, he looks nice there. He don't look nice in our video. All right.

Alright, I'm giving thumbs down to agree. I got to see better. I'm gonna that's not good enough But you know what bro you weren't scared enough. That's what messed it up There's no way that a seven foot tall Bigfoot looks at you with his teeth sticking out like he's gonna eat your soul and you go. Oh shit shit No, that's not what happens. All right, bro. You get up. I pressed and yeah, no you you just start running In fact, you don't even get that close to it. No, no guys

Andy. That's all I got. All right, guys. See you next week. Don't be a hoe. Share the show.