cover of episode 789. Andy & DJ CTI: JD Vance Debates Tim Walz, Iran Firing Missiles At Israel & California Outlaws Voter ID Rules

789. Andy & DJ CTI: JD Vance Debates Tim Walz, Iran Firing Missiles At Israel & California Outlaws Voter ID Rules

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
REAL AF 播客主持人,专注于讨论和分析时事新闻和政治事件。
Andy: Andy 认为自己之前的播客《MFCEO 项目》很成功,现在需要重新开始,教年轻人如何成功。他批评现在有很多不合格的人在教别人东西,充斥着虚假信息,而他会通过重新开始他的播客来改变这种情况。他还表达了他对未来养老的担忧,以及对美国当前政治和社会问题的担忧,包括政府的腐败、高税收、通货膨胀和社会分裂。他认为美国应该优先解决国内问题,而不是干涉中东和乌克兰事务。他认为取消文化是一种被设计的武器,阻止聪明人表达意见,并批评民主党政府的各种错误决策。他认为美国政府被中国收买,并计划让美国衰落,美国面临着来自内部的威胁。他呼吁更多人站出来揭露真相。 DJ: DJ 认为 JD Vance 在副总统辩论中完胜 Tim Walz,并对 Tim Walz 的表现表示失望。他认为民调结果是操纵的,目的是为了掩盖 Walz 的失败。他还对媒体歪曲事实和辩论主持人的偏见表示不满。 DJ: DJ 认为 JD Vance 在副总统辩论中完胜 Tim Walz,并对 Tim Walz 的表现表示失望。他认为民调结果是操纵的,目的是为了掩盖 Walz 的失败。他还对媒体歪曲事实和辩论主持人的偏见表示不满。

Deep Dive

Andy and DJ discuss the vice presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, highlighting Vance's perceived dominance and the moderators' apparent bias. They analyze post-debate polls, discuss Walz's controversial comments, and emphasize the importance of civility and avoiding cancel culture.
  • JD Vance was perceived to have won the debate against Tim Walz.
  • Moderators were criticized for bias and interrupting Vance.
  • Polls showed mixed results but many media outlets gave the win to Vance.
  • Tim Walz misspoke about being friends with school shooters.
  • Donald Trump's tweet about the gaffe was seen as perpetuating cancel culture.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up guys? It's Andy Purcell and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today we have

Andy and DJ Cruz the motherfucking internet. That's what we're gonna do. That's what CTI stands for Cruz the internet We're gonna put topics of the day up on the screen. We're gonna speculate we're gonna laugh We're gonna talk about what we think is true and what's not true And then we're gonna talk about we the people have to solve these problems going on in the world now other times throughout the week We're gonna have shows within the show. We're gonna have Q&A F That's where you submit the questions and we give you the answers questions can be about anything What's going on in the world?

How to win, how to kick ass, how to build a business. That's typically what that is. Personal development, right? Now, if you want to ask a question and have it featured on the show, you do so a couple different ways. The first way is, guys, email these questions in to askandy at Or you go on YouTube in the comments section of the Q&A episodes and drop your question in the comments. We'll choose some from there as well. Other times, we're going to have what's called Real Talk. Real Talk is just...

Five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk. Might be personal development. Might be what's going on in the world. Who knows? It's just what I think is...

Needs to be said right there, all right? So we got real talk. And then we have 75 Hard Versus. 75 Hard Versus where people who have completed the 75 Hard Program come on the show, talked about how they were before, how they are now, and how they use 75 Hard to change their lives. If you're unfamiliar with 75 Hard, it is the initial phase of the Live Hard Program, which is available for free at episode

on the audio feed. You get the whole program for free. It is the world's most famous mental transformation program ever. Get it for free at episode 208 on the audio feed. Now, there is a book called The Book on Mental Toughness, which includes the entire Live Hard program in specific detail, plus a whole bunch of chapters on mental toughness, how to use it to build yourself and who you want to become and how some...

Very famous people have used it to become the very famous people that you recognize. We have some case studies in there. Get that book at Again, that's in the store. The book on mental toughness. Now, you're going to notice we don't run ads on the show. All right.

We're probably the biggest show in the world that doesn't run ads. We don't do that because I don't want to answer to people telling me what I can and can't say. I can't stand that. It's called Real AF. We keep it real here. But in exchange for that, I just ask that you support us. All right. When you see this little energy drink in your grocery store,

Go buy it. When you see our meat sticks and our protein powder in your grocery store, give us a little love there. And then help us share the show. All right? We're constantly dealing with censorship, traffic throttling, shadow bans, and we need your help to get the message out. So...

If you listen to the show and it provides value, it makes you think, it makes you laugh, it gives you new perspective, it's information that you think needs to be heard, do us a favor and share the show. Don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right, what's up, man? What's going on, man? Nothing. It's hot and heavy out there. Is it? It's hot and heavy. Man, I've been consumed with my real job. The YouTubing? Yeah, YouTubing and podcasting. It's so crazy to me that like,

People don't take like two seconds to like look into shit. You know, it is what it is, man. Yeah. I don't care. It just comes with the territory. Look, man, you know, it makes no difference to me what people think or don't think. Yeah. You know, like if they don't know what I do, that's fine. That's better. It's probably better. Yeah. I'm excited about the new MSCO project coming up. You know, I'm really excited to get back into personal development. Still going to do Real AF and CTI and all that. But...

I think we've accomplished our mission of waking up society and what's going on in the world. I think enough people are seeing it. And we need to get back to actually providing the tactics on how to win, which is what I did before this show. A lot of you guys don't know. You know me from Real AF. You don't know that I had the number one business podcast in the world called the MFCEO Project from 2015 to 2020.

I'm going to start that back up because I do what I think is required and what is necessary. And what I think is necessary now is that we have a whole bunch of young people that don't know how to win. And we're going to teach them how to win, business and in life. So I'm real excited about bringing that back.

Yeah, no, this dude's going to be fucking awesome. Yeah. That's my bread and butter, bro. That's what I like doing. Yeah. You know, seeing people go win, helping them win. Well, and it is needed, man. You know, I think once we get the soil of this country back ripe and fertile. It's moving that direction. Yeah. Yeah, we'll get there. And, you know, we're still going to do this. But my point is, you know, I've been withholding tactics for a number of years because I've been doing this and consumed with this.

- I'm sure you learned a lot of new cool shit too. - For sure, we're operating at a totally different level. But the thing is, because I haven't been doing it, there has been a lot of people who are not qualified to teach things, teaching them. There's a lot of people that are full of shit. There's a lot of people who are lying. There's a lot of bad information out there. And when I start this back up, you're gonna see those people wither away. Just like I did it the first time. Because quite honestly, none of them have done what I've done.

They haven't. So, you know, we're going to teach people how to do things like that. It's going to be lit, man. I'm excited, dude. It's going to be awesome. Well, dude, I was thinking, you know, about old age. And like, you know, when I get old, I'm talking like 90. Okay. Not like, you know, 45 or anything like that. Like old, old. You know what I'm saying? Mm-hmm.

But like just things that like I don't want to happen to me. Was that supposed to be a joke? No. No, I'm just like, so you know I don't count 45 as old. Yeah. It's not old. It's not. No. Yeah. 90s old.

46 to 90, that's all. Oh, that's all? No, but dude, I was thinking of things that I don't want to happen to me, man. I don't want to go do a nurse at home. I don't want a nurse at home. I don't want to have to do hospice. I don't want any of that shit, man. And unfortunately, that's exactly what they're doing to fucking Jimmy Carter right now.

Bro, did you see them wheel him out for his fucking birthday? No. Oh my God. Bro, it's bad. Jimmy Carter wheeled out to watch military flyover in Georgia as he celebrates 100th birthday with friends and family.

Bro, this is so bad. Dude, like, listen, hopefully my kids see this shit, baby, but like, don't do this shit to me. Don't be willing me out with a little fucking blanket on my lap. It won't be me, motherfucker. I'll be gone. I won't do it to you either. Yeah. I promise. Throw me in the wood chipper. Bro, just get me out of here, man. Like, fuck. But let's dive into this a little bit, man.

Despite his grandson saying he was limited as he turned 100, Jimmy Carter spent his birthday in the sunshine enjoying a military flyover at his Georgia home. Carter, the first American president to reach the century mark, was able to watch a flyover of four F-18 jets and several vintage planes that graced the skies over Plains, Georgia, as part of the town's celebration, per CBS News.

Even the high school that he went to or he graduated in 1941, high school's still open. The kids of that generation now, they were celebrating. I mean, cool, all right? But here's the problem. Let's watch the clip, man. That's sad. Bro, he looks dead right there, man. Yeah, that's not. Don't do that. I mean, at least his family's dead. That's not true.

No, man. Not for me either, bro. No, man. I don't plan on making it that long anyway, bro. Like, I got way too big in my mouth. I dig my heels in on shit, and, like, it ain't going to happen for me one way or the other. But, see, the thing is, I feel like people who always think that, like, they always tend to live the longest. Nah, it ain't going to be me. You know what I'm saying? You'll be fucking 105. No way. Plus, I'm big, dude. Like, big people don't live that long. That's true. You know what I'm saying? You don't see any dudes that are 100 big dudes.

What? The fuck you looking at me for, man? I'm just saying, you don't. And the bigger they are, the shorter they live. Basketball players, they fucking don't live very long because they're so big. Bro, Mutombo? Yeah, Dikemi Mutombo. 58? 58 years old, man. Shit. Cancer. Was that what it was? Yeah. Yeah. Jeez. But yeah, I mean, I don't know. I think it's just, I don't ever want this shit to happen to me. I'm getting rolled around in the fucking, I don't want it. Nah.

I don't want it. Nope. Nope. Not at all. Guys jumping on this combo. I don't know what you guys think. Uh, with that being said, man, let's get into these headlines. We got a lot of hot and heavy stuff, uh, coming. Uh, we got Cox involved roosters. That is, um,

So remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to You guys can find them all linked there. With that being said, let's get into our first headline. This is more on a serious note. There was, did you know, did you see there was a murder at the vice presidential debates last night? Did you see that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

J.D. Vance fucking destroyed us. I actually didn't get to watch it. I had a couple buddies over at the house. We were smoking cigars talking. So I didn't get to see the whole thing. I saw some clips though. It was bad. Was it? It was bad. Yeah, I didn't get to see. It was so bad.

I mean, dude, I don't, you know, the clips can be cut so many different ways. It's like hard to know unless you watch it. It was bad. Did Walls even hold his own? No. Are you just saying? No, no, no. Like legitimately. I wouldn't say that my expectations were high.

But they were definitely not that fucking low. You know what I'm saying? So he did worse than you thought he would do? He did 10 times worse than I thought he would. Like, I thought he would be able to at least, you know, engage, maybe have like a little banter. Well, they were building him up beforehand because they were saying, oh, you know, Walls is not going to be like this. He's going to be sharp. He's going to be this. That's what I'm saying, dude. And he delivered ass cakes, bro. Really? It was bad. It was bad. And like, everybody's on him. So let's talk about this.

Senator J.D. Vance's regard for the facts appeared to help him outperform the sugar-coated whimsy of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz during Tuesday night's vice presidential debate.

At least that is the opinion of those polled immediately after the showdown by CBS News, which hosted the forum. Now, I think it's important to we've already talked about it. We've covered it. We've exposed it. The fact of how these polls are completely bullshit, completely bullshit. But you go to CBS's poll. This is what they say.

They give J.D. Vance 42% over Tim Walsh 41% with 17% of the liberals saying it was a tie. That means they know he lost. They know he lost. The 17%. They're so ignorant. They don't want to say so. Yeah, they're so fucking ignorant.

No, bro, it's just prideful thinking. Like we have an ego problem in this country. Like, dude, you have to be able to make good decisions in life, whether it be politics or whether it be business or whether it be your fitness or whether you have to address the reality of the situation. And if you continue to present yourself as you're correct and you continue to tell yourself that you're right, that only makes the situation worse.

So it takes a certain amount of humility to be successful at anything in life. That's why it's absurd when people look at successful people and they're like, oh, remember where you came from? You're not humble. You don't even know what humility is, bro. You got to be good to be humble. You can't just say you're humble and you're not any good. So we have to have, as American citizens, some better decision-making skills

by putting ourselves in a situation where we say, "Hey, am I wrong here? Am I seeing this wrong?" And I do that constantly. When I have opinions on things, I will ask people who are... I'm like, "Bro, am I seeing this wrong or is this..." And we're not getting that from a lot of people in this country. We're getting a lot of people who just hate Donald Trump so much that they're willing to dig their heels in at the expense of everything else in their life, their quality of life,

as a whole. And that's ego, bro. Well, we know they're trying to cheat, right? And I think that's the sinister part behind CBS doing this type of bullshit polling, knowing that Walls got fucking destroyed. Yeah. Right? And so for people who didn't watch the debate or didn't see all the debate, they see this poll and like, oh, okay, well, I mean, he can't be that bad. We're still in good shape, right? But knowing the entire reason they're pushing this stuff out there is so that when they cheat...

It seems realistic. It's more believable. Yeah. You know, like, no, dude, he got fucking hammered. Now, you want a realistic poll, but you go to NBC, right? And they're saying five to one that Walls won. Okay. I'm not surprised. I mean, but it's just like... Bro, these people hire actors to come in and do this shit. They hire actors to interview on the street. Yeah. You know, so like what...

I'm not surprised about that. What are they going to do? What are they going to do? Put six truly undecided voters up there who are going to call it how it really is? They're not going to do that because it's going to make everybody in the network look stupid. It's true. Now, a lot of the mainstream media, they have at least been pretty honest with it. Politico saying J.D. Vance controlled the debate until the end. The Republican candidate was clearly better prepared. It's a lesson for Democrats.

Well, dude, what I did see, the part I did see was the closing statements. I saw...

JD Vance's closing statement, which was amazing. And then I saw Tim Wallace closing statement, which was dog shit. And he was on there saying, we're the we're going to bring back the politics of joy. It was it was insane. Now, what the fuck does that mean? It doesn't mean shit. It's just some shit they're trying to say to get people to, you know, listen to them. It's just talking points they make up. Yeah.

The moderators also got slammed. So this was a CBS hosted debate. Moderators were destroyed. So let's dive into this a little bit. Political pundits ripped CBS news anchors Nora O'Donnell and Margaret Brannon for biased moderating during the vice presidential debate. Now, we've seen this before.

with the other two debates that we've seen hosted by mainstream media where it's completely biased. They fact check one side, don't fact check the other side. And JD Vance called him out on it. Let's watch this clip.

Thank you, Governor. And just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status, temporary protected status. Senator, we have so much to get to. I think it's important because the rules were that you guys were going to fact check. And since you're fact checking me, I think it's important to say what's actually going on.

So there's an application called the CBP One app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand. That is not a person coming in, applying for a green card and waiting for 10 years. That is the facilitation of illegal immigration, Margaret, by our own leadership. Thank you, Senator, for describing the legal process. We have so much to get to, Senator.

I mean, like, that was pretty much it, the whole debate. Dude, who are these people, these people that think it's okay to just, like, you're a fucking news reporter, bro. You're not an expert. No. You're not. Let them talk. You know, like, oh, that's enough. That's enough, Senator. That never, that sort of disrespect is new. Like, I feel bad for young people watching what's happening because, like,

For my whole life up until the last four years, I've never seen anything like this. I've never seen moderators cut people off and correct the candidates and all this shit. Like, bro, you're supposed to be a journalist. You're supposed to find out the actual information, not propagate your point of view because this guy's pointing out the holes in the game. Like,

It's absurd, dude. Well, I mean, just let the people like let the people decide. Let the people hear what both like, you know, like, yeah. What is that? So, oh, it's dangerous because it's going to expose the fact that you guys are full of shit. Yeah. We're just after this fucking clip in response to malls. He falsely claims that the Biden Harris migrant mobile app has been on the books since 1990.

How does a mobile app exist before smartphones? The same way he was in fucking Tenement Square. Yeah. During the fucking. I saw that clip too. You know what I'm saying? That was absurd. Like, dude, like the guy just clearly lies, man. Body language experts, they all hopped in on this and they said that his entire demeanor, the entire debate was of a person that lies. Yeah. I mean, like no shit. Yeah. You know. Bro, the clips I've seen have been real bad. Now, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt because I didn't see the whole thing.

know like i said a minute ago the clips can be clipped in however which way but the clips i did see he looked bad and the clips i did see he seemed like he was completely on his heels trying to deflect

You know, like when they asked him straight up, what do you have to say about Tiananmen Square? He gave this like two, three minute answer. And then they had to ask him again. And he's like, well, that's what I said. Like, he still couldn't say like, you know what? I was young. I exaggerated the story. I apologize.

I take responsibility for that, and that's not reflective of my character, and I'm sorry. Yeah, right. Super simple. You know what he— Everybody can fucking relate to that because everybody's exaggerated before. Everybody. Yeah. Right? Yeah, your home run ball is still falling. That's right. I get it. I caught Jaws when I went, you know what I'm saying, off the dock with a piece of corn. Right, right. You know, like, dude, there's all kinds of—

Anybody could have respected that. And another clip I saw that I thought was really good was when...

Walls was talking about how his son witnessed a shooting and Vance turned to him and was like hey my condolences for that That's horrible. Nobody should have to see that like there I will say this there was a civility amongst them that was refreshing to see even though From what I saw walls did very poorly and Vance did very good. Yeah, at least it wasn't like this Hillary Clinton ish because you'd be in jail hunty shit. You know what I'm saying? Like I

It just wasn't the same. It just wasn't. It was better. Well, you know, I think when I was looking at walls, you know what I saw? I saw a guy who knows what the truth is, knows the damages of who he is on his running ticket. He knows the lies are being told. He knows what the truth is. And he's having to go out there and fucking completely say the opposite of what's true. And he knows it's not true. Bro, you know what was crazy? I saw someone post

You know, Tim Wall seems like, you know, the happy grandpa that's just in over his head. And I'm just like, bro, this is the game they play. They play like they're friendly and warm and just stupid. And they're like, Biden's just a nice old man. He's just senile. This is the game they play because they want you to feel that way about them. They want you to say, oh, okay.

He's just a good old guy who, you know, sometimes he misspeaks. These people put that act on.

It should be easy for anyone to see that's been paying attention. Biden comes in, he makes all of these decisions that screw up the country. Okay. He inflates the currency. He opens the borders. He leaves a bunch of our equipment in Afghanistan. He sends $180 billion combined to Ukraine and Israel. He depletes our strategic oil reserves, et cetera. You know, we can go on and on and on and on and on. Removes energy independence.

There's a million more things he's done that are intentionally destructive to our country and to the citizens' quality of life in this country. And people look at him and they say, oh, he's just dumb. He's just senile. He's not with it. If that were an intelligent person, if that were a...

I don't know, let's say somebody who people respected as a smart person making those decisions, their perspective of what that person was doing would be completely different because they would say, wait a minute,

That's an intelligent dude. He's doing this on purpose. This guy's attacking our country. He's attacking us. That guy's a traitor. The only way they've been able to get away with this is because they put people like this up at the front, people who seem innocent, who the average person can have empathy for and can relate to.

and say, "Oh, that's my uncle," or, "That's my grandpa," or, "That's this," because if they put someone up there that was super sharp, you would see right away the destruction that they're intentionally causing. This is part of the play. You cannot look at Tim Walz and say, "Oh, that's like my uncle who's just a nice guy and he's kind of stupid. I'm going to vote for him anyway because I think Trump's an asshole."

Dude, you can't do that. Fuck your uncle. Yeah, dude. These people are evil people that pretend in your face and do different things behind your back. And if you watch their actions, it shows that consistently. Now, I don't know if this was like a misstated statement that Tim made, but he also made this very interesting statement where...

He said that he was friends with school shooters. - Now, listen, I watched that clip. He misspoke, okay? What he was saying was, I was friends with the families of victims of school shootings. That's what he was saying. - Yeah. - Like, and this, I don't, listen. - It's a five second clip. They take it out of context. - That's what I'm saying. Like, dude, listen, you know,

I'm not with that. Like I'm not with, I don't give a fuck if I like them or I don't like them. I'm not with the manipulation of somebody's words to bury them. That's not okay. I am anti-cancel culture. You have never seen me hop on and say, hey, fuck these guys. Let's bury them. It's wrong. It's wrong for this country. It's wrong for everybody involved because everybody has skeletons in their closet. And we have this attitude now that,

Because of social media where people don't necessarily have a lot of power in their lives, where they want to flex it on people and ruin their motherfucking lives for shit they didn't actually do. Okay. Or didn't actually mean. And so I watched that clip and I don't like Tim Walls. I think Tim Walls is a total piece of shit. However, what he meant was, and I watched it was, Hey, I'm friends with the families of some of these schools, uh, shooting victims. That's what he meant.

Here's a clip for context for everybody at home watching and listening. Here's a five-second clip that was taken and ran with. I've become friends with school shooters. I've seen it. Look, the NRA, I was an NRA guy for a long time. They used to... Yeah, so that's a clip. Yeah, but he also... There's more context to that because he was talking about how his son witnessed the shooting and he's talked to the families. That was just a... That was bullshit. Yeah. So, look...

I'm going to call it as I see it here. I don't care if I like him or not. No, that's respect. I'm not holding that against him. I mean, like Donald Trump took it and ran with it. And that's the part. I don't like that. Like this tweet he put, this truth that he put out. Did Tampon Tim just say he has become friends with the school shooter? He isn't even qualified to be governor, let alone vice president. Walls and Kamala do not have what it takes. Well, I don't disagree that they don't have what it takes, dude. But like, you know, we did. Okay, look.

This kind of comment coming from Trump, and I like Trump, all right? But just because I like him doesn't mean I'm going to say everything he says is right. This perpetuates this cancel culture shit. Because what's happened here is the left had the cancel culture forever. And now it's swung to the right. And people on the right...

They've never felt that power before. So we have this. We have these people on the right who are now abusing their power of canceling other people, even people who agree with them. And that's not cool, man. Like, we have to stop this at some point in time because what's happening here.

is that the smartest, most successful, most intelligent people are not sharing their opinions at all. And if we want to solve problems in this country, the successful people who are smart, intelligent, and who have built things, because that's what we need to run the country. We can't just have, you know, Joe Blow in the fucking White House. We need someone who's built shit, who runs shit, who knows how to run the world's most important organization.

If we can't allow our smartest and brightest people to have opinions, because when they have opinions, we try to ruin their lives or ruin their business or ruin their families. What we're going to get is a bunch of shit like we've been getting. Okay. So at some point, this stuff has to stop. Yeah. And,

Don't like the Trump said that because it's just not it's not true. Well, I'm like my thing by the way Let me make this clear. I'm voting for fucking Trump But I could be critical of Trump and still vote for him Well, I think too like I mean it's important to realize guys like how long did they run with you know? There was very fine people on both sides. Yeah, it's the exact same thing. You know I'm saying it's like I

To your point, it's like, yeah, like I'm sure Trump, yeah, you're feeling the power of the cancel culture. You know you willed it, right? But like we – It's not just Trump. What I'm saying is –

Is he's setting the example for everybody else. How many of these talking heads on the conservative side take every single headline and just blast it the fuck out and try to be first and then it ends up being wrong and it ends up being some nuance to it. These guys are, and bro, I like these guys. Okay, I know where their heart is. They want to win. They're on my team. Fucking get it. I'm not talking shit. Mm-hmm.

I'm saying there's a more responsible way to communicate things. And we have to understand that if we continue to allow the pendulum swing back and forth in society, we end up with the polarization that we see. So we have to quit punishing people, especially the people that we agree with for things that they do that are missteps. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, it's, it's, we can't, and this is why I say it's a designed weapon to

Cancel culture is a designed weapon. It's a social weapon.

And the purpose of the weapon is so that people who are intelligent, who have solutions, who have opinions, who also have things to lose, will not voice their solutions or opinions or get involved. And that means that we end up with people who aren't experienced, who aren't the best and brightest. The people in Washington, D.C., like AOC hasn't done a fucking thing. Why is she there?

Like we could go through. And by the way, there's people on both sides. Professional politician is not a career. It's not supposed to be a career. This country was built on it being a representative government, meaning people who are actually doing things in real life, take a break from what they are doing to serve the

as the leadership of the country. They are not there to get rich. They are not there to make hundreds of millions of dollars. Politicians' net worth should not be able to go up at all via these deals that they do there. And that's become the game. The game is get in there. You don't have to have experience. We'll fund you.

and you'll make all kinds of money. You just vote the way we want. The corporate greed and the corporate government and the big donors and big lobbyists control our government right now because we're not a representative government. If we were, somebody like AOC could never get elected because she doesn't have a track record. So, like, dude, this is all connected, and we have to understand, for it to stop, cancel culture has to stop because we have to allow our intelligent operators who have opinions on both sides of the pendulum

to voice their opinions and solutions without facing, you know, the repercussions of destroying their livelihood. That's real shit, man. That's real. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, man, we got some really good comments today. I will say this. I didn't know much about J.D.,

Eric Schmidt knows him and they're friends. Eric said he's a stud. I will say this, I'm sold on him now. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, I think Trump made the right move. - Yeah. Plus he's only 38, dude. - He's young. - Yeah. - He's young. - He's a killer, bro. Comes from nothing, went through on GI Bill, fucking went to, like this guy- - Served, I mean, like he's the American story. - Dude, he really is. And I think that's why Trump picked him. Because he is the American dream. He's another version of it. You know what I mean?

Yeah, for sure. He's just fucking relatable, man. That's the trajectory. That's the path of most Americans. Everybody wants the America dream, bro. Everybody wants the opportunity. Whether or not someone executes on the opportunity, that's on you. But the opportunity should be open and it should be wide open. And like he said last night...

Poor people should be able to go to the grocery store and get nice meals. They should be able to afford a home. You shouldn't have to be mega rich to live a good life in America. And that's what he's fighting for. And I agree with that. Like, bro, we shouldn't have people that are, you know, can't afford homes, but they got full time jobs. And then they got to take other two other jobs to even pay their shit. That's not how we should be, dude. So we're way off track here, man.

Anyway, guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. That being said, man, we got some crazy comments today. Good. Let's go cruise them. This first one, I got to give it to them. At Aglura Fit.

Okay. We got some zingers here. Oh, really? Yeah, on Betadouche. Okay. Hold on. He says, Beto, the type of dude to cry when his wife goes off to work. Yeah, that's right. Beto, the type of dude to let his wife drive the family around town. Beto, the type of dude to cry on his wife's shoulder when his tummy hurts.

This is my favorite one. Beto the type of dude to drop his pants and underwear to his ankles when he pees in the urinal.

Oh, man, he is that kind of dude. Bro, you ever walked in a fucking sporting event and seen someone doing that? Oh, my God. That's the most embarrassing shit. I can't even look. I look the other way. Like, I'm so embarrassed for them, dude. Like, there are... See, women don't know this. No, because they're all closeted. Listen, guys. Listen, everybody that you don't know, like all the women out here listening, there are dudes that go...

In the urinal at professional sporting, this is where I always see it. It's like a... Okay, so listen. A horse trough. Some of them are. Let me tell you what I'm talking about here. Because if you're a woman, you've never been in the men's restroom at a sporting event. There's 30 people behind in each urinal, okay? And...

There's a dude standing at the front of the line pissing with his pants down around his ankles, his full ass hanging out. It never fails, dude. Every time. What is that? I don't know, man. What are we doing? Beto.

Bro, he looks like that kind of dude. Bro, I can't believe people. You guys know what I'm talking about. I know exactly. Bro, everybody knows. Who does that? Let me pull my whole ass out in front of everybody. There's a dude standing behind you. I think that might be what it is. It might be like protection. You know what I'm saying? Because if you stay. Like who's worse? The guy with his pants around the ankles with his ass out or the guy that's like right behind him ready to go? What's gayer?

You know what I'm saying? It might be like, really? Yeah. But you're ready to whip it out and like right behind a dude with his. Man, you know how bad you got to pee at sporting events, dude. Yeah, you got to go pretty bad. Like I could care less what's going around me, but if that's in front of me, it's a distraction.

I think about dude behind me when I'm peeing in a sporting event, bro. Cause I, cause like, you know how what happened? You don't go to the bathroom till you got to go real bad. Right. Right. It's all right. And then you get in there and there's 13 people in the line. Yeah. Like fuck. And now you got to wait like, like dude. And I'm just starting to get a swollen prostate, bro. All right. Listen, real talk. This shit ain't no good for me. I can't even drink beer at a baseball game anymore. I got to take edibles before I go. Otherwise I'd be in a bathroom 13 times.

Yeah, well, shout out to Aguilera. Yeah, keep those comments coming, bro. I like this guy. That's fucking amazing. Let's check out this next one. That's a good one, dude. It's the best one. Yeah, that's a good one. This next comment comes from at BRVDMX. They say, update, Asheville changed their name to Kiev, and they're now getting $200 billion in aid. That's so fucked up. It's funny. It's not funny. Dude, listen, I know it's funny.

Because it's true, but it's not funny because it's true right and it's fucked up. It shouldn't be true No, like it's insane what's happening? I've talked to a lot of people on the ground. Yeah, by the way Hey fuck faces don't fucking DM me telling me I should be saying this or doing this You don't have any idea what I do behind the scenes. Okay? I'm one of the most charitable motherfuckers on the planet. That's a fact. All right, but

I promise you, when things are going wrong, there's very few people who are actually getting involved, and I'm one of them. So don't DM me and say, did you see the comment I got yesterday? I got this comment from this dude who's like, hey, big shot.

Are you going to say anything about Asheville or are you just going to act like it's not happening? And it's like, bro, first of all, how am I responsible for every fucking thing? I do the best I can, but I don't advertise all the shit I do. Like, I know that it's popular right now to go on YouTube and make videos about giving a dude a sandwich and shit. That's not why the fuck I do my shit.

Okay, so don't fucking come at me with that bullshit. It's like you're damned if you do damned if you don't. 100%, dude. Because if you tell everybody you're doing it, everybody says you're bragging. If you don't say shit, everybody assumes you're just some asshole that doesn't care. So what's the play here? Right. Right?

Dude, this is dumb asses. Yeah, it is. Who aren't doing shit for anybody? Right, right. What the fuck are you doing? Let's check this last comment out. This comment comes from at Rusty Swift 1893 says Andy needs Muscovy ducks and real New Jersey giant chickens. Wait till you have a 20 pound rooster following you around wanting attention. You want a 20 pound cock? Dude, those giant Pekins we got are 18 pounds, dude. Yeah,

You held Dolly the other day, bro. She's big. She's big. They're big ducks. Anyway, I have seen those roosters. They're those tall ones with all the fur on them and shit. They look like little Ewoks. Oh, with like the fur on the foot and some shit. Yeah. Is it one of those? I don't know. Look it up. What's a New Jersey giant chicken? Search it. I've seen bigger cocks. They're not that big. Yeah. Well, you're an expert. Oh, wait. I mean, they're pretty... I mean...

They're kind of, they're pretty big. Let's see. Flip it around. They're pretty big. Whip it out. Oh yeah, that's a big one. That's a pretty big cock. Yeah. Pretty big. Big brown one. Most of them are about average though. Listen, what's the average cock way? I'm going to fuck his browser algorithm up so bad. You act like you don't know. What's it say?

Human penis size. All right, let's move on. Hey, guys, we appreciate you for being real-ass fans. We'll make sure we get Andy a 20-pound cock for Christmas from New Jersey. I'm Sicilian, bitch. Don't fucking forget it.

Hey, guys, we appreciate you for being real-ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting, keep subscribing. Make sure you guys hit that bell notification on the YouTube to stay up to date with the latest episodes from LAF. With that being said, let's dive into headline number two. Got to talk about it. World stage. The global pool is getting a little hot right now. Let's dive into this a little bit. It's because people are peeing in it. It's a lot of pee in the pool. Yeah. No pee in the pool. Yeah.

And there's PN and shit in the pool. Yeah. Right now. Yep. Let's dive into it. Headline reads, IDF, Iran has fired missiles at Israel. Hold on. Let's correct this. It's not Iran. It's Iran.

Well, you talk to any fucking I know how to pronounce it. I know but like dude all of you know, honey's or Honey's from Iran. Yeah, I don't okay like every time he says that he like tells DJ to fucking say it, right? Well, I do it all we have lots of friends that are Persian from that area Yeah, you offend every time you say Iran. Well, I'm just trying to keep in mind for like, you know, like say it say the right way Can you say it? Yeah it on no, it's it on it's Iran. You're not fucking Aaron Aaron

It's Aaron. How do you say it there, Zeeshan? Iran. Iran. See? See? You didn't say it like that. There's a dialect there. Nothing changes it a little bit. All right. Say it the right way. Iran. Okay, whatever. Stop saying Iran. Fucking Iran to the store. I was trying to make it more palatable. Iran has fired missiles. It's Iran. Iran has fired missiles. It's better than Helene.

Yeah. I got, I got lean. I got shit on about that. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. I'm not a Webster dictionary. We're aware it's hooked on phonics, man. Um, Iran has fired missiles at Israel. All residents, uh, ordered to bomb shelters. So, uh, this was a very interesting, uh, development that, uh, started yesterday. Uh,

And let's dive into this a little bit. So Iran has launched missiles at Israel on Tuesday evening local time as Israelis throughout the entire country were ordered to take cover in bomb shelters until further notice. Now, the IDF released this this image. Every single one of those red pins was a confirmed hit from a rocket. OK, so.

It seems like a lot that does seem like a lot and in total they're saying that it was somewhere roughly about 400 missiles that were launched But here's the the thing. Here's the thing I understand That there is a term in war. It's called a fog. Okay, there's the fog of war right where Things happen and because of this fog we're not really truly able to see what's actually happening and that

Like that benefits both sides. Right. Because like, you know, obviously, if you're a country trying to portray strength, you don't want the other side to know what's really going on and how bad things really are because you're still trying to portray this this strength. Right. But they release this. And then they say in a statement a short while ago, missiles were launched from Iran and

from Iran towards the state of Israel. This is the message that they're sending out to their citizens. "You are instructed to remain alert and precisely follow the Home Front's command instructions.

In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has distributed life-saving instructions in various areas across the country. The public has asked to adhere to Home Front Command's guidelines. Upon hearing a siren, you must enter a protected space and remain there until further notice. The IDF is doing and will do everything necessary to protect the civilians of the state of Israel. And then they updated that, you know, last night, the IDF,

The IDF spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagary, told Israelis at roughly 8.30 p.m. local time that the Iranian attack had ended and that there have been no injuries or deaths.

He urged the public to exercise caution. He said Israel will respond to Iran, quote, in the place and the time we determine, ending saying we have plans. All right. Now they're claiming that there was no injuries like, OK, no deaths. Cool. But there were no injuries. OK. And the part that's interesting about this, again, you look at this picture.

I mean, from Bethlehem, Tel Aviv, Damona, Hebron. Yeah, I mean, like the entire map's filled with these blimps. And I have it like it's just very hard for me to believe that not one person was injured just from the missile attacks alone. It's very hard for me to believe that. Now, I have a source that was in Tel Aviv at the time when this stuff happened who sent me a video.

Here's the clip. Now, context here. Well, let's just, here's the clip. Now, the important thing to note here, I mean, Israel, they have an amazing defense system called the Iron Dome, right? They've taken attacks countless of times from many proxies over the last year. Why? What do you mean? Why do they keep getting attacked?

I mean, you bomb 40,000 people. Well, they say it all started on 10-7. Hypothetical question. Hypothetical question, yeah. Why do they keep getting attacked? Yeah. But here's the thing, man. They've taken missiles before. The Iron Dome has supposed to have been impenetrable. It failed yesterday.

Which is why we see all of these hits on the country. And then again, my source sends me this clip. - I saw a clip last night, not a clip on the internet, but it was on, they were talking about, like I woke up at like real late night and it was on TV.

And they were saying that the U.S. military helped shoot down a lot of these. Yeah, that's actually, that's absolutely true. U.S. destroyers, they were firing ballistic missiles to help because the Iron Dome was failing. Here's a clip from that. This is on a U.S. Navy destroyer. You'll see it launching there in a second. And we sent off a shit ton of them.

and helping to defend Israel. Now, with that going on, again, this being the first time the Iron Dome fails, there's some interesting things that are happening that I think is very important for people to pay attention to.

at the same exact time, all of this going on, Israel begins its invasion of Lebanon, right? So you have Israel, a country, Lebanon, I'm speaking Kamala Harris's terms. So Israel is basically a country, right? And Lebanon's also another country. Okay. And the countries, you know, they don't really get along all the time. Right. And for having an argument, they're having a little disagreement, right? These two countries that exist right in the context of existence. And, um,

Israel just invaded Lebanon, right? Like with no declaration of war, like no heads up, they invaded and they're starting to have issues there. They're reporting that seven combat deaths so far as fears mount over a wider conflict. You have the United States obviously involved in some way, shape or form. They're firing ballistic missile interceptors to help defend Israel against this Iranian barrage.

And Israel is now saying that they are vowing to have a massive response to Iran. They did that back in April. But remember, it was like they shot them into the desert. Remember that? When they shot some missiles in back in April. But they intentionally did not hit anything. Yeah. And then Israel shot back and didn't hit anything either. And so now, I mean, this is a pretty massive escalation of force. And...

it's interesting because I've been talking to some friends of mine in different places and there is a very likelihood that this will definitely start World War III because there's big names that are being involved. You got Russia, you got China, there's multiple fronts here that we are being spread across and weakened as a country militarily. And obviously, I mean, you can have your own opinions

I believe, I know you are of the same belief, it's intentional, right? Like to weaken this country militarily. And it's interesting because I don't know if you saw this, but just today we're now sending warships to go meet with China and Russia because we have Russia and Chinese Navy vessels are now encroaching more on Alaska. This just came out today. And so you have all of that going on. But the interesting thing is the position of this administration. You have Biden, right?

Saying that he will not support a strike on Iranian nuclear sites, which is what Israel wants to do right now So I thought that was interesting But so he's not supporting these strikes because these strikes do not benefit or harm I should say the United States directly But you want to know a strike that he does support our ports being shut down half of our ports in this country being shut down He supports that

He supports that. No problem. He's made a statement saying, quote, they made incredible profits over 800 percent profit since the pandemic. And the owners are making tens of millions of dollars from this. Biden told reporters on Wednesday, it's time for them to sit at the table and get this strike done because that destroys the country. So, yeah, he definitely helped support that. No problem. And we're already starting to see some disruptions from those shutdowns that, you know, are not even.

72 hours into their strike at this time. Andy, what do you got on all of this, man? I say the same thing that happened when 10-7 happened. We shouldn't be fucking doing shit in the Middle East. We shouldn't be doing anything in Ukraine. We should be worrying about our own country. Our own country is dilapidated, decrepit, divided,

disgusting and it needs a lot of work our infrastructure is crumbling people are starving in the inner cities there's more homeless now than there ever has been we have an open border we have a terrible economy and we are still the only country that works all this time and does all these things to have our tax dollars set somewhere else

Like I've said many times before, there is not a single dollar that should be spent with Israel or Ukraine or anyone else until this country looks like Dubai from the East Coast to the West Coast, from the Northern border to the Southern border. Our whole entire country needs to be prosperous, filled with opportunity,

We have good healthcare. We've got less taxes. We've got

prosperity happening. These are things that need to be happening here before we ever consider getting involved. And it doesn't matter who I think is wrong or right in these other conflicts because I care about us. I care about our people and our people are hurting right now. And we're sending the money that should be sent to places like Asheville and, you know, the other parts of the country that are just completely fucked up right now.

Instead of sending them overseas. And I just, that's my point. I'm an American first person. I'm not, I'm not an Israel person. I'm not a middle East person. I'm not a Ukraine person. I'm not a Russia person. I'm a fucking American person. That's what I care about. I care about our people. I care about what's going on here. And I think this situation is very dangerous because like I've been saying, they want to start as much disruption, as much conflict as they can, but,

before the election to keep Donald Trump from becoming president again, because it means that all of those people are likely to face accountability for the crimes that they've been committing. And so what I see happening, which is what I think people should be very worried about and concerned about,

that if this turns into a full-blown war between Israel and a bunch of other you know Arab countries which what that's what will happen if it cracks off right and they can't use NATO because it was not a NATO Ally right so we have 20 million migrants 80% of which are military age males here so who's to say that

These Muslim men, these Arab men, these African men who are coming from, these Chinese men who are coming from all over the country through our open border who are already here,

Who's to say they aren't ready for a part of an attack if this were to crack off? Okay. And you have on Sean Ryan's show, like I mentioned the other day, they're talking about a potential 10-7 style attack here in the United States where the migrants, the military age migrants are armed and they are going door to door, kicking doors down and shooting and killing American citizens. If that happened in all the places where these migrants were,

and our military is at Alaska and Ukraine and Middle East, and they're all over the place, what happens? You see what I'm saying? And I think we are, I think, this is what I think. I think our current administration is bought and paid for by China. I think they've done everything that they can do to make our country weaker, to make our country more susceptible to conquering. And I think there's been an international plan

That is led by the World Economic Forum that flows down through China and through our enemies. And the plan is to make America fall. And the plan is to...

legitimately overtake America. And if you think about how you would overtake America, how would you conquer America? It's not going to be like rolling up on the beach like you see in Normandy. It's not going to be, you know, tanks and airplanes crossing the southern border from Mexico or from Canada. That's not how it's going to be. It's going to be sneaking people in and then having them attack. And if they had an omnipresence attack across the whole country,

Are our people prepared for that? I don't know. I know some people are, but if this breaks off the way that it looks like it could, I

There's intelligence that says that that's the kind of attack they're going to play here. So I think every American citizen needs to be very concerned and be very prepared to defend their own home and their own neighborhoods from a potential attack like that. Because, dude, those people are here. They are not coming here. They are here. They're not getting they don't have to get guns. They have them. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And the fucked up part about it is that when you peel it all back,

We, Americans, we paid for them to get strategically in our country because they were flying these motherfuckers in deeper into our fucking country. Listen, this tax...

Problem that we have in this country has to be solved dude It is not okay for American men and women to work most of the year for the government only to have the government take our money and Spend it and launder it through other countries causes every single tax dollar that comes through our system should be spent on this country period

No exceptions. And I don't see how anybody could disagree with that. I just don't. You're okay with working till August for the government and you get to keep from September to December? Is anybody okay with that? Because that's the reality of most people when you add up all the taxes that they have to pay. And then knowing that from- Most people are not even aware of that, bro. They go around and say, I love America. It's free. The fuck are you talking about, dude?

You pay more taxes than you get to keep. No, I don't. I only pay 30%. I only pay 20%. What about all the other tax? What about all the other tax that you're... What about your sales tax? What about your property tax? What about the tax you pay to own shit? The tax you pay to sell shit? What about tax on gas? Tax on food? Tax... Bro, that's all we get. Everything's taxed. Yes. And dude, the government...

intentionally sends the money overseas so that they can scrape half of it to themselves. How else do you think these people come into office worth nothing and leave worth hundreds of millions of dollars? Okay. So who is okay with that? That should be the founding commonplace for all American citizens to come together is that we are all being raped financially by our own government and

Our expense and zero benefit to us that has to change bro this this shit like Trump coming in and saying oh, we're not gonna do tax on tips No, we shouldn't be doing tax on a lot of shit, bro Like let's get to the point you overspend the money your people steal the money meaning the government not Trump's people and

You guys create the situation where people can't even survive because of how much you take out of their pockets. And then you act like it's no big deal. It's no big deal. It's no big deal that our people are being taxed to death and they can't eat. It's no big deal that inflation is causing the price of chicken to go from $4 to $20. I don't even know how people are doing it, to be completely honest. Okay, so...

Unless people come together and get smart and realize that we don't live in a free country the way that we have been advertised to live in a free country.

Nothing's going to change because we're still we're in this brain fog wash about how amazing America is. Bro, there's a dozen countries in the world that I can name off the top of my head that are much nicer than America. She's most Americans have never been there. You know what I'm saying? So what how are we the greatest country in the world if we're taxed into poverty and the opportunity to get out of that is almost impossible?

How the what we've been sold is not what we've gotten and we have to get back to creating and demanding that what this country supposed to be about is what it actually is and that that is going to take us understanding that we are being lied to and we are being taken advantage of and we are being extorted. People say, oh, taxation is theft. No, it's not. Taxation is extortion because if you don't pay it, they put you in fucking jail. Right. OK, it's not theft.

It's extortion. It's you do this or we're putting you in jail. Does that sound free to you? It's insane, man. No, it's not just insane. What's insane is that people don't recognize it.

People don't have the financial capacity or literacy to understand it, which is also intentional. Why don't they teach you in high school how to have responsible personal finances? Why don't they teach you how to make money? Why are they teaching you how to do the square root of the sum of the equal of a circumference of a fucking circle instead of teaching you how to manage your money? You see what I'm saying?

Like, bro, it's bullshit. They don't teach that shit anymore. No. Now it's all about, like, what gender are you going to decide to be? Well, math is racist. Of course. There's that. Yeah, man. Guys, a perfect storm's brewing, man. Yeah, and I don't know enough about the dock workers to know what's going on. But I do know, and I'm pretty sure from what I've heard, they're making like 200 grand a year. The guy who was on TV saying, I'm going to cripple the country, like, that dude makes a million bucks a year.

Okay, so what are we talking about? You know what I mean? You know how many people out here make a $200,000 a year? Not very many. Not a lot.

And so, like, dude, it's just it feels coordinated. It feels politically coordinated to put pain on the American citizens, dude. I think the no response to what's going on in Asheville. By the way, you got Joe Biden and Kamala on TV saying they're lying about that. We're here. We're there. No, no, they're not. They're not there. And like I posted this video on the Internet on my story yesterday, I

There's hundreds of people on the ground with helicopters that are being told if they go in, they're going to be arrested. There's Blackhawks and 3,500 troops there that haven't gotten the orders to help yet. That was as of last night. Now, maybe that changes by the time this show airs. But it feels like they're intentionally not responding to that.

It feels like this strike comes at a very inconvenient time for the United States and also this shit going on in the Middle East. And so we have to understand, bro, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not even in charge of what's going on. This is coming from the globalist collective, the World Economic Forum collective, the members of the World Economic Forum, the countries that are involved, the individuals that are involved are operating a plan that...

They openly discuss that when you bring it up, people say you're talking about conspiracy. No, they openly discuss this. The leaders of the world go there and talk about how they have Agenda 2030. And what they need to create Agenda 2030 is they have to bring the United States from a powerhouse down to a third world country so that everybody's the same. Because that's the whole play. Okay? It's about everything.

Equity as long as one person's above other countries will still try to reach that right that's correct So they're intentionally bringing America into a third world status so that it can fit into the rest of the countries that are governed through the World Economic Forum That's what's going on

Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. That being said, let's get to our third and final headline. We got a little American hope here. This is a really interesting headline. Let's dive into this. Headline number three reads, California outlaws local voter ID rules. Now, this was interesting.

Okay, this was definitely interesting. So Gavin Newsom just signed a new law on Sunday, this past Sunday, barring...

local cities municipalities from enacting voter id he completely outlawed it throughout the entire state of california okay um california is one of 14 states that does not require voter id at the polls according to the national conference of state legislatures um so that comes out sunday and from the i i almost get emotional reading reading this next headline man because i think it's fucking amazing um

Read this. Mayor of California, Charter City defines Newsom's ban on voter ID laws. That law does not apply to us. There is some standing up, some real American patriots. What's California Charter City? So they're talking about Huntington Beach.

Between beach voters. And this actually goes back all the way back to March 5th. Let's dive into this, man. California mayor is defiant after Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law in direct response to the city's attempt to secure elections.

The saga began on March 5th when Huntington Beach voters weighed in and passed ballot measure one, the voter ID and election rules amendment. According to ballotpedia, the charter amendment authorized the city to require voter identification for elections and allowed infrastructure to support the initiative. Now in April,

California's Attorney General Rob Bonta and Secretary of State Shirley Weber sued Huntington Beach over what it called an unlawful voter ID amendment. The two officials said without evidence that the measure, of course, who do you think is going to hurt? Who do they say hurts by voter ID? People of color. Poors and black people. Yeah.

So after the vote, California State Senator Dave Mayer... How does it hurt those people? Explain that to me. Someone explain it to me. Do you know what hurts those people? Allowing people that shouldn't even be here to vote in their own self-interest so that they get all the tax dollars and those people get none. I don't know how to say this. I've said this 40,000 times. Okay?

Black communities, when they cry racism, they should be crying racism to these people who do this shit. Because what they're allowing, just like these people are starting to realize, they're allowing all these people to come in that are not American citizens. You are an American citizen. And they're giving them the benefits that they promise you. And the reason they're giving them the benefits that they promise you is because they have realized that that group, the black Americans, have...

and a large part woken up so they cannot rely on their automatic vote anymore. So what have they done? They've imported a whole nother class of people that they are helping get established with the money that they promised our American communities, our black American communities. That's fucking racism, bro. They're intentionally impoverishing these communities and

For a new group of people that aren't even American citizens. There is zero reason whatsoever other than the reason of treason that Gavin Newsom is signing a law like that. Dude, the people are speaking. They voted on this. The people of Huntington Beach voted to have that in place.

They voted. That's how democracy works. What do you mean? Like, the people of Huntington Beach, they voted to have the voter ID law put in. Yeah. Because everybody's sick of it, dude. It's common sense shit. Listen, dude. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, people are waking up, bro. There was no black people protesting that fucking bill getting fucking passed. You know what I'm saying? They wanted this. No, this whole... Listen, it's always the same shit. It's racist. It's racist. It's racist. It's racist. It's racist.

Not everything is racist, bro. No. In fact, most of the shit they say is racist is not racist because they're covering up for their own racism. It's disgusting. So Governor Newsom signed the bill into law Sunday, according to Politico. The new law will take effect on January 1st. That's the interesting thing. So unfortunately for Newsom and company, current Huntington Beach Mayor Gracie Van Deer Mark is...

isn't about to quietly let Sacramento dictate the future of her city. She questions whether the state even has jurisdiction over charter cities like Huntington Beach and the constitutionality of men's legislation. Quote, the state cannot pass any laws that strip us of our constitutional rights, Vandermark told LAist.

So that law does not apply to us or affect our new election laws. They're saying they're keeping it. I'm sure there's going to be some type of legal battles in the court, as there always is. You know, but again, who would be for that? Elon Musk chimed in on this. He compared Newsom to the Joker after voter ID requirements banned in California. He put this tweet out saying, wow, it is now illegal to require voter ID in California.

They just made preventing voter fraud against the law. The Joker is in charge. And I thought that was interesting because there is actually a weird fucking resemblance there between the Joker. Listen, man, these people are traitors. They're traitors to America. They are communist insurgents who are intentionally and doing so in a coordinated fashion, destroying the United States of America and your livelihoods. That's it.

That's the state of the current Democratic Party in the United States. Okay? The current Democratic Party in the United States does not represent democratic values of any sort. They are the party of big corporations. They are the party of war. They are the party of violence. They are the party of high taxation. They are the party against the middle class. These...

Those are all things that traditionally the Democratic Party was for. And we have a lot of people, like I said earlier in the show, who are refusing to admit that their party has been hijacked by literal communists and Marxists. And they are looking to destroy not just the Republicans, but you too.

Okay, so we have to have an awakening real fucking fast to understand what's happening here in the country. Otherwise, dude, you know, we're not going to have it. No, I think it's just it's fucked up, man, because we go back. We don't even have to go back that fucking far, man. Go back two, three years. This is coming from the same state that was trying to force those same black people to go get vaccine passports to buy fucking groceries. Yeah, but that wasn't racist. You get a vaccine passport, but you can't get an ID.

You know, so it's like, and like, I'm just, I'm glad to see a, an American Patriot stand up and say, fuck the state. Every city should stand up to that. Every city in this country should.

Should require voter ID at the polls no matter what, no matter what their governor says or anything. Like if you want to protect the country, that's what should be happening. And it's going to take people standing up. It's going to take people doing things that are uncomfortable. You know, I saw something today that there's apparently a whole lot of border patrol that wants to blow the whistle on what's actually going on.

and they are saying that their wives are telling them not to blow the whistle because it endangered their household livelihood do you do you know what's really going to endanger your household livelihood not blowing the whistle continuing to go down this path

So I hope if that's true, I hope it's not true. But if it is true, I hope that the men who are being told that will explain that to their wives and their children and go do the right thing. We need more people standing up, doing the right thing, blowing the whistle on what's actually happening.

Everybody were to come out and start doing it. Everybody would join in and then these people would be completely exposed. That could have happened four years ago. We could not even be here. But because we have people in this country that lack the moral fortitude to stand on their fucking words and say, hey, this is not right.

Like that gentleman that we featured last week who went in front of Congress from the FBI and said, "Hey, this is what's happening. They're not going to reel this in. They're out of control." That needs to be happening from everywhere the corruption is. All of us, every single person who considers themselves an American or a patriot, you have to look at what's going on in your own situation and tell the fucking truth.

Because if you don't, these people are going to push you to the edge and then they're going to take everything from you. Everything. Yeah, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. That's where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. It'll get one of those two options. I thought this one was pretty funny.

Talk about some badass kids, but the right thing coming out at the end. Our thumbs up at Dumb as Fuck headline reads, alleged flash mob kids busted by own parents in 7-Eleven robberies.

All right, let's see it. So in Hollywood, parents who made the difficult decision to turn their children over to the Los Angeles Police Department after discovering their involvement in a series of disruptive flash mob robberies at multiple 7-Eleven stores are receiving widespread praise. Tiffany Brown, a local resident, expressed her support for the parents' actions. Quote, they did the right thing because if you don't stop them young, they could go pretty far with it, she said.

At Tuesday's LAPD commission meeting, Assistant Chief Blake Chow confirmed that several parents surrendered their teens to police stations on September 26th, 28th, and 29th in connection with the flash mob robberies.

Quote, on September 29th, another parent turned their child in, and that juvenile was also booked for robbery, Assistant Chief Chow. Erica, a community member, echoed the sentiment. Quote, the parents totally did the right thing by turning their kids in. You've got to teach them young about what's right and what's wrong. Licensed, clinical. You should be teaching them before they're old enough to rob a 7-Eleven. Oh, shit.

Licensed clinical psychologist Dr. David Swanson suggested that these parents likely acted out of desperation, knowing they had just lost control of their kids. Quote, when your kids are riding bikes, running into stores, stealing stuff, it's clear you don't have a handle on the situation, Swanson said. These parents may fear that if this behavior continues, it could escalate into more serious crimes leading to prison time.

Here is a clip of those robberies here. So this was blasted all over social media and then I guess the parents of these, there's been quite a few of them, recognized little badasses and turned their asses into the police.

And so that's into the L a the article continues saying the LAPD continues to ask for public assistance and identifying other teens involved. Quote, even if you're young and think this is something fun to do with friends, it's wrong. Erica said, it's better that parents reinforce that at home where you learn, uh, where you first learn what's right and wrong. The teens were released back to the parents custody. Dr. Swanson added as, uh, that as minors, their records would be sealed when they reach adulthood. Uh,

He agrees it's better to address the issue now before it escalates. Andy, what do you got on this? A little parent accountability. I like to see it. Yeah, I love seeing it. But, I mean, this is why you got to beat your kids' asses sometimes instead of just fucking putting them in the corner or telling them, you know, whatever, dude. Like, you know, clearly...

For the last 20 years, the be a nice person and be your kid's best friend parenting strategy has fucking failed. Okay? This is what we see. We see this everywhere. It's happening everywhere. And yes, kudos to the parents who are...

taking accountability and saying, "Hey, this is wrong. I'm not with this." And teaching their kids a lesson. That's a huge deal. It needs to be happening across the board. What those parents are doing is the same thing I'm saying to everybody else in all the agencies,

and all the police departments, and all the sheriff's departments, and all the border patrol. You guys have to be standing on what you know is right, not what you are being told what to do. Because that money that you are afraid of losing is going to be gone anyway. So if we don't stand up now and blow the whistle on all of this shit, it's not going to matter anyway, guys.

So we need more of this. We need more people standing up, doing the right thing, doing what they know needs to be done and not sitting at home conflicted. And by the way, when you're an old man and you're getting ready to die, these situations that you refuse to speak up on are going to be the things that you regret for your entire life. Okay. Don't let that be you.

Part of the reason I do what I do and say what I say is because I don't want to be the person when I'm getting ready to kick it that has to say, fuck, dude, I was a pussy when it counted.

Was a pussy when it counted. I knew I should have said this I'm not gonna be that person no matter how hard it is, bro I'm not that's not what I'm gonna do and I I wish everybody would felt that way and would have some courage and stand up and talk about what is actually happening in some of these organizations that is corrupt that you see that cuz do lots of people see this shit I mean dude, we have a lot of people that reach out to us and they're like man You know, this is going on but I can't say anything you can say something and

Is it going to hurt? Is it going to be uncomfortable? Yeah, temporarily. But that temporary discomfort is going to bring long-term fulfillment and long-term benefit to you. Bro, you'll be a hero. Dude, not only to everybody else, but to yourself. At least, yeah. So, like, guys, we have to start telling the truth. And I will say this. Our audience has woken up, all right? Like,

compared to even two years ago or a year ago, now I'm seeing it everywhere. All right. And I think that's great. Uh, but guys, you, the guys in authority, they, these guys have to start standing up and speaking truth, man, you know, and otherwise the rest of the country is going to fall. Yep. Turn those tyrants in bro. Yeah. Turn them in. And, and I think these parents are, they're, they're what parenting is supposed to be, you know, uh,

You know, when I was a kid, dude, I got my ass beat. That's real talk. Like, you know, people hear that and they're like, oh, well, you know, that's abuse. No, it's not fucking abuse. I learned what the fuck to do and what not to do. I learned what happened and there were repercussions if I did things that were wrong.

And these kids these days don't learn that because they have all these feel-good, do-good people in the world that are saying, oh, you can't ever do this or you can't punish them this or you'll cause this. This is what happens with that parenting strategy. This is what happens. You end up with kids robbing stores. You end up with kids walking down the street punching random people in the face. You end up with kids cutting off their private parts and mutilating themselves because they have no fucking leadership at home.

Has to change so I appreciate what these parents are doing But reality is you can't wait till they're 16 years old start doing it. Yeah, it's true So it's a it's a good start. It's a good start. What's this flash mob? Okay? I you know what bro where to fucking do these people have find the time to do this shit with the flash mob so you have this flash robs any of it, you know

Yeah. Like you got too much time. You should be doing something, bro. Like if you're, if you're meeting up to do a flash mob dance or whatever, like, and then you're complaining about why your life's not turning out. It's because you're spending time doing dumb shit. Doesn't mean anything. I mean, have you, have you seen one in person, like a flash mob in person? I've seen one in my life.

You probably did it. Well, I wouldn't know. I wasn't a part of it. Look, look, look. I'm not trying to be the Scrooge, all right? The shit's kind of fun. I get it. But I'm just saying, man, my point is that people spend too much time on shit that doesn't matter and too little time on shit that does matter. And that's why our country is fucked up. That's fair. That's real. That's real. Well, guys, Andy, that's all I got, man. All right, guys. That's the show. We'll see you again tomorrow. Don't be a hoe. Show the show.

went from sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze fuck a bowl fuck a stove counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her on bankroll can't fold just a note headshot case closed