cover of episode 782. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump Supporters Experience Unexplained Near Blindness, Kamala Harris Assault Weapons Ban & Full List Of 158 Democrats Who Voted Against Sex Crime Ban On Immigrants

782. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump Supporters Experience Unexplained Near Blindness, Kamala Harris Assault Weapons Ban & Full List Of 158 Democrats Who Voted Against Sex Crime Ban On Immigrants

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andy Purcell 和 DJ Cruz 讨论了特朗普支持者在图森集会后出现的不明原因的视力损伤,以及对此事件的不同解释。他们还讨论了对特朗普的两次暗杀未遂事件,并质疑特勤局的安全措施和政府对此事件的回应。他们认为,这些事件可能并非偶然,而是蓄意行为。 Andy Purcell 和 DJ Cruz 详细分析了针对特朗普的暗杀未遂事件,并对特勤局的安全措施提出了质疑。他们认为,在高尔夫球场发生的第二次暗杀未遂事件中存在安全漏洞,并且政府可能故意隐瞒了相关信息。他们还讨论了盖茨议员关于五个已知暗杀小组的声明,并表达了对政府应对这些威胁能力的担忧。

Deep Dive

Andy and DJ discuss the rising popularity of slap fighting, its potential dangers, and how much money they would need to participate. They debate whether to fight one Andy-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized Andys and discuss a listener's experience with a lube wrestling competition.
  • Power Slap is a reality TV show about slap fighting.
  • Dana White is a major proponent of slap fighting.
  • Slap fighters can earn between $2,000 and $45,000 per fight.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Trump supporters experiencing unexplained near blindness and temporary eye injuries following the Tucson rally, Kamala Harris saying they're not taking anyone’s guns but still wanting to ban AR-15s, and the full list of the 158 Democrats who voted against the sex crime ban on Immigrants.