cover of episode 781. Andy & DJ CTI: Alleged Assassin Knew Trump's Schedule, Diddy Makes A Promise & 14 Dead As Walkie-Talkies Explode

781. Andy & DJ CTI: Alleged Assassin Knew Trump's Schedule, Diddy Makes A Promise & 14 Dead As Walkie-Talkies Explode

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andy和DJ讨论了针对特朗普的两次暗杀未遂事件,对事件的调查难度、特勤局的作为、以及媒体报道中的偏见和不实信息表示担忧。他们认为,在两次事件中都存在着一些可疑之处,例如嫌疑人如何得知特朗普的行程安排,以及特勤局是否在保护特朗普方面存在失职甚至故意纵容。他们还批评了某些媒体对事件的报道存在明显的偏见和谎言,并指出这些报道试图转移公众对真正问题的关注。 Andy和DJ还讨论了对RFK Jr.的调查,认为这可能是政治迫害。他们认为,公众的注意力被故意转移到一些无关紧要的事情上,而对真正影响人们生活的重大问题却视而不见。他们呼吁公众关注真正的问题,并对执法机构和媒体的失职进行追责。

Deep Dive

The Martin County Sheriff questions how the alleged assassin knew Trump's schedule, especially since it was a last-minute addition. This raises concerns about a potential conspiracy or inside information leak, especially considering the previous assassination attempt and the Secret Service's assurance of securing the building in Butler County, Pennsylvania.
  • Sheriff questions how the assassin knew Trump's last-minute golf schedule.
  • Concerns raised about potential conspiracy or inside information leak.
  • Secret Service's assurance of building security in previous incident questioned.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss the Martin County Sheriff speculating how alleged Assassin knew Trump’s schedule, Diddy making a bizarre promise as he begs the judge to be let out of jail, and at least 14 dead as walkie-talkies and solar panels explode across Lebanon