cover of episode 780. Andy & DJ CTI: Second Trump Assassination Attempt, ABC Whistleblower & Sean 'Diddy' Combs Forcing Victims Into 'Freak Off' Sex Sessions With Male Prostitutes

780. Andy & DJ CTI: Second Trump Assassination Attempt, ABC Whistleblower & Sean 'Diddy' Combs Forcing Victims Into 'Freak Off' Sex Sessions With Male Prostitutes

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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Andy Frisella
DJ Cruz
Andy Frisella:就自己之前的言论道歉,承认自己犯了错,并表示会继续支持执法人员。他反思了自己的言行,并对由此给女性警官带来的伤害表示歉意。他强调自己并非故意轻视女性警官,只是因为缺乏经验和同理心。他呼吁听众给予女性警官更多尊重和理解,并表示自己会从这次事件中吸取教训,努力成为更好的人。 DJ Cruz: 对Andy Frisella的道歉表示赞赏,并称赞他勇于面对错误,而不是逃避责任。他认为在当今社会,这种坦诚和担当非常难得,也值得大家学习。他同时呼吁社会更多地关注和理解执法人员的辛劳和付出。 DJ Cruz: 赞扬Andy Frisella勇于面对错误,并表示社会需要更多这种敢于承担责任的行为。他认为Andy Frisella的道歉是真诚的,并且他从这次事件中吸取了教训。他同时表达了对社会上一些负面现象的担忧,并呼吁大家要理性思考,不要被情绪左右。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, guys? It's Andy Frisella, and this is the show for the realest. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness.

delusions of our society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have Andy and DJ Cruz the motherfucking internet that's we're gonna do that's what CTI stands for Cruz the internet is where we put the news the funny topics up on the day we cruise the internet and we talk about what's going on in the world we speculate on what's true and what's not true and then we talk about how we the people the citizens what we can do to solve these problems going on in the world now other times when you

When you watch and listen to the show, we're going to have Q&AF. That's where you submit questions and we give you the answers. Now, you can submit your questions a couple different ways. The first way is... Guys, you can email these questions into askandy at Or you go on YouTube in the Q&AF episodes, drop your question in the comments, and we'll choose some from there as well. Other times, we're going to have real talk. Real talk is just 5 to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk.

uh which is basically you know a lesson or a little rant or what i think is going on or something i think you need to hear and then we have 75 hard verses that's where people who have completed the 75 hard program come on the show they talk about their experience talk about how they were before how they were after and how they use 75 hard to get control their life now if you're unfamiliar with the live hard program the 75 hard program the 75 hard program is the initial phase of the live hard program and the entire program

can be gotten for free at episode 208 on the audio feed, all right? You can also get the book. The book is called The Book on Mental Toughness. It's available at It contains the entire Live Hard program plus 10 in-depth chapters on mental toughness, a bunch of case studies on some very famous people who've used mental toughness to become the famous people that you recognize, all right? You get that at

Now we do things a little different here for you first timers. We don't run ads on the show. You're going to notice that at all. We're probably the biggest show in the world that doesn't run ads. In fact, I know we are. Um,

We don't run ads because I don't want to take money and then be told what I can and can't do. I am a believer of free speech. I'm a believer of saying what we think. I think everybody should be saying what they think. And that's why we do that. So for us to get the show out, we need your help. Now, you guys know we're talking about real stuff, controversial things.

And we constantly deal with, you know, the internet stuff, censorship, shadow bands, traffic throttling, all that good stuff. So we need your help to get the show out. All right. That means we ask very simply if the show makes you laugh, if you think it's valuable, if it makes you think, if it gives you a new perspective, if it's entertaining, whatever you think, if it's valuable, please help us grow the show. All right. We got this little thing we like to say here goes like this. Don't be a hoe. Share the show. All right. What's going on, dude?

Oh, not much, man. Just working through the week. Yeah, it's been a long, interesting weekend. Yeah, it has, man. You know, I really fucked up. As you guys know, I made some comments last Thursday's podcast that I quite honestly just didn't fucking mean. And, you know, it's interesting because I think we've all done that. I think we've all said things we don't mean in certain environments, but...

You know That usually happens at like work or in the bathroom or at a party when you had a little too much to drink And uh, it doesn't happen in front of the whole world. So it's been a it's been a interesting experience. Um It's been a learning experience, you know, I spent a lot of time the last few days being Honestly, very disappointed in myself, you know these these people who i've supported for 20 plus years a lot of them are very upset with me and rightfully so and um

It's been hard, man, because these are people that I've tried to support my entire life, my entire career. And it just hurts, dude. You know what I'm saying? You know, but but but with that being said, I will say, you know, I know you guys are upset. I know a lot of you guys are upset.

I have had a lot of really good conversations. I've met some really cool people. In fact, I met a couple women officers who have had, you know, violent experiences as female officers. I did a podcast called the Five-0 Podcast with Haley. You guys can check that out if you want to check that out. You know, after talking to them, there's a lot of things I just didn't realize, man, you know, because I don't look at

I don't look at women officers and think like, okay, I don't have to listen to them contrary to what it might've sounded like. And I, after talking with them, you know, it was crazy to hear like how, uh, resistant men are to their authority in general. And, um, that made me feel real bad, especially because, you know, I know you guys have a lot of, we have a lot of young men that listen to the show and, you know, uh,

One thing I thought about over the weekend that never really occurred to me is that you know, i've never had kids I'm, not that that didn't occur to me. But you know, i've never had kids and usually when people have kids They start to realize that the weight of their words carry a little more weight with people and uh

Think I was delayed and really realizing that cuz like guys I don't think I'm a big deal, bro. I go here I go home. I do the podcast. I know it's a big show, but like I'm just a normal dude You know what I'm saying? And I don't think of myself as some fucking like contrary to what some of you guys may think some fucking you know Celebrity internet select whatever fuck you want to say I don't think of myself like that and so because I don't do anything outside of here you know, I I

Sometimes I forget that there's so many people listening and so many people that carry the weight of the words and that was pointed out to me a number of times and I just want to say directly to you young guys and men in general, like, listen, dude, these women go through a lot of shit to do that job. And after speaking with them, I know firsthand, which I didn't before, you know, because I'm not a cop and I'm not a woman. I only have my own perspective, which was skewed by one interaction that was very,

you know frustrating for me and um I just want to say to you guys like if you listen to me and you look up to me and you know we we do a lot of humorous shit and we make a lot of jokes and we talk a lot of shit here and that's not going to change but I want you to understand like that shit ain't fucking cool like dude it is very hard for these women to go out put on that fucking uniform and

Have to deal with people in the worst Situations of probably their life, you know people who are drunk people who are high people are in these violent situations or dramatic situations and uh, you know It's harder for them than it is for a big physical specimen man. And uh, my point in all this is guys

Give them some grace, dude. Listen to them. When they tell you to do shit, fucking do it. And don't take my 10-second clip and think that, like, that's the way it is. It's not fucking cool. Yeah, bro, it's not fucking cool. And it's something that I'm super disappointed in myself for even letting slip out of my mouth. You know, sometimes I get...

Emotional sometimes I get verbally lazy, you know, we record thousands and thousands of hours of audio and dude You know, that was just a really really poor bad horrible thing to come out of my mouth and uh I feel really bad about it, dude Because like these are my fucking people dude. A lot of these guys are my friends They're people i've known for years. They're people I you know fucking drink beer with or play softball with back in the day you know, and um, i'm just sorry dude, like I don't want to make this a long apology, but like

I know I fucked up and I feel like shit about it. And, you know, I'm very hard on myself. And for those of you, you know, I've seen a lot of the comments and a lot of the tags, you know, saying that you don't think I actually mean it. Dude, come on, man.

I've been doing this for 20 years. It's not like I haven't been speaking up pro-law enforcement this entire time. It's not like I haven't been doing things for the law enforcement the entire time. That wasn't fake. That wasn't bullshit. And by the way, no matter how upset you guys might be with me, I'm going to continue to do everything I did before because it's important to me. And it's important to me that we appreciate the people who do these difficult jobs in society, which if you listen to the show for any amount of time, I talk about regularly.

Um, these people should be way more appreciated and way more paid for what they do. And, uh, I'm sorry for minimizing that, man. Like it was just a very bad moment for me. So, um, well, listen, I've been knowing you for some years now. Yeah. I know you. Yeah. I like to believe so. Well, you're with me 18 hours a day. A lot of time with you. Yeah. And, uh,

I'm proud of you, dude, because I look up to you like a big brother. You know what I'm saying? And I know who you are as a man. I'm proud of you that instead of trying to do what I think most people would have done in this situation where it's- Grushing under. Sweeping under the rug. No, you're facing it head on, man. And that's real man shit. Well, and I think, dude, I think also, I think we need more of that. You know what I'm saying? We need more of that shit in society. I like to stand on what I say. That's the nature of what we do here, right? When I say shit, I'll stand on it.

But if I say something that's fucked up, I think it's important that we all own those things. You know what I'm saying? Like, even if it's just in a social setting or a party, it's just a good way to live. And I think...

You know, I think we, you know, you younger guys, especially like, don't be afraid to like own your shit. I know you see me getting fucking blasted, but dude, look, you know, I said some hurtful shit. You know, sometimes when you apologize, it's going to take a minute for people to ever, you know, listen to you or feel better because you did something. And, um, but don't ever be afraid of that, dude, because at the end of the day, dude, I think this life is about you.

you know, did you do the right thing, you know, and whether or not other people, you know, accept it or believe it or whatever, you got to live with yourself. And that was one of these, you know, this was one of these situations for me. You know, I've disappointed a lot of my friends who I've known for years and years and years, dude. And it just, you know,

I'm just not proud of myself right now. I think at the end of this year, you'll be coming out of this a better man. Yeah. Oh, dude, I already am. I've already had like so much more perspective and so many more, you know, thought processes and honestly realizations about myself, especially like the thing with the words carrying weight, you know, and I want to clarify that for you guys, bro. Like if I'm fucking, you know, like know the difference between when I'm joking around or, you know, saying something serious and like,

I don't know. I just don't want my words to negatively affect society or put people in a more dangerous situation. And yeah, that's about it, dude. Yeah. What's going on with you? Oh, I got a birthday party this week. Yeah? Yeah, I got my oldest. She's turning four. I mean, to your point. No way. Yeah, we've always crazy.

it's crazy but i mean but to your point man it's like it's one of those things like it is a different perspective because like i see her mimicking me yeah mimicking the thing yeah alex does and so i mean it's definitely a different perspective i didn't worry about that before yeah you know what i'm saying yeah i get that man and it's different too dude when you like like people say how do you not think about that when you when you run companies or whatever right

Well, they're paid. That's a different. Yeah, that's a different thing. And it's a whole different ballgame. Yeah. I can't believe Ryan's four. It's crazy. It's crazy. It seems like she was just here. Yeah. Just came out. Yeah, I know. I know, man. It's fucking wild, man. So I'll be. What kind of party you guys doing? It's a rodeo Barbie. So I don't know. Rodeo Barbie. I don't know if I'm Ken or the bull. I'm not sure yet. We'll figure it out. But yeah, man, let's get into these headlines.

This first story, I didn't really know where to put this. I just thought this was interesting, you being of an older demographic. Oh, thanks. What? Yeah. No, I'm just, you have a different perspective of things. Yeah, you see how I'm getting extra gray here? You are. Well, that's because I'm letting it grow. When I keep it short, it looks darker, but when I let it grow, it turns into this dark.

Sean Connery shit. Yeah. Which I don't like Wolverine. I like it. Yeah. Anyway, but of the older gender graphic, you've seen like this, you know, like I only like all my phones always look like this. Right. So you have different technology or I've had different technology, but I thought this was crazy. I don't really know where to put this. Not really sure what it means, but did you see this hundreds of Hezbollah fighters wounded as their pagers suddenly explode in their pockets?

- Have you ever had a pager? - I did. - That's what I'm saying. - Yeah. - That's what I'm saying. - See, you don't know nothing about pagers, bro. Like you used to, there was a code with pagers. - A code? - Yeah, so like it wasn't just you put the number in and call the person back. You could text with pagers

Like, you know how on the buttons of a phone it has like ABC one TTY or that's called. Yeah. No, it wasn't TTY. But you would you know how like on a phone key it has like ABC underneath it. You know what I'm saying? DEF on the next one. You would type the word out in code and then you would have to like try to figure out what what it meant. You remember that Joe? Just seeing like fucking numbers. Yes. You're seeing random numbers, but you had to like figure out the code. Eight zero zero eight. Yeah. That sounds for boobies.

Yeah, 7734. Yeah, but there's like, we used to talk in the code. Yeah. Like we would. That's crazy. Yeah. You know what 7734? No. Turn it upside down, think about it. 77, oh, yeah. Remember we had to do that, like you would turn it upside down. 403, huh? 403. Don't be a 403. Boobies is 8008135. See that?

Sick, you still got it? Yeah, but see, I wasn't sending those texts in high school because nobody was showing me the boobies. But yeah, bro, but like, I mean, fuck. I mean, like, again, like, you know, I'm not a third world country, right? But like, I mean, different countries experience different ports of technology, right, and access. And so apparently Hezbollah fighters are used pagers still. But dude, like, a lot of, like, all of them, like, suddenly exploded simultaneously, right? Like,

When did this happen today? It just fucking happened. Yeah, man. So hundreds of Hezbollah terrorists were seriously wounded on Tuesday when the pagers they used to communicate exploded around their belts and pockets. The officials claiming a hacking attack by Israel triggered the blast.

Hezbollah officials confirmed the wide range attack on its operatives, including fighters and medics, with one member speaking on the condition of anonymity, calling it, quote, the biggest security breach since it began its daily attacks on Israel on October 8th.

There's videos that were uploaded to social media. They show several incidents where seemingly unaware men had devices in their pockets blow up with the victims crying in pain as bystanders ran away. One such video shows a man shopping at a local grocery store. I saw this. I didn't see the sound of it, but I saw this happen. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah, bro. Check this clip out. Oh, my God.

But the devices were all detonated. How do they do that, bro? So can they do that with our cell phones? That's what I'm... Listen, bro. Listen. These are lithium batteries. That's what I'm saying. Can they just send a code and blow us up with our phones?

That would suck, man. Bro. I think if that were the reality, it would have already happened to me. But yeah, they're saying through the use of malware, the devices could see their lithium batteries overheat and explode. One Hezbollah official told the Wall Street Journal that some members felt their pages heat up and disposed of them before they detonated.

But as of right now, at the time of recording, at least nine people are dead from it. 2,800 people. Wow, that actually killed people. Oh, yeah. Dang. Oh, yeah. 2,800 people were injured after the pages exploded across Lebanon. There's a few pictures of the aftermath of what it looked like.

Oh, man. Your discretion is obviously advised. But, dude, it's just fucking wild, man. Yeah. To think that that's where we're at with technology. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And so it's like... Well, bro, you know the 5G shit that these guys talk about, right? And I don't know what to think because I have a hard time believing anything now or...

Dude, I have a hard time believing anything at surface level at all. Yeah, everything has some, like there's some deep. Yeah, bro. But like if you're watching those videos on like the nanotech and the 5G, like actually signaling the nanoparticles to reassemble in someone's body and then killing them. No. Oh, dude. Back when the vaccine, you know, hysteria was at its height. There was a bunch of videos out from people, you know, and they seem a little out there. Yeah. But, uh.

That were saying like that they could use 5G technology to stimulate the nanoparticles that are inside the vaccine to reassemble and cause death. So they could hypothetically target you because each vaccine has a serial number. They could specifically target you if they wanted to kill you. That's crazy. Yeah, through a cell phone tower. That's crazy. Yeah, man.

I don't know how, I think it's probably some bullshit, but it sounds like bullshit, but fuck who knows. That's what I'm saying. I mean, like, how do all, I mean, you're telling me, okay, like maybe there was a, you know, something wrong with a couple of them. You know what I'm saying? Like there was a manufacturing defect or something like that. But we're talking almost, you know, 2,800 fucking people. Yeah. And that's just the ones that, you know, didn't dispose of it before it exploded. Yeah. I mean, that is a coordinated attack.

I don't know how they did it, but obviously there's some capabilities that are out there that exist. They can do it with pagers from what year was that you had your pager?

Probably like 97. They're not even making those no more. Yeah, like 96, 97. Are they still making pagers like today? Yeah, they still make them for like doctors. Oh, okay. I can see that. Well, maybe, yeah. I don't know. Either way, bro, it's some scary shit. Yeah. Just be walking around with a fucking explosive in your pocket. Yeah. You know? So yeah, guys, let us know what you guys think about those exploding pagers. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to...

Let's get to our headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, videos, go to You guys can find them all linked there for you. That's what that means. Headline number one. Gotta talk about it. Trump's second assassination attempt. This is wild. Yeah, man. Dude, this is wild. All right. Which you also, there was a little Andy Thomas there for you. Was it three weeks ago, two weeks ago? We called this out. Yeah, I mean, we weren't the only ones, but I mean, I don't even think this will be the last one. Yeah.

But yeah, so let's talk about it. Law enforcement responds after another assassination attempt on Donald Trump. So former President Donald Trump is safe.

His law enforcement response to West Palm Beach, Florida, after what the FBI now says was an apparent second assassination attempt against Trump this year. Trump, who survived a gunshot wound in Butler, Pennsylvania, at a rally in mid-July, was golfing on his course in West Palm Beach on Sunday. Law enforcement officials apparently encountered a man who had attempted to assassinate Trump there.

There are conflicting details. It has been a couple of days. This was Sunday morning when this happened. Reports are pouring out from officials and unofficial sources, but Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., said on social media that an AK-47 was smuggled

into the bushes on the golf course. There are other reports that the man had also smuggled a GoPro camera, presumably to film an effort to do so. Now, in response, on September 15th, Trump's campaign issued this statement.

I'm saying, quote, there were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first. I am safe and well. Nothing will slow me down. I will never surrender. I will always love you for supporting me. Unity, peace, make America great again. May God bless you. All right. Now they have somebody in custody at the time of this recording. And that man is a man by the name of Ryan Wesley Rolfe.

He's the alleged gunman at the Trump Golf Club. He's a 58-year-old man. He's accused of pointing an AK-47 at former President Donald Trump on Sunday afternoon. Has a prolific arrest record that spans several decades.

Ryan Ruth was arrested shortly after the incident at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Authorities said Secret Service agents fired at him after seeing the muzzle of his AK-47 pointing through a chain link fence one hole ahead of where Trump was playing. Authorities are treating the episode as an apparent assassination attempt on Trump. A background check on the name given by officials, Ryan Wesley Roth, revealed that he currently lives in Hawaii.

And has faced dozens of run-ins with police, stretching back to at least the 1990s. He's a native of North Carolina, which...

Where he his list of arrests includes simple drug possession, driving without a license, expired inspection and operating a vehicle with no insurance. In addition, the Greensboro News and Record reported that in 2002, Routh was arrested after barricading himself in his roofing company's office during a three hour standoff that followed a traffic stop in which he had put his hand on a gun before fleeing.

All right. Now, there was a lot of speculation. You mean he put his hand on an officer's gun? On his gun and then pulled off. Oh, okay. Now, there was a lot of speculation. I think it's important to call out, you know, like, it's real as fuck here. We talk about the truth, right? And while there are, you know, speculations and allegations we may push out, it is important that we, you know, clear any bullshit that comes up. So it's been rumored that he was like a Ukraine foreign fighter. That is all since the time of this recording has been debunked.

I'm confident in that the ruling on that. Now, something that is interesting that I do want to point out. Let's go to CNN. OK, CNN, one of their the journalists, their news anchors is a woman by the name of Caitlin Collins. OK, and she has her own little segment on CNN called The Source.

which appears weeknights at 9 p.m. Eastern time. She tweeted this out. Okay. And this was shortly after the assassination attempt. She says, quote, U.S. intelligence officials recently briefed Trump's campaign about new indications that Iran was planning to escalate attacks on the former president and those around him. Multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN at this point, there is no indication that the intelligence is related to the second assassination attempt against Iran.

on Trump on Sunday, the sources said. The intelligence briefing given in recent days related to potential physical and cybersecurity attacks, adding to the overall elevated security threat against Trump. So immediately, Iran's names get put in this, right? But who is this guy?

Was it Iran? Let's dive into it. We got some facts for you guys. A picture of his home shows a truck outside that has a Biden-Harris sticker on it. There's his house. There's a truck zooming in on it. Biden-Harris campaign sticker. Yeah. He actually donated 19 times to Democrats. Act Blue, right? Act Blue. All of Act Blue. And that's listed out here as well. So was it really Iran, Kalen? I don't think so.

Well, they started trying to craft that narrative right after the first one. A long time ago. The problem is, though, there is a lengthy history. It's not Iran. It's these progressive lefts. And it's documented. It's well documented. We go to Jasmine Crockett, right? Where just before this happened, she goes on with Jen Psaki. This is what she had to say. Now, again, this is before the Trump assassination, but just listen to the narratives that they push. Here's one of the things. Donald Trump loves to say things such as,

They're illegal, right? Every time he talks about an immigrant, he makes it seem as if they have done something nefarious. And it's not true. Just because they are immigrants does not mean that there's anything illegal about them. And what is so wild to me is that they never think about the fact that

that they literally have children of immigrants. Donald Trump is married to an immigrant as well as JD Vance. Your children are children of immigrants and you are going out and attacking other immigrants every chance that you get. And honestly, again, it just comes down to basic decency in this country. I think the reason that you're seeing the polling that you see

and Iowa is because people are waking up to the fact that we can't live this way. This can't be the guy that is supposed to protect us when it comes to people that are coming out against us. This is the same guy that could not say on that debate stage that he wanted Ukraine to win. He could not do that. This guy doesn't understand who our friends are, and he also doesn't understand who we are as a nation, which we are a country of immigrants and the demonization of any

Any group of people, whether it's black folk and saying, you know what, we need to go out and make sure that officers have immunity to just go ahead and kill them criminally. Or whether we're talking about those that he says, oh, all of the Hispanics that are coming in, they're going to rape your children. Listen, the problem isn't the people coming in. The problem is this guy and his people here that are doing the bomb threats throughout our country. Domestic terrorism is a real thing. And he is the guy that stokes it.

When was this? This was Sunday. This is after or before? Right before. That might be the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. Like, literally, I've heard some dumb shit, and we all know I've said some dumb shit. That's some dumb shit right there. That is some dumb shit. Bro. Okay? Like...

There is a big difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration. How much shit did you have to go through to become an American citizen? A lot of shit. Like what'd you have to do? I had to take a test. I had to pay a bunch of money. I had to wait around. Wait around. Are you going through that Zeeshan? No, I'm done with that. But the same exact thing. Spend thousands of dollars, a lot of paperwork and wait a couple of years for this. So that's the legal way of becoming an immigrant. And she's correct.

America is built on the children of immigrants, but it's not built on the children of illegal immigrants. And just because you don't know the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration doesn't mean like...

- Listen, that statement is so dumb, it's hard for me to comprehend. - She knows the difference between legal and illegal immigration. - I would say it will boil the blood of every immigrant who has come here legally, spending thousands of dollars, not only for themselves, but for their significant others, for their families, and to hear that she's comparing criminals and illegal people who come here to legal immigration, it's absurd, idiotic, and...

borderline just crazy. There we go. From the man himself. I was going to say some other word, but I said it for crazy. Yeah. Yeah, man. And so like that was before, uh, surely, uh,

Just before the second assassination attempt. But what were they saying after it? Let's go to Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat House leader. Hakeem Jeffries under fire for his tweet following assassination attempt on Trump. This is what he had to say. Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump's Project 2025. We must stop them. We must stop them. How so? That's right. How?

Did you see that tweet Trump put out where he listed all the things that they said? Yeah, bro. That's what I'm saying. He went date by date by date by date and said all the aggressive statements that they said about he's a threat to democracy, the country's going to end, et cetera, et cetera. Hakeem has been getting fucking destroyed. This is just a few of those comments. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Dude, because this was just after the fucking assassination attempt.

Like, yeah, that's an hour. Yeah. Okay. Um, this kind of rhetoric caused another assassination attempt on president Trump. Shut the fuck up. Fuck all the way off. Um, I mean, I mean, it just keeps going. It goes and goes. Um,

And then not only that, you got Hillary Clinton saying that Donald Trump's a danger to our country and the world just one day after the second assassination trip. So this just came out today, but this happened yesterday. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that Donald Trump is, quote,

a danger to our country and the world. Just one day after the gunman was foiled, uh, in his bid to shoot former president, uh, 2016 democratic presidential nominee made the remark during an interview, uh, with MSNBC primetime host, Rachel Maddow. Here's the clip. And boosting Trump back in 2016. But I also think there are Americans who are, uh, engaged in, uh, this kind of propaganda, uh,

And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence. Wow, it sounds like communism. So whatever happened to the freedom of speech, whatever happened to being able to say what you believe without repercussions, that is the point of communism.

This whole entire country. Okay. And what I mean by without repercussions, I don't mean not making people mad. I mean, legal repercussions like putting them in jail. Right. Okay. There are always repercussions to what people say. We know that. But, you know, she is on TV openly calling for the arrest and imprisonment of people that post quote unquote misinformation. Well, who decides what misinformation is? Right.

Do the people that arrest people, are they also the same people that get to decide what misinformation is? Is it her definition of misinformation? Because misinformation is an opinion, all right?

Well, it's become that. It's become an opinion. Yeah, because we've removed all factual logic from society. Right. I mean, do we arrest the people that were saying that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were not safe therapeutics? Do we arrest those people for misdemeanor? Well, hold on. Under her thing, they would have been arrested when they said that, and then it would have come out to be that they did help. Right.

Right like right dude. This is just a totalitarian communist tactic And this is what it's like in other countries guys like in a lot of other countries across the world and if you guys are old enough you remember like our parents and our teachers telling us hey

In China, or this is what they used to say when I was in school, they would say, "Hey, in China, man, you can't say what you want to say. You can't criticize the government. They'll arrest you." And that was one of the fundamental basis points that they built value and pride in us as American citizens, as a young person. They would sit us down and they'd say, "Hey, you got to understand what this country's about. It's about this. We have freedom of speech. This is why it's such a big deal and other places don't have it. And now we don't have it."

Well, according to her, you know, and this is the danger guys. Like I know there's a lot of people that, you know, think this is normal political ebbs and flows and, and,

But this is where we're at. We're at a fork in the road where we're either going to go and be more free or we're going to become a communist country that's run by people like her. Who gives her the right to make decisions like this? Who gives these people the right to rule over us? Right. Isn't it weird how they all seem to have this predetermined,

Preordained. Preordained destiny of there are rulers. Like, it's really bizarre. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy, man. But as of right now, Mr. Routh...

You know, the charges have come out for him. He's already had an arraignment, his first appearance in court where he was smiling and laughing in the courtroom. No way. Oh, yeah. The hearing was only eight minutes long and he was charged with two counts. One was possession of a firearm while being a convicted felon. And the other one was a possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

So what many people call ghost guns or whatever they deface the serial number so it's untrackable. Yeah, that was the AK-47 that was found in the bushes now

A lot of interesting things around this topic. Okay. One thing that I did find interesting is because I don't believe any of this stuff happens by accident. Yeah. Obviously, you know, we just talked about it. Trump's posted on his, on his page, you know, the, the pages of times where these people have pushed and made the subliminal call to actions for people to do exactly just like this. Now, is it deeper than that? I don't know. Did you see that, that time magazines cover that they pushed out?

Just a few days before the second assassination with him in the golf cart. Yeah. Yeah, I did. Dude, look, these are not coincidences. You think that's a coincidence that this comes out a few days before he's almost assassinating on the golf course? And then, you know, because it didn't go through, then they pull it down from all of their publications and remove it from their vault of all the things they have. You know, it's stuff like that or the fact this is probably the craziest fact. This is the fact.

The craziest thing about the situation is, okay, they're saying the guy was laying in the bushes for, you know, 12 hours. Okay. Okay. So 12 hours undetected. Cool. Here's my issue. Trump, that golfing that he was on was not a scheduled event, which most of his golf golfing events are right. It was not on the calendar that day. That was a last minute decision that he made to do.

How did Ryan Roth know that? Dude. To me, that's the biggest issue. CMN's even covering it. That is a big problem because that means someone that's close, close, close to him leaked his location of where they're going to be. And that means very close. So look, man.

If I was Trump, I'd remove everybody from around me. You got to re-wipe it, bro. Yeah. You got to wipe it all. You got to wipe it all and put brand new... Honestly, I don't even know if I would trust the government entity at that point. No. You might be better off with just choosing a private fucking company to do it. Well, dude, all the emperors that were... I mean, this is a common thing throughout history. Even there's...

People who know things about the JFK assassination that say he was shot by Secret Service from the backseat of the car right so You are from the front of the car, so I mean dude were you wanna hear something crazy? Oh, I know a lot of these Secret Service guys. They're fucking good dudes, bro

And of course, I mean, this is not a generalization, man, but like and obviously everybody's going to be entitled to their own opinions and their own political beliefs. And like just because you're serving the United States Secret Service does not mean that you don't have your own political belief. Right. And like at the end of the day, it's a job. You sign up to do it. Right. But like.

There is a problem here. Yeah. There is a problem here. Somebody is allowing these things to happen. And more than one person knows about it. They have to know. Yeah. It's not just one person that knows. But to your point about this Julius Caesar thing. Yeah. Yeah.

Even this by itself, and it's so crazy that you brought this up, but Julius Caesar, everybody knows he was the emperor of Rome and was killed by members of his own Senate. It's interesting, man, because if you go back to 2017, I don't know if you guys remember this, but I found this. Trump is Julius Caesar. There was a play that was put on in New York City.

It was Shakespeare in the park where instead of, you know, given the traditional, you know, Julius Caesar role and all of that. No, they had the guy dress up and he looked shockingly similar to Donald Trump and where he was stabbed by minorities and people in minority groups were the ones that killed him. And so, I mean, it's listen, dude, dude, society is getting way too extreme, dude, like way too extreme.

There needs to be action to correct this. You know, like how is this continued allowed to be happening over and over and over again? You know what I mean? Who knows? Like there's people that know this. For sure there's fucking people that know it. You know, and like my issue is, bro, like again, when you pull it back,

It's always coming from the same people. It's coming from the same side. It comes from the same small group of people. Small group of people. It's the Obama, the Clinton, the, you know, it's that little group of people. The Biden, the Michelle Obama, the George W. Bush. It's the cabal, bro. It's always the same. They've had power for the last 16, what is it, 16 years out of 20? You know what I mean? Dude.

It's wild. He has to wipe all of it, man. Like, there has to be a very dramatic change, bro, because if not, again, like, third time's a charm. I don't know. You know what I'm saying? Like, how do we know? We don't. But there is a mole in the fire. And then what happens then? What happens if they do kill him? Right. You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I think they're betting on them killing him and nobody doing anything about it. And then them just moving on with their plan. Yeah.

I don't know, man. Yeah, I don't know either, dude. It's very unsettling for sure. I mean, regardless of what your political beliefs are, I think we should all believe in the

the structure of the country. And I think we should all understand that, you know, sometimes people get their way. Sometimes we get our way and that's supposed to be a conversation. And we've drifted so far away from being able to have conversations with people instead of going straight to they're our enemy, right? If we have any disagreement with someone or if we have any dislike of someone or any preconceived notions of someone, we automatically think that they're the

opposite polar of us and dude what we find out usually is that they're not that different if we sit down and have some conversations and um you know i'm talking about the people i'm not talking about the the corrupt government you know we have to understand that dude if

We don't have a two party country or a multiple representation. We move into the category of dictatorship. You know, it's interesting that. Yeah, it's interesting that they keep saying Trump wants to be a dictator on day one. But the steps that they are taking are the steps of what a dictatorial regime would do. Right. Eliminate your enemies.

And fucking stay in power forever. You know what I mean? I mean, dude, like it's funny how they criticize Putin, but they behave just like them. They're doing worse. Yeah. And I don't even know if they what Putin does is what they tell us. If I'm being honest, they won't let it. They won't let his speeches be played. They won't let us hear what he says. And every time we hear what he says, it's pretty common sense that.

You know? Don't sound that crazy to me. No. So, you know, who knows, man? Here's my thing. Last little bit on this too. You know, it doesn't matter what side you're on. This shit's wrong. Yeah. And I think anybody, Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter. You can look at this and say, hey, something's wrong here. Yeah. There's a problem. And there should be more than just the typical headlines pushing to make change here. Yeah. Yeah.

And I do want to call out, we like to call out, you know, when people make, you know, great points and great statements. Did you see what Chris Cuomo had to say on this? No. Check this clip out. I don't get it. That's why I reached out to Trump. I wanted to just say, listen, I'm really sorry that this is going on and it's being dealt with this way. Not because I'm in favor of his politics or what he says. I criticize him all the time. That's my job and he deserves it. But he doesn't deserve this.

A guy pointing an AK-47 at him while he's playing golf? And we take solace in the fact that the guy didn't get any rounds off. If I had been through what that guy's been through in the last two months, you would not know where I am. You would never see me on TV again. No way I would do that. I don't know how he does it. He's got kids. They're adults, but he's got grandkids. He's got a wife. People giving crap to Melania Trump.

worrying about whether or not there was a plot around his husband. How could she not? People mock her? And then her husband has a guy pointed with an AK-47? Where are those people apologizing? That's what it's time for. We are playing a dangerous game with ourselves. He is not a despot in waiting, okay? I don't buy it. You gotta care when somebody tries to kill somebody. I can't hear what he's saying. Who the fuck edited that?

Jesus. I can find the clean. Whoever edited that should practice their skills, man. Anyway. He makes some great points. He does. The ones I could hear. They were great points. Yeah. No, you know what though? Like it's kind of weird. You know, Chris Como, like he flip-flops. You know, sometimes like all during COVID and all the way up until he was fired, he

He was the guy saying all of this aggressive shit towards Trump, right? And then now he's out of that. We see him go out and he says a couple things, and then he says something completely opposite. And then he says some other things, and then he says something completely opposite. And it's hard for me to watch that and wonder, like, is he saying that because he...

that Trump's going to get assassinated eventually and he doesn't want to look like he's complicit in it? Or is he saying it because he knows Trump's going to be in power and he doesn't want to be punished? Or is he saying it because he truly means it? You know, it came across as if he meant it. Yeah. You know, I hope he means it. You know, Cuomo says some shit sometimes that I do really agree with, but it's just like he's all over the place. The problem is you wait 10 minutes to say some shit. Yeah. I mean, dude, that's common sense message, man. That's how, you know, and real talk, like...

Even over the last few years, I've been overly aggressive sometimes, you know, like obviously our show is based in a lot of humor and extreme, you know, extreme, you know, dialogue. But.

You know we say that stuff sort of joking around right and these guys go on national television to say it very seriously and that's a that's a you know if you're someone at home and You're convinced from watching the media that the country is going to fail if we don't get rid of Trump and You're sitting there and you think like man I could be the hero I could save America you see what I'm saying and do we have a lot of people in our country

one You know who suffer from mental illness or lack purpose or lack relevancy and we don't have you know This is why a lot of these school shooters are doing this and they say so in their little manifestos So don't come at me with that's not why they want to be relevant dude And everybody lives in this world now where they feel unseen You know and we look at these people on the internet and we look at these people on TV and we don't think they're human beings you know, it's just a

It's just a very weird time, man. And I would really... We need real conversations, dude. You know what I'm saying? We need to stop this propagating of hate and aggressiveness towards this dude because they don't like him. You know what I mean? It shouldn't be... Yeah, I guess it's freedom of speech or whatever, but dude, when we start molding and being...

grooming so to speak these people that are at home you know like that's a different thing dude and if you're watching what they do it's very clear that it's propaganda and it is somewhat like mental grooming brainwashing whatever you call it if I if I was to say that I feel that Kamala Harris is a threat to our country and a threat to democracy I got FBI showing up at my door one of the question well I mean I think that's true statement but it is you know

What's the difference between what I think it's a true statement? I think it's a true statement because of what is happening by the evidence. We don't have evidence of Trump being a threat like that. You know, I think these people like Hillary Clinton and these people that put all this shit out, those people should be in jail, dude, for what they're doing because they're blatantly lying. They're blatantly cheating. Did you see the shit about the whistleblower for Kamala Harris's debate?

Oh, you got that? Okay. All right. See, I'm always ahead. I got you, baby. Yeah, man. This shit's wild, man. But guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know down what you guys think. What should happen to the people that are doing this on national TV? What should happen to the people who are calling for, you know, we got to stop them? Like, where do you, I want to know, like for real, I want to know where the temperature is with you guys. Like what should happen to these people because, or how should it be handled? Because like, dude,

Very clearly, one side can say and do whatever they want, and the other side can't. So what are we doing here? And only one side is producing some very negative actions. Yeah. Yeah. So let us know down in the comments, man. It's fucking, it's disturbing, dude. It's wild, bro. Yeah. I'm worried about what could happen for real. Real shit, man. Guys, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's go cruise some of the comments.

This first one comes from Richard, the 2A atheist. He says, well, I'll admit that I was skeptical, but Andy Fussella called it. Can't wait for the media to completely ignore this when it comes out. We got just that. And he retweeted this tweet from the black insurrectionists about the affidavit from the ABC whistleblower. We got that coming up just shortly, but I got you, Richard. We got you. This next one comes from Gluck.

0122, the audacity of white people to talk about immigration while standing on stolen land. Let it go like Elsa. Are you white? Me? Yeah. Half. I know. But are you? Yeah. Are you? You identify as white? We all talk about it. So it's not just white. So you guys can talk about it, but I can't talk about it. That's kind of like how it is in society right now. You know what I'm saying?

All of us can do it, just not white people. That's right. I don't think that as a white person. Everybody can say whatever they want except white people. I don't think that her as a white person should be able to talk about white people and not talk about it. I agree. That's a good point because it cancels each other out. You know what I'm saying? It's like one times zero. You know what I'm saying? What were you doing with your hand though there? We're pointing my, let's cancel each other out. That's the cancel signal. That's sign language. I learned that.

I just made it up. Yeah. All right. Yeah. That's the move, baby. You don't know this move? I don't know that move. It's only because you're young. I've never fucking seen that move. When you're older, you'll figure it out. This last one comes from at Indie Will Fitness. He says, Trump has a mugshot, many indictments, a couple of baby mamas, got shot, and inspired a rap song. That makes him blacker than Kamala and DJ. You guys are awesome. All right.

All right. Why did you put Andy on there? Wait. Because he knows. He knows. I got stabbed, bro. Is that what it is? Yeah. Manny, man. I got stabbed. I don't have any baby mamas. I haven't been shot. I've gotten shot at. I don't have any indictments. I don't have any mug shots either.

You know, you did inspire a rap song, though. I did. Oh, yeah, I did. A couple of people made. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's a couple. They're on the little Instagram music thing. I just haven't plugged it into my stories yet. You know, I love that. I feel like I'm really good at that.

My music selections on my Instagram stories are top notch. Pretty clean. Yeah, none of you guys can compete with that. That's real, man. Guys, we appreciate you for being Real Ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting. Make sure you guys are subscribed and hit that bell notification to stay up to date with the latest episodes coming out from Real AF. See, I bet if I went and got arrested and actually got shot...

I bet I could inspire some more rap songs. You know what I'm saying? Let's not do that. Yeah, let's not.

Guys, Andy, our second headline. Headline number two. This headline, it's not so much of a headline. This is independent media sources. Let's talk about it. So this gentleman who goes by DocNetYouTube or TheBlackInsurrectionist on Twitter has a great account, has a decent amount of followers there. It says, I am MAGA. Do not tell me I ain't black. No.

I wouldn't tell him shit He looks badass and he's mad there he does yeah anyway, so what's up? So this I have to give him credit so we talked about the debate is extensively the the debate on ABC with Donald Trump and Come Queen Harris we talked about this and You know we talked about how that

It was very hard for us to believe that she was not either pre-fed these notes. I know people saw the earring shit. We talked about this. And at the time, that was just our common sense. It was our speculation. But since then, the black insurrectionist on Twitter, you guys can check him out. He posted this on September 15th. Here are the six pages of the affidavit for easier sharing.

He says he made an error in the original posting where he duplicated page five. Says that I would also like to note that there are several pages after the verification page that were specifics about the job the whistleblower did and a transcript of the recordings he made. The transcripts were even worse than the affidavit. So this affidavit is the affidavit of an alleged whistleblower who works for ABC and

And mind you, the date on this affidavit is September 9th, 2024, the day before the debate actually happened.

Where he goes through, he lists out some things, you know, I have worked for ABC News for over 10 years in various technical and administrative positions. Since the acquisition of ABC News in 1996, I have observed significant transformations in the nature of news reporting at the organization. These changes suggest a shift from unbiased reporting to a model influenced by external factors. No shit. Yeah.

You know what's crazy, dude? Like before we get on... What's crazy is guys your age and people that are young, they don't know any different. They think...

that the way the news is now is the way that it always was. And everybody my age understands that. There's a big difference. Yes. Like back when I was, dude, back when I was young, 20 years old, they would report the fucking news, right? Like they would get on TV and they'd say, hey, this is what happened in this neighborhood. This is what happened in this neighborhood. Here's what's going on in Idaho. Here's what's going on in Florida. But now like it's become complete state indoctrination propaganda.

Like, complete. Like, bro, if you watch Fox News or CNN or MSNBC, how many of the stories are outside of politics? Very little. Okay. Well, isn't that weird that, you know, it used to be about everything going on, and now they become these massive channels of just political information, quote-unquote, shoved down people's throats 24-7? Yeah. On national and local. That's what I'm saying. Well, local's a little bit better, but...

You know, we still get the neighborhood stories and we still get the, you know, what's going on with the sports. Yeah, we still get that stuff at local news. I don't think the local news is the same as what, you know, we call MSM at the national level. I know it's not because I know the people. I know a lot of people in it. But yeah, dude, it's crazy. And it's crazy that young people will never know that the news used to be the news. Yeah. Yeah.

It's so crazy. But one of the fourth statement on this affidavit, and it's a six page document. We'll link this on the website for you guys to check on your own. But the fourth point says, quote, For the record, I do not endorse Donald Trump in his capacity as candidate for president of the United States. The intent of this affidavit is to address concerns regarding perceived biases within news reporting, within my employer's debate that will be hosted on September 10th, 2024.

Now, he goes on. There's a lot of interesting things that he makes in this affidavit. But saying one of the points, he says, observations pertaining to debate fairness. I have noted specific instances related to the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris that raise concerns about procedural fairness. The specific instances of the perceived bias are as follows.

The Harris campaign received particular accommodations, including but not limited to the providing of a podium significantly smaller than that used by Donald Trump and assurances regarding split screen television views that would favorably impact Kamala Harris's appearance relative to Donald Trump. It was agreed that Donald Trump would be subjected to fact checking during the debate during the debate, while Kamala Harris would not face comparable scrutiny.

This was widely known throughout the company that Donald Trump would be fact-checked. In fact, various people were assigned to fact-check observations that was perceived candidate Donald Trump would make during the debate. In fact, Harris campaign required assurances that Donald Trump would be fact-checked. This was done via multiple communications with the Harris campaign, whereas the Trump campaign was not included in the negotiations.

He also said,

or alleges that the Harris campaign was provided with sample questions that, while not the exact questions, covered similar topics that would appear during the debate. Furthermore, the Harris campaign imposed restrictions on the scope of questioning. This is where it gets real interesting. The Harris campaign demanded that there would be no questions regarding the perceived health of President Joe Biden. Got it. Can't talk about it.

but there was also uh not allowed no inquiries related to her tenure as attorney general and all of the people's whose lives that she completely ruined and fabricated evidence and tampered with witnesses none of that could be talked about the most interesting point here though and this is something i had no idea about i'm not sure if you knew i didn't know this either bro yeah this last point is that there could be no questions concerning her brother-in-law tony west

who faces allegations of embezzling billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and who may be involved in her administration if elected. Can't talk about it. Now, I had no idea what that was referring to. And we got we got a little bit because there's some clarification on that a little bit later. But the important part to realize here is that this was notarized by an actual notary.

Under the penalty of perjury and without any type of coercion in the state of New York, it was signed and dated by a public notary on September 9th, the day before the debate. OK, now.

MSM, of course, they will push out that, you know, it's MAGA pushing claims of ABC whistleblower. Right. The guy says in his statement, he's not a supporter of Donald Trump. Directly contradicting what's in the sworn affidavit. Right. You know, so you have that. Right.

But this is what I'm talking about, dude. Like even this kind of headline that is so misleading. Right. Like there should be consequences for that. Like it's not, you know, they say freedom of the press, but it's not freedom to just lie to everybody and manipulate everybody and ruin people's lives because you think it's going to get you fucking clicks. Right. Right. Well, I mean, and not only that, they know that most people don't read past the headlines. Yeah. They see the headline and they take that headline as law. Right. But here's the thing.

The ABC moderator, Lindsay Davis, admits that fact-checking was only planned for Trump. That just came out. Well, you know, she's MAGA. Right. Completely MAGA. Sorority sisters with Kamala Harris, but she's definitely MAGA. ABC News' Lindsay Davis, one of the two moderators for last week's presidential debate, admitted to the Los Angeles Times that the plan was only to fact-check former President Donald Trump and not Vice President Kamala Harris.

So much for that, you know, MAGA crowd. Now, outside of that, there's also been this guy, billionaire Trump backer Bill Ackman. OK, he posted an open letter to ABC News about the debate shenanigans. And he says, quote, I find the allegations credible again to this, you know, MAGA claim.

It's not real at all, but this guy who's, you know, he's had his interesting past and ebbs and flows on both sides of the aisle. But he released this tweet here, and we'll read through this quickly. And he tagged the CEO of ABC, Robert Iger. He says, Dear Bob,

I assume that you have been made aware of this affidavit, which was made public earlier today in which a whistleblower states that ABC worked closely with the Kamala Harris campaign and sharing the substance of the questions, avoiding certain topics, agreeing on the staging, committed, committing to fact check at real Donald Trump and not Harris and more disturbing details. I find the allegations credible.

as written and also because the affidavit was apparently made and filed the day prior to the debate and makes mention of Harris's smaller podium and other details that only became public thereafter.

Well, I can't determine the veracity of these allegations. They do match substantially what took place during the debate. The moderators of the debate, David Muir, he tagged them all, have yet to respond to the allegations. Since they have not done so yet, one must draw a negative inference. In light of the seriousness of the allegations and the implications for this presidential election and for ABC's reputation,

and thereby at Disney's and the office of the CEO. I strongly encourage you to launch an immediate investigation of this matter. Our democracy depends on transparency, particularly with regard to events which can impact the outcome of the presidential election. I ask on behalf of all voters that you treat these allegations with the seriousness they deserve. Thank you.

So he put that out now back to this Tony West guy. I'd never heard the story and had no idea who this guy was. Apparently he is Kamala Harris's brother in law. I mean, Mary Kamala's sister.

This is a little input on this. So black insurrectionists, he tweeted this out in a follow up tweet. He says, while many people are focusing on what the whistleblower has said, one of the most important issues is being left out. Tony West is Kamala Harris's brother in law and campaign advisor will also be part of her administration. This is a man who makes Bernie Madoff look like Peter Pan.

I also firmly believe you will see a connection between Kamala fundraising with Tony West connections. Part of the scheme that Tony West ran was money laundering funds through left wing outlets and then expecting some of those funds to be returned. Any self-respecting journalist would have been obligated to ask a candidate who is a major advisor about these allegations and how they link with Kamala fundraising. This is just the tip of the iceberg. And I've looked into this.

There is lawsuits that have been put in where he basically fucked over a lot of farmers and more specifically black farmers by the tune of billions of dollars. And that case is actively in court as we speak. But nobody's even mentioned that the media has not mentioned that farmers. Yeah. Black farmers, billions of dollars in funding and grants. And he's a lawyer and he's being sued because of his shenanigans with that.

And it's interesting because they say, you know, this was left out of the debate and they couldn't touch this topic. But it's also interesting that no other media source has ever covered any of this. It's weird. And by the way, Ben and Jerry's has a new ice cream flavor for Kamala. So, Andy, what do you got along with this? Coconut Jubilee. I mean, dude, I think...

I think it's more and more of this, you know, power to this corruption to hang on to power where people are able to do whatever they want and they don't face any consequences that the other side of the aisle would face. And it bothers me to my core. It's it's it's totally fucked up. I don't think it's.

You know, like, dude, where do these people think that it's okay to do these things? They think that it's okay to do these things because there's never any accountability for it ever. Right. This story comes out. It's going to get memory hold. The Trump first Trump assassination memory hold Russia collusion that they made up memory hold. Like, dude, the press is completely shocked.

Burying anything that has to do with what they do or how they do it and the average person is unaware the average person reads that that MAGA, you know MAGA pushing claims of you know, whatever they said about the MAGA pushes claim of ABC whistleblower after Harris Trump debate they pushed that out one time and the people believe that forever they don't ever think anything different and You know

I don't see anything coming to this unless Trump gets back in. And then even if that, I'm not even sure something will come of it because he had the opportunity to do a lot of these things before and he didn't do them. So it's like, what are we doing, dude? It seems like it's all theater and it's all theatrics and it's all just bullshit for us to like focus on. And you know, this is why I talk about culture being the solution to what's going on. It's not

Politics guys, they're not gonna save us Harris is not gonna save us Trump's not gonna save us. Will they make policies? Maybe that make it easier us for us to live and operate. Yeah, I think Trump will do that I think Kamala will make it much more painful for everybody and if we look at California as the example I don't think many of you really want your state if you don't live in California turn into California specifically where she's from which is San Francisco so

When we look at all of this, we've got to make a smart choice, and then we have to realize that we are the culture. We are the people. We have to stick together. We have to work together. We have to become the best versions of ourselves, and that's what needs to happen for us to cultivate a culture

prosperous culture because dude it's like farming man like you can't just flip the switch and make it change right you got to start planting the seeds you got to water the seeds you got to be patient you got to let the seeds sprout and right now and by the way they know this like they started this 20 years ago right they started this 20 years ago with making changes like putting political correctness out there uh removing the pledge of allegiance uh you know

Creating cancel culture as a weapon right like so that people can't get along and they can't have conversations and they try to ruin each other's lives over one disagreement all of these things are designed to prevent us from ever being unified and people that participate in them I think are unaware that these are actual weapons, you know self-censoring, you know, that's what cancel culture does it makes you self-censor and

Political correctness, it makes you self-centered. You know, the silent majority, it makes you self-censored. And what they're afraid of, if you look at what the result of all those things are, is they're afraid of all of us coming together, having conversations and realizing, dang, man, we all want the same thing, as opposed to them making it seem like we all want different things. I mean, dude, look, even my friends who are Democrats say,

And I don't affiliate as a Republican or a Democrat or an independent. I'm just a dude. And I look at the path that's available for me forward and I choose the best one that aligns with what I think this country should be. And if I'm being honest...

i think we have a long way to go past this election to create the america that we need to create and that's going to come from us that's not going to come from politicians that's not going to come from the governance it's going to come from us it's going to come from the people deciding that we are not going to participate in all this propaganda we are not going to participate in these things like political correctness cancel culture

Silent majority. We are going to stick up for each other. We're going to stand up for each other. When we see people getting canceled or we see things that aren't happening, we speak up for that against that. These are the things that are going to destroy the weapons that they have put on society and create an environment where we can actually get along again. Because right now they won't even let you, dude. How many Democrats will even associate with someone who votes different than Democrat? Right.

Right. There's studies out there that Democrats are highly unlikely to have conversations with anyone that does it or be friends with anyone outside their party. And then there's studies for Republicans that says they actually are willing to have conversations and be friends with people. But like,

The fact that we have MSNBC and we have CNN and we have ABC and we have all of these, we have way more liberal or leftist outlets that prompt that propaganda. It makes sense that Democrats are more affected by the leftist propaganda than the right is by the right propaganda because there's right propaganda too. So if those people are more affected because it's being blasted out more and more and more and more and more, it makes sense why they're less affected

willing to have conversations with the other side for the same reason that the media has convinced these mentally ill people to take assassination attempts at trump right so we have to we have to realize dude that we are living in the fucking matrix for real like this is a propaganda country social media is a part of it mainstream media is a part of it big business is a part of it we are not

Free that's just the reality dude. We are tax slaves We work so that they can take our money and then steal the money as this man Tony West allegedly did as Apparently pretty decent at right so when we think of all this money that's being taken from us and spent or sent overseas or stolen or embezzled or whatever you want to call it and then we think about what we could actually do here with that money and

regarding how we could make this country great if it was actually spent on us. I mean, does anybody out there, any of you, disagree that our tax dollars should be spent on American citizens first? Does anybody, Democrat or Republican, do you not agree that the money that you pay in tax should benefit you?

I think that's a fundamental commonplace for American citizens to start the conversation. But when you're on an airplane, they say if the oxygen mask falls down and you have a child with you, who do you put it on first? You. So you can help the child. And dude, we have to fix what's going on with this. What really is a theft scheme or a slavery scheme in this country? Dude, like when people say, oh, we're free. Like, look at, you know, these other places. Have you been to those other places?

Because a lot of those places are nicer than here and you know why they're nicer than here because they're not sending a trillion dollars overseas to all these different things China's not sending us all

All this money for aid, are they? I'm aware of. That's right. They send the decision makers some money. But the point of the matter is, if the money was spent here, the whole country wouldn't look like shit. And we would have a beautiful country with beautiful infrastructure. We wouldn't have a divided population. People would be happier. They make more money. And we're all sitting here arguing over bullshit.

You know what I mean? We're arguing over fucking memes and, you know, someone said this or someone did this or some, you know, like it's all a distraction, dude. And if we could really come together and figure out what the fuck is actually happening to us and look at it, maybe we could solve the problem and build this country into something great. That's what I want. That's that's what I'm about. Are you going to try Kamala's coconut jubilee? I don't see it on the radar. You know what I'm saying? I'm trying to eat good.

I'm not a big coconut guy unless it's like certain environments. I fucking love coconut. Really? And ice cream, you think it'd be good? Bro, Baskin Robbins, what's it called? It's like the, they have one that has like coconut shavings. Really? I don't think I've ever tried it. Maybe I'll give it a try. Nutty something. Yeah. I like it. Tell you what, I may not agree with Ben and Jerry's politics, but they make good ice cream. They make some damn good ice cream, bro. Fucking milk and cookies, half-baked. The fucking. I love ice cream. Cherry Garcia. Yeah.

Well, you know what? When you make a great product, kind of do whatever the fuck you want. So it's real, man. Kudos to those guys for running a great business. I think they're billionaires. Yeah. They dress like it. You know shit they do. That is exactly what the fucking billionaires dress like, bro. That's exactly what they look like. That's it. You know why? Because they don't give a fuck. Nope. They don't care. Don't care at all. Yep. All right. I bet they smoke a lot of weed.

I bet they got good weed, too. They probably got. Yeah. They got that Willie Nelson shit. That's how they come up with all those fucking recipes. Yeah. No shit. You know what would be good? Coconut Jubilee. Yeah. Kamala Coconut Jubilee, man. Fuck. All right. There's a billion dollars. You know what I'm saying? Guys, jump down on this conversation. Jump in. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. Bad boy for life. Got to talk about it. P. Diddy.

Just got diddied.

Damn. I didn't see this. Oh, bro. Sean Diddy Combs forced victims into freak-off sex sessions with male prostitutes. Per the feds. What is freak-off? We're going to find out. All right. Yeah. So Sean Diddy Combs forced women into sick freak-off sex sessions with male prostitutes that were often recorded while the music producer masturbated, a bombshell indictment alleged Tuesday. The music mogul, who's 54...

who has been hit with federal sex trafficking and racketeering charges, allegedly got his female victims into the days long sexual performances as part of his alleged pattern of abusing dating back more than a decade. Manhattan federal prosecutor said, quote, freak offs.

were elaborate and produced sex performances that Combs arranged, directed, masturbated during, and often electronically recorded, the newly unsealed court papers allege. Combs would allegedly lure the women into his orbit, often under the pretense of a romantic relationship, before rolling out drugs to, quote, keep the victims obedient and compliant, the indictment charges.

The regularly occurring freak offs could last for days and combs and the victims would often receive IV fluids in the aftermath, quote, to recover from the physical exertion of drug and drug use. The feds allege his employees allegedly helped facilitate the freak offs by arranging travel, booking hotel rooms where they would take place and stocking the rooms with supplies, including drugs, baby oil, lubricants and extra linen.

Combs also had his security staff carry weapons. And when the feds raided his homes in Miami and Los Angeles, they found three AR-15s with defaced serial numbers. That's prison right away. That's bad. Other guns, ammunition, and a drum magazine the indictment alleges.

Combs would often also keep videos of the quote sensitive, embarrassing and incriminating sessions, sometimes without his victims knowledge so that he could use them as collateral quote.

as collateral to ensure the continued obedience and silence of the victims, the indictment says. During a raid of Combs' mansion in Miami and Los Angeles earlier this year, the feds allegedly seized some of the so-called freak-off supplies. He has been slapped with three federal charges of racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, and transportation to engage in prostitution.

Now, apparently there was also like a thousand bottles of this lubricant that they pulled out of one of the houses. I'm not like a thousand bottles, a thousand bottles, a thousand bottles of lube. That's what the indictment says, bro. Thousand fucking bottles. That's a lot. What the fuck, bro? What are you guys doing? Like, I mean, like I could imagine some freaky shit, but like what is going on here, dude? That's a lot. That is.

I mean, that's a lot a thousand bottles. I don't know how big the bottle now, bro I don't know if they're talking about your Fiji bottle size or like a little you know TSA compliant travel I don't know but a thousand bottles is a lot of bottles that that's that's weird now. That's freaky Okay. Now this is where what does this sound like to you? Just just off the bat. I

It sounds like very much like Epstein shit. Okay. Yeah. You guys got that. Yeah. The black, especially the blackmail part, like until it got to the blackmail part, um, I was like, okay, we're these, you got, you got people that are doing drugs that are having sex doing this shit. Like what, you know, and then we got the blackmail part. Right. Right. That's where it turns up. And that's, that's what, uh, that's what Epstein's deal was, you know?

All right. Now, I think they got a lot of these people, dude. Bro. Yeah. I think they have one in every area. Yeah. Whether that be, you know, just socialite society, whether that be the music industry. Yeah. Right. Because we all know, like, I mean, how often in the last four years have we had these, you know, hip hop artists or, you know, these people come out and they're all saying the same narrative.

I think they have one in the hip hop industry or the music industry in whole. I think they have one in the medical industry. Yeah, I wonder how many videos he has of like the people that he quote unquote, you know, discovered doing this shit. I mean, because you know, if he's blackmailing people, bro, he's telling them, if you do this, I'll make you famous. Yeah, that's right. Make you fucking famous. You know, you could either be this or you could be, you know, nobody. Yeah. You know, like, I mean, that was a weird video that came out.

Probably I mean this was about a couple of months ago of like him with like Justin Bieber when Justin Bieber was like 14 15 years old I saw that we're hanging out. Yeah, it's weird man, and you know he's like I got you for the whole day your mind Yeah, like it's just weird shit man. Yeah weird Now you leave it up to the to the left liberals these progressive interesting people. Let's let's head to this profile and

This guy goes by the handle of at blue Nash guy, Nash blue. He says, hashtag P Diddy and hashtag Trump. Both Diddy and Trump have had their property searched by law enforcement authorities pursuant to search warrants. Diddy indicted and Trump a convicted felon. And he, is he talking about that FBI thing where they, where they already said it was set up. And I think he's trying to make connections of the two, but I got some connections because, you know, it's easy to post. I mean, you take pictures with plenty of people, right? Does,

Doesn't make you the... Yeah, bro. Like, dude, this is what people don't understand. Like, a guy like Trump or a guy like Diddy, everybody wants a picture with him. You see Trump in a restaurant, you want a picture with him. Hate him or love him. Yeah, you see Diddy before you knew all this shit. No, I'm being serious. Like, you know, like, I mean, dude, back in the day, you know, Diddy was a big deal. You know what I mean? And if you saw him in public, you would be like, holy shit, there's fucking Puff Daddy. You know what I'm saying? Like, fucking...

Everybody wants a picture with them. So like that, that, that drawing of conclusions and connecting the dots, that's, you know, just by who has a picture with them doesn't mean shit. And if it did, that's fine because let's, who else did, did he take pictures with it? Yeah. Oprah. Yeah. Jay-Z.

The prince. I mean, does that draw conclusions? I mean, you know what I'm saying? Like, does that this is a picture of him with Mayor Adams getting a key to the city. Yeah. While he was doing the shit in that city. Yeah. Does that draw a connection? What about Hillary Clinton? Yeah. Or what about all the private meetings with Barack Obama? Does that draw a connection? That's a little more than just a picture. That's a sit down. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? To me, I don't know, man.

Well, I mean, dude, you know, this is something we've talked about for years on the show, man. Like, you know, how do they control society? How do they get them all on the same page? How do they get all these celebrities to say the same thing? How do they get everybody in lockstep with every single thing? You know, with COVID, we had all these celebrities saying literally the exact same thing. Thank you, doctors. You know, I remember this commercial Brad Pitt did where you try to act all genuine. Thank you. Like, it's like, dude.

It makes sense. Like, how do you control an entire industry of Hollywood or music or celebrity? You would have to do it through blackmail. And so, you know, damn, is that his house? Yeah, one of them. I want to say this is his Los Angeles one.

That'd be cool, except for all the other houses right there around it. Yeah. But fuck, that's pretty badass. Nice. I guess that's what you get when you sign up to be the blackmailer. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Or the diddler. The diddler. Hey, listen, everybody's innocent until proven guilty, but it doesn't look good. It don't look good at all. I mean, bro, you can't hide a thousand bottles of fucking lube.

That still like is probably the most weirdest shit. I've ever heard in my life like I can you imagine? What like what would what wouldn't first of all let's just say you were into the freak What do they call it freak fest freakouts for freakouts? Let's get the correct term okay here, so you're into the first freak freak offs You're into the freak off alright, and you need some lube mm-hmm and

You get a bottle of lube, bro. Maybe you, like, that might. Like, how often are you doing? This has to be, like, a daily thing. It should last you a while. You know, that's like Epstein, bro. He was doing this shit every day, multiple times a day. So, like, is this what Diddy's been doing for, like, years? Like, you need a thousand bottles of lube, bro? A thousand? I mean, yeah. Maybe there's some discounts there. Yeah, dude. Maybe he owned the lube company. It was extra inventory.

Making a shit in his house. Yeah. Yeah. Just like Andy. Yeah. No, listen, all seriousness, you know, there's definitely people affected by this. You know, I hope that this unveils a lot of things and I want to be the first to say, you know, Diddy did not kill himself. I'll say that because, you know. Yeah. There's some serious implications here. Well, also, on that, I wanted to say, but I forgot, on that Trump episode or that Trump topic,

The first one about the assassination. Did you see that DeSantis won't allow the shooter to be transferred to federal custody? I saw that. Yeah. I saw that. And he's trying to take over the investigation. I think that's important. Yeah, I know. I think that's important. I mean, why would you want the same organization that is investigating Trump to handle the investigation of his attempted assassination? Yeah. It doesn't make sense. Yeah. Kudos to him for doing that.

Now, I mean, I'm sure that's going to draw some jurisdiction issues and things like that. But, I mean, I think they kind of didn't think about that part. No. You know what I'm saying? No. No, they didn't. No, they didn't. Man, guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think about the diddler. Let us know. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline. This is where we bring a topic in. We talk about it. We get one of those two options. This one...

It's close to me. Yeah. So let's read this one. 38-pound rescue cat Crumbs gets stuck in shoe rack while trying to escape from fat camp. 38-pound cat. Let's see this thing. All right. So he was stuck between a rack and a hard place. That sounds like a freak fest. Sounds like a freak off. A fat cat attempt.

To escape a diet center backfired horribly after the flabby tabby got trapped in a shoe rack. Wait, wait, wait. The cat was in a fat cat diet center. Yeah. So they got diet centers for fat animals. Apparently. Why don't you just feed the animal less? Well, you can't help it. What? You just couldn't help it. Are we talking about the cat still? Are we talking about the cat, bro? Listen, man. Listen.

So the feline named Krasik, which is Russian for crumbs, was discovered by staff attempting to break out of the center in Perm, Russia, where he had been sentenced to a strict workout regimen and food rationing. New news flash reported photos show the corpulent cat who weighs almost 38 pounds wedged between the bars of the shoe shelf with his face stuffed in a bright blue crock. Krasik said,

has caused a ruckus, an escape today. Rehabilitation expert Ekaterina Bedekarova wrote in a September 11th telegram post, quote, he was extremely displeased when we found him disguised as slippers, but after a portion of food, he was mellowed out. Let's see, Crum. So this is the picture. Oh, my God. He's stuck in there? Oh, poor guy. That poor guy.

Oh, man. Yeah, man. That poor dude. It's been a long road for Crump. He's just a beefy guy. It's all right.

The article continues saying it's been a long road for crumbs named for his ability to hoover up food who was first discovered a week ago in the basement of a Russian hospital. Staffers have reportedly fed the portly pet a diet of cookies and soup, which caused him to balloon up to a scale shattering 37.47 pounds. So heavy he couldn't even walk. For reference, most domestic cats should weigh around 10 pounds.

Healthy experts say those size can vary depending on the breed. Quote, Krashik's story is an extremely rare case when someone loved a cat so much that they fed him to such a state. A spokesperson for the Matroshkin shelter in Perm explained in an attempt to get crumbs down to a normal weight. Shelter employees put the mammoth feline on a pound shedding pilgrimage that included a new diet and regular treadmill workouts.

For the latter exercise, they put the puss in a water tank to lessen the strain on his joints, as seen in photos of him reluctantly walking on the submerged contraption. Now, in good news, fortunately, vets are positive about Crum's new routine.

Under this new health regime, they predict that the plus-size cooch scratcher will lose between 70 to 50 grams per week. In fact, Betakova suggested that Crum's ill-fated escape attempt was actually a good sign because it demonstrated that he is a very active guy. Dude, he was starving. He was looking for extras, man. That's like me in the middle of the night, bro. Look at that guy. Look at his face. Oh, man. That poor dude.

Dude, that does look like Garfield. That does. That's the Russian Garfield crumbs. I know this. He was pissed when they caught him. This was them right after they caught him. That poor dude. I'd feed him too, man. Look at his eyes. He's like, why am I so fat? That poor guy. Oh, man. That poor dude. That's sad. It's also cute, though. Yeah, that's not healthy, man. Hey, man.

Well, we got to follow this up. We got to see how his weight loss journey goes. We'll check in on it. It will keep you guys updated. What do we give with this, Andy? I give a thumbs up, man. He's working. He's trying. He's doing the work. He's eating less. You know, he's still a little big, but he's working on it. It's all right. We all got work to do. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I give a thumbs up. I love it. Well, guys, Andy, that is all I got. All right, guys. Don't be a hoe. Show the show.

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