cover of episode 778. Q&AF: Part Of Being A Leader, Customers Not "Always Right”, & Questioning Potential Hires

778. Q&AF: Part Of Being A Leader, Customers Not "Always Right”, & Questioning Potential Hires

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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Andy Purcell
并非所有女性都不适合成为警官,关键在于能力、情绪稳定性和处理冲突的方式,男性警官也同样需要具备这些素质。在警务工作中,女性警官和男性警官都应该具备胜任工作的能力,包括情绪稳定性、冲突解决能力以及避免滥用职权等。 同时,在客户服务行业中,顾客并非总是对的,但大多数顾客只是希望问题得到有效解决。企业应该以解决问题为导向,并保持尊重,即使顾客态度不好。 在与客户沟通时,应始终保持冷静和尊重,即使客户态度粗鲁或不合理。尝试理解客户的需求和感受,并尽力解决问题。 建立以解决问题为导向的企业文化,并培训员工如何有效地处理各种客户互动。

Deep Dive

A discussion about how to provide feedback as a responsible leader, focusing on clarifying generalizations, supporting law enforcement, and considering individual capabilities and emotional stability in challenging roles.
  • Leaders should clarify generalizations and take responsibility for their words.
  • Support and fair compensation for law enforcement are crucial.
  • Individual capabilities and emotional stability should be prioritized in challenging roles.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode, Andy answers your questions on how to address feedback as a responsible leader, how to know when the customer is not "always right" in certain situations, and what are the best questions to ask a potential hire.