cover of episode 776. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump And Harris Face Off, Government Shutdown & Tyreek Hill Arrest

776. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump And Harris Face Off, Government Shutdown & Tyreek Hill Arrest

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
REAL AF 播客主持人,专注于讨论和分析时事新闻和政治事件。
Andy: 911事件后,美国政府利用反恐之名,通过爱国者法案等措施加强国家安全,但同时也侵犯了公民的权利,例如进行大规模监控。政府长期驻扎中东,维持军事工业复合体,导致大量无辜平民死亡,并损害了美国的国际形象。此外,边境安全措施不力,与国内安全措施形成鲜明对比。Andy还质疑911事件的官方说法,认为这可能是人为策划的阴谋,目的是为了加强政府控制,最终走向共产主义。 DJ: DJ主要与Andy讨论了辩论和政府停摆等话题,没有就911事件发表独立的观点,但认同Andy对政府行为的批评。

Deep Dive

Andy and DJ discuss the significance of September 11th, emphasizing the importance of remembering not only the tragic event but also the subsequent government actions and policies that have impacted American freedoms. They criticize the Patriot Act, the prolonged wars in the Middle East, and the exploitation of national tragedies for political gain.
  • The Patriot Act was introduced after 9/11 and has been used for surveillance of American citizens.
  • The wars in the Middle East fueled the military-industrial complex while costing American lives and resources.
  • Politicians often exploit national tragedies for personal and political gain.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up guys? It's Andy for selling. This is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness and delusions of modern society and welcome to the show.

to motherfucking reality guys today we have for two days in a row we've got andy and dj cruising the motherfucking internet that's what cti stands for cruise the internet this is where we put topics of the day up on the screen we speculate on what's true and what's not true and then we talk about how we the people have to solve these problems going on in the world now as always uh there is a fee for the show i'd like to remind you um we are always dealing with

traffic throttling shadow bands content removal censorship and so we need your help to get the message out and i make a deal with you guys deal is i don't run ads on the show and you help us grow the show all right so uh don't be a hoe share the show all right hey get right into it what's up with you nothing much man um beautiful day

It is nice out. Yeah, it's a nice day outside. Yeah, man, got a lot to cover, a lot to talk about today. It is a back-to-back special for you guys. Let's just get into it. Yeah. Let's get into it. I thought it was very important. I wanted to bring this topic up. Obviously, the day of recording is September 11th, marking a day in history for this country.

9-11, 2001, obviously. So we got that, you know, and there was a big gathering in New York City. Trump, Kamala met again a couple of hours after the debate. We obviously will be covering that here shortly. Joined by Biden. Giuliani was there. I believe Batman was there as well. Bruce Wayne, the like the old old school Bruce Wayne was his name.

The guy who played Bruce Wayne in the Batman movie? There's a whole bunch of them. Like the first one. Michael Keaton? Okay, second one. I don't know. One of them. Well, wasn't it Michael Keaton? Then it was George Clooney. Then it was Christian Bale. Yeah. Christian Bale did really good. He's a good actor. I forget the name. It was like one of the old school Batmans.

Anyway. But he was there front and center for some reason. Okay, well, no one cares. You know, but yeah, and I do want to bring this up. Like I said, I mean, it's very unfortunate. It's a dark day in our country's past. And I think this day has been taken. You know, you have people on the left. They've compared, you know, January 6th to this day.

They've compared, you know, I mean, like it's just dumb stuff. And I mean, it is important, but I also want to want to bring in something, too, that I think is also important. You know, the kind of signature tagline of this day is never forget. And I think there's a lot of things that happened since that day and because of that day that people have actually forgotten.

One of those things being, and I mean, again, it's very important people don't forget this stuff, but like the Patriot Act was brought in because of this day, which was supposed to be this temporary measure and used to bring down terrorism. But we all know that it's been exposed plenty of times. This is being used to spy on us. - That's why they have a thing called the domestic terrorist list.

so that they can use the Patriot Act against the United States of America citizens. And anybody who, you know, and like what makes a domestic terrorist? Anybody that does not agree with the current thing? Well, what it is now is it's the patriots of America that they consider domestic terrorists. Right.

Right, and I think it's so fitting, the Patriot Act, you know, but like it's being used against actual fucking patriots, man. So never forget that. I think it's, I mean, even stuff. I think there's a lot, dude. I think there's a lot that people forget. I think people forget that.

That we invaded a country and killed a million people over there who were innocent because of the lies that the cabal came up with. For 20 years. It wasn't just George Bush. It was the cabal. And then on top of it, what they did was they kept us in Afghanistan. They kept us in the Middle East for, like you said, 20 years. 20 years.

And people don't understand why they do that. Well, they do that because that fuels the military industrial complex, which boosts their financial status and makes all kinds of money for people who are making these decisions while your kids and your dad and your brother and your sister and your moms and your daughters go to fight these wars that mean nothing, mean nothing. And you wonder why the rest of the world hates us. The rest of the world hates us because we're the...

Iron fist of the globalists and we have been for a very long time when there's a problem somewhere who do they send? Oh, they send the Americans and then they sell us this bill of goods that we're doing something to protect freedom or protect or mock democracy Which we aren't we're fighting battles for money for tyrants killing innocent people all over the world for

not our benefit for their benefit and it's not okay. And I think Americans have woken up to it. You know, I think it's very, very important to recognize that the people who go to fight these battles, those people are heroes. They don't, they're doing what they're told. It doesn't take away from the, the suffering or the, the sacrifice or the things that they've done. I honor those men and women who,

at the highest respect level. I'm talking about the people at the very, very top who organized this ridiculous shit. And, um, you know, then we have situations where, you know, um,

They've used the entire excuse of terrorism to lock down and further the security state here in this country, like you mentioned with the Patriot Act. TSA. TSA. I mean, you're fucking groped in the fucking airport to fly in this country. Yeah. When you could go down to the southern border and just walk across with no strip searchers, no x-rays, no nothing. Yeah.

You know, just dumb shit like that, man. It's insane. And I think the important thing is, and again, I mean, we're talking about 3,000 plus Americans were killed on this day.

That happened. Nobody's saying that did not happen. Of course, I watched it fucking happen. Right. Yeah. The problem is and where I get irritated is, is that when you learn that our own government will use these situations to justify tyrannical fucking rule over its citizens, that's exactly what happened. And you take that and there's like that is an undisputable fucking fact.

I mean, there's plenty of examples here. But the problem is, I feel like it should make people wonder and question, like, okay, if they can use situations that happen to further tyrannical rule, at what point does that cross over to they will create situations to further their tyrannical rule? That happened many years before 9-11.

You know 9/11 was a manufactured strategy for sure and like there's a lot of truth You're gonna tell me that fucking Mossad and the CIA didn't know this was fucking coming you what about the three trillion dollars disappeared the day before? Donald people don't understand this brah was 20 years old when this happened. Okay. I was an adult and

Donald Rumsfeld came out the day before 9/11 and was like, "Oh, we're missing $3 trillion." Next day, 9/11 happens. No one talks about it ever again. Or the building itself didn't have fucking insurance on it for years before. The dude buys an insurance policy four months before and makes fucking $5 billion.

Building number seven just collapses on its own. Nothing hit it. Nothing happened to it. Okay. Like, bro, listen, here's the real talk. Yeah, this was an act of terrorism, but it wasn't exactly the terrorists that they told us it was. It was the terrorists who understand what they were trying to do of putting our country into a total surveillance state, moving us towards communism. They abused these adjustments and these rules that they made that were supposed to be temporary every single day against the United States American citizens. It's wrong.

And it doesn't take away from the people who died and it doesn't take away from the heroic acts and it doesn't take away from, you know, the people who served during this time. They all believe they were doing the right thing. But, you know, the people who orchestrated it, they're the same people who are running shit now. Never forget, man. And here's the other thing I will say to this, too. You know, it does bother me how all these people will post, you know, on Fourth of July, they'll post something on Memorial Day. They'll post something.

On 9/11 they'll post something, you know, and they'll say something like thank you for your sacrifice and this and that or whatever, right? But they won't fucking voice their opinion about anything going on in the world. They won't say anything. They will only do it when it's socially acceptable. When it's safe. Yeah, when it's safe and they all know what's going on because they voice those opinions in private. And the reason that we're here where we are is because people won't voice those opinions in public.

So you should think about that You know what I think about when I see people that post on those days is like where were you the rest of the time? Where you been the rest of the time? That's what I think and and furthermore how many of these people who are saying oh never forget Thank you for all your sacrifice, you know a Memorial Day and 4th of July and all this shit How many these people are just living like shit? They're not honoring the sacrifice made at all, right? It's all a bunch of fucking yippy happen

Well, I mean, I'll let you in on a little inside secret too, guys. You know, it's always safe to speak your fucking mind when you just fucking speak it. Well, what people don't understand, bro, is that freedom is only freedom when you exercise it. That's how you maintain it. You don't maintain it because it's awarded to you by a government or a figure of the government or a law. Freedom is only maintained to the amount that we exercise it. If we don't exercise our freedom, it naturally gets encroached upon us.

and becomes less and less free. And so, you know, people have to understand that by staying quiet, you're voluntarily giving up the ground to people who want to take our freedom away. And if you would just speak up and tell the truth and say your opinion like you're supposed to, you know, as an American, Americans have a reputation for being badass, standing for what they believe. Loud mouth. Yeah. Live up to the reputation because that's the reason we stay free. We don't stay free because we're

Some politician votes us or makes a Supreme Court decision. We stay free because we exercise the freedoms we have, which is they made a lot of people afraid to do, which is creating a situation where our freedom is being diminished every single day.

Yeah, guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. Where were you guys at 9-11-2001? Let us know down in the comments. With that being said, let's get into our headlines. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, or videos, go to We can find all of that stuff linked there for you. With that being said, headline number one.

Got to talk about it. We had a little sushi date last night. Sorry, guys. Yeah. Yeah, that was nice. It was. It was, you know. It was good. Got to share some chopsticks. Yeah. Play some chopstick. Not to be confused with tummy sticks.

Chopsticks, different thing. We watched the debate. So Kamala and Trump, they had their first debate, maybe their last. I don't know. Let's talk about it. There's a lot of interesting things happening here before we get to our, let's just, let's just go through this a little bit. I do want to say, I think the first thing that I think people are honestly kind of overlooking it. Yeah.

And I think men, when I show you this clip, you guys will definitely understand the power play dynamic that happened. But I don't think enough people are talking about it. I want to get your take on it. And this happened within the first 10 seconds of the debate. It's when they walked out on the stage, walked out on the stage. Let's let's check this clip. Let's watch this. Kamala Harris. Something to see. Have fun. Thank you. Thank you.

It's very, very simple. That's a man thing. Like, real men, I think, understood what just happened. That was a massive power play that she fed right into and lost. Like, he made her come to her. He had to redirect. I think that could be viewed in two different ways. I agree with you. That's what was the play on his mind. I definitely think that was his play. But I also agree that...

I also think that people who are viewing that from another perspective could see that as she's being assertive.

You see what I'm saying? I'm just saying. I mean, they can listen. Listen, dude. All the women who vote for Kamala because just because she's a woman, they love that because they said, oh, look, she's not afraid of him. She's she's asserting. She's being assertive. That's how they read that. So just because you and I read it as what we did, there's a there's a opposite side to read that, too. I also think, too, she's just sounded dumb. Like, you know, like he knows your fucking name. Yeah.

Well, then another thing is, is he didn't give his name because he said everybody knows who the fuck I am. You know what I'm saying? I just think there was some like psychological power plays. For sure. That's the first 10 seconds. Of course. But I mean, I don't think she necessarily came off as looking stupid there. Oh, I did. Yeah, I know. But you also like, you know, I'm just telling you there's two ways to look at everything. I get it. Yeah.

I'll just play. No, but so you have that now before we get to the rest of this, let's, let's see what both sides had to say about the debate. First, Trump released a statement. Trump's campaign released a statement on this.

It reads, President Trump delivered a masterful debate performance tonight, prosecuting Kamala Harris as abysmal record of failure that has hurt Americans for the last four years. Quote, We saw President Trump lay out his bold vision of America and how he would continue to build upon the successes of his first term by supercharging the economy, securing the border and stopping crime from ravaging communities across the country.

Conversely, Kamala's vision of America was a dark reminder of the oppressive big government policies of Joe Biden that she wants to continue. High inflation, a porous border that allows criminals and terrorists to flood across and being soft on crime. That is what Kamala represents. The choice could not be more clear. President Trump was the clear winner tonight, and he will win for America when he returns to the White House. So that was a statement issued by President Trump's campaign campaign.

Uh, let's see. I mean, you know, whatever. Let's see what Kamala had to say. So this is from Kamala's campaign. Kamala HQ on Twitter, uh, was this just a picture with a couple of, uh, headlines, how Harris rattled Trump and dominated the debate. Harris dominates as Trump gets defensive. Kamala Harris dominates Donald Trump in debate. Um, and that was it. And I mean, a picture of her doing the seal clap. Um, now, uh,

There were some definitely some funny points there. I know I had some favorites. I know you had some favorites. I think my favorite one was when she tried to interrupt him because there were some mic issues where she didn't like get her mic cut off completely. But he had to check her and he said, I'm talking now. Sound familiar? Pulling one of her verbatim plays that she did in the 2020 debates. That was one of my favorite ones. What was one of your favorite parts comical wise of the debate?

They're eating the dogs. They're eating the dogs. I said, oh, fuck. They're not eating the dogs, man. It's the ducks. He didn't even say ducks. He didn't say cats, though. Yeah. He didn't say cats. I think they're eating whatever they can get. Yeah. Now, last night, like I said, Andy and I, we had some sushi. We were watching the debates together. I think very quickly, we both kind of like at the same time almost got to this like she was way too prepared for this debate.

in my opinion all right where and when i say prepare like i'm talking like we have plenty of evidence of this woman speaking in public we got four years at least and every single time she has talked to and given any type of like question on the spot it's nothing but word salad i didn't see that last night no i didn't either i didn't see it and like i had a bunch of other friends too like you know hey what's going on

The first thing out of their mouths was, dude, do you think she was fed those fucking questions? Yeah. Right. Now, I woke up this morning and there was a bunch of there was the interesting conspiracy theory. I love conspiracies. We're both loyal to the foil here. I do think it's interesting. Now, I don't know if she was fed these questions ahead of time, but there's also this conspiracy theory. I'm not sure if you've seen it. This headline reads conspiracy rages among Trump supporters following presidential debate as viewers question Kamala Harris's earrings.

So apparently there is a company that has a Kickstarter page going called Nova H1 Audio Earrings. OK, this is a screenshot straight from that Kickstarter page. It is a pair of earrings where Nova claims it's the first and only wireless earphones embedded in a pair of pearl earrings on a gold or silver silver plated clip.

And they look exactly like the ones that Kamala Harris had on last night. Now, I don't know if she had an earpiece in. I think it could be something very easy and simple. Those are Tiffany earrings? Mm-hmm.

Um, that she just got, you know, the questions ahead of time and Trump did not. Um, nonetheless, it was definitely a fucking three to one, uh, tag team play here on Trump. I think everybody can see that. Um, and there's evidence of that, you know, ABC news fact check Trump seven times. They never fact check Kamala once.

Despite there were 21 plus false claims and hoaxes that Kamala Harris made during the debate. We'll go through a couple of them here quickly. The first one, she brought up the very fine people bullshit narrative that has been debunked a thousand times. Yeah. The project 2025 hoax bullshit that the left loves to keep bringing up. That is Trump's project 2025, which that has been debunked countless of times.

The false claims on the Trump trade deficit. Harris claimed the Trump administration resulted in a trade deficit that was, quote, one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America. That is patently false. The trade deficit climbed to around six hundred and fifty three billion in Trump's final year as president, in part because.

Because of depressed global demand for U.S. goods and services and a U.S. economy that recovered sooner than most other developed economies. But the trade deficit never rose to the levels seen under former President George W. Bush or the trade deficit levels of the current administration. They actually have the highest trade deficit in the history of America right now.

Other things, you know, the dictator on day one, the bloodbath thing they brought up. There was a claim she made also, too, about there was not one troop in any war zone. That is inherently fucking false. There are currently active duty U.S. troops deployed in Iraq and Syria who have been under frequent attack by Iran backed militia forces over the past year alone. There's also thousands of active duty sailors deployed.

Deployed to the Middle East who are facing attacks by drone strikes and missiles fired by Iran-backed Houthi forces in Yemen. Just earlier this year, three U.S. soldiers were killed on the border of Syria by Iran-backed forces. So that's inherently false. One of my favorite ones that she mentioned, the last one we noted in this article, is that taking guns away.

Harris claimed that she and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, are not taking anyone's guns away. That's false. Harris has campaigned on banning AR-15s and other guns that Democrats label assault weapons. Just as recently as three weeks ago, during their first campaign event together, Harris and Walz pushed for a ban on AR-15s and other guns. She said it four or five days ago after the...

Yeah, right. Exactly. She tweeted it. Yeah, that's right. She tweeted it. Now you check the headlines. And again, they're all over the place a little bit. It was Donald Trump's night in the worst possible way. But here's an interesting thing. The polls are now coming in from all over the place. Reuters, out of all places, they had a focus group where undecided voters lean Trump two to one after the debate. C-SPAN.

Seventy five to twenty five going to Trump about who won the debate. Wall Street Silver, a very, very powerful Twitter page. Donald Trump to Harris. Eighty three to 17. Insider Paper. Fifty nine to thirty five. Leading Report. Ninety to ten. Newsmax. Ninety three to six.

And if you need more evidence, look at the stocks. I don't know if you saw that this morning. Stocks plunge after presidential debate and higher core inflation moment. They opened up this morning. Andy, what do you got on all of this? Well, you know, look, dude, I think there's a lot to this. First of all, Kamala.

Definitely was well prepared polished whether or not she look dude. I'm a professional speaker I've been one for over a decade. I get paid a lot of money to speak I know how to speak and I'm very good at reading people who know how to speak and evaluating their skill set and when you look at her answers

She had those answers on every talking point down pat to the point where the emphasis of the exact syllable of the exact word was literally perfect and she kept that perfect record of Delivery through the entire event entire time. Okay, so from my extensive experience as being a speaker a highly paid speaker

I think I'm paid more than almost fucking anybody. And I'm definitely paid as much as these big politicians to speak. Okay? I can tell you for sure that you cannot be that good without being honest.

Aware of what's coming. So I don't know how they prepared. I'm not gonna sit here and make accusations I don't think that earrings were a real thing because even if they were repeating what for her to say She was saying it the delivery was almost perfect flow was so good Yeah, it was yeah And it's not that's not something that you can do on the fly in a debate discussion That's just not and I don't care how good you are. I don't care how good you are at this so

In my opinion, in my speculative opinion on this, there was an unfair advantage with the preparation. I also clearly see that there was an unfair advantage with the moderators and the way they were debating Trump along with her. That was obvious. And I think the reason that we're seeing...

The polls favor Trump post this debate is because everybody has gotten wise to the fact of how much they're willing to manipulate, lie and cheat to create the desired outcome that they are looking to create. And when she gets on there and she starts saying things like we're not going to take guns when five days ago she's saying, let's take the guns.

You know, when she gets on there and they say all these things that sound moderate, when for the last, you know, fucking decade, she's said nothing but super far left progressive shit. Complete opposite. Yes. Complete opposite of what she's saying. I think all that does is bolster support for Donald Trump because people are looking at it and they're saying, bro, it's just more of the same shit. Like they're railroading this guy more. And the more they persecute and the more that they,

Stack the cards against him and the more unfair they are, the more they're opening up the eyes of the general public to see what's actually going on. And they've actually started to create a martyr or an underdog out of Trump, which is the worst possible situation for them because in America, people love underdogs. Right.

And even if you don't like Trump, even if he's not your kind of guy, when you see someone just getting hammered and hammered and hammered and lied against and cheated against and unfair advantages and shot at and persecuted and all these things, eventually people who even really don't care for Trump are like, bro, fuck this. This is fucked up. That's how most Americans feel about the Dallas Cowboys.

Very equivalent. Sure. So, yeah. So I would take him a trophy for that one. But the point of it is, is that like, dude, they've created a martyr out of this dude. And the more they throw at him, the stronger he gets. So while there's no there's no question in my mind that Kamala Harris performed better at the debate, I

I think the fact of how they made her perform better is not lost on the American people, which is reflective of the polls that are being produced now. And I think, uh,

President Trump did a really good job replying. It's very hard to debate against someone or be in an argument with someone who's willing to flat out look you in the face and lie very confidently. And all of you have been in a situation like that before where you've been arguing with someone or there's three people and you're trying to make a case and the other person just straight up looks at you in the face and tells a blatant lie and says, "You know that that's the truth." And it's totally made up.

And when you get in that situation, that's a hard thing to compete against because for someone who's not aware of the actual data, the actual statistics, the actual situation, if you were an uninformed viewer of this debate, it would appear that Kamala just destroyed him. But I don't think that's the result. I think the result is that it opened up people's eyes to the excessive...

Because there should be no bias, but the extreme amount of bias from the media, you know, like you and I are watching it, right? And like, we know that the very fine people thing is a hoax. We know that Russia is a hoax. We know like a lot of these things, like the one thing they tried to say is that Donald Trump left them with the worst economy ever. And it's like, bro, you're...

You fucking like they think people forgot that the Democrats and the media and everybody was pressuring him to shut the country down. And in fact, when he turned the country back over, the jobs were already recovered. And so these people are trying to claim, you know, bounce backs as growth.

And they're doing the same thing with their financial reporting, with the reporting on interest rates, with the reporting on job growth. You know, we've seen a number of situations over the last three years where they've estimated job growth at X. And then it comes out three months later in a very small segment on the back page of the Internet that says, oh, it wasn't actually X. It was actually one quarter of X.

X. Right. And so they're drastically overestimating the statistics on the front end and then not telling people on the back end. And so there's a lot of deception, a lot of deception going on. And if you don't familiar with it or you don't follow it, which a lot of people don't because they're so busy trying to survive, we end up in a situation where she appears to be dominant. But I think Americans, bro, at this point in time, and I think even Democrats are

are to the point where they know that these people are legit Marxist communists and they are willing to say anything to get elected. And that's what we're seeing Kamala do. She's going up there, she's saying things that are against what she used to believe and what she still believes. And we had Bernie Sanders come out and say that. Bernie Sanders came out and fucking basically said, yeah, dude, she's just saying that because she wants to get elected. And after she gets elected, she's going to go right back to the same shit.

And I think Americans understand that. And the data that's coming out seems to suggest that they do. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And one thing we said too, bro, like I don't think anybody –

that before the debate who was voting for Trump, I don't think any one of them- - I think that's the bottom line. - After the debate are not voting for Trump. - Yeah, I think the bottom line is nobody's changing their votes. Now, there might be some people who are independent who are now like, fuck, I gotta vote for Trump because they're, and that's what we're seeing where we have two out of three or two to one on the independents. But that's because these people are recognizing what's actually happening here the more that they try to deceive.

And I think it's good that they think they won the debate. I think it's good that they think they did because that means there's less of a chance for some major fucking black swan disruption. But I don't think they're fooling anybody. And, you know, they did accomplish their goal and their goal was to create a

a believable scenario where the race is much closer than what it actually is. And I think anybody who watched that debate last night would be convinced that it's closer after watching that than what it is. So I think that was their goal. I think the goal was to make it appear as if

these two people are close so that they can fudge the gap. - They can cheat, bro. - Right, yeah. - I mean, me personally, even with just how they're doing these debates now, this is the first time in history that these debates have been held in the format that they are being held. - Yeah. - Bro, I wanna go back, not too far back, but I wanna go back to where literally presidents, these candidates would pop up in the middle of the fucking cities

Fucking put pop-up fucking podiums. Listen, they can't do that. The Democrats cannot have a live crowd because she can't lie the way she's lying with a live crowd. With real Americans. That's right. Because, dude, if you really want to do this how it should be,

you have a live crowd okay you have one conservative moderator from let's say Fox you have one Democrat moderator from ABC whatever right you have 50% of the crowd the tickets are available for Trump 50% are available for Kamala okay which she won't be able to fill and then you do you do the

The debate and there's no turning the microphones off. It's a fucking debate back and forth And if that were the scenario, I mean dude trump would crush this lady, bro And and not only would trump crush it the crowd would crush her because when she started bringing up, you know, um

The very fine people. And what was the other one that you said she had? I mean, it was a lot. She did a lot. A lot of these old... The bloodbath shit. Yeah, Project 2025. The bloodbath comment, which was an economic-focused comment. Um...

You know, like when she would say this in front of a crowd, you would hear the crowd boo her. So they can't do that because they can't lie confidently with a crowd standing right there. So that's what's happening. And, dude, I don't think Trump should agree to do another debate where there isn't people there. Yeah. This like, you know, closed off. No, bro. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how that went because.

I'm just telling you dude like because I don't know if they got the questions ahead of time But it my first thought was she's got these she's had these questions I think that's gonna honestly I think that may even come out within the next couple of weeks I could see that too. We're like, oh someone blows a whistle and says hey, this is what actually there was some fucking you know, I

you know 52 gender person working for abc yeah accidentally yeah sent the question like yeah i could see that coming out and i would not be surprised yeah because again like we've had we have too much evidence of this lady days before this debate being a total airhead right and saying saying salads bro saying the opposite of what she's saying

On the debate stage. I think she's just discrediting herself more than anything and I think the more She tries to win the moderate vote when everybody knows what she's really about and everybody's experienced what this woman's really about I I think she's telling on herself. I don't think anybody's changing their vote away from Trump to vote for Kamala and and I don't think anybody who's hard-set on Kamala is Gonna go vote for Trump

But I do think that the libertarian type people and the independent people are starting to realize the importance of their vote. Because I think what's happening there, bro, is they're watching her and they're like, holy shit, this lady's saying anything she can to get elected. What's she going to do when she gets in? Right. You know what I mean? Right. So how can you have confidence in that? You can't. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Yeah, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys thought about the debate down in the comments. With that being said, let's go check some of these comments out. Let's go cruise the comments. This first comment comes from Herb J. Smith. Herb J. Smith. Herbie. Herbie. Good old Herb.

Good old dick twist. He says, can you post links, please, and data to your non-factual data? Yeah, we do that every show. It's on the website. VP Harris has never had an approval rating at 27%. I hope you guys realize he's telling BS. You can easily Google any of this and find out. You know, it's funny, Herb, because I did that.

Actually, I did that. Favorability of Vice President Kamala Harris in the United States as of August 24th. Let's zoom in on here for you, Herb. Andy, what's that say? That says 27%. 27 fucking percent, you piece of fucking shit, Herb. Herb! Fact check. And that's a fact. Jack. Like, what the fuck did you Google? What?

I Googled. Dude, it's even, it was before when she was vice president, she had an approval of 27%. So it hasn't changed. At least 40% of the country fucking hated her. Yeah. Yep. So there you go, Herbie. The old Herbster.

Now, this next comment. Why would you debate when we actually post the data on our fucking show, on our website, every show? I don't miss. We don't miss. These people always say, source, source, when they haven't looked at any of the data at all. They haven't looked at anything. Bro, it's not my job to source every bit of information. Maybe you should just go look and realize that your point of view is inaccurate.

Like, I hope you guys realize he's telling BS. Well, anybody who's listened to the show for the last four and a half years realizes that I've missed like, I don't know, two or three times total. So I don't know, Herb, but, you know, I know you guys think that I'm a not intelligent human, but I have a pretty fucking high IQ and I have the world evidence to prove it.

Google that. Yeah. Piece of shit. Yeah. Fuck, bro. Like, you know, I figured out how to win and everything I fucking touch in my entire fucking life. I never met a herb. Is that short for something? Herbert. Herbert. Herbert the pervert.

I mean, dude, listen, you're welcome to think whatever you want, but you just make yourself look stupid when you comment shit like that. Yeah, for sure. Well, I think what they hope too, bro, is that like nobody's going to actually go Google. I think what they hope is that people are going to back up and jump on and be like, oh, fucking burn them at the stake. Motherfucker, you can't cancel me, bitch. Can't. You know why? Because I show up every day and tell you to fucking eat shit. Eat it. Eat it. This next comment comes from Rob Rose. Iron Whiskey Rob.

This was actually a tweet by Donald Trump News. Do you support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. working in my administration? Yes or no?

To which Rob Rose replied, yes, add Andy Frisella too if you want, if you actually want to drain the swamp. He's correct. He's correct. Listen, no offense to RFK. I like RFK a lot. He's coming on the show, by the way. Two other big names coming on the show too. Some real big ones. Just wait on it. Yeah, we'll just let you see that when it comes. But, uh,

I love RFK. I think he's a good dude. But you guys need some fucking hitters in there. You need some motherfuckers that are going to straight up woodchipper motherfuckers. Some Babe Ruths. Blame it on me, dude. It's my fault. We gave Andy the keys. He bought the woodchippers. We gave him the keys to the woodchipper and he just went crazy. How much crime you got in your neighborhood? None. How many ducks are missing in your neighborhood? Yeah, that's right.

Did you see my training last night? They might be missing because you might take them all and put them in your house. Did you see my duck, tactical duck training last night? I was training my ducks how to avoid Haitian barbecues. I was going to post a picture of you holding Daisy and be like, DJ's playing the part of a Haitian. Yeah, right. Duck, what do you do? Flap the wing, flap the wing. All right. Love it. Last comment comes from Nathan Vondra.

You know what's better than the debate? The CTI episode that Andy Frisella is going to drop. That's a fact. Hashtag really if that's a motherfucking fact. Guys, we appreciate you for all your comments. Thank you guys for being real. I love when these people try to challenge me and then it's like one Google search and it's like, here you go. Dumbass right there. Bro, not only does she have a 12. What percentage did you think she had, Herb? What did you think?

It was 28. No. Like, no. What these people think is like, because. 100%. Yes. Because they watched the fucking MSNBC and shit. Look, man. Herb, it's all right, man. If you really want to know what's going on, just keep watching the show, which apparently you are.

Well, there you go, Herb. Herbie Herb. Herbie Herb. Guys, we appreciate you for being real-ass fans. Thanks for liking and commenting. Make sure you guys are subscribed. And hit that bell notification on the YouTube to stay up to date with the latest episodes from Real AF. With that being said, let's keep this cruise moving. Headline number two. I love how people think I'm fucking stupid because I don't like...

wear a suit and tie and speak all proper maybe we should no i just think it's funny it's like these people that don't know who i am or anything i've done and they assume i'm some kind of fucking moron yeah i get it i don't get it but i get it yeah i get it

Like, how can you be one of these people that thinks you're smarter than someone when you have to go home to your shitty little fucking life and you're talking about how you're smarter than someone who's created all kinds of crazy shit for the world? I know what it is. What? Facebook degrees. I don't know what the fuck it is. University of Instagram. I know this, bro. Like, my life sucked and I was like, you know, my shit was all fucked up. I wouldn't be thinking I was that smart. Wouldn't be saying that. Whatever you guys think it is. Yeah.

Yeah, man. Guys, Andy, headline number two. Let's dive into this. So, I mean, while the debates, that's obviously the big topic of the day, there's other things that are happening in our country I think we should be aware and privy of. The second headline reads...

House GOP plan to avert government shutdown on life support as Johnson delays vote. Now, this is an interesting one that comes in. I've been monitoring this for a couple of days now. We basically have about three weeks left before a potential government shutdown. Now,

Now, House Speaker Mike Johnson was forced to delay a housewide vote on his plan to avert a partial government shutdown on Wednesday after a slew of GOP defections put the bill on life support within days of its rollout. So Johnson told reporters there would be no vote today on the measure. A short term extension of this year's government funding called a continuing resolution or C.R.,

combined with the measure to mandate a proof of citizenship requirement in the voter registration process. All right. So understand this, this continuing resolution is this CR that's in effect right now that they're trying to get it passed and approved. Okay. It includes two things, government funding for the next six months where they finalize a budget on that. And then making sure that people who are voting in this election that's coming up are actual American citizens. That's it. Okay.

And it's being fucking stalled by people, not just on the left, because we call them out how we see them. There's fucking Republican people in our Congress supposed to be representing us that are now defecting and not voting or voting in the against for this fucking bill to pass.

House leaders originally planned to hold the vote late on Wednesday afternoon, though, as early in the morning, at least eight Republican lawmakers signaled opposition. Conservative opponents on Johnson's right flank who were largely against CRS in general, believing them to be an extension of overboard omnibus spending bills.

which they oppose, accused House GOP leaders of trying to appease them with a messaging bill that would not ultimately be signed into law. Some GOP national security hawks were also worried of the bill's six month spending extension over its impact on military and other defense spending, pushing instead for a shorter spending patch into December.

Now, they have to reach an agreement by September 30th. If they don't reach an agreement by September 30th, there's going to be a partial government shutdown. One source familiar with discussions told Fox News Digital that they anticipate Johnson holding the vote next week, something the speaker also alluded to in his comments. Quote, the American people demand and deserve that we do everything possible to secure the elections. That's what we've been saying consistently, Johnson said.

We're going to continue to work on this. The whip is going to do the hard work and build consensus. We're going to work through the weekend on that. And in a shot at the bill's opponents on both sides, Johnson said, quote, I want any member of Congress in any party to explain to the American people why we should not ensure that only U.S. citizens are voting in U.S. elections. So, again, that's the big part of the bill.

They're trying to make it about, oh, it shouldn't be a six month extension on the spending. It should just be a three month extension. They're fucking lying to you. They're holding this up because they don't want to ensure that Americans and only Americans are voting in this election. And it's on both sides. Um,

Former President Donald Trump had advocated for the six-month CR attached to the Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility, or the SAVE Act. He advocated for that last month, urging House Republicans to leverage a shutdown weeks before Election Day to get it passed. He appeared to change his tune somewhat this week, urging GOP lawmakers to vote against the CR unless they were insured.

of a non-citizen voting crackdown. Now, with all of that going on, again, we have at least conservatively 12 million illegal migrants in this country. We showed yesterday that just in one state alone, there was over 144,000 voters, voters in air quotes, that are voting without ID. That's just in one state.

We've got 11 million to 12 million people with no ID. These things are trying to happen in plenty of states. Not just swing states, blue states. States that potentially could even be red by now. Who knows? Right? And there's this weird...

passion that our people in government have about not trying to ensure that. Why would that be? Right. And they're doing everything they can to try to protect these migrants from headlines like this. Republicans spread baseless slurs about catting and eating migrants in Ohio City.

Right? Not to mention the shit that's happening in Aurora. Motherfucker, I got videos that people are sending me from the fucking streets of these motherfuckers putting oranges on pigeons and eating them. Can we show that? Yeah, you can fucking show that. I mean, like, and that's the thing. It's like, but they keep pushing this nonsense. Like, Snopes even has this picture of a dude walking down the street with a fucking goose, a dead goose in his hand.

But they're saying that there's no evidence Haitian immigrants are eating ducks, geese, or pets in Springfield. Right? Or that it's unfounded. Like you said, we have people sending us... We have people sending us fucking videos of this shit. Okay? Sending us videos. This is a Real AF exclusive. Check this video clip out. This happened in Dallas? Yeah. Check this out. This woman is marinating a pigeon with a fucking orange while it's alive. ...

That is a video that a listener took. Okay? Why in the world would our American government want people who are not American citizens to have a say in the direction of our country? It's bad enough that people who are American citizens that don't pay taxes have a say in the direction of our country.

do you they're american do we really think that like like real talk do these people really believe that we as american citizens are going to accept an election that is decided by people who have been imported from third world countries who are not american citizens do you think that the american citizens are going to accept that i do not

And they shouldn't, and we shouldn't. The fact that these elite fucks are bringing in people who are not citizens, who are draining our tax dollars, that's your tax dollars, my tax dollars, that we pay off the backs of our hard work for these people to come in and then vote for more of our tax dollars to go to them.

The American citizens should not tolerate this at all. Every single senator or congressman that opposes voter ID or the elections being exclusively for American citizens should be removed from government by arrest.

By arrest, our military should arrest every single politician at national and state and county level that believes that non-American citizens should have the right to vote in any level of election in this country. The fact that

that they are willing to accept that shows their treasonous nature and that they have zero of our interests in mind and only their interests because the only reason that they would want these people to vote is so that they can maintain power. And the reason they want to maintain power is because they want to keep the gravy train that is their career, that is their business when they are ill-equipped to do anything else for a living intact.

And they also want to protect themselves from prosecution of the crimes that they have already committed, which are plentiful. All right. So any one of these people who is saying that illegal immigrants or non-citizens should vote are literal treasonous traitors to the United States of America and should be treated as such. It's disgusting, man. I mean, do you really want people who fucking, you know,

Put fucking oranges. Listen, dude. It's not about... Until the American citizen stands the fuck up and says none of these motherfuckers should be able to vote in our country and be serious about it and start taking it fucking serious. Like I'm talking about going to the polling station and making sure that nobody that is clearly a fucking illegal from somewhere else shows up to vote. By force.

OK, until American citizens do that, these people are going to continue to prey on every single passive American citizen that exists, which is most of us. Most of you won't even speak up. OK, much less go to a voting booth or a voting poll center and make sure that there's not a line of 4000 fucking immigrants there to vote.

Okay, this is our country. We don't allow people from other countries to vote. Go to fucking Russia as a non-Russian citizen and try to vote in their fucking election and see what happens to you. Go anywhere and try to do that. They will fucking arrest you if not put you to death.

OK, this is the only country in the world where they do this and they've convinced you that it's somewhat normal. It is not normal. It is highly treasonous. And these people should be treated as the traitors that they are. One hundred percent, man. Guys, jumping on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. We'll stay up to date with more information about the government shutdown in later episodes. But with that being said, let's get to our third and final headline.

Number three, this is this is what I wanted to wait on a little bit. You know, it's very important you don't jump on headlines and events that happen. You want to give us some time for more information and facts to come out. So let's talk about this one. It's the sound of the police. Tyreek Hill says he could have handled his traffic stop better, but he still wants the officer fired.

So let's dive into this a little bit. There's some interesting people to jump in and on this conversation. Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill acknowledged Wednesday that he could have handled himself better in the initial moments of a weekend traffic stop that left him handcuffed and pulled out of his car by police officers near the team stadium. He'll also said he wants one of the officers involved in the incident dismissed from the police force.

Hill said he wishes he did some things, quote, a bit differently on Sunday morning, including leaving the window of his car down when officers instructed him to do so. He rolled up the window instead. The incident escalated quickly from there. Quote, I will say I could have been better, Hill said.

I could have let down my window in that instant. But the thing about me is I don't want attention. I don't want to be cameras out, phones on you in that moment. But at the end of the day, I'm human. I've got to follow rules. I've got to do what everyone else would do. Now, here's the facts of the case. He was driving an estimated 60 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour zone. All right.

I mean, you got to keep that reputation up. Fastest man in the NFL, bro. It's true. You know? You got to be fast at everything. This is true. I'm just glad the car wasn't stolen. He had no... What? What? What do you mean? That sounds racist. Huh? What? What? No. I mean, you know...

It's Tyreek Hill, man. He is fast as fuck. Fuck yeah. He's big too, bro. That dude's a beast. He almost went to jail. No, he almost got himself shot. Yeah, that's real, man. Now, police estimated that he was going 60 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour zone, so 20 miles over the speed limit when he was pulled over. He did receive some tickets, some citations for careless driving, the seatbelt violation. That's according to Miami-Dade Police Department.

And apparently there was a high traffic of pedestrians and vehicles in that area where he was driving. Now, I have the body cam footage here. I think it's important. Let's watch the whole thing. All right. And then I got a very interesting person to jump in on this conversation. So let's check the body cam footage out. This is from Miami-Dade Police Department. Here is the body cam footage. Hi, New York.

Keep your window down. Keep your window down. I'm gonna get you out of the car.

As a matter of fact, get out of the car. Give me your ass, bro. Get out of the car. Give me your ass or we'll break that freaking window. Get out of the car. Get out of the car right now. We're not playing this game. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. What part of God are you in this thing? Hey, Drew. Hey, Drew. I'm getting arrested, Drew. I'm getting arrested. I'm getting arrested, Drew. I'm getting out, bro. God damn.

When we tell you to do something, you do it. You understand? I'm getting out. You understand? Not when you want, but when we tell you. You're a little fucking confused. I'm getting out, bro. Too late. Too late. All right, bro. Take me to jail, bro. Do what you got to do, bro. We are. We will. Good, good, bro. It is good. Hey, Drew. Hey. Don't worry about it. I'll hang up the phone. Stop crying. Bro. Don't move. Good. Bro, you beating on my window like you crazy. You set him up? What y'all beating on my window like y'all crazy for?

Damn, yo, yo, bro, bro, bro, yo, bro, dude, beating on my window like he crazy. I ain't do nothing, twin. Hey, don't park there. Don't park there. Hey. Hold on, twin, hold on.

I just had surgery on my knee. I just had surgery on my knee, bro. I just had surgery on my knee, bro. I just had surgery on your ears when we thought that was what you were doing. Chill, bro. Chill, bro. Hey, don't move, bro. Back up. Call Drew. Call Drew. Call Drew. Call Drew. Call Drew. Call Drew, bro. Call Drew. Call Drew. Hey, call Drew, bro. Hey, what? Hey, call Drew, bro. Just call Drew. Hey. I'm not going.

Who's that? Entourage? That's a big dude.

I'm in the car. You gotta go before you get a ticket. I'm not driving. Who's the driver? This is my car. All right, move. You gotta move right now. Let me have your license. You're getting a ticket too. I'm coming. Let me have your license. I'm leaving. Let me have your license. I'm leaving. I'm not playing. Let me have your license. I'm leaving. Yo, what's going on? Your license right now. Yo, what's going on? Your license right now. You're not gonna give me your license? Get in the car and leave. You're not gonna give me your license? I'm leaving. Let me have your license. I'm leaving. Your license right now. Sir, you wanna leave right now? Hey, your license right now. I'm leaving. I'm leaving.

So that's a clip. Now, there's a lot there. There is a lot there. Yeah. There's a lot there. Do you want to do our thoughts or do you want to see who had something to say about this? Uh...

Now we can see what they say and then we'll, you know, we'll chime in. An interesting person commented on this. Headline reads, Dolphins Tyreek Hill not blameless in incident with police officers. ESPN Stephen A. Smith says,

He jumped in on the conversation. Stephen A. Smith's getting more reasonable. More reasonable. More palatable. I used to really, like he was a very much so a huge race baiter for a long, long time. And he still is from time to time, but I'm getting more. I like the new Stephen A. where he's kind of like evaluating what the fuck is up and like,

you know, not always making it that way. Yeah, for sure. ESPN star Stephen A. Smith suggested that Miami Dolphins star Tyreek Hill was an excuse from blame during the situation with police officers in Florida that led to his detention. Now, we just saw the body cam. Stephen A. Smith gave his opinion on the situation, saying neither police officers involved nor Hill are immune from blame. Let's check this clip out. But when it comes to Tyreek Hill...

We also can't let him completely off the hook based on the statement that was made by the police department in Florida. They said, quote unquote, he was cooperative. He was uncooperative. We have a responsibility on this show and any kind of platform that we have to make sure we're doing what we can to save lives, to

To make sure that we're doing what we can to ensure that somehow, some way you get to live another day and fight that battle. We know how wrong they were. The police were excessive. No excuses. They should be ashamed of themselves, the way they acted. They just went overboard. Totally true. Especially when it came to Calais Campbell as well, who did nothing.

and put his arms up, he was no threat whatsoever, okay? They told him to step back. He stepped back. He let them know that was his friend. Another teenager, New Smith, comes in there. He's by his car. He's on the phone. He's clearly not posing any threat. The police officers were definitely agitated. They were wrong. Here's the problem. We all came on the air seeing the initial footage in complete, unadulterated support for Tyreek Hill. You pull over.

Bro, I do that. Tyreek.

Tyreek Hill had his window up. The officer bangs on, you know, knocks on his window. He didn't bang on his window. He knocked on his window. You hesitate to pull it down. The first thing you say is don't bang on my window like that. Don't bang on my window like that. Don't bang on my window like that. He asked you for your driver's license. You hesitated to give him your driver's license. You said in the post-game conference, hey, y'all, what if I wasn't Tyreek Hill? What if you weren't Tyreek Hill?

What would have happened to you if somebody that wasn't Tyreek Hill kept the windows rolled up, hesitated to roll it down. No shit. Didn't give you the license immediately when you asked for it. And then hesitated to get out the car when they told you to get out the car. See, we got to be responsible. And the point that I'm trying to make is this. In no way.

Should the officers be excused for what they did? I totally agree with you, Dom. Every syllable. You too, Shannon. Every syllable. But I also am saying, yo, Tyreek, yo, bro, you didn't deserve that. I'm not implying that you did. But the police officers do have the power. When they pull up on you and they tell you to roll down that window and they tell you to give you your driver's license and they tell you to get out that car, that's what you got to do. Yeah, I know.

I mean, look, dude, you know that he's he that's that's I agree with everything he said. Bro, you're an attendant car. Listen, man, through the fucking window. Well, I mean, listen, bro, you used to be a cop. What do you think? Yeah, it's fucking dangerous, man. Like, like I can show you 15 clips right now of police officers walking up to a fucking car with a window up. And guess what happens?

The dude starts fucking shooting out the fucking car. I can show you 15 clips. I can show you clips where the window's down and they do that. Right? And so, like, I mean, they're not, like, dude, follow fucking directions. Like, you have to comply. And, like, this whole idea that, like, you know, you're going to try to make these arguments and try to pat the cops, that's not the place to do it. That's not the place to do it. You do that shit in court, you can afford a good fucking lawyer.

Get a fucking good lawyer. Take care of that shit in court. Yeah. But you're being a fucking asshole, bro. You're being a fucking asshole. And honestly, like, you know, people want to say the cops escalated. Yeah. I mean, potentially the one cop who like, yeah, for sure. But that could have been way fucking worse. It could have been way worse. That could have been, that could have been an officer involved shooting. Oh, for sure. Like it could have been way worse. Listen, man, I applaud the restraint there because it could have been way worse. Um,

Alright, so I agree with everything you're saying. I agree with everything Stephen a saying which is super rare. Yeah, I Think Stephen a makes good points, but he's he's Look dude, I think what Stephen a just said there is gonna help save other black men's lives Okay, because there is a cultural difference between how white people behave with the police and how black people behave with the police and

Black people like to say, well, they like to look at a situation and they say, well, if that guy was black, he'd be this and this and this. But that guy don't act like y'all act when you get pulled over. Right. Okay? And I'm just being real, dude. There's a narrative. There's an idea that we could do whatever the fuck we want. Listen, man. Stereotypes are stereotypes because there's truth in the stereotype. All right? And when you're a black man and you're driving a fucking awesome McLaren, by the way, fucking 720S. That's nice.

Tint it out pimp as fuck as it should okay, and you're speeding through the neighborhood And you're not wearing a seatbelt and the first thing you start doing when they come up to the window is Mouthing off and all this shit. You're asking for trouble and quite honestly dude. I agree with you I think he could have gotten way worse because of the window rolling up thing That's a dangerous situation for sure to be we just covered that shit that one where that uh that guy was reaching for the fucking Draco in between his legs right and

So, you know, here's my take on what happened here. Tyreek's a very wealthy guy. He is very famous.

he's used to doing whatever the he wants okay because when you're rich and famous people do treat you differently uh and they kind of let you like you you kind of do whatever the you want and uh you know when it comes to the police you don't get to do whatever you want and and sometimes i think people who are used to getting yeses don't like to be told what to do when police uh are telling them what to do including me um

Will say that those police officers you could tell they lost their temper You could tell they escalated that one guy in particular with the tattooed hands the guy that pulled him out of the car and then put him in a neck restraint when he was standing on the sidewalk not being a threat that guy deserves some sort of Repercussions for his actions. I don't know that he needs to be fired and

But yeah, dude, I mean, I think both parties are to blame here. But if we're going to blame one party more than the other, it's Tyreek. Because, bro, you acted like an asshole. You let that rich and famous ego shit carry into a place where it's not tolerated and shouldn't be tolerated. Okay? You go into a restaurant, they seat you at the nice table. That's one thing.

You're speeding through a residential zone, fucking 60 miles an hour and a 40 and a $300,000 McLaren. And those cops are making a fucking 85 grand a year. They already don't like you, bro. You know what I'm saying? So, you know, I think it's important, you know, like when I get pulled, I've been pulled over a million times, dude. And, you know, the last time I got pulled over, I think we talked about it on the show. I was speeding, uh,

buy a lot. Um, and I was driving a lot Ferrari and I fucking rolled both windows down. I got my gun on my seat. First thing I say, like I'm hands on the steering wheel. Say, Hey bro, um, right over there is my, my carry gun. You know, we, listen, we need to do a better job communicating with the police that they are not in danger. Right. And if you do that, whenever you get pulled over, you deal with the police, um,

You're going to have good interactions with the police most of the time. They don't want to have conflict. They don't want to have fights. They don't want to go home, bro. They don't want to chase nobody. They don't want to shoot nobody. Are there people who are assholes? For sure. But even the way that guy reacted, the reason that he reacted that way is because this guy, Tyreek,

is making a dangerous situation out of something that shouldn't be. And he's getting pissed because he's like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? And I know they all know who the fuck he is. He just gave him a license. Right. So, you know, look, bro, these, I think Stephen A gave a really, uh, a very responsible response and it's very good for black Americans because he speaks to a lot of black Americans. Um,

especially black men. Like, bro, you guys can't let your mouth and your ego get you in trouble with these people. Dude, if you just...

make sure that you understand that when a police officer pulls you over, he's already scared. He's already nervous. He's already like, fuck. And you say, Oh, well that's because I'm black. Well, yeah. Cause the crime data is fucking you. You represent 12% of the population, actually black male, 6%, 5%. You commit over 50% of the violent crime. So they're just understanding the data. They understand that like, dude. And you say, well, they're profiling no shit. Right.

No shit. I mean, even to that, though, bro, like that McLaren's black the fuck out. They don't know who the fuck is driving that. My point is, is that like, dude, like when people try to say shit like, oh, well, they just treat me that way because I'm black. Well, that might be true sometimes because of the way that they've been treated before by black men.

So, like, we have to realize that, like, if we ever want this problem to resolve itself, there has to be respect on both sides. And if black men want to stop being singled out by the police, then they got to start treating the police a different way than they've been treating them. Right.

And and you know like like dude like it's like touching the stove like you touch the stove it burns you touch the stove it burns you touch the stove it burns you and then someone walks in and says hey touch that stove you're gonna be like I'm a fucking touching that stove right like. Instead we say it's the stove's fault. Dude that's what I'm saying man and it's look.

There's just so much bullshit in the world right now. We don't need either one of those things. We don't need a white or a black or any citizen making a cop feel endangered and we don't need cops overreacting. And for that situation to heal, there's going to have to be a respect that is established for the police because like Stephen A said in his monologue there, they have the power. They have the authority in that situation. And whether you think it's right or it's wrong, it's the truth and they can take your life.

They can take your fucking life. So, legally. So, like, dude, we have to acknowledge whether or not we think that's okay or we don't okay. It's the reality of the situation. And when you roll your window up and create a situation... Like, bro, had that been at nighttime? No, man. No, listen. Had that been at nighttime, that same situation nighttime, he probably would have got shot. He probably would have got shot. Bro, how much easier would the situation have been? The fact that he didn't get shot...

Or worse, it's likely because it was 10 o'clock in the morning. How much easier would that situation have been? You got pulled over.

Man listen guys. I'm sorry. I was speeding a little bit. I'm trying to get to my game Yeah, I go ball out would have been it would have been a private it probably they probably said Oh, Mr. Hill shit dude. Let's drive you down there fucking to scorch you down You know I'm saying like it's so important man like you got to control what you can control and you can control you being a fucking asshole I mean dude look I've dealt with cops that are fucking total fucks for sure okay, but I will say it's one out of every 100

And it's usually because they just got done doing some fucked up shit with some other thing. All right? We're seeing some fucked up shit. Yeah, bro. And like, dude, you guys can say, well, that's because you're not black. Well, maybe that's true. Because you don't see white people fucking...

Having the same problems that black people have with the cops on the other hand of that though. I think there's that not true Well, I think I think the difference is no we did that definitely happens white people get fucked up by the cops all the time The difference is is the response from the community which also Stephen a spit. That's a cultural difference. He pointed out He said listen, we all jumped on the fucking side of Tyreek. Yeah, like no. Yeah, bro. We're fucking Whatever, you know when fucking you know, Kevin or Jake, you know

You know what I'm saying? Gets his ass beat by the cops. Here's what we... Listen, dude. There's no headline about it. It's a fundamental cultural difference between black community and white community. Oh, man. And it goes like this. When white community... Jake. Call him Jake. I like Jake. Listen, dude. I got people I know and people I'm related to who have done some really stupid-ass shit. Criminal shit. Mm-hmm.

when they do that i don't automatically my judgment is not to automatically be like oh dude he got by the police my automatic response is well why the did you do that you dumbass dumb to do right so the and most of white culture is that way in black culture it's the opposite and they say why are they picking on whoever right why is the stove hot yes and dude turn the stove on and dude we have to come to a

realization that just because someone is a certain race or And dude black communities do this inside their own neighborhoods, too They know who the criminals are they know who's causing the problem, but they won't say shit because they're black And bro that doesn't solve anything man So there's a lot of you know, there's a lot of issues that we got to solve and and uh in this situation I think it was I think it was uh

A little bit of him being rich and famous and getting his way to do whatever he wants. And I think it was a little bit of cops losing their cool. And I think both parties are to blame. And I think they should probably shake hands and say, hey, I fucked up. And the cops should admit his wrong, too. But, you know, on the bigger scale here.

I sure would like to see the black community learn something from this and the white community, which is make cops feel safe. Yeah, I think that's super important. Yeah. Jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, thumbs up. I mean, do you agree that that's the case in the cultural differences? One thousand percent, bro. Why do you think that is?

I mean, I think there's a few things. I mean, you got to be real about it too, bro. Like, I mean, this didn't start becoming a real true issue. This cop, black person. It didn't happen until Michael Brown. Until 2014. Yeah, that's right. You know what I'm saying? That's when the shit started fucking exaggerating. And so like once we made martyrs out of people who were absolutely in the fucking wrong. Yeah. It gave this false sense of confidence.

That, hey, we can do whatever the fuck we want. And that's not the case. Yeah. And white people, you know, I'm not saying that they don't try to do whatever the fuck they want, but when they do, they get fucked up. Yeah. Right? Like, I mean, the statistical data is there. White people are just as more likely to get shot, if not more, actually, than black people are.

Right? There's no fucking t-shirts made of them. There's no preschool pictures that are posted on fucking national headlines. It doesn't happen. You know what I'm saying? There's a false sense of confidence that- Which goes into the identity politics, race-baiting division shit of the bigger scale as well. There's this false sense of confidence that the black community has when it comes to law enforcement that like, hey, listen, you do stupid shit, you're going to win stupid prizes. That's the end of it, man. And to your point,

I think we all have a responsibility, especially knowing the climate that law enforcement is in right now, bro. They're fighting with their hands handcuffed behind their backs. So it's like, why, why make a situation worse than it has to be? Do you remember that time? Like,

Fuck, before we were on YouTube, like this is probably back in 2020. Yeah, it was 2020 because it was when George Floyd happened. And you and I were watching that video and it showed the cops go by and the little black kid hid from the cops. Do you remember that? He hid behind the Jeep. And someone had said, well, this is what white privilege looks like. White kids don't have to do that.

That's not true. Like when I was a kid we hit from the cops, too We saw the cops go by we were throwing rocks or something. We fucking you know what I mean? No like I duck when I hear sirens like it has nothing I get nervous when I see a police officer behind me and I'm perfectly capable of handling whatever comes my way But guess what you should be nervous because you should I mean you shouldn't be nervous I should say but just don't do dumb shit listen I think I think the police community has a role in this too, man like

You guys can't just go around fucking forcing your shit on everybody like you're the goddamn fucking Gestapo. Jumping on this conversation down in the comments. Let us know what you guys think. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline in, an article, video, something like that. We talk about it and it'll get one of those two options. So with that being said, our thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads...

This little guy is going to go places. Teen reacts to receiving his first paycheck from McDonald's. Let's take it to the bank then. Let's check this clip out. All right, so we have my baby opening up his first check. He says it's going to be $200. $200 something. So here we go.

What we looking at here? I'm trying to be careful with it. That's not the shirt you wore to work. No, I was wrong about that. They gave me another one, so now I got three of these. So you weren't allowed to wear the t-shirt? Not allowed to do that. Let me see what this is. That's $283. After tax, what's that? That is after tax. Yeah!

That's awesome, dude. Bro, you see that fucking smile? How much is that after taxes? That is a... I'll tell you what, man. There ain't nothing that makes you smile like it makes fucking money. That's why I want you guys all to be rich.

Because that shit is fun. Look at his fucking face, bro. Bro, he's ecstatic. Bro, you would have thought Santa Claus just showed up. You know what I'm saying? Look at that smile, man. Look at that smile. Oh, he's happy. Oh, you said his dad? His dad came back. Shut the fuck up. Nah, that ain't true because his dad would take that 283.

Bro, that's awesome. Good for that young man, bro. Learning what it is to go out and work for a living and be rewarded for it. And kudos to that mom for teaching him those lessons and getting him going, bro. That is fucking awesome. I love to see it. I love the kid's fucking face. Dude, that's the face I make when I make money, too. That shit don't ever go away, dude. That shit don't go away. That is the same fucking face.

It's input and output, man. Oh, bro. I love it. I love that. I thought it was fucking awesome. Dude, that was awesome. Yeah. No doubt. Thumbs up to that, man. Yeah. 100%. Guys, Andy, that is all I got. All right, guys. Don't be a hoe. Share the show.

sleeping on the floor now my jury box froze fuck a bowl fuck a stole counted millions in the cold bad bitch booted swole got her on bankroll can't fold that's a no headshot case closed