cover of episode 766. Andy & DJ CTI: DNC Day 3 Speakers, Would-Be Trump Assasin's Encrypted Messages & Family Sues Detroit Judge

766. Andy & DJ CTI: DNC Day 3 Speakers, Would-Be Trump Assasin's Encrypted Messages & Family Sues Detroit Judge

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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Andy Purcell和DJ Cruz对Don Lemon在采访和街头采访中的表现提出了尖锐批评,认为其观点愚蠢且与民意脱节,并将其归咎于媒体操纵。他们详细分析了Lemon与Elon Musk关于审查制度的辩论,指出Lemon的言论前后矛盾,暴露了他对审查制度的渴望。他们还批评了民主党全国代表大会第三天演讲者的言论,认为民主党试图塑造一种软弱的男性形象,并通过操纵数据和信息来误导选民,掩盖真实的经济形势。 两位主持人还讨论了对试图刺杀特朗普的嫌犯的调查,质疑FBI的行为,并暗示存在更深层次的阴谋,涉及民主党和情报机构。他们对底特律法官因一名青少年在法庭上睡觉而对其戴上手铐的事件提出了批评,认为缺乏责任感是当前社会的一个主要问题,并对比了不同文化背景下对责任感的不同态度。最后,他们讲述了Burger King员工Kevin Ford的故事,赞扬了他27年不间断工作的敬业精神,并庆祝他通过GoFundMe筹集的巨款实现了买房和开餐车的梦想,以此作为美国梦的积极例证。

Deep Dive

Don Lemon's recent interviews and on-the-street encounters have backfired spectacularly. His arguments with Elon Musk about censorship and his interactions with everyday people about the election reveal a disconnect from reality and a struggle to defend his views.
  • Don Lemon's arguments for censorship backfired in an interview with Elon Musk.
  • Lemon's on-the-street interviews revealed a disconnect with the average American.
  • Many people are seeing through the media's manipulation and forming their own opinions.

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcell, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome to motherfucking reality. Guys, today...

We have Andy and DJ Cruz the motherfucking internet. That's what we're gonna do. That's what CTI stands for it stands for Cruz the internet It's where we put topics on the screen We speculate on what's true and what's not true and then we talk about how we the people that solve the problems going on in society now I'm gonna skip the rest of the intro and get right into it. But remember we don't run ads on the show and

And for that reason, we need you guys' help. All right? So I do a little trade with you. I'm not going to fill your ears full of 30 minutes of ads, but I'm going to ask that you help us grow the show by sharing it. All right? We're constantly talking about things they don't want us to talk about. We deal with traffic throttles, shadow bans, having things removed. So we need your help to get the message out.

So all I ask is very simply that you share the show. All right? So don't be a hoe. Share the show. What's up? What's going on, man? Not much. What's up with you? Nothing much, man. Any glizzies lately? Not today. No. Why? No Thursday glizzy? No. I know you like them. I like the big glizzies, the big bites. I can't believe you don't know about big bites. No, I've never heard of it. They still got big bites at 7-Eleven?

They're called small bites. They're called appetizers. Yeah, I saw apparently 7-Eleven's being, like, there's like a merger going on with 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven who? And what's Circle K. Oh, really? Circle K's kind of trying to buy them out. What are they going to call it? I don't know. Circle Jerk? Circle 11. Full Circle. Circle 11? Okay. I just have a feeling there's going to be a lot of very upset people from a certain demographic. Yeah.

No, you cannot do. Fuck you. You cannot, Bancho, you cannot do. Fuck you, you sticky punk. Motherfuck bitch. I'm sorry. Nope, I'm not.

You cannot do. I love our Indian people, bro. They're cool, man. They're funny as fuck. Food's amazing. Yeah, and nobody knows how to curse someone out like a fucking Indian person. I don't think they know how to curse, but I mean, they do. It sounds good. I like it. It's very convincing. If there were only people that cuss you out, you'd be laughing. Oh, you're laughing now. You're laughing. You motherfuck fuck.

Oh, man. All right. Let's just start the show off with some good old-fashioned racism. You know it's going to be good. Yeah. You know it's going to be good. That's right. No, man. I thought let's redo this topic. We're going to try this attempt again. We got another dumbass of the day for you. Oh, really? This is great. You know, and I've been watching this for a minute, watching this guy. And I don't know if they're, like, making him do this.

Or if he just has, like, no other options to get any type of views. I don't know what it is. Dumbass of the day is going to Don Lemon. Oh, man. He has been getting hammered. And not by penises. Not the way he enjoys. Not the typical way. I mean, I'm sure he likes, you know, you guys know what I mean. But Don Lemon, man, he's been getting it stuck to him. Look at his smile. He fucking loves it.

That's a happy man. Hey, I wish I was that happy. Maybe you should try fucking some bearded ass.

Oh, man. We're definitely getting this show deleted. Yep. Don Lemon, dumbass of the day. So I got a couple of clips here, man, because he has just been getting destroyed and obliterated left and right. I want to show you this first clip. So this comes from an interview that he did with Elon Musk. Okay.

And say what you want about Elon Musk. I like him. Everybody knows he's a unique individual. He's on the spectrum. But the dude's fucking smart. And I think that's really why I don't even think he's on the spectrum. I think he's just extremely smart. That's what I think, too, bro. I think the guy is a genius. Dumbasses just can't understand. That's right. You know what I'm saying? I've met people like that in life. It's a real thing. And so check this interview out between Don Lemon and Elon Musk. They're talking about censorship.

Okay. And let's check this out.

So Don, you love censorship is what you're saying? No, I don't love censorship. Then why are you asking? I believe in moderation. Moderation is a propaganda word for censorship. Look, if something's illegal, we're going to take it down. If it's not illegal, then we're putting our thumb on the scale and we're bringing censors. You're putting your thumb on the scale for moderating hate speech? I mean, you don't put out child pornography. That's not... It's illegal. Some people would say that's considered censorship. I'm just saying. I literally said, if something is legal...

Pause right there. Who would consider pulling child porn off the internet censorship?

People who enjoy child porn. Okay. You guys agree with us out there? I had to pause it. Don, what are you talking about, bro? Hey, I think we might have to check his... I think collectively as a society, we understand that child porn is a crime and it shouldn't be tolerated anywhere. And the people who enjoy it and the people who produce it and the people who do anything with it at all deserve to be fucking executed. That's...

In a very painful way. So let's stop normalizing this idea of minor attracted people or child pornography. Because look how soft he tried to put that in there. Or, you know, Don Lemon saying we shouldn't censor child pornography because that's censorship. Some people would say that. Like who, you? Yeah, right. Right. You would say that. Or anybody who's affiliated with this shit.

You know, I think the greatest thing that's happening in our country right now and in the world right now is that these people are exposing themselves. That's how they do it, man. It's like a soft fucking. I know. Well, that's how they do everything. That's how they do everything. They inch it and inch it and inch it and inch it. Then they start calling for normalization. Then they force it on you.

And if you don't do it, you go to fucking jail like all these hate speech laws now. Yeah, man. If you say that if you misgender this person, you should go to jail. What are you talking about? That's a fucking man. That is a man pretending to be a woman. Ain't doing pretty ain't doing too good at it. Yeah.

Only people who do it right are Thailands. And everybody knows that. Yeah. I just had to pause that because I like, bro, that's weird. It's not weird. I know what you're, get your fucking. We see you. Yeah. Like, yeah. Check his fucking hard drive. Check it. Please. But let's keep, let's keep going with the interview here. Okay. We will obviously remove it. Okay.

But if it is not legal, if the laws in this country are put forward by the citizens who are democracy, if those laws put in place by the people, we adhere to those laws. Okay, I agree. If you go beyond the law, you're actually going beyond the will of the people. What you're suggesting is censorship that goes beyond the law. And what I'm saying is that we, I guess, have a disagreement because I do not believe in censorship that goes beyond the law, and you do. We have a difference of opinion in that regard. So you don't consider that hate speech?

I guess you're not understanding what I'm saying. We don't agree on this. Yes, you want censorship and I don't. No, I don't want censorship. Yes, you do. No, I want responsibility. I think there's, I think there... You desperately want censorship? No, if I want a censorship...

You said you, wait, you know what he said? You want it so bad you can taste it. Did he say that? You desperately want censorship. No, I want responsibility. I think there's, I think there... You desperately want censorship. No, if I want a censorship... You want censorship so bad you can taste it. No, that's not true. It's not true. And I'm against censorship. I'm in favor of freedom of speech. And freedom of speech only is relevant when people you don't like say things you don't like. Otherwise, it has no meaning.

That's funny. You want censorship. Yeah. You want to know about it. You totally want censorship.

Dude, that's funny. Getting hammered, man. So you got that, right? You got it. Like, bro, listen, you're sitting here arguing with a dude that's got like a 200 IQ. Bro. You know what I'm saying? Who's made multiple billion dollar company. Like, listen, I feel like I'm a pretty intelligent human, but I'm not going to sit there and try to joust with Elon Musk, bro. No. Like, in Don Lemon, I would crush you. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's levels to this game. Yeah, man, for sure. Elon tells me something, I'm going to be like, okay, deal.

You're probably right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you have that man, right? And like I said, he left CNN, fired left, however you want to put it. He left CNN. And so I don't know if he's trying to do this rebrand phase or something, but he started doing these going on the street interviews. Yeah. And he has been getting hammered. I know. Holy. It's awesome. It's awesome.

It's amazing. It's amazing. Dude, you know what's funny about his... Well, just play the video. Yeah, let's check a couple of clips out here. Here is one of him on the street doing these in-street interviews asking people their political opinions. How are you feeling about the election? I'm going for Trump. I feel like every time they don't want...

Somebody who was good for us to win, they throw somebody black in our face thinking that's gonna make us vote for the black person. I voted for Obama because he was black. I don't want to vote for her because she's the first black woman to run for president or to win. I don't vote. Well, I want Donald Trump. I'm sorry, I want Donald Trump. Why do you apologize?

Well, I know nobody likes him, but we had good times with Donald Trump. I'm running for Trump, so. You are? Yeah. Yeah. Well, why? I love this. I don't know. I've just always been a fan of his, so that's what I'm running for. I used to be against Trump. I used to live in Virginia. I saw the bad side of it, but really moving to Cleveland, I saw the other side of it. I'm supporting Trump. You are? Mm-hmm. Because? Because it has to change. Yeah. It has to change, and now I vote more for what fits me better as a person rather than...

voting for the black person or voting for the first woman. What do you think about Kamala Harris? I'd like to say she's phony and fake, you know what I'm saying? So, like, you know, I'm like Trump saying, you know, what are you, you know? So I just, I'm not feeling her. People get mad about it, I'm just not feeling her. I don't like her, the way she speaks, the giddiness, the laughing. Everything's a joke, and it's not a joke. We're in trouble. I'm going for Trump. Kamala was on Biden's team, and I don't like Biden. Gas wasn't this high when Trump was our president. Food wasn't this high. I'm going for Trump.

Love it's fucking amazing. That's a beautiful thing to see bro. It's especially seeing so many of those people say I voted for Obama here I voted for this person there. I didn't like Trump and

And then they're saying it right to Don Lemon, which means they really have conviction about what they believe because a lot of people lack the courage to say something to someone when they know that that person has a different opinion. For sure, man. Conversations are happening. Yeah, I really like that a lot. Conversations are happening. And I want to show this next clip too because this is when he tries to push back and he still has a CNN in him.

- No, no, no, bro, listen, it's a lot different when you talk to people, we'd say this for years. When you go out on the street, it's not like what they say.

No, but Don Lemon, I guess, you know, because he's never really done this, like going on the streets and talking to people. No, he's been too good for that. And so like the lies that he was so easily able to tell to people, you know, through this TV screen behind a desk, that was easy for him to do. Now he's having to try to lie to people in their fucking face and it backfires. Check this clip out.

He likes them, but we had good times with Donald Trump. Our economy was good. Life was good. But you know the economy is better under Biden than Trump. Bullshit. That's what the stats show.

that's what the facts show well you know what i don't know where they're getting their facts but i don't think they're valid i don't know where their facts are coming from their facts are coming from them making up their own data and then calling it facts exactly the data that they're making up and saying and presenting to you is actually factual they're just omitting the real data right when they say oh jobs went to this

Yes, they did go to that, but you're not considering decisions that came before that to put them down so much. And then you're not considering who's getting the jobs, which is illegal migrants from other countries. Right. Like, dude. Bullshit. I mean, even the real median household income. Have you been watching how they do this? Like, if anybody's been paying attention to how they do this, you know, they come out with the report and they say jobs are up.

10%. I'm just making this data up, right? And then they put that out in the news and they put it out. They put it on social. They put it out everywhere.

And then four or five months later, they say, oh, we made a mistake. It was only up 0.05%. Like something that was, they go back and they make a correction, but then they don't push any of that into the media. They don't cover that part. Correct. And so they're manipulating the Democrat voters by putting this shit out. And bro, let's be real. How many of these people legit

You know like we you and I do a show on it, right? We have time to research. We take it serious like every night You and I are texting back and forth Hey, look at this. Look at this Look at this to talk about what's going on the show if you think about the average voter or the average democrat voter Especially these people are not well informed because they listen to the media and they're not aware that the media is lying because the media isn't owning their lives so

When they come out and they say, oh, inflation is down. Yeah, it's down compared to a high that happened because of something that they did. They're not telling the whole story. No.

- No, man. It's very refreshing to see. - But dude, like that lady saying bullshit. - Yeah. - Like she, like-- - I don't know. - I know, bro. But like the regular person, me, you, everybody else that's listening, they all know that the economy sucks.

And they have to watch these people get on TV and say the economy is the best it's ever been. And think about that level of manipulation of gaslighting to someone because like someone who's, you know, let's say they're just an average American. They're working hard. They're doing everything they can. They're showing up to their job. They're fucking putting in. They're trying to get better. And then they show up.

And and you know they're struggling right and they can't afford their food and they can't afford their electric and they can't afford all their bills and then they're looking at TV and they're saying it's the best it's ever been imagine what that does to someone's individual psychology That's what I'm saying. It tells them it's just you you're the failure. That's right. It's not it's it's my spending too much I gotta say Dude how many people out here listening?

have thought that they've been like, fuck bro, everybody else is winning, but I'm losing. Right. Cause that's what they're telling people. Right. Well, and on top of that too, Andy, like finances, you know, one, you gotta look at two, like the majority of Americans, we are financially illiterate. Right. And so like intentionally, intentionally. So you take that on top of the fact that finances has always been under this, like guys that it's this private personal information. Right. So like when you are in that mindset, no one talks about it. Nobody's going to talk about it.

Nobody's talking about it. And so like you don't talk about money. You don't talk about religion and you don't talk about politics That's it. Why do they fucking put that into the why do they why do they encode that into our culture? Why is that ask yourself why they don't want you talking about money? Why they don't want you talking about religion and why they don't want you talking about politics. Why do they say that?

The answer is obvious. They want you to be financially illiterate. Okay. They want you to not be connected to God. Morally weak. That's correct. They want you morally flexible and weak. And then they want you to not voice your opinions politically because that way they can gaslight everybody even more.

So it's all about manipulation, dude. And we've been manipulated our entire lives since we were children. And our parents were manipulated. And their parents were manipulated. And, bro, that's not the sign of a free society.

Oh, man. Like I said, it was refreshing to see this. Yeah, I like that, too. Those are two clips, guys. He's been doing these fucking on-the-street interviews and been getting his ass kicked in all of them. There's actually some that are way worse than that. Way worse. There was one guy caught him with a fucking, he said something like dumbass. Well, dude, he's getting a taste. Look, man, do you think that Don Lemon and these guys, do you think, bro, listen,

These guys are not any smarter. Like, it's not like these guys are like geniuses. Like, these are just normal dudes that went to quote unquote journalism school to sit on a fucking camera set and repeat the news. Okay. These are just normal people. So when you're in CNN and you're in this culture and they're telling you, this is the facts and this is what's going on. And this is that, bro. He believes it. He believes it. They're manipulating him.

He eats that shit up. Yeah, and he goes out there and tries to argue this, and he cannot argue. It's actually very telling. Like, you have a person who's on TV telling you all this shit. Remember what he was saying during COVID? Body bags. Bro. Deaths. People are dying in the streets. Bro. Insane shit. Anyway. These are the facts. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. All right, Don.

You keep donning out there. Let me know how that goes. Guys, jump in the conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, man, let's get to our headlines. We've got headline number one. Let's cover this on a different light. Day three of the DNC just wrapped up, and there were some notable speakers there. They had Cory Booker, of course, Amy Globerschar, Bill Clinton.

Good old slicky slick wheel slick bills in there in the house open Winfrey was there She spoke Pete Buttigieg. There was a long list of people that were speaking at day three of the DNC But you know and I don't know I don't know if it's always like what's with like the third day of things I don't know but weird shit always starts to happen and

And it's no different from day three of the DNC. There were some interesting things that started coming out. Did you see this? CNN's Dana Bash argues DNC appeals to men who are not so testosterone-laden. She ain't wrong. I mean, that's 100% accurate observation.

She's saying, this is what she's saying. I'll say this as I wrote it. CNN's Dana Bash argues that DNC appeals to men who are total pussies. That's what she said. That's what she's saying. That's exactly what she said. She doesn't want to say it that way, but I'll say it. Yeah. Let's see what she said. I got a clip. Here it is.

But they are doing so in trying to put forward male figures, Tim Walz being one of them.

Doug Emhoff last night, who can speak to men out there who might not be the sort of testosterone-laden, you know, gun-toting kind of guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan and the kind of players that came out at the RNC or might want to listen to that, but also, in addition...

understand that it's okay in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own skin who supports a woman. And that's something that they really are trying to work on with male voters beyond the base.

I don't know about you, but all that shit sounded awesome. Gun-toting, fucking... Hulk Hogan. Yeah, Hulk. I mean, I'm not going to browse none of that. Listen, man. Listen, dude. These people don't know what the fuck they're doing when it comes to this particular issue. Your men are bitches.

They just are. They like them like that, though. They do. They like them like that. And, bro, they want them to be these weak little supplicating men who have, this is why toxic masculinity became a term. Toxic masculinity is not toxic. It's just masculinity. And they've villainized that and tried to work that out of society. And it's funny that she said, you know, in 2024, men, you know, can be comfortable in their own skin and support a woman.

Well, masculine men support women and protect women. That's what the fuck they do. I support three women right now. That's what they do. That's what they do. You know what I'm saying? That's what the fuck you're supposed to do as a masculine man. A masculine man doesn't sit down on his couch and throw his fucking gaming headset on and look like a sack of fucking shit and

who couldn't fight off a fucking puppy right like like dude you're sitting there reading fucking romance novels with your wife while your wife is out fucking some dude that's jacked and ripped and fucking toting a gun right

These dudes are like, I can't ever fucking find a woman. Women always leave me. Yeah, because you're a woman. Because you act like a woman, bro. Women hate women. No, like, bro, dude, real talk, dude. Look how women hate other women. They fucking hate you, dude. That's what I'm saying. They hate you. You think you're being what they want. No, they don't want that. A lot of times women don't know what they want. They say, I want one thing. I want a sensitive guy in his family.

who has feelings and then, you know, and then they fucking cheat on that guy to go fuck the dude with the fucking six pack and the fucking, you know, guns. The man. Yeah. With the Hulk Hogan sticker on his truck. You know what I'm saying? Like, in the truck. Yeah. Like, dude,

They don't want you to be a little pussy, bro. I don't give a fuck what they say. They can say whatever they want, bro. They can say, oh, I want this dude and, you know, dad bod, blah, blah, blah. It's bullshit. And you're going to learn that lesson the first time the dude walks by that fucking has all that other shit. They can't help it. It's a primal instinct of women. They cannot fucking help it. Women are attracted to men just like men are attracted to women. Women are attracted to masculinity. Masculinity is attracted to femininity. You can't fucking change that. No.

You know, that's why these guys are like, oh, this girl, girls always go for the assholes. No, they don't go for the assholes. They go for masculine men that know who they are and stand up for what the fuck they're about and actually say, no, they don't fucking go around to the dude who stands out in the, in the street with the boom box and a fucking 4,000 roses and says, I love you and

Bro, that's not what the fucking happens. And they propagate that in society to make men these fucking total pussies. And then men can't figure out why when they're 25 years old, no girls want to fuck them. And then they got to go on this soul searching shit and they got to go to masculinity school and they got to go run around naked with a bunch of dudes to be masculine and cry in a pool. Like, bro, it's just it's totally fucked.

Like, bro, men are men, women are women, and it's a biological primal thing. Masculinity will always attract women. Femininity will always attract the masculine men's attention. That is it. You don't get women's attention by acting like a woman. And a lot of these Democrat fucking men are that way. That's why the women run the fuck over them. Yeah, they run them over and then they go fuck other dudes.

My wife's boyfriend, he's really nice. You know? Like, you... And then they... Oh, hey, Tyrone, you're back again. Hey, why's he got to be black? What the fuck? What the fuck is that about? Look, dude, all I'm saying is... It's the facts. It's the data. There is some data to support that. But, like, the point is, is, like, dude, you guys are confused, bro. You know? Like...

That ain't it, man. That ain't it. But that wasn't the only thing. Dana Bash's pussy comment was not the only height of the DNC. There was more happening on day three. Did you see this? Camera awkwardly cuts to Maryland delegate as Oprah mentions childless cat lady during DNC speech. Whoever this camera operator was, they did this woman so wrong. So wrong.

Check this clip out, man. We just try to do the best we can to save them. And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady. That's fucked up. That's fucked up, man. Wait, wait, wait. You see her face? Bro, come on now. That's fucked up.

That's fucked up. That's mean. That ain't right. That ain't right. That ain't right. Oprah. It's probably right, but it ain't right. Yeah, it's probably accurate, but it ain't right. Fuck, that's kind of sad. Look at her face. She's like, it's me. They're talking about me.

i'll be honest that's always been one of my fears though bro like going to like a big sporting event you know the jumbo trying putting you on camera oh bro like you know comparing me to something you're like it's always a fear of mine bro you ever seen those ones where they do the kiss cam yeah and then they get on like a like a two a man and a woman that ain't together

That's the best part. Yeah, fuck, man. The cameraman's wrong in this one, man. Yeah, he is wrong. It's like, what's that, you know, Key and Peele? I mean, this woman will probably call us every name in the book and say we're total pieces of shit. 1,000%. But I wouldn't do that to her. No. That's sad. Yeah, that was fucked up. Yeah. It's like, all right, I'm fine. Oh, got one. Child's Cat lady, there he is. Fuck. Doesn't matter if you're gay or not.

DJ's got us a big bite. Oh, man. 7-Eleven's going to sponsor us, bro. I can feel it. I will take a 7-Eleven sponsorship. No doubt. We will put a fucking slurping machine right in here. We will have Syed run it. A slurping machine? Yes.

I love you, Syed. I can't wait for you to get back from India. But one last little thing. Do you ever notice what happens to Zeeshan when he comes back from India? Keith, what is it? Bro. That's all they do over there is eat. Shit, man. And then he gets jacked and then he goes back over there. That's his reset. Yeah.

But yeah, man, so you had this happen, but I got one little final piece. Day three, I thought it was just fucking hilarious. It was a lot of funny stuff happening. Did you see this? Headline reads, Democrat influencer Harry Sisson tries to crash war room, gets roasted by Mike Liddell.

And Natalie Winters. Yeah, I saw this. This is funny. Dude, this is great. So at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, left-wing activist and faggot TikToker Harry... What happened? What? What? I thought I heard something in there. No, TikToker Harry Sisson. Yeah, it's all there.

attempted to confront MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell as he appeared in an interview on Steve Bannon's War Room for supporting former President Donald Trump. However, the exchange quickly turned humorous as Lindell delivered a surprising comeback. Here is the clip. Check this out. Action.

And then he runs off.

Bro, that was funny. Bro. He went undercover. I know, but I've seen a bunch of clips of Harry Sisson talking to a lot of the conservative people. They actually have some pretty good candor. It's actually, they're being funny. Yeah. I mean, I still think Harry Sisson's a clown. Oh, for sure. But I mean, at least he can make us laugh. Yeah, for sure. How do you feel about voting for a convicted felon? I don't know.

How do you feel about voting for a bunch of fucking criminal pedophiles? Michael Dell says, did you get aborted? I pray for you. I'm glad you weren't aborted. Yeah, man. It was just, you know, it's not happening. I thought day three was pretty interesting. Did you? I watched most of it. Yeah, we saw a little bit last night. Yeah, we saw a little bit of it. Here's what I'll say. The Republicans can learn a lot from the Democrats in terms of their ability to speak. The Democratic...

The lineup of speakers, I'm talking about the quality of their delivery and how they actually speak, I think was a hundred times better than the Republicans. Not even a question. And all I could see, all I could think about when I was watching it was like, these are all the people that for the last eight years have been accused of being around Epstein, John Legend and like all these people, right? It's like the crew, right?

And I'm watching them speak, bro. And Oprah gets up there and crushes. Like her fucking speech was amazing. And like the funny thing is, like these people, like there's a letter Trump posted from Oprah saying that they should run in politics together. And she's up there talking all this shit about Donald Trump. What happened? You know what I'm saying? And dude, these people, they're up. I guess what I'm trying to say is I can understand how someone who doesn't,

pay attention to what's actually happening and what the actions of these people are could be swayed by the power of their speaking ability. And the manipulation. Yeah, and there's only one speaker on the Republican side that has anywhere close to any of their ability to speak, and it's Ramaswamy. And dude,

These other guys in the Republican, you guys need to learn how to fucking talk. You need to learn how to speak. The most powerful weapon in the world is a fucking microphone, bro. It ain't a tank. It ain't a bomb. It's a microphone. And they know how to fucking use it. And that's why people fucking vote for him. Because they watch this and they're like, God, this feels good. Did you notice how their messaging is all moderate messaging? And then you have Kamala Harris saying she won't release her actual policies until after she's elected.

So we're going to get up here and we're going to say all this neat stuff and we're going to sound good. Like, dude, it almost reminds me of what I hate about the personal development world and speaking in that world. It's like these people show up that don't really know any better and they go to every event and every event and every event. They show up, they show up, they show up and nothing really ever changes for them. But because the message is so like positive and it sounds so good, they think it's going to work for them. So they continue to do it.

They continue to show up. And dude, I could see how this type of shit...

Sucks these people in right cuz like dude there was some good speeches Bill Clinton gave a great speech. You look good Oh, he did look good. My look really good. Yeah, like adrenochrome good You know you got straight off that drip went right up on stage. Yeah, walk around of a hot dog party Yeah, no shit, but dude It's all those same people that are accused of all this shit like it's like the it's like the it's like the who's who of heavy hitters of you know the adrenochrome conspiracy shit which bro

I don't know. Oprah's like 70 years old. Fucking look at her, bro. She looks pretty good.

I'll say this. Her speech was amazing. Bill Clinton's speech was amazing. They are much better speakers than the Republicans. But I also know that just like we watched that Don Lemon clip, there's a lot of people who are watching this being like, bro, I can't fucking afford food. They can see right through it. I can't fucking pay my gas. And I think what's happening now, because so many people have woken up, like they let Biden run for so long and so many people woke up,

And then they had the Trump assassination. And then they saw Kamala being a fucking clown for the last three and a half years, four years. And now they put her in, they're trying to celebrate her, make her look like, I think the people, the people what's happening here because they're so good.

The people are realizing how good of manipulators they actually are so I actually think it's a really good thing that they are Performing well because it's actually exposing them more because of what's happened over the last couple years Yeah, for sure because dude, that's the comments I saw I saw a lot of comments and I went I don't go on Just the people I follows page and look for comments I'm saying if you go on any page and you like go to a neutral page

And they post something about this. The comments below were like, yeah, dude, look how full of shit they are. Like everybody's seeing it because they're trying to, you know, overly manufacture this moderate message.

You know what I mean? Overcompensation. Yeah, bro. And it's exposing themselves. 100%, man. 1,000%. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, let's keep this cruise moving. Let's go check out some of these comments with Cruise the comments. This first one comes from William K4194. He says, I don't know how to send a picture of my fantastic tinfoil hat.

you take a picture on Instagram and tag me in it. Yeah, all right. There you go. Tag it on the IG. Tag me in there, too. And we'll check them out. This next comment comes from Flandrop. So the reason you're so angry is you can't get laid. Got it. What? Who? Me? I'm happy. I'm not angry. What? Who was that at? I don't know. I'm assuming you. Oh, well.

I'm more upset they said I was angry. Now I am angry. Yeah. What are you talking about? That was weird, man. What are they? Was that supposed to be on our show? Yeah. Was this on a YouTube comment or Instagram comment? It's IG. Oh. Okay. It must have been off one of the reels. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Can't get laid over here.

I'm testosterone laden. That's right. I was actually thinking about switching parties and going for the DNC. Yeah, right. Right. My small little wee wee. My no testosterone. Man. My lack of masculinity. You support women. That's right. I support women.

Guys, this final comment comes from at... Imagine that being the comment that you try to burn someone on. Yeah. I bet you don't get laid just like me. I'm saying. Look at those people, bro. What are you, a thousand? You ain't getting laid. Yeah, no, it ain't working no more. Dusty old fucking shit over there.

Like they walk in the museum, they're like, what the fuck is this? This hasn't been used in decades. Smell like a fucking fishing dock. Guys, last comment. This username's interesting. At Stiff Sock. Stiff Sock. Oh, he's getting laid. Stiff Sock 201. He says...

Andy should do the show on gas at some point. I bet he would either be a whole level funnier or he'd be quiet as fuck. Who says I'm not on gas? How do you know? I'm a lot funnier when I'm smoking the smoke. Mm-hmm.

At least I think I am. Now I can't get to a point where I get quiet, but it takes a lot. Then I get, I just get hungry. Yeah. Yeah, man, guys, we appreciate you for being real ass fans. Keep liking, keep commenting, make sure you guys hit that bell notification on the YouTube to stay up to date with the latest episodes from real AF. With that being said, let's keep this cruise moving. Headline number two, uh, going to do a little followup update. Um,

With the whole Trump assassination stuff, because there's some interesting stuff coming out of there. I've left that out intentionally for the last couple of episodes because there hasn't been much. But now we've got some updates, some things we knew, some things we didn't. But let's dive into this a little bit. Headline two reads would be Trump assassin had encrypted messaging accounts on platforms in three foreign countries, GOP rep says.

Why does a 19 year old kid who is a health care aid need encrypted platforms not even based in the United States? So we're not talking about Signal. We're not talking about WhatsApp. Right. Those are U.S. companies. But we don't know what apps they're talking about because the FBI is not playing ball.

Um, but, uh, so let's dive into this a little bit. So the 20 year old man who attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump on July 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania used encrypted messaging accounts on platforms in multiple foreign countries. According to representative Mike Waltz out of Florida, uh, Waltz, um,

who is on the congressional task force investigating the assassination attempt, told reporters in Chicago on Wednesday that it has not, quote, learned that much about Thomas Matthew Crook's encrypted messaging accounts. But he did reveal that they discovered the accounts were based on platforms in Belgium, Germany and New Zealand.

which the congressman described as strange. The New York Post reported encrypting messaging apps allow for text messages to be sent through an encrypted code that can only be deciphered by the recipient's device. Quote, why does a 19 year old kid

who is a healthcare aid needing cryptic platforms, not even based in the United States, but based abroad where most terrorist organizations know it is harder for our law enforcement to get into. That's a question I've had since day one. Walt's told reporters at the Trump hotel in downtown Chicago. Now, Walt's a retired green beret, then rip the FBI and secret service for not releasing more information from the investigation and

into the attempted assassination. Um, he says, quote, they need to be releasing information as they come across it because this wasn't an isolated incident. He said, uh, quote, the threats are continually Iran's threats. Um, referring to the messaging that has been coming out of Iran, um, which leads me to this next point, right? Like,

There's a lot of information overload that's happening. Um, not just with this topic with plenty of topics and you kind of got to like see in between, can't get too emotional on either side of the other. Um, which, uh, which again leads me to this next, this next headline, um, able child exclusive, uh, next of kin autopsy stifles the truth on would be assassin of president Trump. All right. Now, uh,

Representative Clay Higgins out of Louisiana. Awesome representative, I believe, of the people. Super solid guy. Actually, I do believe he is of and from the people. Clay Higgins, you know, he's on this task force. Is this from Gateway Pundit? Mm-hmm. I love the Gateway Pundit. Yeah, they're good people. Yeah, Joe and Jim are good dudes. Good guys. Jim Hoff. Yeah, they're great guys. True patriots. Yeah, for sure. Yeah.

But there's been some interesting things happening. So again, we call bullshit where it is. I think it's important for the integrity of the show and for people listening. So...

Clay Higgins was kind of pissed off. So let's lay it out a little bit. Right. So the article starts. What exactly has the FBI done that doesn't sit well with the congressman? So first, Higgins complains that, quote, the coroner's report and autopsy report are both late. And the second issue the congressman has had with the FBI is that the federal agency allowed the alleged shooter's body to be cremated prior to congressional inspection. All right.

So, objectively, let's look at the truth. Because there is some bullshit happening, but not all of it is necessarily true.

So contrary to Congressman Higgins statements, the coroner's report and autopsy are not late. Able child spoke with the Allegheny County medical examiner's office on August 4th and was advised that the autopsy had been conducted and returned to the Butler County coroner, which will be explained later in the article. Neither the coroner's death certificate nor the autopsy is late. Okay. That's not the issue.

The issue comes from the FBI ascertaining those documents and supplying them. All right. So they're not late. They were done. They were submitted. They were stamped, signed, sealed and delivered. It's the FBI that's not playing ball, which the article continues to say. Whoever provided this information to the congressman was either out of the loop or lying. The Butler County coroner was in possession of the autopsy and his own death report when Congressman Higgins met with him.

To say otherwise is bizarre. Quote, it might behoove the congressman to inquire again with the Butler County coroner about not only the reports of the coroner had in his possession when meeting with the congressman, but also why the coroner was directed at midnight on the night of the shooting to return the next morning to carry out the identification process. The congressman may want to know who made that request.

Who was guarding the crime scene all night? And where is the police log of all who may have been on the roof of the AGR building during that evening? Now, what they're saying is, is that the day of the the the attempted assassination, you know, once all the cell is done, you know, they lock up a crime scene. Crooks, his body was then sent to the medical examiner's office and.

The medical examiner, you know, started working his process. There's a process that goes and starts with identification. You take, you know, outside and you move on to the autopsy at midnight. He was directed to leave and to just come back the next morning. Right.

who gave that order that's what they're saying that needs to be the focus of it who made that call it's weird because when he came back the next morning the body was gone body was there he's able to continue but and and like and things like this it's there's a chain of custody that has to be maintained right right and like with something this at this like height of national security

You know, chain of custody is extremely important, right? Like, and that stuff should be protected and guarded and like, okay, like I left fine. Did anybody else show up while I was gone? Because at that point, the body is my responsibility and there's supposed to be steps complete. Like you complete step one, you don't do it halfway and then pick up on it the next day. So the identification process, meaning he should never have left until the identification process was fully completed.

He left in between and finished it the next day. That's incorrect. That's not following the rules of chain of custody or any other standard procedures that literally any organization would be following. He didn't follow it. Now...

There was this idea of this missing body, right? The missing body. Yes. The alleged shooter's body was allowed to be released to the family for cremation on July 23rd, just 10 days after the shooting. This is not by accident. This is where it gets weird.

The FBI signed off on the release by the Butler County coroner. And unless the family agrees to releasing the autopsy, the public will never know if the alleged shooter is actually Thomas Matthews, Matthew Crooks, because now all of that stuff is completely sealed and the family has the right to say, yes, we're releasing it or no, we won't release it. So the autopsy report, you know,

yet like knowing 100% for sure the body that they did the autopsy on was the shooter. And I mean, there's a lot of questions here. Um, and now all of that stuff is set behind this veil, um, that we may never know the full truth on. Um, and so, uh,

It's very, very interesting. So the medical examiner, he released it to the Butley County coroner fairly quickly before August 5th. But it is anyone's guess whether the alleged shooter's body was returned to the coroner or whether the coroner just provided permission for the body to be released by the medical examiner. Either way, the FBI had to allow this to happen.

So they obviously felt confident that they had all the information that they needed within 10 days. Yet again, they're not being transparent with the people nor the representatives of the people, which is something's wrong there. Yeah. Something's wrong now. Yeah.

About the family, right? The family has the right. You know, it's there, you know, next of kin, all of that stuff. And that typically is protected by the Constitution. You know, it's very rare that even a judge can overturn that. However, ironically, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is one of 21 states that make release of an autopsies mandatory.

All right. So according to the autopsy laws as of 2024, quote, it shall be the duty of the coroner or the deputy coroner of any county in this Commonwealth in all cases where death is sudden or violent or is of a suspicious nature and character to make or cause to be made such an autopsy as the facts of the case may demand, meaning that there is a loophole, but somebody has to be willing to push it.

Who that is? We don't know. Is it the FBI that's already not playing ball? Who knows? Um, and obviously the death of the alleged shooter certainly falls under this, uh,

falls under the clause of the law, you know? Um, so it's interesting now in other news for Trump. So you got all of that stuff happening. Um, Trump's doing a speech right now at the border. Um, and apparently there's a manhunt underway right now in Arizona for a suspect who threatened to kill Trump as former president lands in the border state. Um, so a manhunt is underway in Arizona. Um, this guy identified as Ronald Lee, uh, served made a, uh, made a threat, uh,

less than a month ago, threatening to kill Trump. And he's been on the loose. They haven't been able to find him. The sheriff's office said, Sir food has outstanding warrants from the state of Wisconsin for DUI failure to appear for DUI and from Graham County, Arizona for hidden run and felony to register as a sex offender. Shocking, you know, a typical leftist, you know, with all of these wild radical views, uh,

Also likes fucking with kids. You know, there's that. And in good nature, of course, we got more more fear mongering from our FBI. I believe this was just a bid to get more money coming up for the fiscal year. FBI chief warns of unprecedented rise in security threats ranging from terrorism, cyber attacks, phony.

foreign interference and Just some basic security threats are all on the rise according to them Andy. What do you got on all of this? So you're saying that the FBI is intentionally creating threats so that they'll get funding I mean it sounds like somebody I know happens all the time sure does that sounds exactly like somebody that we know but we'll talk about that later but anyhow

Yeah, man. I mean, it's a bunch of corrupt shit. I don't know what to think. You know, they're trying to hide everything they can to make sure that we can't look into this and see who it was. And I think the more they hide it, the more people realize, bro, listen, man, you saw the people on the street with Don Lemon. People know they know who did this. They know who fucking did it. If you walk up and down the street and you say, who the fuck do you think tried to kill Trump? They're not going to say some 20 year old weirdo. They're not going to say,

Iran, they're going to say the fucking Democrats and our three letter agencies. That is what the American people believe. The American people believe that the CIA and the FBI have colluded and the Democratic Party have colluded to assassinate Trump. Okay. It's very obvious the amount of, you know,

ridiculous unfair attacks and propaganda we could go all the way back to 2016 and we could go through Russia collusion made up who made it up Oh Hillary Clinton's team okay we could go into and that went on for eight fucking years okay that that was he was a Russian asset he's dude they convinced their entire fucking party that Trump was a Russian asset for eight years over something that was made up and

Then they hit him with the fucking very fine people. That was bullshit. We could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on down the bullshit train that they've said about Trump. They've been attacking the dude since fucking day one. And on day negative one, they all loved him because he was a fucking icon. There's pictures of every single one of these people with Donald Trump loving Donald Trump. Okay? So they've...

Attacked and then we have to ask well, why would they do that? Well, they doing that because this man understands what the fuck is going on and they are threatened by him Yeah, when they when they say he's a threat like they mean that yes, he's a threat to them He's not a threat to our country. He's a threat to them And so they've attacked attacked attacked attacked attacked attacked attack, you know They raid Mar-a-Lago then they admit that they fucking fudge the they set the papers up to look a certain way and

They do all this shit. They ignore all the shit Joe Biden's done, including the shit that's come out to be true where he fucking took 21 million. The guy took way more than 21 million. All right. That's going to come out later.

They've done all these things and like, bro, this is just the factual nature. This is not like some pro Trump messaging. This is just what they fucking have done. Right. And now they're trying to hide the fact that none of the shit works. The more they press, the more they attack, the more they push him through court, the more he grows in his power.

Okay. And so now they're like, well, fuck, what, what do we got to do? And like I said, multiple times for years, they're going to try to kill him. Okay. And they tried and it didn't work. Okay. So now they're trying to cover up that, that they did it. Right. Because had they done it, had they killed Donald Trump, they would have brought in the fucking force of who they really are immediately because there's no real resistance outside of that politically to,

Outside of him and his people and we could say whatever we want we could say, you know We don't like the way does this or that but the reality is is bro They fuck with this dude every which way possible and he keeps showing the fuck up And so now they're trying to cover up the fact that they did it and I mean, do you have any doubts? You did it fuck me neither and I'm sure to the stocks. We covered it, bro They tried to show the fucking stock. Yeah and make money off of bro. And who was that? Who did that right?

Who, oh, it was the biggest fucking funds in the world. So you're telling me that these powerful financiers who fucking interfere in all of our local elections and all of the global politics who finance armies and finance crimes and finance Antifa and finance this and that and this and this and this and finance all of the population of every single motherfucker that spoke last night at DNC and that will speak tonight and the three days before that.

Those same people are the same fucking people that tried to kill Donald Trump and everybody fucking knows it. Everybody knows it. Everybody knows it. And now they're trying to hide it. They manipulated this fucking kid just like they do with the school shooters. This is some fucking kid. They probably told him, hey, man, we got your back. Do this. You'll be an American hero. You won't get killed. And they fucking fucking did it and they blew his brains out. That's how these people work, bro.

The encrypted messages. You want to know what those encrypted messages were over there? Why would this 19-year-old kid have encrypted messages overseas? Because our own fucking agencies have been fucking manipulating the kid for fucking years. I guarantee it. I guarantee it. And they know that it's hard to get into it overseas.

These people are fucking criminals, bro. We as the people of America have to stand up to this and call this shit out for what it is. You cannot allow just five or six or 10 or 20 people who happen to have an audience to call it out. Everybody has to call it out because bro, if they don't and we don't all stand together, they will eliminate the people who are fucking pointing this. People like me, people like fucking Rogan, people like fucking, you know, uh, PBD or any of these guys, they'll kill those people. You won't have anybody speak for you.

None. None. Guys, jumping on this conversation, let us know down in the comments what you guys think. With that being said, man, let's get to our third and final headline. Headline number three. Got another little follow-up here for you. Yeah. Headline number three reads, Family sues Detroit judge who cuffed sleepy teen on courtroom field trip. We called this. We said they were going to sue him. They try to get their ducks. Maybe they... Never mind. Never mind.

Stop it. This is some bullshit. It's 1000% some bullshit, bro. So now we're going to now like, look at this. This is like the Daniel Penny thing. Okay. So you got Daniel Penny, a fucking good man, some fucking psychopaths going crazy, threatening passengers. He fucking controls the situation as a good Samaritan. And then he's in fucking jail.

Okay, so they're trying to remove any good influence from society at any point. Gotta make an example of it. Yeah, it's insane, dude. Gotta make an example of it because when you make an example of it, people don't want to do it. You will get less of that. How many people are going to fucking stand up on a subway right now and choke a motherfucker out? It's acting crazy. Right. I mean, yeah, I would. I would.

But I mean, you know, they don't want that shit. They want crime. No, because all they got to do is just put that little seed of doubt in your mind, bro. Men got to start standing up regardless of what the consequences are. They have to. They have to. And more importantly, the people need to stand up for those men. Have to support them. Yeah, that's right. You know? But yeah, so the Detroit judge who slapped handcuffs on a teen girl and forced her to wear jail clothes after she fell asleep during a field trip to his courtroom is being sued by the student and her family.

Judge Kenneth King was accused in the lawsuit filed in Michigan federal court Wednesday for violating 15 year old Eva Goodman's civil rights when he singled her out for falling asleep and having what he considered a bad attitude during a field trip to the 36th district court on August 13th.

King's actions were, quote, extreme and outrageous and calculated for the purpose of inflicting fear and severe emotional distress on the teen, according to the lawsuit, which seeks over seventy five thousand dollars.

So while visiting the courthouse, like I said, we covered this with a nonprofit group, the Greening of Detroit Goodman. The teen fell asleep, angering Judge King, who woke her and said, you fall asleep in my courtroom one more time. I'm going to put you in the back. Understood. Footage of the incident shows. Now, when the teen apparently talked back, King ordered the court officer to place handcuffs on her and make her wear a jumpsuit. The entire incident was broadcasted on a live stream video from his courtroom.

King then threatened the teen with juvenile detention in front of her peers before releasing her. Goodman's lawyers alleged that he acted outside the scope of his judicial authority. King, quote, acted as a producer, broadcaster, complaining witness, arresting officer, finder of fact, judge and disciplinarian. Attorneys Gary Felty Jr. and James Harrington said in the lawsuit. Now, the teen's mother, Lataria, said,

Yep. Lord. Yep. That's a hard one. Even for me. Lord. Lot. Lots of real. Teal said she may have been tired because the family does not currently have a permanent address.

Now, over a week later, Till says her daughter is still grappling with the cruel and humiliating punishment. Quote, it's been pretty devastating, Till said. Eva doesn't want to come outside. She doesn't want to be involved with no one else but her family, relatives. It's hard for her to sleep at night. Oh, but she had no problem sleeping in the courtroom.

Interesting. She's asking me, quote, why the judge do me like this out of all the kids? She should be asking, why did the judge do this and embarrass me in front of all the kids? Not, why did the judge do me like this? Right. Just saying. Right. Shouldn't be sleeping. The English language is fucking deteriorating. Well, she was probably sleeping in that class, too. Just saying. Yeah. McKing initially defended the- Have you heard these young kids fucking talk? Oh, it's ridiculous. Bro, you can't even understand what the fuck they're saying. Mm-mm. Yeah.

Now, King initially defended the unusual punishment, saying he was trying to teach the girl a lesson about the legal system and did not think he was overly strict. Quote, it wasn't so much, in fact, that she had fallen asleep because I have attorneys that fall asleep sometimes. So it's not that big of a deal. It was her whole attitude and her whole disposition that disturbed me. He told WXYZ TV. You know why she has an attitude?

Because she gets to do whatever the fuck she wants and people protect her every single fucking time. Which is what I said, I believe, the first time we covered this story. This is some bullshit. It is. Everybody's a victim. If this was a white judge, he's freaking racist. Oh, fuck. Yeah, right. Could you imagine that? It's fucking insane, bro. Your kid's fucking acting like an asshole.

The guy fucking stepped in tried to help her. I know you as a fucking parent are literally fucking ruining your own kids life because you're teaching her that there will be no accountability for anything that you do ever Which is why these kids grow up to run around and scream and throw tantrums and fucking destroy stores and fucking do all this crazy shit in public because their parents are fucking pussies and

My poor girl. She's fucking I don't have a permanent at why don't you have a permanent address? What the fuck are you doing right? Fuck are you doing that? You don't have a permanent address? I don't want to hear no fucking excuses. I think I'd be willing to bet you know I wonder maybe maybe you should fucking take care of your fucking kids Maybe you should fucking do whatever the fuck you got to do to make sure that your kids do have a permanent address Right, I'm fucking tired of this victim shit, bro. It's bullshit, bro. It's bullshit

you know they removed this dude from the bench like that like i said i mean we we did cover it man it's just it's ridiculous man that judge could have saved that little girl's life and but the mom stepped in the way and it it up and then listen here's the thing about karma bro you can't block somebody else's this is a big difference between white parents and black parents and it just is you're gonna want to say you call me whatever the you want

White parents, you go home, for the most part, motherfucker's gonna be like, well, don't fucking do that. And then they're probably gonna beat your ass for it, too. You go into the black households, and it's, oh, somebody's picking on you. Yeah, I'm not dealing with this. Like, bro, listen, man, and maybe that's an absurd statement that it's a white-black thing. I don't know. But it seems to be the case.

Okay, I'm sure there's exceptions on both sides. But the reality of it is, is this. It's much more common in the black community than it is in the white community. It's the same thing when black people commit crimes that they know. Like a black person commits crime and you know him and everybody looks like, fuck, I didn't see shit. White person commits crime, they're like, bro, that's my cousin. He lives down the street. The guy's a shit bag. Go fucking get him. For real. We don't want this dude out here either. It's a big difference. Why do we do that?

I mean, I don't understand it. Maybe someone can explain it to me, but I don't get it. And like, this is bullshit. This guy deserves a fucking award not to be removed from a bench and a lawsuit. It's bullshit. 100%. Guys, jumping on this conversation.

I mean, do you agree with me on what I'm saying? Absolutely. Like, with the differences in culture? I say this too, bro, because, you know, I used to- Like, am I wrong there? No, no, no, no. I know it's a generality, bro, and I don't like generalities. But I don't really think it is. And, like, I say that because, like, dude, like, you know, I used to coach, when I coached high school football and stuff, man, it's like, you know, I'm not that old, but back in my day, bro, like, there was accountability there.

Like, over the last probably 20 years, man, like, it has definitely eroded. Yeah. Completely, right? Well, like, dude, I remember, like, when I was in school, I did some fucked up shit, bro. You got your ass beat. I'm getting my ass whooped. Yeah, I can tell by the way you behave. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But now it's like you got these kids who act up in fucking school, and the parents are jumping on the fucking teachers. Yeah. It's like, what a...

It's completely flip-flop, man. Yeah, I don't think it's a white-black thing after I'm thinking about it, bro. Because I got some teacher buddies that are teachers at small boy schools that are mostly white, and they got the same problem. It's the same issue. I mean, I think it's a societal thing for sure. Yeah. But it just goes with the lack of accountability. And I think what really pushed that over, if I had to pinpoint when that happened-

I'd say look at 2014. Yeah, and with the Mike Brown shit, you know I'm saying like like once once we we realize once people realize holy shit We can make martyrs out of these fucked up individuals and there's zero accountability Yeah, and and then we got burned down shit and there's zero accountability Yeah, you got Mike Brown who's a fucking criminal who literally stole from a fucking convenience store 15 minutes before the situation happened where he got killed and

He reached in the car, grabs the fucking officer's gun. The officer fucking shoots him and people freak the fuck out. Right. And it's like, what would you do if you were an officer and someone tried to grab your gun? Because I can promise you, I don't care who it is. I'm fucking shooting him in the face. It'd be little JJ, be little Timmy. It doesn't matter. Okay. And like, bro, and then these people all marched for it. Obama threw gas on it. Like it's his fucking civil rights movement. And bro, it's...

We've been dealing with the repercussions of that fucking criminal asshole for 10 years. Ever since. That's what I'm saying. So if I had to pinpoint when that happened, it's probably then. Yeah. And then, dude, we got this officer here in fucking St. Louis. Because that happened here in St. Louis. The fucking officer, he got that brain injury because fucking these people still won't let it go. Mm-hmm.

That was a criminal, man. Right. You want criminals running around your street fucking with your shit, fucking with your family, threatening your family, fucking with your kids? Like, what the fuck is wrong with you guys? Makes no sense, man.

Makes no sense. But I do know this. Stepping in front of somebody, trying to block somebody's fucking karma from coming, it never ends well. Yeah. It's going to come back to you. That girl, when she fucking 10 years from now, she'll be in a way worse position. Yeah. Guaranteed. Yeah. Guaranteed. And that $75,000, that shit will be gone on Newports and Hennessy in about a week. You know?

It is what it is, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know what you guys think down in the comments. With that being said, let's get to our final segment of the show. As always, we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck. This is where we bring a headline in. We talk about it. We'll get one of those two options. I don't know why. This feels like memory lane. This is like a memory lane episode for us, man. I don't know. I think I just figured out this picture. Which picture? It's thumbs up or dumb as fuck. I'm giving thumbs up in the picture. EJ's looking at it like that's dumb as fuck.

Is that the point? Look at this. He's an artist, bro. He's putting this subliminal messaging in this. Holy shit. It's Jason Bourne. Yeah. That's Jason Bourne of graphics. Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne. Oh, man. But yeah, man, a little memory lane. So I want to jog your memory, Andy. Do you remember, because we have covered this on the show before. Do you remember this guy? I don't know. Which guy is he?

It's the same guy in both pictures. I know, but what'd he do? I can't remember. No, I don't remember it. Okay. All right. So this is Kevin Ford. We covered this guy? We covered this guy. When? A year ago, maybe. Okay. All right. I don't remember. This is Kevin Ford. He's 54. 54.

And he he was working Oh, is this the guy that was a working fast food and got like a bag of bullshit when you're tired? Yes. Yeah, got it. Okay. No, even in retire He was working 27 years. Yeah, and then that's what they got gave him for his 27th year service, right? It was a gift card. It was like two one movie ticket a Starbucks cup candy and some chocolate now listen, I

I mean, most places don't give a shit. Most places don't, but like, I mean, it's fucking Burger King. You know what I'm saying? Like, raise some expectations, raise some standards, go somewhere else, get a better job. You might have some better rewards, right? Well, some people, listen, man. Some people are, listen, bro.

I don't want this to sound derogatory, but like some people are made for cooking French fries, man. 100%. You know what I'm saying? Like, dude, we need French fries. No, we do. And I don't say that disrespectfully. Sometimes I do say that disrespectfully when people are underperforming, right? Like sometimes people will say, well, I can't do, I say, well, you know, the world needs French fries too, bro. Right. You know, but like in this case,

There are situations where, dude, it's an accomplishment for someone to hold a job and do that work. He's never missed a day. Okay. So that's honorable work, in my opinion. For sure. And so when we cover that, that was the situation. There's been some developments ever since then. There was a GoFundMe that was put in for him. God, I hope it's good news. Oh, it's great news. All right.

No, he bought a bunch of Newports and Hennessy. I didn't want it to be that.

No, but there was a GoFundMe that was put in for this man because that is honorable. That's some noble shit. I mean, 27 years. Listen, bro, I respect anybody that works and does their shit and does it every single day and does it with a good attitude. I don't care if you're mopping the fucking floors or you're cooking french fries or you're splitting the fucking atom. I don't give a shit. But just do your shit right. You know what I'm saying? That's respectable shit. Yeah.

And so that was a GoFundMe that was put together for him. Again, when this story happened, it might have even been two years ago. I don't know. But that was a GoFundMe that was put together for him. Oh, two years ago when we covered this. And he raised, you know, the people donated 300 grand to him. Now that's a healthy. It's more money than most people will ever have in their whole life. Ever have in their whole life. At one time. For sure. Right. Yeah.

And, yeah, I mean, never missed a day for 27 years. And there was a massive GoFundMe that was raised for him. Now, we also talk on this show or maybe on the more on the Q&A of the Q&A episodes. But like, you know, just be responsible. Like, you know, this this is a rare situation. Most people, I mean, unless you're hitting the fucking lottery or something like that, you won't come into that type of money. And it's important that you do something good with it. You don't go buy new ports.

in hennessy uh well no i think i think a lot of people end up with that kind of money when they fucking work their way up yeah for sure yeah for sure um um but in like fast food it ain't happening no it's not happening not happening um but in good news this man did something very very good with that uh little nest egg um this headline reads burger king cook kevin ford who received mediocre gift after never missing a day of work in 27 years starts new culinary adventure

Became an entrepreneur. No way. Yeah. What's he doing? Became an entrepreneur. So his daughter, Serena, wasn't so pleased with her father's bosses and created a GoFundMe to show her love for the man she says helped put his four daughters through high school and college because of his dedication to the chain. Quote, we originally began working at this job as a single father, but

When he gained custody of me and my older sisters 27 years ago, Serena wrote back in 2022 quote, then as our family grew and he remarried, he continued to work there because of the amazing health insurance that was provided through his employer because it was unionized. This got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage. Now, since that's a fucking grown man,

That is a fucking grown man. That's a man. That is the exact opposite of the shit we covered in the fucking story before that. 100%. That's a fucking grown man. 100%. Dude, it makes me almost emotional, bro. Like working 30 years for a fucking fast food chain, take care of your fucking family, put them through college and high school,

I don't know, man. It's fucking awesome, man. Now, since the original story, you know, three raised 300,000, it actually was more than that. The fundraiser, as of today, it raised $459,000. That was well over the initial goal that was set of just 200. That's all she was creating. She created the GoFundMe to raise 200. It was giving them like a date night or something, you know? It ended up raising half a million dollars. So what he did with this is...

is even more incredible. So Ford purchased a black and silver food truck from China for roughly $20,000. It's a kitchen on wheels. It comes fully equipped with the works, including an oven and a fryer, the outlet reported. The exterior is adorned with a giant K27Y, a tribute to his viral fame, Kevin, 27 years old.

So the Burger King employee and his daughter, who was trained at the French culinary school Le Cordon Bleu, will begin with the basic menu consisting of hamburgers and hot dogs. What? Blizzies. All right. My bad. Sorry about that. That's right. I almost pulled my card there.

They had to write hot dogs so white people understand what the fuck he's talking about. Hamburgers and guns? This is the basic menu. Before it says that he plans to add Filipino dishes to the menu to honor his Filipino fiancée.

As he begins his entrepreneurship, Ford remains a dedicated worker at Burger King, but plans to retire by May of 2025, his 30th anniversary with the company. And it wasn't just that. He didn't just become an entrepreneur. This is fucking awesome. It's fucking great. I mean, here's the truck. I got the pictures of the truck. Here.

This is awesome, dude. It's pretty fucking cool, man. Two youngest kids there. Look, dude. Look at the nice house he has and shit. You know what I'm saying? That's the other part of it. Yeah. Check this out. So not only did he purchase that, the purchase of the new mobile dining establishment comes months after Ford bought his first home.

Thanks to the money raised through the GoFundMe. He closed on the Pyrump, Nevada home on December 13th, 2023, paying $177,000 for the 1,000-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath house. That sounds like the first house I bought. Yeah. I paid $74,000 because it was a long time ago. Bidenomics. Yeah, no shit. I get it. But yeah, man. Just a solid thing, man. Doing some good work. You know, you get...

You're blessing and you do something good with it, man. Do something amazing. I love that. Bought the first house and now he's an entrepreneur about to be launching his own little food line, man. I love that. I love the font they used for the logo too. Yeah, it's clean. It's cool and it's marketable. It could be on merchandise. Yeah. It's a great, great logo. I think this is awesome. I think it's one of the best stories we've ever covered. That's a grown fucking man, bro. Total respect to that man.

100 i could also see how like people would enjoy doing the food trucks you know like everybody i've ever met that does food trucks for a job they really enjoy doing it like you know you know like like i don't cook very often but i used to when i was younger and was a bachelor but like there's something about like cooking a good meal and then seeing people happy about it enjoy it yeah and like dude there's a there's

Like, dude, people are going to laugh when I say this, but if I wasn't doing what the fuck I do, I would enjoy doing that. Like, if you and I had a food truck, we'd have so much fun, bro. We'd have so much fun. Bro. We'd be so much raisin. We could just make content and call it Andy and DJ's Food Truck. We fucking could. Dude, we should just get one. Bro, let's do it. We should get a food truck and go out a day a week and record the interactions, talk to people about...

what the fuck's going on in the world and have a good time hanging out. That'd actually be pretty fucking sick. Bro, let's do it. I'll fucking buy it today. I'm down. Let's do it. I'm down. I'm being serious, man. Listen, let me tell you something, dude. I grew up in business and retail. And in retail, you talk to people all day. Yeah. Okay? And I grew up in sports nutrition, you know, health retail. And, you know, everybody like sees me as like the CEO owns all these companies and fucking, you know, a very successful man, which is true.

But the best job I ever had doing all of the shit that I've had to learn how to do, because like when you grow a business like what we have in multiple companies, like what we have, you learn how to do all the shit because at some point you had to do it. And out of all the things that I've ever had to do, my favorite fucking thing was working the floor floor.

at our supplement superstores retail stores because bro you get to talk to people you get to you get to know people you get to hear about their lives you get to help them solve a problem they're grateful for it like you get to tell jokes and you know like i don't get to do that anymore you know what i'm saying and like maybe maybe

Like, dude, I think we should seriously consider doing this. I'm down. Because, bro, if we made a YouTube once a week of us doing food truck day where we run our food truck, it would be fucking gold. And you know the food's going to be fire, too. Nah, dude, I know that. Because, like, you know, between you and me. We'll figure some shit out. Yeah. Yeah, fuck yeah. Bro. I'm down. Yeah, I think we should. I mean, you're a fucking gourmet chef, bro. That's what I'm saying. It'd be good food. Yeah, and I know how to, like, rate food.

You know what I'm saying? No, like I know what's good. Yeah, right, right. Like I know what's good. I know like we could come up with some shit. You could teach me a little skills. I got a couple tricks, you know? I'm down. Yeah. I'm down. We can't let Emily in the fucking food truck though. Because Emily will make our fucking food look like shit. You know what I'm saying? Because she's so good, nobody's going to want to eat our shit. Yeah. Yeah. Go get your own food truck, Emily. Yeah. Bro. She would start one and fucking take all our business. That's the problem.

She put a big picture of herself looking like Dolly Parton on the fucking side of her. We go to lunch and eat at her food truck. Yeah.

Bro, I love that story so much, man. That is so fucking cool. That is what the American dream is about, bro. That's why I do this. Like, that's why I do this fucking show. A lot of you guys think that we just come on this show and fuck off. That's not why I do this. Like, a lot of you guys are new listeners. I had the number one entrepreneur business podcast for years. That's all we talked about was making money, business, entrepreneurship. I'm an entrepreneur. I've been in business for 25 years for myself.

The reason I talk about these issues is because I want to protect the fertile soil of this country so that young people can do these things that I'm talking about. You see those two kids? If we don't fix what the fuck is going on, they're seeing their dad build a dream. They're not going to be able to build that dream. At 54. That's what I'm saying. And bro, it shouldn't have taken him that or GoFundMe to be able to do that. Right.

Like if housing was where it was, where it should be in the economy is where it should be. Someone who starts in fast food should be able to fucking escalate, but they can't because of these greedy fucks, which is the whole reason I started talking about current events. So when you wonder what we're doing, yeah, we like to have fun. Yeah. You know, I like you, you like a lot of people are like, why the fuck does he finance the show? Why does like, dude, it costs me millions of dollars. Put the show on every year. Why do I do that? I do that because I care about that shit.

You know what I'm saying? I fucking love this story, bro. We need to find out when he's going to like... Yeah, he has a soft launch. He's actually going to be at... Let me see. I don't know. He's supposed to be doing it at a Home Depot. He's going to be at a Home Depot. I would like to go visit this guy's business one day. Dude, another business that we got to go eat at is that diner that Rachel has. Yeah, up in... Puppies. In Maine? No, it's in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm down, man. These are American...

Owned built from the ground Entrepreneurs, bro, and I don't know man Like that's just I know how hard it is to start from fucking ground zero and I was lucky to like grow up when I You you could still do it for no doubt There are lots of people who do it every day But it's getting harder and if it continues to get harder it will become impossible and that's why I do this bro. Yeah, I

Yeah, man. And I hate the people that we talk shit about. Fuck Hillary Clinton. Yeah, man. Thumbs up for that, man. Congratulations, Kevin, man. Keep working. I love that, bro. That made my fucking day. Yeah, it's good shit, man. It's good shit, guys. Andy, that's all I got. All right, guys. Don't be a hoe. Show the show.

Outro Music