cover of episode Mixtape: Help?

Mixtape: Help?

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jacques Medou-Jacques
Lloyd Glauberman
Simon Adler
Simon Adler:本期节目探讨了磁带在自助产业、记忆保存和情感表达中的作用,涵盖了催眠疗法、南苏丹‘迷失男孩’的口述历史以及个人情感磁带等多个方面。磁带作为一种独特的媒介,见证了历史变迁,也承载着人们的情感与记忆。 Lloyd Glauberman:通过实验,证明了利用磁带进行远程催眠的可行性,并解释了其背后的技术原理,即双耳分听技术,以及如何引导听众潜意识接受暗示。这种方法在当时具有开创性意义,也反映了技术进步对心理治疗的影响。 Jacques Medou-Jacques:在南苏丹,人们用长歌记录家族历史,这种口头传承方式在识字率低的情况下至关重要。长歌如同一部家族史诗,记录了重要的事件和人物,并世代传承。 John Thon Majoke & Mekethbul Mubar:苏丹内战导致大量‘迷失男孩’逃亡,磁带成为记录和传承他们历史的重要工具。在肯尼亚难民营中,他们用磁带记录下家族历史、传统歌曲以及临别赠言,以保存文化记忆,并与远隔重洋的亲人保持联系。 William Manioc Malouil & Jok Medu Jok:‘迷失男孩’们在离开难民营前往美国之前,用磁带记录下亲友的临别赠言,这些话语中充满了对未来的期许和对故土的怀念。磁带成为他们连接过去与未来,传承文化与记忆的桥梁。 David Gable:个人制作的磁带,特别是情歌磁带,承载着情感和记忆,随着时间的推移其意义仍在不断演变。这些磁带不仅是过去的记录,更是与过去的持续对话,它们唤起情感,并帮助人们重新审视人生经历。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores how cassette tapes, particularly hypnosis tapes, became a catalyst for the self-help industry's growth in the 80s and 90s, highlighting the unique intimacy and personalization they offered.

Shownotes Transcript

In tape five, three stories: first, a tale of how the cassette tape supercharged the self-help industry. Second, cassettes filled with history make an epic journey across Africa with a group of Lost Boys. And finally, Simon meets up with fellow Radiolabber David Gebel to dig through an old box of mixtapes and rediscover the unique power of these bygone love letters.

Mixtape was reported, produced, scored and sound designed by me, Simon Adler, with music throughout by me. Unending reporting and production assistance was provided by Eli Cohen.

Special Thanks to: Shad Helmstetter, Vic Conan, Glenna Salisbury, Jerry Rosen, Richard Petty, Sharon Arkin, Angela Impey, William Mulwill for sharing his cassettes with me, and to the British library for sharing some of their recordings from their South Sudan collection, which is housed at the British Library Sound Archive.

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