Brittany Elaine
Dennis Conrow
Jad Abumrad
Latif Nasser
Matt Kielty
Latif Nasser: 本期节目讲述了一个既能让你害怕又能让你哈哈大笑的鬼故事,故事讲述了一个男人为了理解他闹鬼的房子而愿意走多远。 Matt Kielty: 故事的主角Dennis Conrow在父母去世后搬回了童年居住的房子,并在父亲去世后继承了这栋房子。他花了六年时间对房子进行了翻修,期间不断地做梦梦到父母把房子恢复到他们活着时的样子。在准备卖掉房子后,多位访客都表示在房子里感觉到了奇怪的现象,都在同一个位置。 Dennis Conrow: Dennis是一个怀疑论者,他不相信鬼魂,但在经历了超自然调查员的调查后,他与父母进行了沟通,并表达了对他们的思念。即使知道了闪光灯的原理,他仍然相信他的经历。 Brittany Elaine: 作为超自然调查员,Brittany Elaine和她的团队用闪光灯与鬼魂沟通,并与房子里的鬼魂进行了交流,得知了房子里曾经发生过的事情。 Jad Abumrad & Robert Krowich: 鬼故事可以帮助人们表达难以言喻的情感,例如对失去的缅怀和对过去的愧疚。 Matt Kielty: 超自然调查员们来到Dennis的房子进行调查,并用闪光灯与鬼魂沟通,听到了脚步声和餐具碰撞的声音,并与一个女人和一个男人进行了沟通,得知了房子里曾经发生过的事情。超自然调查员们看到的那个男人长得像Dennis的父亲。Dennis和超自然调查员们试图与他的父母进行沟通,并通过闪光灯得到了肯定的答复。Dennis卖掉了房子,但仍然会梦到自己去新房客的房子里。Matt解释了闪光灯的原理,这可以解释超自然调查员们看到的现象。Matt认为超自然调查员们并非故意作假。Dennis知道科学的解释,但他仍然相信他的经历。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Dennis Conrow move back in with his parents?

He got bored with college and stopped attending classes, leading his parents to ask him to come back home.

What happened to Dennis' parents?

His mother died from a recurrence of breast cancer, and his father died from prostate cancer that spread to his brain.

Why did Dennis decide to renovate his childhood home?

He wanted to clean and flip the house to sell it, starting with the downstairs bathroom his father had planned to renovate.

What unusual method did the paranormal investigators use to communicate with spirits?

They used flashlights that could be turned on by slight movements, believing spirits could activate them.

What did the paranormal investigators claim to have encountered in the basement?

They said they saw a woman who had lived in the house in the 1930s and a man who resembled Dennis' father.

What was the non-paranormal explanation for the flashlight phenomenon?

The flashlights turned on due to a piece of plastic inside expanding and contracting with temperature changes.

How did Dennis feel about the paranormal experience despite the rational explanation?

He accepted the rational explanation but still valued the emotional experience it provided.

What dreams did Dennis have after moving out of the house?

He dreamed of haunting the house as the new owners made changes, feeling shocked by their renovations.

Dennis Conrow's life takes a turn when he moves back into his childhood home after losing both his parents to cancer. He struggles with the feeling of being stuck and haunted by the memories of his parents.
  • Dennis moves back into his childhood home after losing both parents to cancer.
  • He feels stuck and haunted by the memories of his parents.
  • The house symbolizes his inability to move forward in life.

Shownotes Transcript

In an episode we first aired in 2014, we meet a man named Dennis Conrow, who was stuck. After a brief stint at college, he’d spent most of his 20’s back home with his parents, sleeping in his childhood room. And just when he finally struck out on his own, fate intervened. He lost both his parents to cancer. So Dennis was left, back in the house, alone. Until one night when a group of paranormal investigators showed up at his door and made him realize what it really means for a house, or a man, to be haunted. We have some exciting news! In the “Zoozve” episode, Radiolab named its first-ever quasi-moon, and now it's your turn! Radiolab has teamed up with The International Astronomical Union to launch a global naming contest for one of Earth’s quasi-moons. This is your chance to make your mark on the heavens. Vote on your favorites starting in November:


Reported by Matt Kieltywith help from  Andy MillsProduced by Matt Kieltywith help from - Maria Paz GutiérrezOriginal music and sound design contributed by - Matt Kielty

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