Quick Charge is a recap podcast bringing you the latest in Tesla news and the top green energy stori
In today's episode of Quick Charge we've got serious software upgrades from Tesla, questions about
On today's episode of Quick Charge, Tesla is delaying Cybertruck deliveries, 3rd time's a charm for
Tesla's robotaxis could have a self-cleaning feature, electric semi trucks are taking off in Canada
This is it, the FIRST EVER extra long episode! We've got Rivian investor day, SRP and Tesla collabo
On today's episode, Mate Rimac beats Tesla to the Robotaxi punch, Porsche recalls 31,000 electric T
We gave the Tesla Cybertruck a lot of heat yesterday, and today we're back for more as every si
On today's electrifying episode of Quick Charge, we check out a number of totaled Teslas, question
On this episode of Quick Charge, Hyundai continues to invest in new electric vehicles, this time te
on this special Juneteenth edition of Quick Charge: Rivian and Ford are chasing Pike's Peak glory w
On today's Quick Charge, it's a tale of two CEOs – one getting a $56 billion payday while the other
Elon did enough to convince shareholders he deserved his multi billion dollar payout, but can he co
Watch Elon's $56 billion victory lap live as Ford walks back its controversial Model E program and
Tesla tweeted news that it has two autonomous Optimus robots working at its factory, BYD announces
Elon Musk's Boring Company shows off its new hole at Giga Texas, Tesla is hiring again, Germany
On today's show, we talk about Elon Musk and leaks surrounding his $56 billion comp package, 48V ar
Jeep and Volkswagen are taking aim at the Tesla Model Y, Rivian announced a raft of upgrades for it
Kia's opened the order books on its new, affordable EV3 electric car, Volvo has a bunch of news for
Elon's NVIDIA deal could spell big trouble for Tesla, Ford's Explorer EV enters production, and BYD
EV sales took off in May, Tesla is bringing some Performance to the Chinese market amid delays for
Scooter Doll reviews Chevy's new, affordable Equinox 5-passenger crossover, Volkswagen's US dealers