Question Culture

Brian and Lornett believe it is important to question conventional wisdom. Each bi-weekly episode th


Total: 102



On this episode Lornett and Brian discuss the history, features, and early warning signs of fascism.

On this history edition episode, Brian, Lornett, & Steve discuss the often forgotten war between

For part II of our discussion about abortion and women's reproductive rights, we welcome special gue

Abortion: Part I


When did abortion first become illegal in the U.S? Why did it become illegal? What changed after Roe

Interview With A Veteran


On this bonus Veteran's Day episode, Brian & Lornett had the pleasure of interviewing Army veter

Labor Organizing


All of the freedoms working people currently experience are a result of organized labor movements of

The 20 Year War: Afghanistan


On this episode Brian & Lornett discuss why the U.S. government and corporations were interested



When you analyze all the problems in the world, you begin to realize they all have the same root cau

Some called it Manifest Destiny. Others called it Indian Removal. Both are too generous a descriptio

The Prison System


We are taught that America is the "land of the free". Yet, we have a higher percentage of our citize

On this episode Brian & Lornett are joined by special guest Dr. Christian Braneon. Dr. Braneon i

Just three dudes talking about the experience of women in early America. The irony is not lost on us

Nuclear Weapons


On this episode Brian & Lornett begin by discussing the development of the atomic bomb at the en

Conspiracy Theories


In the age of social media, conspiracy theories are everywhere. On this episode Brian & Lornett

Important events in a country's history are often boiled down to simplified stories of good vs evil.



Throughout human history humans have divided themselves into groups. Whether it be religion, race, n

The U.S. spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined. Over half of all discretio

In an effort to stand in solidarity with all oppressed people all over the globe, Brian & Lornet

The New Red Scare


On this episode Lornett & Brian begin by discussing anti-communist hysteria after WWII and throu

On this episode Brian, Steve, and Lornett discuss the english colonies during the 100 years leading