Susan Valot narrates in-depth news episodes based on Quanta Magazine's articles about mathematics, p
The discovery that the brain has different systems for representing small and large numbers provokes
The Reykjanes Peninsula has entered a new volcanic era. Innovative efforts to map and monitor the su
A new magnum opus posits the existence of a hidden mathematical link akin to the connection between
To better understand how neural networks learn to simulate writing, researchers trained simpler vers
Scientists have recently discovered scores of free-floating worlds that defy classification. The new
Every species develops at its own unique tempo, leaving scientists to wonder what governs their timi
The telescope conjecture gave mathematicians a handle on ways to map one sphere to another. Now that
By watching “minimal” cells regain the fitness they lost, researchers are testing whether a genome c
Genetic elements called Mavericks that have some viral features could be responsible for the large-s
New observations of a faraway rocky world that might have its own magnetic field could help astronom
Quantum algorithms can find their way out of mazes exponentially faster than classical ones, at the
In some deep subterranean aquifers, cells have a chemical trick for making oxygen that could sustain
To buffer the brain against menaces in the blood, a dynamic, multi-tiered system of protection is bu
Giant black holes were supposed to be bit players in the early cosmic story. But recent James Webb S
New experiments show that the brain distinguishes between perceived and imagined mental images by ch
Today’s language models are more sophisticated than ever, but they still struggle with the concept o
The most comprehensive survey of how we share our microbiomes suggests a new way of thinking about t
The quantum energy teleportation protocol was proposed in 2008 and largely ignored. Now two independ
Feelings of loneliness prompt changes in the brain that further isolate people from social contact.
The neocortex of our brain is the seat of our intellect. New data suggests that mammals created it w