Quality during Design

Quality during Design is a podcast for product designers, engineers, and anyone else who cares about


Total: 160

Send us a textDianna Deeney and Shere Tuckey talk about Crucial Conversations® in an engineering env

Send us a text This is the wrap-up, final episode of our series - the 7th episode in our series abou

Send us a textWe're in our 6th episode into our series about generating ideas with our team tow

Send us a textWe're in our 5th episode of our series about generating ideas with our team towar

Send us a textWe're in our 4th episode into our series about generating ideas with our team tow

Send us a textWe're on our 3rd episode in our series about generating ideas with our team towar

Send us a textThis episode is part of our interview series, “A Chat with Cross Functional Experts&qu

Send us a textSometimes we need to gather with our team and come up with some ideas. Whether we’re l

Send us a textAs engineers, we need to write reports all the time. Are ours getting returned by revi

The Gifts Others Bring


Send us a textWhat are the gifts others bring to new product development? It takes intentional actio

Send us a textDuring product development, we're consistently looking for ways to learn more abo

Send us a textWe have a reliability target for our system. But we're not meeting it.To avoid th

Send us a textNew product development projects are really exciting at the start. Even though we know

Send us a textWe can find Quality at the back-end of product creation, where it's used for comp

QDD Book Cast


Send us a textWhere do we sometimes need to look for inspiration?  Books! We talk about 11 books in

Send us a textWhat is engineering in the color economy? We explore facets of sustainable economic mo

Getting to Great Designs


Send us a textWhat makes a great design? It depends. We talk about the spectrum of designs (from gre

Send us a textWe worked on a project with our team and met our goal! Except, management isn't h

Send us a textRelationships matter! And they can be difficult to understand.We're taking relati

Send us a textMeetings to ADD productivity to our day? Yes!We need our time to be productive, indivi