Conspiracy theories, melted online communities and cursed media — we pry open the cracks in consensu
A young white woman channels a 35'000-year-old Indian God on the Merv Griffin Show. Her cult is call
Political technologist and right hand man to Putin. Experimental theater director. Architect of the
We got him. Travis attempts to recount this movie's plot to us, and a meltdown ensues. Pure silly fu
Seth Rich, the Podesta emails, the Imran Awan scandal and Shadow INC. A generation of political oper
The CIA recruited prostitutes to dose clients with LSD. They tried to remote control dogs by stickin
Forget deepfakes. All we can afford in this economy? Freeware video apps and enterprise edition wind
A community of people who think they are in the matrix, fed by incoherent technocrats like Elon Musk
Miracle Mineral Solution. Yes it's considered industrial bleach. Yes it causes nausea, diarrhea and
Your ancestors are aliens. Perhaps you found out using Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Perhaps y
Terror networks, in-fighting and arrests — we catch up on Neo Naziism in 2020 America with Molly Con
Alone, desperate and undercover at the QAnon rally, Jake crashes and burns in an attempt to fit in w
A Chinese religious cult undergoes a massive government crackdown. In response, they found a newspap
Interviews with followers. Speeches from the rally. Confrontations of our past treacheries as underc
Reeling, our immediate reactions to our three experiences. That's right, Jake, Travis & Julian trave
Domestic terrorism, dead mob bosses and fallen influencers — it was quite a year for QAnon. We go th
Silicon Valley from a different perspective — that's what you'll get from this week's guest Riley Qu
Trofim Lysenko, the man who almost single-handedly destroyed Soviet biology. A cult of anti-reality.
The President boosted almost 20 QAnon-related Twitter accounts in a single day. Time to celebrate! I
Laura Loomer fan fiction novel The Switch: Loomered is read in its entirety and commented upon by Ja
Infowars meltdown queen, islamophobic conspiracy theorist and congressional candidate — Laura Loomer