Daily Minnesota Vikings entertainment with one mission: We want the Minnesota Vikings to win the Sup
Matthew Coller connects with CBS Sports draft analyst Chris Trapasso to discuss how the Chicago Bear
The Minnesota Vikings are not getting very good draft grades after a second-round run on offensive l
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin dig into the Vikings' decision to pick a cornerback in the
Matthew Coller connects with NDT Scouting analyst Brandon Thorn to break down all the best offensive
Matthew Coller and Arif Hasan of Zone Coverage dig into all the non-O-line prospects in the draft. W
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin go game-by-game on the Vikings' schedule. How will they ma
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin get together for an emergency podcast reacting to the Viki
Matthew Coller catches up with former NFL wide receiver Donald Jones to talk about why so many recen
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin discuss whether the Vikings should be considered the favor
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin use a website to simulate the draft. Will the Vikings go o
Chris Trapasso of CBS Sports joins Matthew Coller and Courtney Cronin to discuss this year’s NFL Dra
Ted Nguyen of The Athletic joins Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad to discuss his article on how the Vi
Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad break down the Vikings' signing of wide receiver Kendall Wright. What
Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Adam Thielen joined the Purple Podcast to discuss his offseason. He
ESPN's Courtney Cronin and 1500ESPN's Matthew Coller sit down to discuss how the Vikings will contin
Matthew Coller and Brandon Thorn of Scouting Academy discuss the Vikings' new defensive tackle. How
Matthew Coller and Pro Football Focus analyst Eric Eager dig into the numbers behind Kirk Cousins. W
Matthew Coller talks with Joe Caparoso from Turn on the Jets. What can we make of the Vikings signin
Matthew Coller checks in with 106.7 The Fan's Grant Paulsen to discuss Kirk Cousins' time in Washing
Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad jump on the microphone to discuss a report from NFL Network's Tom Pel