Daily Minnesota Vikings entertainment with one mission: We want the Minnesota Vikings to win the Sup
Matthew Coller sits down at Mall of America with Daily Mail reporter Peter Carline, who traveled fro
If you're the Vikings and your window to win is open right now, would you trade for Chiefs QB Alex S
Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad talk about the Twin Cities' lack of enthusiasm for the Super Bowl aft
After a day to collect our thoughts, have we figured out what went wrong on defense? Also, what's Ca
How did the Vikings' defense fall apart? What does Sunday's game mean for the future of QB Case Keen
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin go position by position analyzing every aspect of Vikings-
Matthew Coller and Bleacher Report analyst/Inside the Pylon author Brandon Thorn break down the offe
How will home-field advantage for the Eagles factor into Sundays game? Matthew Coller joins Phil Mac
Matthew Coller and Football Outsiders analyst Charles McDonald break down the "keys to the game." Wh
Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad talk about what Stefon Diggs' 61-yard touchdown catch will mean when
Matthew Coller is joined by Pro Football Focus analyst Eric Eager to break down the matchup between
The Eagles and Vikings have so many similarities, it's uncanny. Matthew Coller joins Phil Mackey &am
Case Keenum found Stefon Diggs and the Vikings won an instant classic over the New Orleans Saints. M
Matthew Coller and Courtney Cronin go position by position breaking down the Vikings and Saints' Div
Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad discuss PFW naming Rick Spielman the executive of the year and the ro
Matthew Coller is joined by Brandon Thorn of Scouting Academy and Inside The Pylon to talk about the
Matthew Coller is joined by Zone Coverage writer Arif Hasan to talk about his analysis of Case Keenu
As Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad give their immediate reactions to the Saints beating the Panthers,
As Matthew Coller and Judd Zulgad wait for the Vikings' playoff opponent, they discuss whether Randy
Matthew Coller and ESPN's Courtney Cronin discuss Pat Shurmur's future. Will the Vikings' offensive