An open border brings chaos. It is a national security risk and an ever-growing threat to the health and safety of millions. It is an economic disaster as it strains the nation’s resources and puts undue burdens on taxpayers and state and local governments. Millions of people have entered the border illegally since the current administration opened the border in early 2021. While many illegals are innocent pawns in a bigger game, many are here with ill intent. Skyrocketing crime, sex and drug trafficking, and overwhelmed public health systems have caused loss of life and safety. Millions of children have been kidnapped, trafficked, and sold, and the devastating toll on them and our nation impacts us all. How does this affect your business? What can you do to provide help and hope to people caught in the web of corruption? In this episode, Linda interviews successful business leader, author, and speaker, Craig Huey, to discuss actionable steps we can all take to become part of the solution and not a silent part of the problem. It is not too late to help America, but we must step up now to bring change for a better future for all.
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