Software Engineering Best Practices, System Design, High Scale, Algorithms, Math, Programming Langua
In this episode of programmers quickie podcast, we continue our exploration of SQL pivot and dive de
Python Behave testing
In a system design interview, you will be asked to design a complex system, such as a website, mobil
In Apache Spark, you can cache a DataFrame in memory using the cache() or persist() method. The cach
Why develop apps when you can create "social apps" without coding as side projects.
The n-queens problem is a well-known problem in computer science and mathematics that involves placi
The time that it takes computers to process information.
Consistent Hashing is a distributed hashing scheme that operates independently of the number of serv
A couple of mitigations for a couple of ab testing challenges
Here are scenarios where we would want to use AA testing before trying out and AB testing
HTTP/1 is a textual data protocol and is good in terms of readability, ease of reimplementing, and e
In probability theory and statistics, Bayes' theorem, named after Thomas Bayes, describes the probab
The token bucket is an algorithm used in packet-switched and telecommunications networks. It can be
In software design and engineering, the observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an ob
There are six (6) criteria that should be applied when evaluating any Web site: authority, accuracy,
The dataclass() decorator examines the class to find fields. A field is defined as a class variable
Python dependency management and packaging made easy. ... Poetry comes with all the tools you might
In computer networks, rate limiting is used to control the rate of requests sent or received by a ne
dbt - Transform data in your warehouse What is dbt? dbt is a development framework that combines mod