Programmers Quickie

Software Engineering Best Practices, System Design, High Scale, Algorithms, Math, Programming Langua


Total: 357

DynamoDb read capacity units and write capacity units

💲Reserve Currency


Why does reserve currency metals so much today in today's economy and what are the alternatives and

🤘Sql Cte's


Common table expressions are very useful in constructing SQL and are your great next milestone to us

🚀 The core of SEO


What is the core of doing SEO did it change over the years and what would bring you to the topmost s

Here we discuss some of the most interesting product interview questions in the data area and in the

🤡 Blockchain


An intro to blockchain technology

What does term frequency means and what is its relationship with inverse document frequency that we

📚 Book - - "Terraform: Up & Running: Writing Infrastructure as Code"

Aws ElasticIp


AWS elastic IP is not dynamic for itself it's actually a static public IPv4 IP so why is it called e

Unresilient World


Unresilient World

Terraform Variables


With terraform we can use variables for example an integer which is defined as a number or a string

Terraform main operations such as init plan apply and destroy and the state file telephone is a infr

🌐 Terraform Init Intro


Telephone is a language declarative language for defining resources here we will describe their form

What are the differences in between the Bernoulli the binomial and the poison distributions and wha

Coders Vs Managers


Coders Vs Managers

Dynamo the big global tables allow us to have application of course region of a multi master multi r

💲Netflix Stock


Netflix stock is down 70% from the top of $600 to $200

This is going to be how to create a model with pandas very quickly in a few lines a linear regressio

💲30 Trillion Debt


The US economy currently has a 30 trillion depth and is trying to fight inflation by rising interest

📚 "Amazon DynamoDB: Developer Guide" -