A podcast of the weekly teaching ministry of Prior Lake Baptist Church.
Text: Psalm 11 Big Idea: We must flee to the Lord as our only sure refuge. Outline: 1. Choose to fin
Text: Hebrews 7 Big Idea: We are living in the days of God’s better High Priest. Jesus is God’s fore
Text: Hebrews 6:13-20 Big Idea: God’s faithfulness in the past demands that we trust Him in our pres
Text: Hebrews 6:1- 12 Big Idea: Imitating Christ is a life-long pursuit that God calls us to and equ
Text: Romans 15:22-33 Big Idea: Committed to advancing the Gospel 1. Advancing the Gospel requires
Text: Hebrews 10:19-25 Big Idea: We must spur one another to cling to Christ to make it safely all t
Big Idea: God fulfilled what He willed through the life, death, and eternal life of HIs suffering Se
Text: Psalm 113 Big Idea: No one is like the Lord, enthroned in the highest and exalting the lowest
Big Idea: Shared life and purpose are found in the gospel of Christ alone Outline: 1. Shared future
Text: Jonah 2 Big Idea: God's mercy requires a sacrificial response Outline: 1. Consider your need
Text: Hebrews 5:11-14 Big Idea: To not heed God’s Word not only cripples the believer in their own g