cover of episode Bye bye season one!
主播在节目中回顾了《Pretty Lonesome》播客节目第一季的历程,分享了一年来在节目中探讨的个人经历、感受、疑问、心理健康、生活中的挣扎与成功等内容。主播表示,第一季节目主要集中在提出问题和分享个人感悟,而第二季将尝试寻找答案,并继续探讨生活中的困惑和美好,提供建议(可能不被采纳)。主播还解释了之前TikTok视频中关于车辆的误解,并宣布第二季将于10月25日正式开始。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey guys, welcome back to this week's episode of Pretty Lonesome. This week, we're back. I don't know why I'm shy to like show you that I'm here, like in this car. I'm like, I feel like I'm presenting you with like a piece of artwork that I drew for you. I'm like, and guess what? We're celebrating one year of Pretty Lonesome and with that I have some news. Oh actually,

Before I go on, I posted a TikTok in this car the other day and a lot of people were like thinking that I had repurchased another version of this car. But I'm here to set the record straight. This is the same exact car that I had two years ago, a year ago. It is... I never got rid of it. Sorry, her. She's not it. I never got rid of her. She has always been with me and I just haven't been driving her because truth be told, she's completely unsafe. I never should have been driving her. Anyway...

Welcome back to my favourite place in the entire world. It has been a year of pretty lonesome and I have grown larger and stronger much like the Hulk or the Mulk which means we could either keep going the way we've been going

or we could do something different. I love sitting in this Astra and talking to you guys. But I've sat here and I've lamented over past experiences and lessons learned and feelings that I have and questions that I have. And I've talked about my mental health, my mental illnesses, my queries about life, my struggles.

my successes, I've given you advice, I've asked you questions, I've begged for answers. There is only so much that I can conclude as one girl in her car. And so it's very exciting for me to tell you guys that we are going to be getting some answers. This is still going to exist. We are still going to get together and we are going to yap about...

how confusing everything is and how amazing everything is and I'm still going to give you advice that I don't follow and I'm still going to ask you guys for advice that I won't take and everything is going to be wonderful and amazing. I just feel like for all the questions we have, all the complaints, all the queries, I just think it's about time we got some answers and I'm not telling you anything else. In order for me to ensure that my plan goes accordingly, I need a minute, which means next week, no podcast episode. Friday the 25th,

will be the official start of season two, I guess, of Pretty Lonesome. Be there or be square. Bitches, I will see you there. Oh, look, the sun is shining. It's like an outro. I'll see you guys October 25th. Actually, I'm so excited. Okay, I love you guys. I'll see you later. You get so many because it's the end of season one. Bye, bye, bye, bye.