Making artificial intelligence practical, productive & accessible to everyone. Practical AI is a sho
Shopify recently released a Hugging Face space demonstrating very impressive results for replacing b
According to Solana Larsen: “Too often, it feels like we have lost control of the internet to the in
On Monday, October 30, 2023, the U.S. White House issued its Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, an
We’re excited to have Tuhin join us on the show once again to talk about self-hosting open access mo
It seems like everyone is interested in Rust these days. Even the most popular Python linter, Ruff,
Chris & Daniel are out this week, so we’re bringing you a panel discussion from All Things Open
What is the model lifecycle like for experimenting with and then deploying generative AI models? Alt
Dominik Klotz from askui joins Daniel and Chris to discuss the automation of UI, and how AI empowers
In this episode we welcome back our good friend Demetrios from the MLOps Community to discuss fine-t
You might have heard a lot about code generation tools using AI, but could LLMs and generative AI ma
Recently a16z released a diagram showing the “Emerging Architectures for LLM Applications.” In this
In this Fully Connected episode, Daniel and Chris kick it off by noting that Stability AI released t
There’s so much talk (and hype) these days about vector databases. We thought it would be timely and
It was an amazing week in AI news. Among other things, there is a new NeRF and a new Llama in town!!
As a technologist, coder, and lawyer, few people are better equipped to discuss the legal and practi
Chris sat down with Varun Mohan and Anshul Ramachandran, CEO / Cofounder and Lead of Enterprise and
In this Fully Connected episode, Daniel and Chris explore recent highlights from the current model p
Your feed might be dominated by LLMs these days, but there are some amazing things happening in comp
Chris and Daniel take a step back to look at how generative AI fits into the wider landscape of ML/A
Daniel had the chance to sit down with @swyx and Alessio from the Latent Space pod in SF to talk abo