Making artificial intelligence practical, productive & accessible to everyone. Practical AI is a sho
Daniel and Chris have a fascinating discussion with Anna Goldie and Azalia Mirhoseini from Google Br
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel and Chris have a timely conversation with Lucy Lu Wang
AI legend Stuart Russell, the Berkeley professor who leads the Center for Human-Compatible AI, joins
So many AI developers are coming up with creative, useful COVID-19 applications during this time of
Daniel Wilson and Rob Fletcher of ESRI hang with Chris and Daniel to chat about how AI powered moder
Practical AI is a weekly podcast that’s marking artificial intelligence practical, productive, and a
Catherine Breslin of Cobalt joins Daniel and Chris to do a deep dive on speech recognition. She also
Emily Robinson, co-author of the book Build a Career in Data Science, gives us the inside scoop abou
Matt Brems from General Assembly joins us to explain what “data science” actually means these days a
Craig Wiley, from Google Cloud, joins us to discuss various pieces of the TensorFlow ecosystem along
Expanding AI technology to the local languages of emerging markets presents huge challenges. Good da
Daniel and Chris hang out with Mike McCourt from Invoca to learn about the natural language processi
Daniel and Chris explore Semantic Scholar with Doug Raymond of the Allen Institute for Artificial In
Daniel and Chris do a deep dive into The AI Index 2019 Annual Report, which provides unbiased rigoro
Production ML systems include more than just the model. In these complicated systems, how do you ens
One of the things people most associate with AI is automation, but how is AI actually shaping automa
Chris and Daniel talk with Greg Allen, Chief of Strategy and Communications at the U.S. Department o
Wow, 2019 was an amazing year for AI! In this fully connected episode, Chris and Daniel discuss thei
We have all used web and product search technologies for quite some time, but how do they actually w
Evan Sparks, from Determined AI, helps us understand why many are still stuck in the “dark ages” of