John Pollock) and Brandon Thurston) cover TKO extending its relationship with Saudi Arabia as WWE prepares for its latest show in the country.
Bradley Hope), the co-author of Blood and Oil: Mohammed Bin Salman’s Ruthless Quest for Global Powe)r, joins the show to speak about the rise of MBS, Saudi Arabia’s growing influence within sports & its ties with WWE.
Plus: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton responds to the complaint filed by WWE over the release of records related to events in Texas, Mark Shapiro speaks at the JP Morgan conference, the NBA is preparing to finalize its broadcast agreements, AEW returns to Las Vegas for Double or Nothing, and the latest TV ratings information.
WWE suing Texas Attorney General to prevent release of bidding contract)
WWE Raw ranks second on cable behind Game 7 of the NHL playoffs)
*Music courtesy: *“Panic Beat” Ben Tramer”)
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