Positively Dog Training - The Official Victoria Stilwell Podcast

World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan ques


Total: 197

Why do some people choose domination with their dogs and/or kids? Victoria, Holly, and Dr. Bloom dis

Victoria & Holly discuss Thanksgiving traditions and safety tips in this holiday episode. They&a

Discussion of new study regarding the way kids are disciplined & how it relates to dog training.

Victoria and Holly are joined again by Dr. Paula Bloom to discuss pets as therapeutic solutions for

Victoria and Holly are joined on the Positively Hotline by Victoria's vet, Dr. Duffy Jones, as

Victoria and Holly are joined by Dr. Paula Bloom as they discuss how to change perceptions of pit bu

Episode 11: Dogs and Sound


In this episode, Victoria and Holly are joined by concert pianist and Through A Dog's Ear co-fo

In the first episode of the new season, Victoria and Holly discuss what they've been up to for

In this special 'Ask Victoria' episode, Victoria devotes the entire episode to answering l

Victoria gives us an update on the new season of IMOTD while discussing her role as a counselor to h

Victoria describes her experience training a piglet named Mud for a recent episode of It's Me o

In this episode, Victoria describes what it's like filming It's Me or the Dog in New York

In this very special episode, Victoria and Holly are joined briefly by Victoria's daughter, Ale

In this episode, Victoria and Holly discuss:The first episode of the new season of It's Me or t

In this episode, Victoria and Holly discuss:Victoria's recent travels to the UK for the Dogs Tr

In this episode, Victoria and Holly discuss Victoria's appearance at North Carolina's Pupp

In this inaugural edition of Victoria Stilwell's Positively Podcast, Victoria and her co-host H