During World War II, the Polish resistance movement used chemical and biological weapons (CBW) against the Third Reich. The use of CBW against the Third Reich most likely originated in a secret Polish biological-weapons program, which existed in the 1930s and went underground after the September 1939 German invasion. Between 1940 and 1942, a unit of the Polish resistance movement named WKZO (Wielkopolskie Kierownictwo Związku Odwetu—the Greater Poland Leadership of the Union of Retaliation) conducted CBW sabotage in the German-annexed area Reichsgau Wartheland and its main city Posen (today’s Poznań). In this episode we examine this group with Robert Peterson.
You can find Robert's paper on the subject here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10736700.2020.1866321)
sound clip credit: https://youtu.be/pw2PenZYBuw)