The first meeting of the Bayesian Conspiracy Original Text
Because if YOU were Lord Voldemort, YOU would have horcruxed the Pioneer plaque Original Text
Learning to lose Original Text
Quirrell reveals some of his past history Original Text
Potter vs Snape: Round 2. FIGHT!! (tagteam with Dumbledore!) Original Text
Potter vs Snape: Round 1. FIGHT! Original Text
Called to Dumbledore’s office to receive is his father’s rock Original Text  
Because if YOU had a Time Turner, YOU’d use it to factor in polynomial time too Origina
Minions; lessons in violence; and the most dangerous student in the classroom Original Text &
Charms and Transfiguration classes; Hermione challenges Harry to a competition. David Brin
Quest loot! & seeing oneself from the outside can be illuminating Original Text &n
The Confrontation, The Apology, and The Game Original Text
Changing the distant past is easy if you get started early enough. Original Text
Harry is Sorted. Original Text
The Musical Episode Original Text
The origin of the All-Powerful Snap. Also introducing Hermione and Neville. Original Text &nb
Harry explains Science. Original Text
Harry meets Ron, and discovers Lucius Malfoy’s one weakness. Original Text
Harry’s dark side is (briefly) revealed. Original Text
Harry prefers the term “World Optimization” Original Text