Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favre
Trump’s first State of the Union is long on words, low on energy, and short on policy. Jon and Dan b
The media lowers the bar for Trump’s State of the Union, Democrats look for an economic message, and
Democrats plot their next move on immigration after the shutdown, Mueller closes in on Trump, and Re
The Shithole Shutdown ends as McConnell promises a vote on a bill to protect the DREAMers, and Democ
Trump and the Trumpiest Republicans oppose a bipartisan deal that would pass the Senate, protect the
Trump reveals the racism at the heart of his immigration policy, cancels a trip to London to avoid p
Trump gets rave reviews for not being senile in a meeting, Bannon goes down in flames, and Oprah mak
The President assures the country of his mental stability, Mueller hones in on obstruction while Rep
Trump kicks off 2018 with a series of deranged and dangerous tweets, and then has an ugly break-up w
The guys look back on 2017 and the setbacks, surprising victories, lessons, frustrations and inspiri
A very special Christmas mailbag with Jon, Jon, and Tommy to wrap up 2017 and look ahead to 2018.
Republicans celebrate passing the least popular piece of legislation in modern history, and Democrat
Trump and his state-run media conspire to undermine a federal investigation, Republicans in Congress
Alabama gives America hope, and Democrats a path to power. Senator-elect Doug Jones talks with Jon a
The Alabama special election comes down to who gets more votes, Trump and his propagandists continue
Franken resigns, Moore keeps running with the GOP’s support so they can get their tax cut, and Trump
Trump hides his crimes in plain sight, Republicans embrace a child molester, and Democrats have the
Trump tweets about his crimes, and Republicans pass a tax bill that will define the 2018 elections.
Republicans do whatever it takes to pass their Donor Relief Act, and Trump reminds us why he’s unsta
Republicans don’t yet have the votes to jam through their Donor Relief Act, Trump goes all-in for Mo