Planetary Radio brings you the human adventure across our Solar System and beyond. We visit each wee
We are approaching the 10th anniversary of Curiosity’s arrival in the Red Planet’s Gale
The Parker Solar Probe dipped within the corona on its eighth encounter with our star. It found phen
New rockets, new legislation, and a new direction for planetary exploration are just some of the maj
NASA’s Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon for the first time since 1972. We vis
Mat Kaplan and six Planetary Society colleagues review a year full of accomplishments, firsts and ex
Space historian William Sheehan and planetary scientist Jim Bell have written a fascinating history
The James Webb Space Telescope will begin its mission of discovery as soon as Dec. 24. René D
The plot of the great new movie “Don’t Look Up” is driven by a giant comet speedin
The search for biosignatures on hundreds of exoplanets is the top goal for U.S. astronomers. That's
Is it life? NASA chief scientist Jim Green and Mary Voytek, leader of the agency’s astrobiolog
Ariel Ekblaw and her Space Exploration Initiative colleagues believe we are at the cusp of interplan
DART coordination lead Nancy Chabot and the rest of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test team will s
Badri Younes says that a spacecraft that can’t communicate or find its way is worthless. He le
The first in-space test of asteroid deflection technology, DART, launches this month. Lindley Johnso
The chair of the United Arab Emirates space agency returns with news of an ambitious mission to expl
Host Mat Kaplan has wanted to reshare his first conversation with the great Sally Ride for years. Sa
Planetary Radio host Mat Kaplan interviewed NIAC Fellows about their revolutionary projects as part
A delightful, exclusive conversation with principal investigator Hal Levison, deputy principal inves
It started with a question from a listener. The answer comes from Dawn mission chief engineer and mi
A polarized U.S. Congress is juggling nearly half a dozen pieces of major legislation, several of wh