Planet Money

Wanna see a trick? Give us any topic and we can tie it back to the economy. At Planet Money, we expl


Total: 415

Ballpark vendors share their strategies and other secrets to selling the most hot dogs at baseball g

While on the brink of extinction in the 1970s, manatees found sanctuary in the warm waters of Florid

Turkey is facing really high inflation, over 60 percent. Its president is taking an unorthodox appro

When bricks were rubles


For a brief, strange period after the U.S.S.R. collapsed, "real" money was less valuable than tradea

The Bond King


Investing legend Bill Gross revolutionized the bond market, built an empire, and lost it all. Our ve

Fashion Fair's makeover


Fashion Fair was the first big national brand to make makeup for Black women, but it slowly faded in

Corporate profits are soaring. So are prices. Can corporations just not raise prices? Would that fig

Tech giants and tiny dogs


What a business that makes ramps for wiener dogs teaches us about the massive power of tech giants.

Escape from Russia


An American business owner with employees in Russia extracts her colleagues from the country. | Subs

Grocery delivery wars


Behind the scenes at a new kind of grocery store that promises delivery in minutes. | Subscribe to o

After World War II devastated the global economy, there was a push for a new universal currency. Thi

Three stories about how the sanctions imposed on Russia are playing out – for regular Russian people

The U.S. is putting Russia's defense plan against sanctions to the test. Meanwhile, Russia's role as

The U.S. is imposing economic sanctions on Russia to punish it for invading Ukraine. But Russia has

How bad is inflation?


Two stories about the effects of inflation on the economy. We meet a gig worker who's seen an increa

Predictions: Inflation!


It's time for another round of "Planet Money Predictions!" Economic forecasters square off to predic

SPAM strikes back


Hormel Foods makes SPAM, and for generations, the company also created jobs for families in Austin,

Waste land (Bonus)


Recycling most plastic doesn't work. It never has. In 2020, we ran an episode showing how big oil co

Our Valentines 2022


We profess our love for our curiosities, obsessions, and the things we wish we'd thought of first. |

A SWIFT getaway


In 2016, thieves tried to steal nearly a billion dollars from the Bank of Bangladesh's reserves with