cover of episode Wind boom, wind bust (Two Windicators)

Wind boom, wind bust (Two Windicators)

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Planet Money

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Connor Theriault
Darian Woods
Mark Repsher
Mike Salata
Mike Salata描述了墨西哥湾首次海上风电拍卖的情况,结果显示出市场的不确定性,部分区域甚至无人竞标,这与纽约州的拍卖结果形成鲜明对比。他认为此次拍卖在一定程度上证明了海上风电在墨西哥湾的可行性。 Mark Repsher分析了墨西哥湾海上风电拍卖遇冷的原因,他认为该地区与其他能源(如太阳能)相比成本较高,飓风风险也较大,此外,各州对电力市场的不同监管政策也增加了投资风险,特别是路易斯安那州、德克萨斯州和密西西比州缺乏对海上风电项目的财政激励措施。 Waylon Wong和Darian Woods总结了对海上风电拍卖结果的分析,强调了各州在制定吸引海上风电投资的政策方面的重要性,只有各州积极配合,才能促进美国海上风电产业的快速发展。 Connor Theriault分享了他作为一名风力涡轮机维修技师的日常工作和经验,他详细描述了这项工作的风险性和安全措施,并谈到了与当地居民的互动以及公众对风力发电的接受程度。他认为,随着美国风力发电产能的扩张,风力涡轮机维修技师的就业机会将会大幅增加,薪资待遇也会随之提高。 Mike Salata指出墨西哥湾海上风电拍卖的参与度远低于预期,部分区域甚至没有收到任何投标,这与纽约州此前高额的拍卖结果形成对比。他认为,尽管如此,此次拍卖仍然可以被视为一项概念验证,证明了墨西哥湾发展海上风电的潜力。 Mark Repsher深入分析了导致墨西哥湾海上风电拍卖遇冷的多种因素。首先,他指出该地区与其他能源相比成本较高,例如与德克萨斯州的太阳能发电相比,在墨西哥湾建设海上风电场的成本更高,而且建设周期也更长。其次,墨西哥湾地区面临着飓风等自然灾害的风险,这增加了投资的不确定性。此外,他强调了各州在电力市场监管方面差异的重要性,缺乏足够的财政激励措施是导致投资者犹豫不决的主要原因。 Waylon Wong和Darian Woods总结了专家们的观点,指出虽然联邦政府提供了补贴,但各州在创造有利于海上风电发展的电力市场方面起着至关重要的作用。只有各州积极采取措施提供财政激励和政策支持,才能有效推动海上风电产业的发展。 Connor Theriault详细描述了风力涡轮机维修技师的日常工作,包括安全措施、设备维护以及与当地居民的互动。他强调了这项工作的风险性,以及在高空作业中必须遵守的安全规程。他还指出,风力涡轮机维修技师是美国增长最快的职业之一,随着风力发电产能的扩张,该职业的就业机会和薪资待遇都将持续增长。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

The wind power business is a bit contradictory right now. It's showing signs of boom and bust seemingly all at once. The story of wind energy markets in two acts today. First, the Gulf of Mexico saw its first-ever auction of leases for offshore wind this summer. It was another sign of the Biden administration's desire to get more renewable energy online as fast as possible. Expectations were high, but results did not deliver. Two of the three patches of sea didn't get any bids at all. Hidden in the flop for this auction are some keys to what it takes to spark a whole new market, quickly. Then, the booming side of wind power: the job that's projected to be the fastest-growing in the U.S. is wind turbine service technician. Is it a "good" job? Reporter Darian Woods suits up to see a green-collar job above the clouds for himself.Today's episode is adapted from episodes for Planet Money's daily show, The Indicator). Subscribe here). *The original Indicator episodes were produced by Cooper Katz McKim and Julia Ritchey with engineering by Valentina Rodriguez Sanchez and James Willetts. They were fact-checked by Sierra Juarez and edited by Dave Blanchard and Kate Concannon. **Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)