cover of episode Will the Olympics break breakdancing?

Will the Olympics break breakdancing?

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Cheryl Russell
Elliot Schwartz
Storm: 认为高级别的Breaking更注重创意和艺术性,而非单纯的竞技性,并批评了传统Breaking比赛中缺乏客观评判标准的现象,这导致比赛结果缺乏公平性。他多年来致力于寻找更客观、更能反映Breaking艺术性的评判方法,最终与Renegade合作,设计出一种更科学的评判体系。他同时表达了对奥运会可能过分强调Breaking竞技性,而忽略其艺术性和文化内涵的担忧。 Renegade: 同样批评了传统Breaking比赛评判标准的不规范性,甚至指出存在预先决定胜负的情况。他与Storm合作,致力于改进Breaking的评判体系,使之更客观、更专业。他认为Breaking的价值观与奥运会的‘更快、更高、更强’有所不同,更强调‘酷炫、新鲜、突破规则’。他认为Breaking进入奥运会是一个重要的里程碑,但同时也表达了对奥运会可能改变Breaking本质的担忧。 Jeff Guo & Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi: 介绍了奥运会不同艺术类项目评判体系的多样性,从宽松的整体印象评价到严格的计分制,并分析了不同体系的优缺点。他们指出,艺术游泳和花样滑冰的混合评判体系,虽然旨在平衡艺术性和技术性,但实际上可能导致运动员过分追求高难度动作,而忽略艺术性。 Cheryl Russell: 作为艺术游泳裁判,她介绍了艺术游泳评判体系的改革过程。她指出,之前的宽松评判体系导致结果难以令人信服,改革后的计分制虽然提高了比赛的客观性和透明度,但也可能导致运动员过分追求高难度动作,而忽略艺术性。但她认为,新的评判体系也激发了运动员的积极性,使比赛更具观赏性。 Elliot Schwartz: 作为奥运会数据分析师,他分析了花样滑冰和艺术游泳的混合评判体系,指出这些体系可能导致运动员过分追求高难度动作,而忽略艺术性。他认为,在混合评判体系下,技术性项目往往更容易获得高分。 IOC官员: 表达了对Breaking进入奥运会可能需要做出一些改变的看法。

Deep Dive

The 2008 Red Bull BC One Championship final between Taisuke and Wing highlights the subjective nature of traditional breakdancing judging. B-boy Storm, a judge at the event, discusses the lack of clear criteria and the need for a more objective system, especially with the Olympics considering breakdancing as a potential sport.
  • Traditional breakdancing judging relied on subjective opinions with no official criteria.
  • The Olympics' interest in breakdancing necessitated a more objective judging system.
  • B-boy Storm and DJ Renegade sought to create a fairer judging system that preserves the artistic essence of breakdancing.

Shownotes Transcript

For some sports, picking the winner is simple: It's the athlete who crosses the finish line first, or the side that scores the most goals. But for the new Olympic sport of breaking (if you want to be cool, don't call it breakdancing), the criteria aren't quite that straightforward. How do you judge an event whose core values are dopeness, freshness, and breaking the rules? That was the challenge for Storm and Renegade, two legendary b-boys who set out to create a fair and objective scoring system for a dance they say is more of an art than a sport. Over the years, their journey to define the soul of breaking led them to meetings with Olympics bigwigs, debates over the science of dopeness, and a battle with a question many sports — from figure skating to gymnastics — have tried to answer: Can art and sport coexist? *This episode was hosted by Jeff Guo and Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi. It was produced by Emma Peaslee and edited by Jenny Lawton. It was fact checked by Sierra Juarez and engineered by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez with help from James Willets and Cena Loffredo. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer. Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)