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Why is everyone talking about Musk's money?

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Dana Hull
Joshua Walters
主持人概述了埃隆·马斯克的特斯拉巨额薪酬争议,以及由此引发的股东投票事件,并指出其可能是上市公司历史上金额最大、风险最高的投票。主持人还介绍了事件背景,即马斯克将特斯拉从破产边缘带到世界顶级公司之一,以及他因此获得的空前巨大的薪酬方案,以及该方案随后被法官撤销,导致了这次具有争议性的股东投票。 Dana Hull作为彭博社记者,详细分析了马斯克薪酬方案的细节,包括其高风险、高回报的特性,以及方案中设定的12个具有挑战性的业绩目标。她还解释了董事会设计该方案的初衷,即为了激励马斯克专注于公司发展,并避免公司破产。此外,她还分析了该方案的利弊,以及马斯克对特斯拉股价上涨的贡献有多大,以及其中涉及的时机和运气因素。最后,她还讲述了股东投票的过程,以及投票结果对马斯克和特斯拉的影响。 Joshua Walters作为特斯拉股东,分享了他对马斯克薪酬方案的看法,以及他在两次投票中不同的投票选择。他解释了为什么他在2018年支持该方案,以及为什么在2024年反对该方案。他认为马斯克最近的经营方式存在问题,例如分心于其他项目,没有专注于特斯拉的经营,因此他认为不应该再给予马斯克巨额的薪酬。 支持马斯克薪酬方案的观点认为,该方案成功地激励了马斯克,使他专注于解决特斯拉面临的问题,避免了公司破产。他们认为,马斯克对特斯拉的成功做出了巨大贡献,他的薪酬与其贡献相符。此外,他们还强调了保留马斯克作为CEO的重要性,以及马斯克离开对公司可能造成的灾难性影响。 反对马斯克薪酬方案的观点认为,该方案的金额过大,而且董事会存在利益冲突。他们认为,马斯克已经非常富有,不需要如此巨额的薪酬。此外,他们还质疑马斯克对特斯拉股价上涨的贡献有多大,以及其中涉及的时机和运气因素。他们认为,该方案没有充分考虑股东的利益,并且违反了公平原则。

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We've lived amongst Elon Musk headlines for so long now that it's easy to forget just how much he sounds like a sci-fi character. He runs a space company and wants to colonize mars. He also runs a company that just implanted a computer chip into a human brain. And he believes there's a pretty high probability everything is a simulation and we are living inside of it.But the latest Elon Musk headline-grabbing drama is less something out of sci-fi, and more something pulled from HBO's "Succession."Elon Musk helped take Tesla from the brink of bankruptcy to one of the biggest companies in the world. And his compensation for that was an unprecedentedly large pay package that turned him into the richest person on Earth. But a judge made a decision about that pay package that set off a chain of events resulting in quite possibly the most expensive, highest stakes vote in publicly traded company history.The ensuing battle over Musk's compensation is not just another wild Elon tale. It's a lesson in how to motivate the people running the biggest companies that – like it or not – are shaping our world. It's a classic economics problem with a very 2024 twist.*Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)