cover of episode What Kamala Harris' economic agenda might look like

What Kamala Harris' economic agenda might look like

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卡玛拉·哈里斯在2019年总统竞选期间,主张对富人和大型企业增税,并将税收重新分配给低收入家庭。她还提议废除特朗普政府的减税政策,并为低收入家庭提供税收抵免。此外,她还支持扩大社会保障网络,例如扩大带薪家庭和医疗假,以及提高教师工资。 在贸易问题上,哈里斯在参议院任职期间投票反对《美国-墨西哥-加拿大协定》(USMCA),主要原因是该协定在环境保护方面做得不够。她还曾反对《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP),同样是出于环境和劳工保护的考虑。然而,她同时反对特朗普政府对某些商品征收的关税,认为这增加了消费者的负担。 在担任加州总检察长期间,哈里斯与其他总检察长和奥巴马政府对抗,为加州争取到近200亿美元的债务减免,以解决住房抵押贷款危机。她还推动通过了《加州房屋所有者权利法案》,以保护房主免受不公平的抵押贷款行为。这些经历表明,她可能倾向于优先考虑消费者保护和中产阶级利益。 Keith Romer和Nick Fountain分析了卡玛拉·哈里斯的经济政策立场,指出她在2019年总统竞选期间的政策主张属于中间偏左,与伯尼·桑德斯和伊丽莎白·沃伦相比略微温和,但比乔·拜登更偏向左派。他们还讨论了哈里斯在贸易问题上的立场,以及她在担任加州总检察长期间与大型银行对抗的经历。 Sabrina Rodriguez作为华盛顿邮报记者,提供了关于哈里斯在贸易问题上的观点,特别是她对USMCA和TPP的投票记录。她强调了哈里斯对环境问题的关注以及她在贸易政策方面的复杂立场,既不是完全的自由贸易支持者,也不是保护主义者。 Dan Morain作为《卡玛拉之路》一书的作者,讲述了哈里斯在担任加州总检察长期间与大型银行对抗的故事,这展现了她为保护加州房主利益而采取的强硬立场,以及她作为政治人物的魄力和影响力。

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Last weekend we were all thrown for a loop when President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris for the nomination. Just like everyone else, we are trying to quickly wrap our heads around what it means now that Harris is almost certainly going to be the Democratic nominee for president. We expect to see the Harris campaign come out with some official policy proposals in the coming weeks and months. But for now, all we've got are clues, little breadcrumbs that she has dropped throughout her career that might lead us to a rough idea of what economic policies she might support. Today on the show, we're going to visit three key moments from Harris' political career that might give us an idea of how her economic agenda might look. First, the 2019 presidential primary debates, where she laid out her own economic policies. Next, a vote in her Senate years that shows where she might fall on future trade agreements. And finally, a fight with some of the country's biggest banks from her very first year as Attorney General of California. *This episode was hosted by Keith Romer and Nick Fountain. It was produced by Emma Peaslee, edited by Jess Jiang with help from Meg Cramer, and fact checked by Sierra Juarez and Sofia Shchukina. Engineering by Kwesi Lee. Alex Goldmark is *Planet Money's executive producer. *Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)