cover of episode The billion dollar war behind U.S. rum

The billion dollar war behind U.S. rum

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Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon
Neville James
Jeff Guo和Sarah Gonzalez介绍了美国国会设计的特殊税收制度,该制度将美国本土对朗姆酒征收的大部分联邦税收转移到波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛,本意是帮助这两个地区支付账单,但却导致大型酒类公司获得了数亿美元的美国纳税人资金,并使这两个地区成为竞争对手。他们详细描述了2008年美属维尔京群岛如何通过秘密计划吸引Captain Morgan公司,从而引发了“朗姆酒战争”。这场竞争不仅涉及到就业岗位和经济利益,还涉及到数亿美元的联邦税收分配。 Neville James作为美属维尔京群岛的议员,亲身经历了这场“朗姆酒战争”。他讲述了2008年美属维尔京群岛政府与Captain Morgan公司(隶属于帝亚吉欧公司)达成的协议,以及协议中对Captain Morgan公司的巨额补贴,包括原料、营销预算等。他指出,这项协议虽然在经济上对美属维尔京群岛有利,但却存在着明显的缺陷,即政府将大量资金直接输送给一家大型跨国公司,这可能会损害美属维尔京群岛的长期利益,并引发补贴竞赛。Neville James最终投票反对这项协议,并呼吁重新谈判,以争取更好的条件。他担心这将引发补贴竞赛,最终损害两个地区的利益。 Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon作为波多黎各的国会议员,讲述了波多黎各对失去Captain Morgan公司感到震惊和担忧,担心其他公司也会效仿。她解释了波多黎各试图通过游说国会修改税收制度来解决问题,以及波多黎各最终也增加了对朗姆酒公司的补贴,这正是Neville James所担心的补贴竞赛的开始。 波多黎各和美属维尔京群岛之间的竞争,以及大型酒类公司从中获利,揭示了美国政治制度中一些复杂的问题。国会设计的特殊税收制度,本意是帮助这两个地区,但却导致了意想不到的后果。这场竞争也反映了这两个地区在经济发展和政治地位方面的困境,以及它们在与大型跨国公司谈判时的弱势地位。

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When you buy a bottle of rum in the United States, by law nearly all the federal taxes on that rum must be sent to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. It's an unusual system that Congress designed decades ago to help fund these two U.S. territories. In 2021 alone, these rum tax payments added up to more than $700 million.Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands split the money according to how much rum each territory produces. And the territories produce a lot of it — especially Puerto Rico, which single handedly supplies the majority of the rum that Americans drink.But in 2008, the U.S. Virgin Islands pulled off a coup. It convinced one of the largest rum brands in the world, Captain Morgan, to abandon Puerto Rico and to shift its operations to the tiny island of St. Croix.This was the beginning of the Rum Wars.On today's show, the story of how a scheme designed to help Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands turned them into bitter rivals. And how it ended up putting hundreds of millions of dollars a year — U.S. taxpayer dollars — into the pockets of big liquor companies instead.*This episode was hosted by Jeff Guo and Sarah Gonzalez. It was produced by James Sneed with help from Sam Yellowhorse Kesler. It was edited by Molly Messick, engineered by Cena Loffredo, and fact checked by Sierra Juarez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)