cover of episode Rescues at sea, and how to make a fortune

Rescues at sea, and how to make a fortune

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Planet Money

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Hugh Drop
Skip Strong
Skip Strong: 在1994年11月15日凌晨1点左右,我作为Cherry Valley号油轮的新任船长,接到了一艘在风暴中引擎故障的拖船的求救信号。当时我们正航行在佛罗里达海岸,遭遇了12-15英尺高的海浪和50英里/小时的大风。拖船正被风暴推向海岸,情况危急。我意识到,如果我们不采取行动,没有人能够及时救援。尽管油轮不适合救援,且装载着大量燃油,存在搁浅、人员受伤和漏油的风险,但我还是决定尝试救援。我们经历了多次失败的尝试,最终在黎明前成功将拖船及其驳船拖至安全地带。 在救援过程中,我们面临着巨大的风险,包括巨浪、强风、以及油轮本身的脆弱性。船上的设备在强风中损坏,我们差点因此受伤。我们多次尝试投射绳索,但都失败了,直到最后一次尝试才成功将拖船拖离危险区域。整个过程充满了紧张和压力,但我们最终完成了救援任务。 事后,我们得知驳船上装载的是航天飞机的燃料箱,价值巨大。根据打捞法,我们有权获得相应的奖励。然而,与政府的法律纠纷却持续了数年,最终获得的赔偿虽然丰厚,但整个过程也让我对法律的复杂性和不确定性有了更深刻的理解。 Hugh Drop: 我作为Skip Strong船长的律师,负责处理与政府的法律纠纷。我认为这是一个非常强有力的案件,因为船长和船员在极端危险的情况下,展现了极高的勇气和技能,成功地完成了救援任务。我们向法庭提供了充分的证据,证明了救援行动的风险和船员们的英勇行为,最终获得了法院的认可,判决赔偿640万美元。 尽管上诉法院最终将赔偿金额下调至410万美元,但我仍然认为,这个案件突显了在法律中对英勇行为和道德的认可的重要性。 法官Deval: 在审理此案的过程中,我被船长和船员们在极端恶劣天气条件下所展现出的勇气和技能所深深打动。他们冒着巨大的风险,成功地营救了遇险的船只,这是一种值得赞扬的英勇行为。 我认为打捞法不仅仅是对劳动和服务的补偿,更是对英勇行为和道德的奖励。在确定赔偿金额时,我考虑了救援行动的风险、船员们的技能和所救货物的价值,最终判决赔偿640万美元,这是对他们英勇行为的肯定。 Jeff: 这个故事讲述了一次惊险的海上救援行动,以及由此引发的关于道德和法律的复杂问题。船长和船员们冒着巨大的风险,成功地营救了遇险的船只,展现了极高的勇气和技能。然而,由此引发的法律纠纷却持续了数年,最终的赔偿金额也引发了人们对打捞法和法律公平性的思考。 上诉法院从经济学的角度重新评估了赔偿金额,试图用市场逻辑代替道德逻辑,这引发了人们对法律中道德因素的讨论。这个故事也让我们思考,在现实生活中,如何为做好事定价,以及如何平衡法律的公平性和道德的考量。

Deep Dive

The episode starts by describing a dramatic rescue operation on a stormy night. Captain Skip Strong III receives a distress call from a tugboat facing engine failure and imminent collision with the coast. His decision to attempt a rescue with his oil tanker, Cherry Valley, sets the stage for a complex legal battle.
  • Distress call received by Captain Skip Strong III
  • Tugboat engine failure in a tropical storm
  • Cherry Valley, an oil tanker, attempts a rescue

Shownotes Transcript

At around 1 a.m. on the morning of November 15, 1994, Captain Prentice "Skip" Strong III woke to a distress call. Skip was the new captain of an oil tanker called the Cherry Valley. He and his crew had been making their way up the coast of Florida that evening when a tropical storm had descended. It had been a rough night of 15 foot waves and 50 mile per hour winds.The distress call was coming from a tugboat whose engines were failing in the storm. Now adrift, the tugboat was on a dangerous collision course with the shore. The only ship close enough to mount a rescue was the Cherry Valley. Skip faced a difficult decision. A fully loaded, 688-foot oil tanker is hardly anyone's first choice of a rescue vessel. It is as maneuverable as a school bus on ice. And the *Cherry Valley *was carrying ten million gallons of heavy fuel oil. A rescue attempt would put them in dangerously shallow water. One wrong move, and they would have an ecological disaster on the order of the Exxon Valdez. What happened next that night would be dissected and debated for years to come. The actions of Skip and his crew would lead to a surprising discovery, a record-setting lawsuit, and one of the strangest legal battles in maritime history. At the center of it all, an impossible question: How do you put a price tag on doing the right thing?*Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)