cover of episode On the Oscars campaign trail

On the Oscars campaign trail

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Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi
一名在《The Indicator from Planet Money》中活跃的经济新闻记者和主持人。
Matt Bellany
Tony Angelotti
Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi指出奥斯卡颁奖典礼是好莱坞电影公司长期宣传策略的最终结果,这些公司投入巨资以影响学院投票。Matt Bellany详细阐述了奥斯卡竞选的两个阶段:第一阶段侧重于获得提名,需要针对不同部门的评委采取不同的策略;第二阶段则目标是赢得最终奖项,需要塑造电影的形象,并利用明星效应和各种宣传手段来吸引评委的注意。他还指出,奥斯卡评委的投票决策有时与电影本身无关,可能会受到其他因素的影响,例如明星的个人魅力。Tony Angelotti回顾了奥斯卡宣传策略的演变,从早期以满足演员和提升票房为目的,到米拉麦克斯公司开创的利用奥斯卡奖项来提升电影整体收益的模式。他分享了《莎翁情史》的成功案例,以及这个案例如何改变了奥斯卡宣传策略的格局。他还谈到了流媒体平台的兴起如何改变了奥斯卡宣传的经济模式,以及大型电影公司如何通过奥斯卡宣传来吸引和留住顶尖人才。 Matt Bellany深入分析了奥斯卡竞选的经济效益,指出流媒体平台的兴起削弱了奥斯卡奖项对电影票房和DVD销售的促进作用,但电影公司仍然投入巨资进行宣传,原因在于:流媒体平台利用奥斯卡奖项来提升品牌知名度和用户数量;一些小型独立电影公司也通过奥斯卡宣传获得了成功;大型电影公司需要加大奥斯卡宣传力度来吸引人才;奥斯卡奖项能提升电影的长期价值。他认为,奥斯卡宣传活动将长期存在。 Tony Angelotti 讲述了他从 80 年代开始参与奥斯卡竞选的经历,见证了奥斯卡竞选策略的转变。他指出,早期奥斯卡竞选主要目的是让演员满意,并利用获奖来提升票房。米拉麦克斯公司改变了这一策略,他们利用奥斯卡奖项来提升电影的整体收益,包括电视销售、国际销售以及DVD销售等。他以《莎翁情史》的成功为例,说明了积极的奥斯卡竞选策略如何带来意想不到的成功。他认为,尽管奥斯卡奖项的直接经济效益不如以往,但它仍然具有提升电影长期价值的作用,因此奥斯卡竞选活动将继续存在。

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When you sit down to watch the Oscars, what you are really watching is the final battle in a months-long war of financial engineering and campaign strategy. Because in Hollywood, every year is an election year. A small army of Oscars campaign strategists help studios and streamers deploy tens of millions of dollars to sway Academy voters. And the signs of these campaigns are everywhere — from the endless celebrity appearances on late night TV to the billboards along your daily commute. On today's show, we hit the Oscars campaign trail to learn how these campaigns got so big in the first place. And we look into why Hollywood is still spending so much chasing gold statues, when the old playbook for how to make money on them is being rewritten. *This episode was hosted by Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi. It was produced by Emma Peaslee and edited by Jess Jiang. It was engineered by Cena Loffredo and fact checked by Sierra Juarez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer. Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)