cover of episode Japan's Lost Decades

Japan's Lost Decades

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Jeff Guo
20世纪80年代,日本经济高速增长,成为世界第二大经济体。然而,20世纪90年代初,日本经济泡沫破裂,进入长期停滞,被称为“失去的几十年”。这期间,日本经历了经济衰退、银行危机、通货紧缩等问题。日本政府采取了积极的宏观经济政策,如增加公共支出和降低利率,但效果有限。经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼认为日本经济陷入了流动性陷阱,传统的货币政策失效。日本央行尝试了非常规措施,如前瞻性指引和量化宽松政策。2013年,日本政府实施了“安倍经济学”,试图解决供给侧问题,如劳动力短缺和生产力低下。美国2007年金融危机期间,也参考了日本应对经济危机的经验。尽管日本经济有所复苏,但仍然面临着人口减少、生产力低下等挑战。 日本央行17年来首次加息,标志着日本经济可能走出长期停滞。日本经济的困境改变了人们对现代经济问题的理解,并提供了新的应对工具。 日本经济的长期停滞始于一次普通的经济衰退,随后是房地产和股票泡沫破裂。日本政府采取了积极的宏观经济政策,但未能及时解决银行的不良贷款问题,导致银行危机。持续的通货紧缩使得传统的货币政策失效,日本经济陷入了流动性陷阱。日本政府实施了“安倍经济学”,试图解决供给侧问题,如劳动力短缺和生产力低下。 日本经济陷入流动性陷阱,传统的货币政策失效。建议日本央行采取非常规措施,如前瞻性指引,以刺激经济增长。 对日本经济问题的担忧,促使美国在应对2007年金融危机时采取了更迅速和强烈的措施。

Deep Dive


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Last month, Japan's central bank raised interest rates for the first time in 17 years. That is a really big deal, because it means that one of the spookiest stories in modern economics might finally have an ending. Back in the 1980s, Japan performed something of an economic miracle. It transformed itself into the number two economy in the world. From Walkmans to Toyotas, the U.S. was awash in Japanese imports. And Japanese companies went on a spending spree. Sony bought up Columbia Pictures. Mitsubishi became the new majority owners of Rockefeller Center. But in the early 1990s, it all came to a sudden halt. Japan went from being one of the fastest growing countries in the world to one of the slowest. And this economic stagnation went on and on and on. For decades. On this episode, the unnerving story of Japan's Lost Decades: How did one of the most advanced economies in the world just fall down one day — and not be able to get up? Japan's predicament changed our understanding of what can go wrong in a modern economy. And gave us some new tools to try and deal with it. *This episode was hosted by Jeff Guo. It was produced by Emma Peaslee and engineered by Cena Loffredo. It was edited by Molly Messick. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer. Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts) or at*Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)