In this "behind-the-scenes" episode, Jeff shares what the term "Plain English" means and why he chose that as the name for this business.
Today's episode is a special bonus as we prepare for our milestone 500th lesson on September 3. Here are three ways you can help celebrate:
#1 - Record a video), telling us what you like about Plain English
#2 - Enter the giveaway) for a chance to win great prizes.
#3 - Mark your calendars for the live stream on September 3)
All the details are available at
We can't wait to see you on the live stream on September 3!
Mentioned in this episode:
Try out the full Plain English experience
Curious what the full Plain English experience is like? With our free sample lessons, you can try out the fast audio, built-in translations, workshops, quizzes, exercises, and more. This page explains it all: Check it out and see exactly how you can upgrade your English with Plain English!