Austen Kroll
Craig Conover
Austen Kroll讲述了自己差点被一个冒充警官的骗子骗取钱财的经历,详细描述了骗子如何假扮警官,以错过陪审员义务为由试图诈骗他,并最终在Craig Conover的帮助下识破骗局。他分享了家人设置密码以防万一遇到类似诈骗电话的经验,并建议接听陌生号码时,不要直接回答“是”,以免被录音用于诈骗。他还谈论了AI技术被用于制作虚假视频和音频的现象,以及因互联网中断事件导致的投资损失,并推测互联网中断事件可能与勒索或政治阴谋有关。最后,他表达了对缺乏社区互助的担忧。 Craig Conover 指出骗子邮件地址的异常,并建议Austen Kroll向其索要警徽号码以验证身份,解释了如何通过检查发件人邮箱地址来识别诈骗邮件,并解释了错过陪审员义务的潜在后果。他还分享了前往巴黎参加2024年夏季残奥会以及与Shep Rose一起拍摄商业广告的计划,并对互联网中断事件提出自己的看法,认为这并非阴谋,而是技术故障。最后,他谈论了一个名为“政府延续计划”的秘密项目,该计划涉及一个位于高尔夫球场附近的秘密掩体。

Deep Dive

Austen Kroll recounts his experience almost falling for a sophisticated scam involving a fake jury duty notice, highlighting the importance of vigilance and quick thinking.

Shownotes Transcript


I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is a definite least when I work out or am active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can.

One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street pure company.

to prevent any disease or condition. Want to teach your kids financial literacy but not sure where to start? Greenlight can help. With Greenlight, parents can keep an eye on kids' spending and saving while kids and teens use a card of their own to build money confidence. As a parent, you can send instant money transfers, set up chores, automate allowance, and more.

It's a convenient way to run your household, customized to your family's needs, and the easy way to raise financially smart kids. Get started with Greenlight today and get your first month free at slash pod. What's up, besties, and welcome to this week's episode of Pillows and Beer. I'm joined by Mr. Craig Conover and Mr. Nick Norris, and we are...

My lighting's very cold. Like, I feel pale.

i i used it is very hospital-esque lighting yeah very i know i used to feel that way when i would sit in there and like i would wear a hat like on purpose because i was like the lighting is super harsh i need shelly to come over and like show me how to adjust it and stuff i i did just see a funny video of paris hilton who i continue to become bigger fan of as the time goes on but she was holding her little baby

And Paris Hilton had just got a spray tan. And she was like, I didn't think how it would look next to you because you're so pale to her baby. Cause she's like, you've never been in the sun ever. And so it was, it was a cute little video. She's like, you know, like,

Not orange in a bad way, but she's orange compared to this little white baby. You're like, one of these things is not like the other. Yes. I have a translucent child, and I am. So you are Paris Hilton in this scenario, and I am the baby. I've never thought that I would take that compliment, but I'm here for it.

I mean, just watch when she speaks to Congress. It's incredible. She goes from her performative voice to a very educated voice, and it's pretty wild. Have you seen that? Uh-uh.

She goes from like valley girl, and then she starts to talk about what she's there to talk about, and all of a sudden it becomes like professor. She flips a switch. She's been in the limelight for long enough. I'm glad that she certainly learned how to play her audience. Yeah, that's how it comes off. So props to Spray Tan.

okay and Paris Hilton anyway this is Brayton Paris Hilton um I'm glad that she has smartened up Craig that makes one of us yeah you would fit right in on their on their uh what was that show called Simple Life yeah the Simple Life I I I got scammed last week and um

I want to tell you guys about it. Yeah. I mean, also tell you. Because it's actually serious. And I called my parents afterwards. I did. I called my parents afterwards and I was like, listen, I just got like, I almost just got full on scammed. And I want to tell you what they called me and said. And thank God for Craig, because in the middle of my phone call, I began to text Craig and I was like, Craig, hold on. Like, this is what's happening. Tell me if this is crazy. And Craig was like, okay, you know, well, tell me more.

you know, tell me more. And, um, well, why don't you start from the beginning? But I mean, beekeeper, the new movie beekeeper with Jason Statham is yes. Starts with a scam. My friend, someone in my boys will be boys group chat. Got almost got scammed, um, a couple of weeks ago. And if like,

We are the technology generation. So if people our age are getting scammed, it means look out for your parents. That's especially what I thought. Yes. And I was like, I cannot believe it. I'm calling up my folks immediately because, okay, so I'm in the gym and I get an 843 number calling me and 843 is the area code of, of South Carolina, Charleston. And I miss it. And they call back.

And so I answer and, and some guys like, Hey, you know, this is sheriff so-and-so with, you know, the, the, the Charleston County police department. You know, and I'm like, you know, and it was very like official. Right. And I was like, okay, like you have my attention. And that's never, ever something you want to hear on. No. I mean, it's not always bad, but like, obviously anytime like you hear a police voice, you're like,

All right. You start to pay attention. Yeah. You begin to pay attention and your brain starts to move a million miles a minute. I'm like, oh my God, man, parking tickets are like, what did I do? My trafficking heroin. Yes. Yes. My brain is moving a million miles a minute and I'm like, okay. And this is regarding what now? And then he proceeds to tell me how I missed jury duty.

And he says that somebody, you know, he's using dates, right? And he's like, on April 29th, someone came to your house and you signed for it at the door. Like, okay. And he's like, yeah, you know, you have to sign on the spot. And jury duty was supposed to be July 15th, right? Which was like a week ago.

And you missed it, but sir, don't panic because what will happen is that if you comply with us,

It's not the first time, right? It's not the first time that this happened. I'm like, okay, great. Yeah, this is not the first time. But also in my head, I was thinking, I was like, is someone pranking me? Because you can go on to a site to pay a number to call a friend or something and be like, hey, I'm pregnant or some shit, right? And so I was like, okay, is this a prank? Equal, also fucked up to do. Yeah, it is equally as fucked up to do. And so-

I was like, like always in my head, I was like a 50, 50 on this. And I was like, okay, he sounds official. He's saying these like official things. He's using dates and, and,

and terms, right? I mean, I don't know what the right terms for things are. And so he basically was like, "Well, what we're going to do is that I'm going to patch you through to my superior, my Lieutenant, and he's going to confirm something or other, and then he's going to send you back to me. And I'm going to need you to be on the phone with me for like 30 or so minutes." I'm like, "This is so fishy. This is so weird." And

At this point, I'm like, look, I have never signed a piece of paper at my front door in my life other than when I receive wine. When I receive wine from Hall of Wine, that's the only time I've ever signed something at my front door. I was like, so I know that it wasn't me. And I know that that's not true. And so he's expecting this. And he's like, well, what we're going to do is that we're going to have you come down to the sheriff's office today.

and sign some things. And basically we are going to, we are going to compare your signature with, you know, here with like what was signed at your front door. And at that point I'm like, oh my God, you know? And I'm like, well, I'm in the middle of like a workout here. And he's like, sir, you know, and you take this seriously. And I'm like,

I'm picturing that guy that has the dog show where he whips bad dogs into shape. You go to talk and he just whips you down, but you're like, wait, I don't even know who you are. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, sir, this is beginning to sound more and more like a scam. Sir, I assure you that this is not a scam. If you look up the phone number, then it should come back as a... And so I typed it in. It didn't come back as anything.

And I'm on the phone and he's like, sir, I just want you to know that, that you are on a three flag, like, you know, system. And, and if we lose connection with you three times, then we send your information to a, um,

what's it called when you get like arrested or like, you know, detention. Like a warrant? Yeah. I mean, he didn't say warrant, you know, he said something like, you know, we send your information along and, and then you'll basically like be up for detention. You said it was an apprehension, like apprehension. Division. Yes. Yes. He was like, we'll send along your information for, you know, possible bounty hunter. Right. Right. Right. And I'm like,

jury duty, all of a sudden you're going to send people to come and arrest me, right? It was basically his way of keeping me on the phone. And so I think that what happened was that when I was on the phone with him at one point, right, I was texting Craig, but at no point in time did I ever press end. And so we got disconnected and then he called me back. And that's when he told me that like, sir, sir, if, if, you know, we get disconnected, you know,

you know, two more times, then I'm going to send your number along to like an apprehension service. And by the way, I just sent you an email. And then this is when it all got confirmed and all got fishy because Craig was like, actually, this kind of happened to one of my friends. It sounds like it's bullshit, but tell him to, you know, ask him for his badge number and tell him to contact your lawyer, AKA me. And so Craig was like, man, give him my number.

And tell him to call. Craig is my lawyer. Yes, exactly. Craig is my lawyer. Well, yeah. So at this point, Austin texted me. I was taking my mom to the Mount Pleasant Mall, which is actually a really cool spot in Mount Pleasant of local –

vendors but he said Craig legal question I'm on the phone with the sheriff who's saying I signed a jury duty form at my front door by the way that didn't happen I didn't show up to jury duty on July 15th and now he wants me on the phone for 30 to 45 minutes and wants me to come to the sheriff's office to sign I did not receive notice have you ever heard such a thing I said no I think it's a scam and he said it's an 843 number so then I was like all right

i'll pay attention i said ask him because there's there's certain things if you're a lay person that you want to know but if you've studied the law or been in it you know that there are like not subjective rules there's objective rules that they have to adhere by if you're a law enforcement so i said ask him for his badge number on a website you can go to verify his identity you said they want me to come in for a handwritten verification test

At that point, I knew it wasn't, but I was like, okay, ask for an address and a time to go there. Then we can look it up. If it's real, then you go. If not, then you don't. But there's no reason to be on the phone that long. And Austin said, that's what I'm saying. And I said, I know there actually is a jury scam going around. That's why I said that. And then he said, I'm on a three flag system. If we get disconnected three times, it'll go on my file and we go to apprehension division. I said, yeah, that's a scam. If you miss jury duty, they send you a letter. They don't call you.

And then you said, did you look it up? And I was like, I mean, that is fair. No, I'm just like basing it off like, you know, like knowledge. And so I said, ask them to call your lawyer. Cause if you do any of these for police and they don't listen, it completely breaks everything.

the chain of custody and they have to like, they have to follow those like rules, uh, or you can never get in trouble. Um, I said, just have him call me and I'll talk to him. And then I said, but he's not going to call if he's a real cop, he has to abide. Right. And, and then you sent me the email, which guys, this is how people, this is where we found it.

- Yeah, and people are getting, it's the easiest way to fall for stuff right now, but it's also the easiest way to know if it is a scam and we'll tell you what that is. - And all the while guys, and all the while just want you to know that I'm on the phone still, but texting Craig. So all these texts are while I'm on the phone and they sent me an email and I took a picture of it without opening it and sent it to Craig and the email read what, Craig? - Well, we're gonna tell him right after this break.

What a cliffhanger. I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and I've started to tell that there is definitely when I work out or I'm active.

but might appear does more than just help with my muscles. It can help with health span as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can.

One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented by no street pure company.

that prevent any disease or condition. Make this new school year an opportunity for your kids to learn important life skills with Greenlight. Greenlight is a debit card and money app for families where kids learn how to save, invest, and spend wisely while parents keep an eye on kids' money habits. Greenlight also helps families get into their fall routine with a chores feature that lets parents assign chores and pay kids allowance when they check them off.

Get your first month free at slash pod. slash pod. Welcome back to Pillows and Beer. I'm Craig Conover, joined by Austin Kroll and our producer Nick Norris, talking about how Austin almost got scammed last week, but he didn't get run over. He called Conover out.

was um so for all those skipping ahead and i didn't hear the beginning if you're trying to figure out if you're getting scammed because scammers are getting better always click on the email address before clicking any sort of link in your email and the email that austin uh the email address that austin received this email from was districtcourtgov so

What you're going to want to look for, too, is anything that's like if it's from Amazon, look for something that's not exactly So you click on who's sending it to you because I get Shep Rose emails me all the time. And it's like, look at these pictures I found from years ago. Yeah. But then when you click on the actual Gmail, it's not his account. So Austin's once he sent that email, I was like, OK, that's not real because any official email.

you know, person working for the state police officer or court has email address. It's like a SC.

Yeah. And I said, Jesus, I'm glad you texted me. So then tell them how, what happened after that. And then, yeah. So, so right when Craig kind of texted me, that is when the guy and when it all kind of clicked for me, because I was like, you know, with fucking AI and stuff now guys, it's, it's kind of terrifying. So I was like, they're trying to rip my voice so that they can use it for things.

And so basically right after Craig texted me this, it was like, Oh my God, man, well thank God that you texted me. He goes, state your full name. And that's when I just went click. And I was like, get fucked. This is not real. But I was on the phone with this guy for like 10 to 15 minutes. I mean, it got my attention and you know, and then he tried to call back and I didn't answer obviously. And then that's the last of it. Right. You know, there was no more communication. And, um,

I was like, oh my gosh, like, I can't believe that I went that far down this rabbit hole and actually believed it. And so, yeah, I called my parents immediately. I was like, hey, and they basically were like, I mean, they didn't say this, but they had it like they had it handled. You know, they're like, yeah, you know, we always ask like this question, this question and this question. Like, okay, so I'm just the idiot.

But anyways, it's out there. Well, honestly, trying to scam a younger person is almost like a good strategy because you're like, who would have the balls to do that? I don't know. It's pretty crazy. There's a great episode on, oh, what is that show where she does the black market investigations? I'll think about it during the next commercial break. But they go down to like a South, it's like a Mediterranean country where all the scammers work out of.

It's not like Puerto Rico or something. And she like, yeah. And it's like India then. Yeah. What's that country down there. Um, but they almost got my grandfather. They convinced him that I was being held without bail in like Quebec or something. Um,

And that I needed like an attorney and everything. Yeah. That's the, that's the sad one. And it's, they asked for like $10,000 bail. Yeah. And that is the sad one. And so I was talking to my mom and she was like, my college roommate, this actually happened to her son was in a different country. And so somebody called her and said, your son got detained. You know, he's in jail. He needs $10,000 as bail. And then he,

since they ripped his voice you know with AI they were like and here's like a recording of him he was like hey mom I'm in you know jail like in South America or something like that and then they're like oh my God man this is real and I don't think that they sent the money but it was like super real to the point where I was like and it's scary for parents so we have a okay so here's the fix

We have a password in my family and we've had it since I was little. And my dad and mom were like, if we ever get in an accident, like if, if we get in an accident and we have to send someone to pick you up from one of your games, like ask them what the password is. Back then, that's what the concern was. It's like, Hey, your parents asked me to come get you. I'm your like dad's friend. Right. And so now we,

With this, we have re-implemented the same password from when I was little and Paige is aware of it too. So like Paige and I and my family have a password in case they ever get like a recording. You just say, what's the password? And I'll clear it by being like, hey, it's this. And then they would know it's real. So I highly suggest that everyone starts to like

remember one, like committed to memory. I think that's smart. Do we just, yeah, you should. And it's simple, just a one word, um, password that you'll all, um,

Remember, dude, look, I mean, there's technology has gotten to the point. Well, another thing you should do when you get a call and it's someone that you don't recognize, say speaking, don't say yes. They ask, is this who's like talking? Just say speaking or something, because they used to do in the old days. They'd record you saying yes and then claim that you ordered it and like scam people that way. Right. The affirmative. Yeah. Yeah.

God, people suck. Just so you know, Austin, you would have been facing a fine of not more than $1,000 and in prison for not more than three days or maybe some community service.

Okay. Well, I don't want to go to prison for three days. That doesn't sound fun. That's if you're like really fucking it. That is like, I took it seriously. Cause I was like, I don't want to go to jail for three days for like, like for skipping out on jury duty. I think if you purposely skip, well, this isn't legal advice. If you purposely skip it, um, cause you have a good reason you're going to maybe get fined. If it's an accident, you're going to be okay. Um,

But if you're like just ducking jury duty and being like, man, screw the man. But sometimes, man, you know, sometimes like we're like we're on the road a lot. Right. And then we come back and there's like so much mail that you just like begin to toss it and toss it and toss it. I'm like, OK, wait, this one is from, you know, South Carolina Department of Revenue. I probably should open this one. Right. Those ones are tough. The mailers, sometimes you look at it and you're like, is my house being levied? Right. And then you're like,

and you just look for something that identifies that it's not like a real tax document and you're like okay this is yeah yeah and some things yeah they're tough and like I open them and I'm like what the hell is this and it's like you're approved for a loan I'm like motherfucker you know and I throw it away but the last thing that's

I can guarantee that I speak for both of us is even, I don't want to go to jail, like even this situation. And I'm like, oh my God, dude, because I was out of town and like I'm missing mail and all this stuff. So when somebody said that to me, I was like, it's, it's so could have happened. And I missed like a jury duty letter, but I know for a fact that I didn't sign anything at my door. And that's where it all got fishy. Got to do your civil duty. Have you guys ever, well, here, I want to say one more thing about the AI stuff.

I have picked up on it where I'll be watching a video on TikTok or Instagram and I'll realize halfway through because of what they're saying that I'm like, oh, this isn't them. But it's their voice and it's their face. Like people use it for...

I'll just say very popular, like podcasters that are out there and they'll write something that it sounds like they could be saying. And then you're like, yeah, but there's no way. And so just do your due diligence on the internet, especially, um,

with it. I mean, everyone's just scrolling all day long. Like not everything that you see is going to be real. Oh, totally, man. When my mom and sister went to Taylor Swift in Ireland, Katie made an AI video of Taylor Swift for my mom being like, Hey, Wendy, I'm so excited that you're coming to my concert. And it looked so real. Like it looked so real. It was so funny that, you know, they sent it to the family chat and I was like, wait a minute.

I literally at one point was like, Katie, how did you get this video? And then they were laughing at me. I was like, holy shit, that looks so real. That looks so real. Have you guys had jury duty? No. And that's another reason where I was like, wait, this totally could have happened because I've never really had it before. I know a lot of people bitch about it, but it's always been interesting. I would do it. I obviously would do my civic duty and say yes. I have been called but was dismissed.

what did you say to get dismissed? Once they find out you're a lawyer, they usually don't want anything to do with you. Um, but it was a, I was out of town. It was the same thing. I got a letter and didn't like see it. And it was like the next day, um,

I like something happened, but I called. And as long as you like call and follow up with the clerk, it's like, it's okay. But that was like 10 years ago since then. I haven't been, uh, well, no, not 10 years ago. Cause I was past law school anyway. It doesn't matter. Um, one time I did get a notice though, that so years ago, my car got stolen. Um, and they found it.

DUI checkpoint in South Carolina and there was three males in the car smoking weed and they got pulled out of the car for smoking weed and went like pulled to the side and then when they ran the VIN number of the car it hit as stolen and so these guys got arrested and the car was packed with heroin um it was not my heroin um and

So they, I guess, ended up getting like a couple years, but I didn't know. I was never involved in the case. Wait, wait. This is when your car got stolen? Stolen. Yes. When I was in law school. Okay. So years, like two years later, I got a letter and it said –

Hey, like, again, scary letter because you're like, what am I reading here? Basically, a bond hearing had been one of them had come up for a bond hearing. And they were like, do you want to come speak at it? I was like, I don't want anything to fucking do with this. Right. I was like, I do not care at all. Please do not involve me.

in this case i mean imagine showing up and being like actually you know i think this person should stay i was you know stay in jail for stealing my car and they'd be like i'm gonna kill you yeah yeah yeah and they're like greg conover craig conover they like man tattoo it on like his arm and he's like when i get out i am killing this guy i remember being like no comment at all at all um i was surprised to see

that they had gotten jail time but i went to pick up my the stuff from my car your belongings they put it in a trash bag for you when you go to pick it up because they compound their they impound the car

And I remember me and Corey came back to the house and dumped it out at our house. And there it was in my stuff. There was so much stolen stuff in there. Holy shit. Like random stuff, like not valuables, but there was like bolt cutters and stuff. And I was like, none of, I was like, I feel like we need to just throw this stuff away. So we're going to take a quick break after realizing that Craig may or may not be a thief because he's busy, kept all the stolen stuff and we'll be right back.

I would like to talk to you about one of our sponsors, Timeline Nutrition, and one product in particular, MitoPure. MitoPure is one of the first products to offer a precise dose of urolithin A to help upgrade your mitochondrial function, help increase cellular energy, and help improve muscle strength and endurance. I've started taking it recently and have started to tell that there is definitely when I work out or I'm active. But MitoPure does more than just help with my muscle health.

it can help with health stand as well. I want to be one of those granddads one day that you see in the video of him swinging his grandkid around. I want to rely on myself for as long as I possibly can. One way to think of MitoPure is that they are in your cells, chomping up the damaged mitochondria that makes you feel old and tired and helping to recycle it into new healthy ones.

ones. Mitochondria, our cell's power generators, are one of the key influences in how we age. However, as the years pass, mitochondrial efficiency naturally declines, representing a large gap in the quality of life we expect in our later years and the one we experience.

Taking two soft gels a day for two months and you could see significant improvements in your cellular energy, muscle strength, and endurance. After four months of taking Mito Pure, you might feel yourself getting stronger, recovering faster after a workout, and experiencing less inflammation, all part of your healthier aging routine, which is honestly amazing.

Timeline is offering 10% off your first order of Mito Pure. Go to slash pillowsandbeer. That's T-I-M-E-L-I-N-E dot com slash pillowsandbeer. These statements and products have not been evaluated by the Friedenslog administration. These products are not invented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

Welcome back to this week's episode of Pillows and Beer, where we're talking about scams and past scams and things of that nature. You know what, besties? We're trying to help you. We're trying to help you by learning from my mistakes. Speaking of scams, I saw that you were filming this weekend. Oh, Craig, then do it. Yeah, which one is it? Just kidding. Filming is not a scam, but it was the perfect...

Yeah. You are referring to me having a Trap-Op party at Republic. It was nice and it was lovely. Honestly, Craig, it was a good day. It was a low stress day. Good.

And a bunch of fans. I met a bunch of awesome fans there. And that was a lot of fun. And a lot of people who said that they... No, it wasn't, Craig, because that's coming out in the fall. I have a new flavor, the peach-flavored wheat. And people listening, August 1st, we had a meeting and phone call this morning. August 1st, I will be able to send Tropop to 47 states. And I'm very excited about it. We're going to deliver...

uh direct to consumer to 47 states on August 1st so because I'm going to well it's gonna be like you're gonna be able to click on it from my website and I'll for sure have all sorts of links because I'm going to post the day of um so very excited yeah and so the peach flavored wheat is something that you'll be able to order there as well but like I said we're not going to release that until

the first part of September. Um, but very exciting news there. Cause I had a lot of people there, Craig, that's that, um, listen to the podcast and they, and they brought it up and they were like, I heard you say that you're going to be able to deliver it. And I was like, Oh yeah, of course. Like, I don't really know yet when, and then I had a meeting today and, uh,

It was told to me August 1st. Apparently my team's been doing their job and they figured this all out. And so I'm going to release something and hopefully, yeah, I can't wait for a lot of people to try it. I haven't been able to because I haven't been able to come to Charleston or, you know, to the Southeast. So very exciting. Congratulations. It's very good. If I could work our soundboard, I would do the polls, but yeah,

Apparently I forgot how I was. I thought you were going to say something slightly different. The people, our besties in Nashville, because that's where I was this weekend, kept telling me how excited they were to have the podcast back. And I told them, um, they said that too. Well, no, no, I know, but they've that yours was made sense. Anyway, in addition to that, I know they're happy about the beer, but the podcast we're excited. Um,

to be back too and we love our besties and uh I feel like most of our our our kind uh listeners understand that uh where we were we were filming uh and we're excited I did some news uh some local news in Nashville and told them we're excited for uh the next season two

And, you know, we don't know what it's going to look like yet, but it's the 10th season. So I know that it's going to be a really fun thing. And I actually, I haven't told you this yet. I'll sing because it kind of just happened. I'm actually going over to the Paralympics this year in Paris to host for Team USA. Really? Yeah. When is that? It is August 12th.

27th to September 3rd. So I'll be in Paris with our Team USA Paralympians. No way. Is this through NBC? It's not technically, but NBC does have the rights to the Olympics. But I did something with Team USA recently.

a para Olympian athlete. I think I said that right. During BravoCon, me and Corey went over and did an activation with Team USA and it kind of stemmed from there. - Dude, that's sick, man. That's pretty cool and fun. And it always is like, you know, it always feels cool. Yeah, to be, you know, asked to do this kind of stuff. Shep and I are going to LA and we're gonna film a commercial

That's going to be played in like the lead up. And I have no idea what this commercial is going to look like. I am no actor. Shep is no actor either. You're a better actor than Shep. That's awesome, man. Congrats. Like, I think you'll see it more than, yeah.

You realize you guys are going to have a lot of fun. I mean, I watch movies on Bravo, right? And I forget that it's on Bravo until it goes to commercial, you know? And then it begins to show previews for this and that. And it'll be funny when I'm watching Bravo at some random time

And it goes to commercial and that commercial pops up with Shep and I. I'm going to laugh and I hope that you all do too because I guarantee it is a self-deprecating humor aimed at Shep and I. That's for damn sure. Oh, it'll be funny. I'm actually taking my parents. They've never been to Europe. So I'm going to take my parents with me to Paris. And they love the Olympics and I do too.

Two. And so hopefully I've got a lot of responsibility, but we'll see what it looks like. And and then you and I will be back over there. Going to be a lot of a lot of fun. It's funny. I just watched the South Park episode, but they just arrested the Sea Shepherd, Austin. I don't know what that means.

Remember the guy that anti whaling, like anti, like he would go around on his big ship and like spray whaling boats with like water hydrants. So he just got arrested for her because he took it too far.

They, yeah, they, um, hold on. I just had it pulled up, but he, his name is, well, and it's not funny. It sucks. Anyone getting arrested sucks. It's his name's Paul Watson and they arrested him on a red notice. So Interpol had a red notice out on him, which means like any basically entity in the world can pick you up. And Japan is who wanted him. Japan is pissed about his anti whaling efforts in Antarctica, uh,

And he's facing like up to 15 years in Japan and Costa Rica wanted him for his anti shark fin policies, which the shark fin shit is one of the most fucked up things that exist in the world. Basically, when

They fish for shark fins. They pull the shark up alive, slice off his fins, throw them back into the water and the shark just drowns because they can't swim. It's insane. Yes, it is insane. It's just, you know, like trying to get ivory from like an elephant test. They're like, and we'll chop it off and then we'll just, you know, leave your fucking open wound to just, you know,

like, you know, get all diseased and gross. And then the elephant is just going to die because it has, you know, no way to fucking defend itself anymore. And we just left just like an open wound where we cut off your tusks. It's like the same thing with sharks where they're just like fin off, you know, shark, shark back in the water. We have no use. I mean, I'm laughing at the absolute like monstrosity of it is, is what is backsliding.

baffling that these people are so hard that like they're like our heartless people out there like this that that can do that and just continue on they're like slice off slice off slut you're like oh these people i love when the um the guys they are like guys and girls that guard the elephants and rhinos in africa like i cheer every time they get a poacher you know they're like poacher killed you're like yeah you fucking asshole

But he was arrested. So he was a star of Whale Wars, which was a television show. And he was arrested by the Japanese when he pulled into Greenland, which would suck. I mean, all of this would be scary anytime you're being arrested by a country that's not yours. This isn't his first time being arrested, though. Right. But it said that he was on a mission in the North Pacific to intercept a new Japanese whaling ship.

The Japanese say that whale meat is an element of Japanese food culture that supports the sustainable use of whales. I mean, it's kind of like us just like slaughtering millions of cows every year, except the whales are in the water. It's not the exact same, but sometimes.

Right. Damn, he was detained in Germany in 2012 on a Costa Rican extradition warrant, but skipped bail. You are really interested in this Paul Watson guy. You don't really into it. So he endangered whalers' lives is why Japan wants him. He has since lived in countries including France and the United States to avoid... I think he's an American citizen, right? Yeah, I think so. Craig sent me a meme recently saying,

that said we're running out of conspiracies because so many of them are coming true.

And I thought that was the most Craig meme I've ever gotten. And so now it leads me to believe that Craig might think that like a dolphin was flying the plane. No, I'm kidding. It's like, yeah, it was like, it was like a breaking news and it was like conspiracy shortage because they're all coming through. So many are coming through. So then Craig, with this man, with like the internet and computer shutdown on Friday, right?

And we don't have to get too deep unless you want to, but what are your thoughts on this internet crash or Microsoft crash? Was it a mistake or was it a test? Well, what happened was CrowdStrike, the...

The security, basically software security company that everyone uses, including Microsoft, uploaded an update and it failed. I think there doesn't really have to be a conspiracy around it. It should be pretty eye-opening to everyone that the world can be turned off like that. Right. I mean...

By the way, there's another South Park episode where everyone's internet is down and everyone goes into a complete panic. And then at the very end of the episode, Kyle's like, wait a minute. And then he just goes and finds a giant Wi-Fi router. And he unplugs it and he plugs it back in. And then the internet flickers. And then the internet's back. And everyone's like, he did it. He saved us all.

Oh, that's funny. Yeah, I guess I have a few funny caveats from it. I was actually flying from Charleston to Nashville with on a Southwest flight because it's the only direct flight. Southwest has not updated their software since 1995. So they actually run Windows 95, which is absolutely insane. So their servers were so old that they were not affected by the outage. So when I went into the airport the next day, we were flying on Saturday.

Oh, that's such a Southwest thing. Everyone's lines were so long and there was no one in the Southwest line because it was business as usual. And Delta's having issues still. And I'm flying Delta tomorrow. I mean, everything seems to be par for the course at the moment, but I guess we'll see, huh? No, they canceled another thousand flights today.

They just launched an investigation actually into our beloved Delta, which they might be investigating other airlines too, because there have been 5,800, 5,800 canceled flights from Delta since Friday, which is more than 2018 and 2019 combined. Well, obviously something happened, but I thought it was crazy how like the flight boards were down. Like any computer screen,

was just blue. It all went back to like DOS prompt. Yeah. And so no one could like, I'm, I'm happy there wasn't a bank run because a lot of banks just shut their doors. I mean, it made me think like, okay, like I talk about it a lot, but if this is it, all I have is like a couple grand in cash and my safe at home. Like I don't have like

i don't have like gold ball like right also like gold like what food and water and ammunition becomes valuable like that's that's it i don't have any cash in my house so go rob craig and not me i'm gonna go we'll go to the club tonight yeah let's go um

I have other things to deter you from robbing me though, fortunately. No, it's crazy. And I mean, yeah, my bees, my attack bees don't get you. The flights were crazy. I lost a lot of money because I thought it'd be a quick fix. So I bought a bunch of call options and then it just, instead of buying a fucking straddle,

And I was so dumb because I wasn't paying attention and it dropped like 50 points and I lost all the money that I put into it. Probably a good time to buy CrowdStrike, but this isn't trading advice. Greg somehow manages to get trading into the podcast every week now, which cracks me up. So it was pretty wild to see. It's scary about the hospitals and stuff, but I think there's...

The two, one thing I thought was it could be one way for people that are actually running the world to remind everyone that like, we don't have a clue what's going on, you know, there, or like, you know, they basically just shut down the world in one keystroke. It could have been a blackmail thing where they were like, you know, obviously we don't know what they're blackmailing CrowdStrike for, but yeah,

They basically were like, hey, give us a billion dollars or we're going to shut this down. I hope that CrowdStrike doesn't have anything to do with voting machines, but I think they do. So if I was going to go into conspiracy, Craig, I really think the entire country is basically the show Scandal is being played out right now, which is insane. Austin, you got to watch Scandal. But it all starts with voting machines. And

No, of course. There's a million conspiracy things that could have happened, but it was pretty nuts that one company could affect the entire world. And I didn't have any food or anything in my house. So I was pretty screwed. As being the prepared guy, I'm not prepared. Okay, Craig. Sorry. No, I'm not either. And I'm just going to call a spade a spade.

because i watch all these shows and i literally just just played the last of us part two video game and it was so awesome i loved it um and so i see all these like even end of the world things and i'm like i am absolutely effed and and i'm not prepared and i would die i would die and and and and i'd be you know

Like if Craig's saying that he's not prepared, which like I borderline don't believe him because I think that Craig has like a bunker, you know, like he redid his backyard and he has a bunker, but he's not telling anyone unless they have his family password, which now we know he has one. And so only a few people are going to be let into his bunker. It's not just a pretty backyard. That pool opens up or something and Craig's got a bunker. Yeah.

And I would kind of go over there and just like hide in a bush and wait for him to go into it. And then I'd know that he has it and I'd beg for him to get it. But I just wouldn't make it, man. I just wouldn't make it. And it's sad. It's sad.

to think that way. I just know it, right? Because I'd be in my house and I'd be like, all right, man, what? I have to go and forage or pillage for food? And what does that mean? Does that mean that I have to kill someone for food? This is crazy. Well, that's why it sucks that we don't really have a sense of community here anymore, where most people, their neighborhood would like

Take care of each other. Like I have a couple of neighbors that like, yeah, are part of my plan. Okay. But see, I want, you know what I want? I want to have his password for his bunker. There was a, um,

I wish it came out, but there was like a Geronimo password or something, but there's a list of people that like, if the continuation of government plan is enacted and everyone gets taken to, um, Fort winter, is that what it's called? Fort winter. Is that the one out in Denver? No, the one, um, that's the secret bunker underneath the Denver airport. No, no, no. The, the continuation of government plan is above what's a nice golf course.

And hold on, Liv's playing there. One second. Craig is cragging right now. Craig is cragging right now. Okay, so it's not classified, so it's fine.

anymore. I mean, if you can Google it, then, then no green briar. Okay. So there's a bunker green bar. Yeah. Okay. And it's right. And it's there because that's where the people that are on the continuation of government lists, which is like a couple hundred people get taken. And so on nine 11, people started to be flown

up there and they were about to enact it or maybe they did but anyway austin we're not on that list but a couple hundred people will be taken to the bunker if shit hits the fan and it'll be their job to restart the country when all the dust settles you should watch scandal though okay craig i'm writing this down watch scandal i have a notepad right here i can't wait to see how freaked out austin gets

Dude, I'm going to start watching it. Like, like I'm going to stop watching it. Like I'm going to pull a Craig when like, you know, like the dog dies in the movie. And if I get freaked out because it's all too real, then I'm going to be like, no, like I'm not doing this. I'm not doing this. All right, guys. Well, it's another week on pillows and beer.

uh that's it for me austin if you have anything to add okay i do i do have something to add um it's totally random but i subscribe i was talking to nick about this earlier i subscribe to an email list that's called uh history facts and it sends me this stuff and at first i got like annoyed by it i was like this stupid thing keeps on popping up and now it's been reading it and because it gives me

like a quick, right? And I thought that it would be interesting to read a history fact.

that I'll leave you with. It's totally random, but I think it's kind of interesting. And then Craig can either be like, oh man, that is interesting. Or you can roll your eyes at me, Craig. Okay. So the myth is that people were burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. And then I was like, okay, well, that's interesting. And it was like during the trials of 1692 to 1693, none of them were burned at the stake. 19 of them, 14 men and five women were hung, five died in jail and one man was pressed to

to death with stones after refusing to enter a plea which I don't know what my girl my girlfriend would have been killed back then right right and Cam and Cam was you don't think she'd have been one of the people that claiming that they were witches yeah I'm saying she's a witch and they would have killed her so I mean you don't think that she'd have been the one that like pointed the finger like the group of girls did in the Crucible

If they were killing witches, my girlfriend would have been killed. I thought they killed witches. Yes. People that were... Yes. But none of them were burned.

Okay, that's a good one if that's true because we would all get that wrong in trivia. That's right. I thought they were, okay. So just thought it was an interesting thing to throw out there. And that's all I have, Craig. Just one fact. Shit, man. Wait, wait, you're going to love this one. The myth is that Napoleon was short. Apparently Napoleon, okay, I mean, it is short. Like my size. Like, yeah, he's like 5'7". And people were trying to say that he was like 5'2".

Yeah, they just pissed him off pretty much. And 5.6 and 5.7 is still fairly short. But back then, it's actually pretty slightly above average by the 18th century standards. Interesting. I'm asking my chat GBT, 5.6. What did you say? 5.6 or 5.7. But the history books and stuff put him at 5.2.

Yeah. It's because he's not very well liked in history. Well, the history books were rewritten in 1901. So if you want to get into all of that, we actually are not taught history. Yeah. Well,

The Romans are notorious for rewriting history. We don't know what happened before 1900s in this country too accurately. Craig and I are going to rewrite history on this podcast every single week. That's our goal. Feed you, rewrite history as we see fit. All right, Craig, well, that's all that I have. No one, we don't really, I mean, no one has a clue about anything anymore. We just don't. And that's okay. Just be nice to each other.

It's a nice message to end on. All right, besties. Well, thanks so much for listening. Yes. Thanks so much. Love you.

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