Philosophy Portal

This is a podcast that seeks to bring philosophy into the Real qua Impossible, that is: the little p


Total: 32

In the second trialogue on the evolutionary versus religious worldview we attempt to build on our or

The most advanced pre-modern civilizations (historical societies) were built on metaphysical presupp

In this conversation I host Alexander Bard and Alexander Elung to discuss the philosophy of "transce

In this trialogue we attempt to introduce the notion of "Noopolitik" or "politics of the noosphere".

In this discussion we are going to be diving into the notion of freedom after the introduction of He

In the second trialogue on the Historical Emergence of Traditional Archetypes we shift attention fro

The "map is not the territory" is a common mantra in the deconstructive post-modern age.  Howev

The idea of evolution transformed science (Darwin); the idea of pathos transformed psychology (Freud

In this episode (originally streamed in the 21-Day Meditation Challenge Facebook group), we set the

This conversation is attempting to build on our notion of an "Enlightenment Gap" emergent in the sci

In the second trialogue on sexual difference we focus on its nature as that which precedes the emerg

This conversation is introducing the idea of the "Enlightenment Gap" as a problem emergent to the sc