Philosophy Bites

David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer)


Total: 384

Albert Camus described suicide as the 'one really serious philosophical problem'. In this episode of

Many philosophers argue in favour of the welfare of animals because of their capacity for feeling pa

What are the aims of education? Meira Levinson discusses this important question with Nigel Warburto

What is forgiveness? Whom does it benefit? Is it ever obligatory? Lucy Allais discusses these questi

We've collected a range of answers to the question 'Who's the most impressive philosopher you've met

Julia Annas explains what Virtue Ethics is for and how it differs from other approaches to the quest

What is probability? Not an easy question to answer. We thought our best chance of clarity on this q

In this episode of the Philosophy Bites podcast Nigel Warburton interviews the philosopher and novel

Most people think it is acceptable to advantage their children, but how far should this go? Adam Swi

Keith Frankish discusses consciousness, subjective experience and the brain in this episode of the P

In this episode Ted Honderich sketches his theory of the nature of consciousness. 

John Dupre on Genomics


Genomics is a new approach to understanding our biology, one with far-reaching consequences for our

Many people have claimed that one of the benefits of reading writers like Dostoevsky and Shakespeare

Knowledge is part of our everyday lives. We know all kinds of things without even thinking about the

Why do philosophers use examples? Tamar Gendler explores this question in conversation with Nigel Wa

Does it matter where our ideas came from? Friedrich Nietzsche famously diagnosed the origin of Chris

Why is it morally wrong to target civilians in war? Can civilians be distinguished clearly from comb

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's insights into moral psychology and its impact on how we live are the subject

Is there any place for a notion of the sacred in contemporary life? Roger Scruton believes that ther

What can experimental psychology contribute to our self-development as moral agents? Philosopher Reg