Philosophy Bites

David Edmonds (Uehiro Centre, Oxford University) and Nigel Warburton (freelance philosopher/writer)


Total: 380

Some people see Philosophy as close to science. In this episode of the podcast Philosophy Bites Jona

What is existentialism? Is it still relevant to us? Sartre believed that we are free to choose what

Peter Adamson on Avicenna


In this week's episode of Philosophy Bites Nigel Warburton interviews Peter Adamson about Avicenna (

What makes an action a good one? According to consequentialists this question is decided by the acti

Are moral choices simply relative, a matter of culture or taste? Are genuine moral disagreements pos

What is disadvantage? How can we identify the most disadvantaged in society and what should we or go

Philosopher Timothy Williamson explains how we can make sense of such vague concepts as 'heap' or 'r

Are all our thoughts simply physical events in our bodies? Can we give a purely physical account of

Is belief in the existence of a God or gods the equivalent of believing that there are fairies at th

Adrian Moore on Infinity


Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp and one that introduces several paradoxes. In this intervie

How should we live? John Stuart Mill, one of the great thinkers of the nineteenth century thought th

Edward Craig, editor of the Routledge Encylopedia of Philosophy and author of Philosophy: A Very Sho

Should members of a minority group be left to lead their lives as they see fit, even where their val

How important is beauty in architecture? Is a concern with beauty mere asetheticism? Alain de Botton

Barry Smith on Wine


Is wine tasting a purely subjective matter? Why should we value the experience of drinking wine? Phi

Testimonial injustice occurs when others fail to treat you seriously as a source of knowledge. In th

What is the meaning of life? This is a basic question for all of us. There is also the possibility t

What is evil? Is it consistent with the existence of a benevolent God? In this interview Stephen Law

What can philosophers contribute to public life? Mary Warnock who sits in the House of Lords and has

What is the nature of reality? Is the world as it appears, or is there something timeless behind the