Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about phi
Today we begin our discussion of the work of Richard Rorty. Thank you so much for listening! Could n
Today we continue talking about the work of Isaiah Berlin. Thank you so much for listening! Could ne
Today we begin discussing the work of Isaiah Berlin. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do
Today we begin our discussion of the work of Friedrich Hayek. Thank you so much for listening! Could
Today we begin our discussion of the work of Robert Nozick. Thank you so much for listening! Could n
Today we discuss the work of John Rawls. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do this withou
Today we discuss the work of Hannah Arendt. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do this wit
Today we talk about the work of Leo Strauss. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do this wi
Today we talk about the growing dissatisfaction with Enlightenment Reason during the early 20th cent
Today we continue our discussion of the work of Carl Schmitt. Thank you so much for listening! Could
Today we begin our discussion on the work of Carl Schmitt. Thank you so much for listening! Could ne
Today we discuss the work of Antonio Gramsci. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do this w
Today we talk about a famous debate from the early 20th century. Thank you so much for listening! Co
Today we continue our discussion on the work of Deleuze. Thank you so much for listening! Could neve
Today we continue our discussion on the work of Gilles Deleuze. Thank you so much for listening! Cou
Today we begin our discussion on Gilles Deleuze with a special thanks to Felix Guatarri. Thank you s
Today we begin our discussion of Jean Baudrillard's book Simulacra and Simulation.Thank you so much
Today we talk about the work of Michel Foucault. Thank you so much for listening! Could never do thi