Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 无需庞大规模,即使只有10名初始成员,也能建立一个高盈利、高价值的社群。成功的关键在于选择高度积极主动、与社群目标高度契合的成员,并营造一种鼓励成员共同创造价值的文化。社群的价值在于帮助成员实现个人无法实现的成果和转变,而非单纯的互惠。初期可以将社群定位为小组辅导或智囊团,逐步发展壮大。邀请成员加入时,应强调共同目标和价值,而非个人利益。要善于利用自身人脉以及成员的人脉资源,建立一个鼓励成员积极推荐新成员的社群文化。 听众: 如何在邀请初始成员加入社群的同时,避免让人感觉像传销或过于急切? Gina Bianchini: 建立社群应先从自身人脉开始,再扩展到他们的人脉,最终形成社群的人脉网络。邀请成员时,应强调社群的共同目标和价值,帮助成员实现个人目标。要关注成员的成长阶段和需求,并帮助他们实现目标。建立一个鼓励成员积极参与和贡献的社群文化,比单纯的个人辅导更有效。未来的商业模式将更加注重社群的建立和成员之间的互动。

Deep Dive

Starting with a small, motivated group can lead to a highly profitable and valuable community.
  • A community can be highly profitable and valuable with just 10 members.
  • The first cohort can be likened to a group coaching experience or a mastermind.

Shownotes Transcript

You don’t need one thousand members to make your community highly profitable and highly valuable for its members. Your people and your people's people are enough to start. You want your founding members to also be highly motivated to be in your community. If you feel like you have to convince someone to join, they probably aren’t your ideal member, let alone your founding member. The pitch is: we’re going to build something amazing together, so that we can create our best year ever.