cover of episode People Magic Profit: Launch

People Magic Profit: Launch

logo of podcast People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

People Magic: How to Build a $1M Community

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 本模块探讨了如何成功启动会员计划,强调了在启动过程中保持好奇心和持续改进的重要性。从创建销售页面到启动后的策略,Gina Bianchini 提供了详细的步骤和建议,并分享了多个成功案例。她指出,销售页面需要清晰地展现目标用户、核心价值、社区规划和付费方案。启动公式建议提前两到四周发布销售页面和进行宣传,并在启动日举办专属会员活动,即使没有现有受众,也可以通过个人沟通的方式来吸引首批会员。启动后,持续改进和实验才能获得增长。她还建议启动日直播活动中,分享个人故事、预览社区规划并促进会员间的互动,避免让所有人进行自我介绍,可以使用分组讨论的方式促进互动。如果还没有会员,建议从熟人圈子开始推广,而非直接发布到社交媒体。 Gina Bianchini: 本模块详细讲解了会员计划的启动流程,包括销售页面的设计、启动前的准备工作以及启动后的策略。销售页面需要包含吸引人的内容、清晰的价值主张、社区设计规划和具体的付费方案,并通过展示成功案例来吸引潜在用户。启动公式建议提前两到四周发布销售页面,并进行宣传,启动日举办专属会员活动。即使没有现有受众,也可以通过个人沟通的方式来吸引首批会员。启动后,持续改进和实验才能获得增长。启动日直播活动中,建议分享个人故事、预览社区规划并促进会员间的互动,避免让所有人进行自我介绍,可以使用分组讨论的方式促进互动。如果还没有会员,建议从熟人圈子开始推广,而非直接发布到社交媒体。

Deep Dive

Launching a new membership involves navigating the exciting pre-launch phase, the potential post-launch dip, and the strategies to unlock growth by staying curious, workshopping, and experimenting. This sets the stage for creating a thriving community.
  • Focus on staying curious and workshopping during the post-launch period.
  • Ideal members and their needs may evolve as the community grows.
  • Three key steps for a successful launch: creating a sales page, launching, and building an initial member base.

Shownotes Transcript

During your launch, anything is possible. In today’s episode, Gina walks you through all the steps to a successful launch while acknowledging that success might not look like what you thought it would.  From your sales pitch to what to do post launch, Gina covers more than formulas but also reframes to make sure you focus on staying curious and being willing to workshop and experiment.  Because when you do, you will unlock growth.