Gina Bianchini
Gina Bianchini: 成功的关键在于清晰地了解你的目标受众是谁,以及他们正处于怎样的转变阶段。你需要找到那些最需要你的产品或服务,并且最渴望参与你的社群的人。只有这样,他们才会知道你的产品或服务是为他们准备的,从而提高你的成功率。忽略这一点是大多数人失败的原因。 你需要进行反思,明确哪些方面有效,哪些方面无效。首先,你需要清晰地了解你的目标受众是谁,以及他们正在经历的转变。如果你无法回答这个问题,那么这就是你首先需要解决的问题。清晰地了解目标受众及其转变阶段,将极大地提高你建立品牌和社群的成功率。品牌的核心在于它如何让用户感觉,以及用户在没有你的情况下如何评价你的产品或服务。因此,你需要思考如何让你的品牌更清晰地定位于那些最需要它的人。 找到那些最忠实的客户,了解他们为什么喜欢你的品牌。关注他们所处的转变阶段,并寻找与他们处于类似转变阶段的其他潜在客户。将这些客户聚集在一起,帮助他们互相支持,共同克服挑战,实现他们独自无法实现的目标。这些人将成为你最忠实的拥护者,他们不仅会购买你的产品或服务,还会积极参与你的社群,并与其他成员建立联系。 一旦你找到了这些处于转变阶段的客户,下一步就是思考如何帮助他们取得成功。你需要帮助他们实现他们最好的年度目标。如果你做到了这两点,其他的事情都会迎刃而解。盈利与否的关键在于你是否找到了那些处于转变阶段的客户。找到他们之后,一切都会变得更容易。 为了从第一天开始盈利,你需要谨慎投资。你的主要投资应该是你的时间,而不是在软件或技术方面的大量支出。在获得成功之前,避免进行大规模投资。选择那些能够帮助你快速盈利,并且成本较低的工具和资源。专注于那些能够帮助你快速盈利的核心概念,而不是购买大量的课程或框架。 清晰的目标受众、明确的价值主张以及有效的沟通是实现盈利的关键。你需要了解你的客户是谁,他们希望实现什么,以及你的品牌如何帮助他们实现这些目标。你需要帮助他们实现他们最好的年度目标,并让他们知道你的品牌能够为他们带来什么价值。 听众: 我的品牌经营不善,不知道建立社群是否能拯救它。我该如何判断社群何时才能盈利?

Deep Dive

Identifying your ideal customer is crucial for business success. Focus on understanding the transition they are going through and how your brand can help them achieve their goals. This clarity is essential for attracting motivated customers and building a thriving community.
  • Clarity on your target audience is key to success.
  • Focus on the transition your ideal customer is experiencing.
  • Motivated customers are more likely to engage with your brand and community.

Shownotes Transcript


If you aren't clear about who you want to serve, who you want to bring together, then the reality is that they don't know that your thing is for them. And if somebody doesn't know that your thing is for them, that is why 99.9% of people fail. As business owners, as entrepreneurs, as community designers, that's the place to focus.

Hi, I'm Gina Bianchini, and this is People Magic, where I show you the easiest way to create a $1 million digital business that you can be proud of. Let's get started.

Hi, Gina. I want to build a community for my brand, but frankly, my brand isn't doing so well. I have no idea if building a community is the thing that will save it, but the longer I wait for things to change, the worse it becomes. So my question is, how long do I give my community to be profitable? So first of all, I am so glad you're asking this question because you are not alone. And what I hear in the question is,

can I use a community to take the business that I have or the brand that I have that is struggling or even the idea that I have that's struggling, it's not really working, like how could I use people magic to make something that is, you know,

not quite fitting or not quite working and make it amazing. Actually, even short of amazing, make it something that starts to work. I should probably ask you 15 other questions. 15 other questions about, okay, well, so what's the brand? What's it for? What's working today? What's not working? Where do you think you're struggling?

And all of those questions are actually really important. So step one is I want to encourage you to have a little bit of that retrospective to be able to take a snapshot right now of, okay, what are the things that are working? What are the things that aren't working? Here's the first thing that I would be listening for. And so you can actually do this yourself. Number one, do I have clarity about

around who I want to serve. So that could be who your brand serves today, or it's about taking who you think your brand is serving today and getting much clearer about who they are

what transition that they are going in. And if you can't answer the question, what transition they're going through, that is the place to start. So I wish there was sort of a way or a gate that says the clearer that you are with the transition of the people that you are building your brand for, the more likely it is that

that you are going to be successful. And more importantly, not just successful with a community, but successful with building your brand. Because what is a brand? You know, a lot of people have a lot of different things that they say, but fundamentally it's a brand is,

is how you make people feel, the identity that they have, and what they say about your product or service when you are not in the room. So what you want to think about is how could I take my struggling brand and get clearer about who wants and needs it the most right now, where right now is in all caps. It's yelling at you because that level of motivation is the most important thing. So

Once you have crystallized the transition that you're

maybe it's your super customers or your super consumers, even if it's one person, who's the one person who loves your brand the most right now and why? And listening for why, not because it's making their life better or that they like how it makes them feel or that it's helping them solve this one problem, but listen for the transition that they're in. And if they're not in a transition right,

Figure out who are the people who are in a transition that are similar to your super consumers. Who can you bring together to help each other achieve results and transformation they cannot get on their own? Navigate a transition in a way that they cannot navigate on their own. And when you have that, you are going to have the most motivated people on planet earth.

They are going to be motivated not just to buy your product or service, to join your membership, take your course, participate in your challenge or attend your event. They are going to be the most excited to meet and build relationships with each other in the context of your brand. So

That's why I want you to stay there. And then once you have your person in a transition, then you move on to step two, which is, okay, how can my community, how can my brand help those people who are in a transition, my ideal member or my ideal customer have their best year ever? And you get those two things right, everything else falls into place. And the reason I focus so much on this is

for you in terms of the question around, well, how long do I stick with it? Or how do I make sure that it's profitable? All of the answers to those questions come out of, have you found people who are in that transition? Because once you have that, everything gets easier. And if you aren't clear about who you want to serve, who you want to bring together, then the reality is that they don't know that your thing is for them.

And if somebody doesn't know that your thing is for them, that is why 99.9% of people fail. As business owners, as entrepreneurs, as community designers, that's the place to focus. Do not plasco, do not move on until you have the people that are the most motivated to join and build your community with you.

which also goes to join and build your brand together. So then there's the question of how long do you give it for it to become profitable? And here's what I wanna propose.

You should be building this to be profitable early on. And what does that mean? So number one, it means make sure that the investment that you're making, your time is probably the thing that you are investing in this. And it should be the main investment.

For example, on the software side or on the tech stack side, there are absolutely plans, for example, that we have at Mighty Networks that are designed to make sure that you are not spending a ton of money before you are successful.

able to charge and create something that's profitable. It's one of the reasons why we make PeopleMagic free, because we want you day one to see the power and the value of how to do this in the least painful, most profitable way possible. That's why we call it PeopleMagic Profit.

So you want to be really careful that you also are not buying 47,000 courses or spending a ton of money in advance to try to like find the next framework or the framework that is going to be the answer to all of your problems. Right.

What you want to do is figure out how do you take just, again, these nine simple concepts that we are offering for free and this podcast because I want you to be profitable day one. I want you to be profitable day one. So maybe the investment that you're making is, you know, again, $49 a month.

And what you can do with $49 a month plus this masterclass and podcast, you should be able to be profitable very quickly. And if you're not, send me a note. Like, let's figure out how to make sure that you can become profitable day one or week one. But you should not be making a huge investment when you don't have clarity around your

Who are the people that you serve? What is their best year ever? And how are you getting better and better at pitching your big purpose? I or we bring together and then who your ideal member is so that we can achieve results and transformation that you can't get on your own. You do those things. People pay attention to what they pay for.

So now let's shift to what are the best kinds of communities for brands? So if you have a brand that you sell a product or service and you want to create essentially a companion community, what are the best kinds of brands to be able to take advantage of that? So a couple of thoughts on that. So number one, it's not just about a community in the traditional social media sense of your audience. What you want to look for is not just

I talk out at you, you talk back at me, but no one's talking to each other. So fundamentally in the definition of community that I am putting out there is

It's about creating people magic and people magic is making the connections between your followers, between your audience, between your customers. And why are your customers wanting to meet and build relationships with each other? Well, sometimes it's because they want to talk about your product or service, but most of the time it's about where your product or service lives in their life.

So you might want them and all of the people in your community to be talking about your product or service. But what you really want them to be doing is building relationships with people who are like them on the same path where your product or service is the ingredient into everything.

the goals that they have and the results and transformation that they want to create in their lives with each other. It's a pretty important distinction. So what does that mean? It means understanding who your customer is, who are the people who are your super consumers, the people who like would get a tattoo of your brand and what is their hope, their dream, their

their fears and misconceptions? What is it that your brand can offer in terms of the other people who are on the same path and where your brand fits into their lives? I'm Gina Bianchini. Thanks for tuning in. This is People Magic.

Thank you for being a part of PeopleMagic. If you want more of a deep dive in any of these topics, but certainly having the framework of PeopleMagic Profit, head on over to the website. The link is in the show notes. Have your own burning question about creating PeopleMagic? Well, I want to answer it. So here's what you're going to do.

You're going to just drop your question in the review section wherever you're listening to this podcast and keep tuning in.