Pension Sprachschule - Language Resources
A law in Germany that governs e.g. how prices are displayed
A Latin abbreviation meaning per procura
Wort des Jahres 2002
Wort des Jahres 2003
A tax on matches and lighters in Germany - now discontinued.
A tax on sugar in Germany - now discontinued.
A tax on table salt in Germany - now discontinued.
A tax on light bulbs in Germany - now discontinued.
A tax on tea in Germany - now discontinued.
The Green Party in Germany.
A liberal political party that is often a coalition partner in Germany.
A political party founded in the 19th Cenutry in Germany.
Two political parties founded in the 1940s in Germany.
The office that is responsible for child welfare in Germany
The office that organises elections in Germany
A tax on hunting and fishing
A tax on dogs in private households
A system for people living at home on their own to call for help in an emergency
The mobile phone standard in Germany
The phone line from the home end to the exchange