cover of episode Real Ideals and False Hopes: Seeing China in the Vietnam War — with Orville Schell

Real Ideals and False Hopes: Seeing China in the Vietnam War — with Orville Schell

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Peking Hotel with Liu He

Orville Schell
Orville Schell讲述了他参与越战的经历,以及这段经历如何影响他对中国的看法。他描述了战争的残酷和不人道,以及他对美国政府的失望。他提到,越战使他这一代人对美国政府产生敌意,并促使他们对中国产生好奇,试图寻找不同于美国资本主义和帝国主义的道路。但他强调,他对中国并非出于支持,而是出于对另一种生活方式的好奇。他还谈到了他对文化大革命的看法,认为其残酷性远超越战。 Leo则从更宏观的角度阐述了越战对一代美国中国问题专家的影响,指出越战深刻影响了一代美国学者、记者、活动家和外交官,改变了他们的世界观,并促使他们对美国政府和西方概念产生质疑。在冷战修正主义的大背景下,美国开始出现对中国的观察,一代重要的中国问题学者在越战时期成长,他们的研究、组织、抗议、写作和旅行都受到了越战的影响。越战塑造了当时中国观察家的意识,其影响至今仍在延续。 Orville Schell详细描述了他在越战期间的所见所闻,包括美军对平民的无差别轰炸以及军方官员的冷漠态度。他回忆了与他兄弟Jonathan一起在越南的经历,以及他们如何目睹了战争的残酷现实。他还讲述了他们如何向五角大楼报告所见所闻,以及国防部长麦克纳马拉事后的悔恨。他认为,越战经历使他这一代人对美国政府失去信任,转而对中国抱有好奇和希望,试图寻找不同于美国资本主义和帝国主义的道路。然而,他强调自己并非共产主义同情者,只是对探索不同的世界观抱有兴趣。他对比了越战和文化大革命,认为文化大革命的残酷程度远超越战,并批评了西方对文化大革命的认识不足。他高度评价了西蒙·雷斯等学者对中国局势的深刻理解。Schell还回顾了他早期对中国的观察,承认其不够深入和批判,并提到卡玛·欣顿对其作品的批评。他反思了美国人对华态度的模式化,以及自己对中国抱有的希望与批判并存的态度。他认为美国人倾向于理想主义和乐观,这既是他们的优势,也是他们的天真之处。他谈到了自己对中国研究的阶段性发展,以及在不同时期对中国政治和社会变化的观察。他认为,毛泽东的逝世并未改变中国社会的基本面貌,而邓小平的改革开放也并非完全抹去了过去的影响。他认为中国社会中存在着持续变化和冲突的力量,这将继续影响中国的未来。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Arriving at Orville’s place takes you through a scenic drive on the Berkeley Hills. Quintessential to the Bay Area, driving on the steep, winding roads feels like the slow climbing of a rollercoaster. At the summit, glimpses of the Golden Gates Bridge peek through the misty clouds. On a clear day, the urban sprawl of San Francisco, Berkeley and Albany unfolds beneath you; even on a rainy day, the charming neighbourhoods with Berkeley Bungalows more than make up for the long drive from Palo Alto.

Orville Schell will be familiar to our returning readers. We have featured him twice before, once on his experience in the 60s), and again in the 80s).  A veteran journalist and currently the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on US-China Relations at the Asia Society, Orville has given us insight into how foreign China watchers navigated the  challenges of the Cold War and how China’s gradual shift from socialism in the 1980s. 

In this issue, we explore Orville’s experience in the Vietnam War – a transformative event for an entire generation of Americans and a key moment that shaped his consciousness as a China scholar. Orville, as someone deeply embedded in the American China-watching community, sheds light on the often-overlooked impact of the Vietnam War on Western perceptions of China.

A brief hiatus in the summer has recharged Peking Hotel well. We now have a new and brilliant editing team, so it’s not just myself sifting through mountains of tapes anymore (hurray!). We will aim to release a new episode every two weeks, and your continued interest is our best accountability measure :)

I thank my wonderful editors Yiwen Lu and Caiwei Chen for their support.


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