Mindfulness stories that help children calm down and learn social-emotional skills by guiding them t
Hello everyone! We usually post a new episode every other week but this week I thought I’d share a h
Dive into another ocean adventure! Today we’re visiting a new friend, the dugong (sea cow). Learn mo
Guest Episode! Here at Peace Out, we're all about mindfulness and cooperation. So this week, I wante
Meet the Peacock Mantis Shrimp, a rainbow-coloured crustacean that has strong eyesight and an even s
This week we have a special guest host…Olive the Olive Ridley Turtle! Olive’s going to take us down
Have you ever heard of sea bunnies? They may sound like mythical beings but these little creatures a
Kemp’s Ridley Turtles are the smallest sea turtles on earth. Learn more about these incredible creat
We’re back! This is the first episode of our fifth season and it’s an ocean adventure! We’re startin
Get ready to dive into Season 5, an ocean adventure! Join Chanel as we explore the ocean, meet inter
Missed the event? For upcoming events and podcast updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Insta
In this bonus episode for parents, caregivers, and educators, Chanel shares her favourite mindfulnes
Hi, this is Chanel Tsang from Peace Out Podcast. Peace Out is on a break, but I want to invite you t
Get comfy and settle in because we’re going to spend the first part of this guided relaxation talkin
Nothing is as relaxing as a dinosaur’s roar, right? Right? Hmm, well we’re going to try to relax, st
We’re going underground today to learn more about the life cycle of cicadas! These incredible insect
We’re all spending most of our time at home now, so you may relate a lot to our friends in today’s r
We just wanted to let you know about an update to the Peace Out schedule Why not listen to more of P
Today we’re going on a field trip today! Activate those imaginations and get ready to spend some tim
Seahorses are seriously interesting creatures! Learn more about these fish as we breathe, move, and
Have you ever seen a starfish? Another name for this invertebrate is sea star! Sea stars are really